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The subreddit for the Boy who didn't grow up


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1,047 Subscribers


What's with Wendy's face?

11:42 UTC


120 Years Ago Today…

On December 27th, 1904, in the Duke of York’s Theatre, was the first performance of Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up.

17:05 UTC


In my opinion. (Outside of pan 2015) there has been no bad Peter Pan movie

Of course as of now Peter 2003 is the best we have gotten and may get. But hook, the og Disney cartoon and yes even the new Peter Pan and Wendy . Captures the essence of JM Barrie's story. The book is so perfectly complex. you can make a bunch of movies from that one book. To me I've enjoyed all of them. If in ten years they plan to remake again I will be first in line to see what new way they tell it now.

00:18 UTC


I'd love to see a "Peter Pan is death" movie

The popular theory that Peter Pan is a personification of death needs no introduction. I would really love to see a movie adaptation of Peter Pan that REALLY leans towards this concept. I don't want to see Peter Pan as some edgy demonic figure or something like that, just something closer to a guardian angel guiding children to Neverland (Some form of afterlife). This has real potential for an emotional story

02:07 UTC


Do you think, Wendy, Mary, Jane are same characters?

1 Comment
16:17 UTC


Does Peter Pan know Wendy’s mom?

I just finished rewatching the live action Peter Pan from 2003. I hadn’t watched it in probably over 10 years and I forgot about the kids mother having a “secret kiss” hidden in the corner of her mouth. And at the ending, you see Peter Pan staring at Wendy’s mom, Mary, longingly. It seems as though Peter knew Wendy’s mom and was the one person he loved romantically. Is this canon/true? I had never picked up on this before!

03:00 UTC


Who can get to Never Never Land?

19:45 UTC



I remember as a kid that at the end of the film, Peter return to all the lost boys to their homes, and I can't find it anywhere and then one of them, like, I think it was the chubby squirrel guy Blondie he got beat when he got home, he got his ass whooped, I remember that, but when I watched it, not that one time on like Disney Channel it's not there

05:26 UTC


Peter Pan/Art Garfunkel - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

19:37 UTC


This Book is Amazing!

Please someone tell me they’ve read this book it’s actually soooo good. It’s sort of a Captain Hook Peter Pan prequel but it’s not like Never Never where it bored me to death. This one was so good and Peter is written very well to his Disney 1953 and 2002 personality. Need to know if anyone else has read it. I need someone to Fan-Girl over it with XD.

09:25 UTC


My eternal favorite

09:47 UTC


A New Feature Film About Peter Pan.

Hi everyone,

My name is Chloe and I am the writer, producer and head creative on a project titled Neverland - a modern, Australian adaptation of the original story of Peter Pan: Peter & Wendy by J.M. Barrie.

A whimsical adventure captures the essence of childhood, as a group of teenagers embark on a magical escapade, cherishing the wonders of youth while eagerly anticipating the mysteries of growing up. Their journey highlights the beauty of imagination and the bittersweet transition from innocence to the brink of adulthood.

Neverland is set to start filing in February of 2025 and release in January of 2026.

If you would like to find out more about this project, follow our socials;

Instagram - Neverland.Movie2026

Facebook - Neverland.Movie2026

TIk Tok - Neverland.Movie2026

We also have a crowdfunding page over on Patreon to engage with fans who want to back Neverland and have access to cool perks.

Patreon: patreon.com/NeverlandCrowdfunding2024

We, on the Neverland team, wish to show you this awesome project we've been working on for over 2 years and can't wait for the project to come out.

Have an amazing day.

CA Productions

01:16 UTC


How old does Peter Pan look?

The Disney version resembles a 14 year old. In the Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers movie, Peter Pan hit puberty a few years later and became midde aged as the years ago on.

16:31 UTC


You don't see this very often. Anyone knows in what year was this edition first printed?

12:43 UTC


Pan The Avenger - I'll Never Write This Fan Fic But...

Disclaimer: This is me needing to get an idea out of my head about a 25 year old fan fic idea for a Peter Pan sequel. You aren't obligated to read it and if you do, I'm not your crocodile, you chose your own fate. Though I think my idea is good so...your choice lol

When I was a teenager, I came up with this idea for a sequel to Peter Pan called Pan The Avenger. The basic premise was that the pirates forced native shamans to help them resurrect Captain Hook. That bit wasn't developed and doesn't matter. What does matter is that Hook banishes Peter from Neverland.

I knew that Peter would come back to save Neverland, hence Pan The Avenger but I could never figure out what Peter did while he was away from Neverland and my 14 year old self abandoned his dreams of fan fic glory and moved on. And then tonight, more than a quarter of a century later (I won't say exactly lol) I come across a random Peter Pan video on Youtube, am reminded of that abandoned fan fic and suddenly I have the answer.

