Banner by u/DefiantPosition. This is the best place on Reddit to post philosophy memes! If you're looking for more formal philosophy discussion please check out r/philosophy. Post your Philosophy-related memes here, not there.
It can be hard to define what is and isn’t a meme. In an effort to give some guidance I will say that “A meme is a joke wearing another joke as a hat.” So if there’s a question as to whether something is a meme that’s what we’ll use.
AI generated content is not a meme.
All posts must be memes. This includes GIFs, some videos and most images.
If you suspect a reposted meme, please comment "u/repostsleuthbot" on the post & then report it.
Crop excessive blank space off of your images.
The post itself must be a meme. Titles are not taken into consideration.
AI generated images and text are not a meme. You can use an AI image as an ingredient in a meme, but "I gave AI a philosophy prompt" is not a meme on its own. AI text alone is not a meme, if the post is mostly AI text it's probably not a meme even if you added some visuals.
If you FOUND it, we've already seen it: We've seen hundreds of memes about trolley, Diogenes, featherless bipeds, the ship of Theseus, Sisyphus being happy, stick figure that only exists when you think of him, etc. If you didn't make the meme yourself we probably already saw it, so keep Rule 2 in mind. Prisoner choosing bread instead of key is not a meme, it's a screenshot of a clickbait ad.
If you found something that would be a meme with the right text on it, you must put that text on the thing, you can't just crosspost it with a title related to philosophy, because everything can be philosophised about, but not everything is a philosophy meme.
Quote + author's picture isn't a meme. It can be part of a meme, but by itself it's not enough to be a meme just yet.
Quality Control: When content get's really stale, mods can remove it for the sake of quality control over the sub.
Have some sort of decency with user flairs User flairs shouldn't be too offensive/insensitive
You have to have at least 50 karma to post.
If a post isn't remotely close to being a meme, please only comment "this isn't a meme" or similar. Really disappointed that this rule had to be spelled out. If something is just a quote, or just a question, or just a photo, with no joke at all, that's not a meme, so please don't encourage such posts with comments and upvotes.
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