Reddit's biggest community for pee-related pictures, gifs, and videos! No penis-only content allowed.
1 - Posting Restrictions
Submissions will be removed if they have been posted within the past 15 days, (this is bot-enforced).
There is a limit of 5 submissions per day, (this is bot-enforced).
We do not allow "double-dipping", (submitting a screenshot from a gif that you have already previously posted to the subreddit).
2 - Relevant Content
Submissions must feature visible pee in some way, and must feature at least one cisgender woman, FtM trans individual, or any non-binary individual with a vagina.
3 - Implied Pee
Submissions should not feature what we call "implied pee".
Some examples of implied pee:
The sole exception to this rule is photos of people wetting clothing.
Basically, if there's any doubt that the content we are seeing features pee, your submission may be removed.
4 - Prohibited Content
All submissions showing any of the following will be removed:
5 - No Content Selling, Advertising, or Preview Content
This subreddit does not allow any selling or advertising of content. This is enforced in titles, comments, and watermarks.
We also don't allow preview content, such as screenshots or short gifs intended to promote longer videos.
6 - Proper Content Host
When creating a submission, please ensure that you are utilising commonly-used hosts, and that your submission uses a direct link. The currently accepted hosts to use are as follows:
Pictures: Imgur
Gifs: Redgifs, Imgur. (Redgifs is preferred).
Videos: PornHub, YouPorn, xHamster, Xvideos, Spankbank.
Any content submissions from other hosts may result in post removal.
7 - Quality Expectations
We enforce a quality standard. The following things may result in submission removal:
8 - OC Media Ownership
We do not allow members to post original content created by other redditors. All such submissions will be removed and be treated as impersonation.
Please use reverse image searches for any found content to determine whether or not said content belongs to an active redditor.
Do not crosspost OC from other redditors.
Consider asking OC creators to post their own content to the subreddit.
9 - Optional Verification
We do not require verification, but you can choose to verify if you'd like. Please check out the following info on how to verify: https://www.reddit.com/r/pee/wiki/rules#wiki_verification_processes_for_original_content_creators
For a more details description of our rules and subreddit guidelines, please read the Detailed Rules and Guidelines wiki: https://old.reddit.com/r/Pee/wiki/rules
10 - No Clickbait Titles
We do not allow clickbait titles.
Friends of r/Pee
This subreddit has flair enabled. It is not required to apply post flair when submitting, but it is appreciated! If you do not assign post flair, moderators may assign one for you
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