Chaos is a natural state of the universe. Memes and Shitpost Welcome!
This is a community for Highly Hypothetical and Freestyled Physics concepts. Its made as a safespace for open and respectable communication. In a search to understand the truth of the Universe.
We don't need no stinkin' sidebar!
Fuuuuuck being so serious. Lets just chill together and talk and have fun,.
The search is worth it But also in novel ways that are not common like geometry and many other methodologies. Lets stop trying to take ourselves so serious and actually freestyle think it.
Iam happy to have found this. There is a genuine need for this on reddit. For too long have the bright minds daring to go ahead of scientific dogma been abbandoned by their communities. There is a need for open, and civilized discussion about physics and theories. I hope to help make this a safespace for open scientific discussion. Cheers.
This is a gathering post to see active members in this community, please comment. I love this subreddit.
22th February is the cat day
liek post content guises, it's coo'
Because we don't play by the rules! Also everything's going in a box to the left?
I've added /u/mrofmist as a moderator, hopefully our little rebel of a community continues to grow.
Thank all of you for making this happen.
I'm gonna need some fellow mods to keep this place all anarchotastic.
CSS knowledgeable please & sankyuu.