
Photograph via snooOG

PeerTube is a free and open-source, decentralized, federated video platform powered by ActivityPub and WebTorrent.

Note: We don't maintain the old reddit design of r/PeerTube. If you wanna see how r/PeerTube looks like in the new reddit design, visit https://new.reddit.com/r/PeerTube.


3,811 Subscribers


How many videos can you upload for your channel on peertube?

1 Comment
07:01 UTC


possible to also import & sync youtube live streams

i tried importing youtube videos in a channel to peertube self hosted server.

is it also possible to import any live streams in you tube channel can be sync to peetube too ?

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


iOS app?

Been searching for a iOS app but I can't find one. I just want to watch and upload video.

Is it any?

07:48 UTC


Remote runner guidance, tmpfs for cache?

I can't seem to find a lot of documentation (or examples of) using remote runners, but is there any reason why .cache (or at least .cache/peertube-runner-nodejs/default/transcoding) shouldn't be a tmpfs?

The cache folder doesn't seem to consume much resources (72MB in my single 1080>1080,720,480 livestream test), and the reduction in disk wear seems pretty beneficial. Is there any guidance on how much storage .cache might consume? Any instance where a budget of maybe ~100MB might be insufficient per concurrent transcode?

I just threw this into my remote runner lxc's fstab and am enjoying an almost entirely disk independant setup, but I wonder if I'm setting myself up for failure.

tmpfs /srv/prunner/.cache/peertube-runner-nodejs/default/transcoding tmpfs nodev,size=512M,uid=1000,gid=1000,mode=0755 0 0

1 Comment
00:18 UTC


when i embed my videos from peertube, sometimes this message comes up instead of the video. how can I make it work every time? i try to make a professional looking website but this ruins it, and i have a lot of videos embedded.

09:24 UTC


circling arrow at Videoplayback

I have a problem with my instance. I have moved it from one server to another. All dependencies installed. Everything works so far, but it is not possible to play videos.

Only a circling arrow appears and the video length is always 00:00.

I have installed version 6.2.0

Here is an example Video.

The logfile https://paste.dasnetzundich.de/?1429f6c15a901840#5aa6wCAyT2P7pHc52B6N4mibzsiJDAUYHvELrmbmNDth

20:32 UTC


PeerTube local hosting


Can someone help me with setting an instance? I was trying to set peertube on a local machine. Is it possible to run an instance without an SSL certificate, and if yes, how can I achieve it? The best I did was follow the official guide up to setting postgres and then I started having problems with nginx. Here, on reddit, I read that some lines in the nginx config can be commented, thereby running instance locally. If someone has done this before, can he share his config file? Any way, I will greatly appreciate any help.

22:42 UTC


Noob question

Could I have the peertube channel and integrate them into two different Peertube servers?

12:47 UTC


OAuth 2.0 Usage


I am new to Peertube and I am researching about a security vulnerability.

Is the url - curl https://peertube.example.com/api/v1/oauth-clients/local

needs to be protected where without any authentication it gives out Client Id and Client secret?

I couldn't find any info about it in the official documentation

07:42 UTC


Peertube with NGINX Reverse Proxy Manager

Hey everyone,

I'm running a server that I mainly use for FileBrowser and handle the domains and SSL certificates through NGINX Reverse Proxy Manager (https://nginxproxymanager.com/) which all works like a charm through Docker. I wish to install Peertube, but for the life of me can't get it to work. When I install it "out of the box", so to speak, it installs fine and I can use it, but I cannot seem to figure out how to configure it in my setup with the NGINX Reverse Proxy Manager.

Is there some ELI5 or complete fool's guide available on how to set this up along with NGINX Reverse Proxy Manager? I am mostly comfortable with using all this stuff, but am in no way, shape or form an expert on this. I hope someone can help me, as I've been trying to set this up for a week now and information resources seem very limited.

12:30 UTC


Are there any Seedbox's that have Peertube as an install app? I'd like to find a host where users can share the bandwidth load via torrent that is privacy focused for the person running it.

