MiArrrrr! A place on Reddit for all cats and kittens who are different from normal. Maybe they have only one eye, are missing a leg, are blind, or are deaf, but that doesn't make them any less awesome!
About /r/PirateKitties
MiArrrrr! A place on Reddit for all cats and kittens who are different from normal. Maybe they have only one eye, are missing a leg, are blind, or are deaf, but that doesn't make them any less awesome! Post pics of your own pirate kitty, stories, etc.
He's missing His right Leg but rlly doesn't Care at all
This is Miley. She has a mass above her eye that has not gone away with steroids or antibiotics. She also tested positive for lymphoma. We are having the mass removed tomorrow and she will likely lose her eye. This photo is from a few weeks ago and actually looks worse now. It’s been a long process and we’re hoping this gives her some relief. She still pretty active and eats well.
This is Tink, approx 8 year old male rescued from the streets. He's been really congested since just before his surgery (abscess). Has anyone else had issues with the congestion not going away?
He had his eye removed due to cancer on Friday the 17th and has been healing perfectly with no oozing or anything. He’s due to have his stitch out in 3 days. But it’s started bleeding tonight and it’s stressed me out majorly!
Did this happen to anyone else and you have any advice? My vet is closed for a long weekend so I can’t speak to him for 2 more days.
Hello, I've loved seeing everyone's beautiful kitties in this group and the PirateCat community! Our cat Merlin has retinal melanoma and will have his eye removed in Feb or April (we have been watching the melanoma since August 2023 and sadly, the time has come to remove the eye). (Photos show him as a kitten, relaxing and in the last one, you can see the current status of the melanoma in the last pic--his right eye.) I've gotten great input from others who went through the same with their fur baby, but I was wondering for those who had kitties with eyes removed in the past few years, did you elect to get the silicone prosthetic ball? My specialist said 450/500 kitties she worked on did get it. Initially it helps with stopping bleeding earlier because of pressure on the wound (in a good way), but not necessary for long term. The specialist said she's had zero issues with the prosthetic. Merlin will be 10 yrs in May and is a big breed so expected lifespan is 15-16 yrs (though vet told me lately he's seeing 12-13 yrs for lots of cats!! WTH?). Thanks in advance for your feedback.
Had a terrible eye infection when I found her on the street, now she’s a pirate cat 🏴☠️
Gary just had eye removal surgery yesterday. unfortunately i’m not with him right now tho 😔 i’m in college and he’s at home with my parents while he recovers.