And even though nobody cares, I need to just get it out and what better place to do that than Reddit? I'll forgive you if you stop reading but the crazy thing is, my solution for this 25ish year old fan fic I'll never write...it's kinda brilliant. At least I think it is. It's the kind of thing that might make you mad that I didn't actually write it....or I'm blowing smoke up my own behind but I'm betting at the very least, you're invested enough to find out which it is.

It's actually, pretty simple. While banished from Neverland, Peter decides to visit the Lost Boys. This is in the 40's or 50's (original idea was to set it during the Blitz because the story would start with a new group of kids being taken to Neverland but that would have been copying Narnia) so they've all grown up. He sees the kinds of lives they chose after leaving him and sure, they're all doing pretty well but it's not like the world is a paradise like Neverland was. But the twist is, none of them recognise him. They've all forgotten him. Tootles, John, all of them. Peter has been getting older. More slowly than normal but he's pushing closer to his teens.

Finally he visits Wendy and of course she recognises him. She never forgot him. Peter vents that the lives of the Lost Boys are all ordinary, that growing up isn't as great as she said it was, that he bets that if they could make the choice again, they'd all have chosen to stay in Neverland. But of course Peter is ranting to distract from the truth, a truth only Wendy can get him to confess - he's forgotten how to fly. He's lost his happy thought.

So Wendy, being Wendy, having grown up and lived a life but still Wendy, gives Peter a thimble.

Then Peter gets his confidence back, remembers how to fly, unites the clans of Neverland against Hook...blah blah you don't care about the third act nonsense fan fic writings of a 14 year old. But Peter losing his happy thought and a grown up Wendy giving him a thimble...that's the whole reason I wrote this self indulgent post. The other part, that I haven't figured out, is Wendy's reply to Peter's claim that growing up actually isn't so great but since I'll never actually write the fan fic, I'll save that for a Reddit post in another 20 years.

23:29 UTC


Does anyone know some PLATONIC fan fics about Wendy and Hook

I recently found a book where Wendy is Hook’s biological daughter, but it doesn’t really focus on that but instead focuses on hooks love interest and him. I just want to find a fanfiction where him and Wendy aren’t in a romantic relationship because Wendy is like 13.

02:48 UTC


Hey everyone I love Peter Pan

It’s generally the best movie I’ve ever seen

08:21 UTC


Mysterious Boy meeting Children in Night to Teach Fly! - Recap

15:18 UTC


120th anniversary of the play

Are ther gonna be some celebrations in UK in December?

21:52 UTC


Did Wendy and Peter Pan have a crush on each other

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


Why Peter was played by girl a the beginning?

The title.

14:19 UTC


Attempt to Draw Peter Pan in my version.

20:27 UTC


Fanfics about wendy and her husband edward?

Anyone know of any fanfictions between wendy and her husband from Peter pan 2?

1 Comment
11:28 UTC


Do You think that Peter was changed after the story ends?

Whe he saw Ms. Darling waiting for her children he felt SOMETHING. Before that, he always thinks only about himself. So, I think, that Peter learned something. Or maybe he forgets about it later, as we see in the epilogue. What do You think?

11:08 UTC


Drew me some Tinker Bell

22:03 UTC


Tick-Tock Croc and the clock. Disney Origins.

Hi all. I'm hoping that someone here can help.

Many years ago, I think possibally 32, I remember watching some sort of Disney celibration shown on the BBC where they were showing a "never before shown cut scène from Peter Pan".

in this scene it shows Peter clearing out old "junk" from the never tree hideout and loads it into a wheelbarrow. Sat on top of the pile is a clock.

Peter then proceeds to a near by river while distractidly talking to the lost boys and empties the contents into the mouth of the crocodile which was laying in wait in the river.

The croc then spat/caughs everything out and swims off but now the the clock still remaining in it's stomach and you can hear the familiar ticking of the clock fading and vanishing as the crock leaves with Peter none the wiser about what had happened.

The trouble is I can not find any reference to this anywhere, can't find the clip and can't seem to find anyone else who remembers this, and if so can they point me in the direction of some evidence to back it up.

I am hoping this isn't just something I dreamt as a kid.

17:43 UTC


Tinkerbell in TEKKEN 7

01:16 UTC


Hook question: Why does Peter age between his when he 'runs away' as an infant and when he turns 13?

I thought you didn't age in Never Never Land, so why did Peter age after Tinkerbell brought him there as the first Lost Boy?

21:13 UTC

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