1 Comment
17:13 UTC


What's wrong with BeeToons?

I found a PeerTube instance (or what looks like one) called BeeToons. I could access both the node info and the list of videos and didn't find anything wrong with the latter (compared to an example). However, I tried to get to it in two apps, and both acted as if it was invalid. UPD: I've now tried a third, not specifically PT, one, and could find it there, but it seems like a different instance (I could find Jacknjellify and Shawy Animations in browser and Saber in app, but not vice versa). What could be the cause?

19:30 UTC


Usability issue -- channel order

Maybe someone can help me with this. I notice when I add a new channel to my peertube account, that new channel is now the default for all uploads and I have to manually select a different channel. Is there a way to set a default channel or change the channel order?

Edit found Workaround

14:20 UTC


Is there an easier way to create your own channel on peertube

I've been trying hard to create my own channel so I can get out of using YouTube for creating my own videos but when I try it's either my Fedora os doesn't want to download the packages I need to create my own channel or when I apply to other servers for their platform I don't get any response.

14:19 UTC


What Kind of Gaming Vibe Do You Want to See More Of on Peertube?

1 Comment
02:24 UTC


Why the Sepia Search only shows a part of the total instances and how the network of the instances works in general?

Hello, I've found about PeerTube today, but while I was checking how it all works I've noticed that the "global search" isn't really global, so here I am to see if someone can explain it to me (I'm new to the Fediverse concept too. Even though I think I've got the basis).

In general I've noticed that instances are quite isolated (at least from what I was expecting in a fediverse network).

For example, if I create a profile on an instance, can I subscribe to a channel in an instance that it's not in the network of my instance?

18:33 UTC


I always got the error 415 when i use the upload video API

20:23 UTC


Doubt about transcoding configuration

I'm setting up a PeerTube instance (where only I will upload), and I'm not quite understanding something about the transcoding configuration, and the documentation isn't making it clearer.

Does "always transcode original resolution" mean that the original uploaded file isn't the one being played, increasing the space being used?

I've done tests with various codecs, and I've settled in one that gives me good quality (for talking head videos) with acceptable file sizes. I wouldn't want to need to store a second copy at the same resolution as the original, that might take up more space and have worse quality.

And is it possible to upload versions already exported at the resolutions I want to have available, without doing additional transcoding on the server?

17:24 UTC


Integrating an existing platform into Peertube and the Fediverse

Hey PeerTube/Fediverse community!

I work with a platform that serves creative industry professionals. We're considering integrating ActivityPub and joining the wider federated internet.

It seems relatively clear how this could be done for our users' posts, so I'm more interested in learning more about how users' videos and portfolios could be integrated with platforms such as PeerTube and PixelFed. This is an exploratory exercise. However, if we choose to move forward, we will be the first platform in our space to become federated.

Currently, music & video hosting on our platform is done entirely through embedded media. Users can link their existing content using platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Streamable, Spotify, etc. Embedding PeerTube videos has been added to the roadmap as it's a fairly simple implementation, but the long-term goal is to offer hosting through our platform.

Understanding PeerTube a bit more has opened up another possibility: Launching a PeerTube instance and allowing users to upload to it via our platform. This could not only provide cheaper hosting and save on development time, but it could also open up our users' content to a broader audience. (If wanted!)

Do you happen to know if a platform or individual has trialled or implemented something similar? Or do you have an idea of how this could or should be done? e.g. Hosting on our platform first, then federating.

I'm all ears to new ideas, as this is an entirely new space for me! Apologies if my query is unclear. Unless we commit to this publicly, I can't share too much information, but I will try to shed some light on any areas not covered.

Thanks for any new information. We'll be researching this for a long time, so comments are still appreciated if you see this in the future!


1 Comment
16:04 UTC


Server performance on 4K: part 2

I wanted to follow up on my last post with some steps I've tried and see if anyone can help me brainstorm a solution.

