Aweswome Pauls: Rand Paul, Paul McCartney, Vinnie Paul, & others
This is a sub dedicated to awesome Pauls.
Examples of awesome Pauls:
Examples of terrible Pauls:
tell everyone it's about you.
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Greetings fellow Pauls. I trust you are well.
Being a proud member of the Paul race, I have over the years discovered word play around the most majestic of names (depending on pronunciation). Here then is what I have so far. Feel free to contribute.
PurrPaul (the best, of course)
Paul the Other One
Swimming Paul
Paddling Paul
Paultergeist (also very good)
My grandfather shared that it made him feel like a teenager and if anyone can help me find the video and I can show it to him it would be much appreciated.
It’s time.
All Paul’s unite!
The world is ours…
Surely I'm not the only one
I too am Paul.
A Paul can be tall A Paul can be small A Paul can be thin or as round as a ball You can give Paul a call when you’ve hit a brick wall How come there are so may Paul’s out there? Every tv programme pretty much has a Paul especially Bargain loving brits in the sun type programmes There’s always a Paul fixing up some ramshackle old house somewhere Some Paul’s grow wild long hair and look like wolf men I’ve always been a Paul there were 4 others in my class at school I’m thinking of changing my name to Huntley or Linton
It’s hard to follow what he’s talking about a lot of the time. His style is rather haphazard. He doesn’t really define his terms and as a result so many different denominations have sprung up which all interpret him differently. Was he an iconoclast? Was he for faith alone? What did he mean by the law is obsolete? Did he mean the whole Old Testament? Just the Levitical ceremonial laws like circumcision? What did he mean by “salvation is to the Jew first and then to the Greek”? Is it just because the Jews had access to God chronologically prior to the Greeks? Or do the Jews have some special access to salvation that Gentiles do not? Probably all these debates and terms would have been familiar to the people he’s writing to, but if his meaning is solely local rather than universal why would we use him as Scripture?
The movie was really great. I get this isn’t exactly the place for it, but if anyone would appreciate paul I figured you lot would.
I call my garage Paulywood.