This is a tropical paradise where photographers from around the world can submit a wide array of their pictures to reddit.
Absolutely no NSFW content of any kind. Keep this subreddit Suitable For Work (SFW).
Hate speech, harassment, insults, death threats, or the like, will not be tolerated here.
No altering or taking OC and submitting it here claiming you made it.
Note: If you post another artists work you are required to credit them in the comments of your submission.
No spam posts/comments.
Submissions must be from an approved host such as Flickr, Picasa, DeviantART or Imgur.
Submissions must display the following in the title:
Description where you can kind of describe a little bit where the photo was taken. Ex: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
Resolution of the image. Ex: [4230x3240]
Tag it as [OC] after the resolution. OC means official content.
Helpful advice: Wait a few mins after submitting your pic online. This is to prevent potential thieves from stealing your work, saying they submitted it before you did.
If you're interested and willing to moderate and grow this community, please go to r/redditrequest, where you can submit a request to take over the community. Be sure to read through the faq for r/redditrequest before submitting.
Welcome to the tropical oasis of photography called Photographers Paradise.
Here you'll find pictures of all kinds (except nsfw ones), for you to upvote, discover and submit.
What makes us different is that we make artists of all kinds feel welcome here by putting rules in such as:
Hate speech, harassment, insults, death threats, or the like, will not be tolerated here.
Everyone deserves a fair chance for getting a shot at becoming a great photographer.
Maybe some famous photography magazine will contact you if your photo does good enough here on the site and in this sub.
You can take pics of the sky, sunsets, sunrises, food, drink, cars, selfies, animals, mountains, boats, tropical beaches, etc., and much more!
So feel free to subscribe and be a part of an awesome photography community of /r/PhotographersParadise !
Any questions, please comment below or message the mod(s).