The story so far: 4K videos are stuttering badly during playback. They'll play for a few seconds, then pause while the buffer refills. Basically, it's behaving as if there isn't enough bandwidth. However, my home connection is 300/300 and my server is on a gigabit port with network throughput well over 900 Mb. I'm on Ethernet (not wireless), and these videos have a bitrate around 30 - 80 Mb/s. In some cases, pausing playback for ten seconds at the beginning is enough to let the buffer fill to watch without interruption.

What I've tried:

  • Disabled web videos and only use HLS / P2P. Did not resolve the issue. Purely anecdotal, this almost seemed to aggravate the problem.
  • I switched to a new server on a new provider in a new geographic area. Currently using a Xeon E3-1240v5 with 32 GB, 1 TB NVMe, and a gigabit uplink. Speed tests to nodes around the country confirm consistent performance above 900, with a few isolated exceptions.
  • Thinking maybe I did something wrong during the install, I reinstalled several times using different methods ("any OS", docker, Cloudron, Yunohost, and the script someone posted in this sub earlier). In all cases the OS is wiped and reinstalled immediately prior to reinstalling. Performance remains consistent.
  • I installed the "transcode quality" official plugin and am progressively rolling back the quality one level at a time in the hopes of finding a bandwidth limit where streaming chokes.
  • I've tried using ProtonVPN with various endpoints across the country, in case there was a routing issue / congestion between my home ISP (Verizon FIOS) and the Peertube server. Unsurprisingly, the only difference is that on some nodes the issue is slightly aggravated.

So far it appears there's a sweet spot right around 30 - 35 Mb/s. Anything above that, and the video chokes. Anything below that is fine.

See for yourself:

I put the videos online at a temporary domain. This instance will be shutting down and I'll re-launch on my real domain once I figure out what's going on, so don't feel like you're giving me clicks by watching these. If anyone gets any different results or sees something obvious that I'm missing (like telling me these are actually encoded at 800 Mb/s, not 80), please let me know. I'd really like to make this work.

Test video #1: Original file is approximately 458 MB, Peertube 4K file is about 415 MB. Bitrate 34 Mb/s at 4K. This one plays smoothly if I manually pause to let it buffer for about five seconds before watching.


Test video #2: Original file is approximately 6 GB, Peertube 4K file is about 2 GB. Bitrate 52 Mb/s at 4K. This one will not play smoothly at 4K no matter what I do.


EDIT: I removed the links as I'm reinstalling once again to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious. Multiple users have confirmed that they're seeing the hard 4 MB/s limit here. Strangely Peertube is the ONLY app affected on this server. Everything else runs at full speed.

EDIT 2: I reinstalled Debian 11, installed Yunohost, and gave it another whirl. Same result. The TL/DR is that speeds are capped at 4 MB/s regardless of network, server provider, or installation method. At this point this looks like an issue with Peertube itself.

For those of you who aren't having any problems: can you try downloading (not streaming) a video from your instance? Is your speed capped at 4 MB/s (about 32 Mb/s)? If not, are you running a fresh install, or an upgraded instance? I suspect a config change between versions that gets skipped on upgrades, otherwise everyone would be complaining about Peertube being unable to stream 4K.

03:34 UTC


Poor playback performance with 4K

I've uploaded a few 4K videos to a test instance I'm hosting myself. Everything works great except for playback at 4K. When I try to play back a video at 4K 60fps, it stops every 2-5 seconds.

It's behaving exactly as if the network speed is insufficient to stream 4K. However, after multiple speedtests, I'm consistently getting 200+ Mbps between the remote server and other speedtest nodes. I've also tested directly between my home PC and the remote VPS using SFTP transfers, and I'm consistently above 200 in both directions with very little variance. This is true whether I'm transferring a 500 Mb file of random data or a 1 GB Linux ISO, and is consistent regardless of the time of day. I don't think the actual bandwidth is the problem.

I almost wonder if I'm seeing buffer underruns or something similar. I do see it buffering out, but it gets ahead by 2-3 seconds, then when playback catches up, it stops until it downloads more.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

18:06 UTC


How to setup peertube pbject storage with google cloud storage

Currently i am using amazon s3 for my object storage but i want to change to google cloud storage , i have seen people do it on github . Can amyone help me with the process?

1 Comment
06:34 UTC


Upgrading from 2.4 to 6.0.3

I've been running Peertube for awhile, and lately I am thinking, Man I really need to upgrade this instance. I think this go around I want to use docker compose to handle the versioning of everything.

I've got the docker compose stuff up and running not an issue there. I've even tried to import the database from 2.4 to the 6.0.3 instance, but doesn't seem to be very happy on the migration side of things. Is there a good way to upgrade the database to what the 6.0.3 version expects? I don't think upgrading the 2.4 instance to 6.0.3 is going to be a good option. I actually noticed that its running on CentOS 7 ATM and a lot of the repositories are not very happy.


16:37 UTC


About using Peertube for commercial purposes under a SAAS

Hello there. I´d like to know if someone can use Peertube source code as the base of a private software as a service without publishing the new modified code available to the general public.

As far as I know, Peertube is licensed under GNU Affero license and that includes the legal enforcement of publishing the whole modified source code, but I just want to be sure about it.


12:47 UTC


hls.js error on newly uploaded videos, old videos work?

Its been some time since I uploaded a new video to peertube, i run an instance that ive done a very small amount with.

Today I wanted to share a video woth some friends, and wanted to do it via peertube! but... i cant seem to get the newly uploaded video to play?

I uploaded it, and waited until I got the notice from PT that the transcode was done and it was published, and then want to watch it. I get the thumbnail (which I uploaded) and when I hit play, the player just sits and spins. No video ever plays (i gave it a few minutes), and no error either Just spins seemingly forever.

I looked at the logs for peertube, and found this:

3ea225214267 [video.ironsysadmin.com:443] 2024-01-21 19:11:56.449 error: Client log: HLS.js error: networkError - fatal: true - manifestLoadError {

3ea225214267 "username": "nate",

3ea225214267 "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0",

3ea225214267 "url": "https://video.ironsysadmin.com/w/uPU4iJ31GqWuYgah8CtqbW"

3ea225214267 }

I had a similar error when I first started running peertube, and it was an nginx config issue, but that hasnt changed since. My old video that I had uploaded to PT a few months ago still works just fine, on the same instance. I tried uploading a second video, same issue as the other one I uploaded today.

I have not found anything useful regarding that error.

I have my video storage provided via s3 on a digitalocean space (which again, worked before, but i am considering moving it, thats another story).

Another thing of note, if i upload a new video, it appears to work! until its transcoded... as i understand it, it is playing form the local filesystem until its transcoded, correct? then moved off to s3 after thats complete? That seems relevant.

I did upgrade peertube since the older video was uploaded, following the instructions provided with the release, there were some more sections of my nginx proxy config removed.

I run peertube in a container if that makes a difference.

I also recently moved it to a new host, but again, container, all my config and nginx config came along.

I am on 6.0.3. Let me know what else I need to share. Thanks!


I just did some poking around in my DO Space, the older video (and a second older video that I forgot i had up there too).. the ones that work when I play them. they show up in the DO space as public, while the new videos I tried to upload today show up as Private. if i try to open them directly using their URL with a browser, they return a permission denied error, but the other videos, the older ones, they either play or download in my browser when I call them directly.

I have the CORS rules setup according to https://docs.joinpeertube.org/maintain/remote-storage. allowed get from all origins, all headers. Am i missing something else? is there some other permission level that PT is writing when it saves the file?

I set one of my non-working videos to public on the DO space, and now it works. So.. why is it happening now when it didnt before?

Alll Right, one last edit. I fixed it, i think. I found this: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-to-make-my-spaces-public

I am not an s3 bucket policy master, so if someone reading this is, and see's a problem with that policy pleas let me know. It seems to have fixed the problem, but I am concerned that ive done something too broad?

19:17 UTC


Internal YouTube synchronizations


when I set up a synchronization with a YouTube channel, the videos are always "public" by default. Is there a way to make them "internal", e.g. not accessible without a login?

Thanks a lot for your help!

1 Comment
19:16 UTC

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