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Anyone know of some homebrew that ports the Mythic Paths over from 1E to 2E? I am not necessarily looking for ones that fit into the 2E Path Structure.
Edit: Look on Pathfinder Infinite, there's a couple there.
So I recently had my players face off against someone with a pair of Tattoo Guardians, and in a twist that I should've seen coming my Inventor with an interest in crafting loads of items for the party asked what item that was and if she could learn how to make them. We've played around with some light homebrew items before but this is the first request that has me really wanting to be careful with how I handle it. The party is level 4 too so it's not like I can just give them a tattoo guardian pet.
Right now I'm thinking about having it be like a hands free shield that takes after the Interpose action, maybe with a once per day for a minute usage clause, and that'd be similar in power to a wand of Dancing Shield. Then I could let her give it shield runes and maybe add a limited reactive strike with a lowered chance to hit around level 10 or 12 so. I don't think I'll want to add the Share Life or any AC/DC floor effects from Bond with Ward since I'm making this with the assumption that if she can make it for herself she can make it for everyone.
I was wondering if anyone has attempted making the world of Warcraft races which don't have a pf2e equivalent yet as homebrew ancestries?
I've been trying to write an alternative spellcasting system for a setting I'm going to run. So far I've come up with a system, though I figured looking for feedback on how it is would be the best.
It is a limitless way of spellcasting, but to cast you have to build up magical energy.
This current system is what I've got so far. It does give you the ability to spam your highest rank spells indefinitely, but in theory you would have to dedicate 2 turns to focusing, and less on casting spells. Still, I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something, so I figured I'll post it here for others to look over. If it does turn out that it is quite strong, I have thought of inflicting (possibly stacking) drained when you cast too many highest-rank spells, as in this system you would use Constitution for casting. 'Too many' meaning two or more per combat.
Anyways, without further ado, here it is. The spell amount learned isn't final, and is subject to tweaking, both on an overall scale and per class.
(On a last minute note, this system does not yet incorporate focus spells into the mix.)
You have learnt the basics of the practice of fluxweaving, generating magical energy within your own body, which you then manipulate to create fantastical effects.
Starting 1st level, you gain a Flux pool and can use the Focus action, building up magic within yourself. The capacity of your Flux pool is equal to half your level (rounded up) plus 1.
Focus ◆
Frequency once per round
You stabilize your breathing to build up magical energy. You gain 1 point of flux.
Level (+4) You gain 1 additional point of flux when focusing.
Level (5th) You can Focus as a 2 action activity. When you do, you gain an additional point of Flux.
Level | Gained when Focusing | Max Flux pool | Highest Spell Rank |
1 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 2 | 1 |
3 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
4 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
5 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
6 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
7 | 2 | 5 | 4 |
8 | 2 | 5 | 4 |
9 | 3 | 6 | 5 |
10 | 3 | 6 | 5 |
11 | 3 | 7 | 6 |
12 | 3 | 7 | 6 |
13 | 4 | 8 | 7 |
14 | 4 | 8 | 7 |
15 | 4 | 9 | 8 |
16 | 4 | 9 | 8 |
17 | 5 | 10 | 9 |
18 | 5 | 10 | 9 |
19 | 5 | 11 | 10 |
20 | 5 | 11 | 10 |
You can cast spells using the Cast a Spell activity. (see Casting Spells of the Pathfinder Rules for more information).
At 1st level, you gain two cantrip spells and a 1st-rank spell. When you Cast a Spell, you expend an amount of flux equal to the spell's rank. You cannot cast a spell if you have less flux than it costs to cast it.
Cantrips are special spells that, while require you to have Flux to cast them, will not expend your flux once cast.
Some of your spells require you to attempt a spell attack roll to see how effective they are, or have your enemies roll against your spell DC (typically by attempting a saving throw). Since your key ability is Constitution, your spell attack rolls and spell DCs use your Constitution modifier. Details on calculating these statistics appear in Spell Attack Rolls, found in the Player Core.
As you increase in level and become more powerful, the amount of spells you learn and the strength of your spells increases. Any time you gain a spell, this spell must be chosen from your practice's spell list, and must be equal to or lower than your maximum spell rank, which is equal to half your level minus 1 (min. 1). When you reach 2nd level and every level after, you learn a new spell. You can give new life to spells of lower rank by upcasting them, spending more flux on them to increase their rank. You can increase a spell's rank up to your maximum spell rank.
You can retrain spells you've learnt into another spell of the same rank. This takes a week of downtime.
Starting 5th level, when Casting a Spell, if the spell you are casting would completely deplete your built up Flux, you reserve 1 point of Flux.
So here is the idea, "Electric Retort, as a reaction, when an enemy makes a melee attack against you or a ranged attack within 20 feet, you can retort with 1d12 of electricity damage once per day, or 1d6 twice per day.". Is it to limited or is it a little overpowered? Would love some thoughts.
Archetypes I made, but their updated remaster versions.
Feral Brawler: Do you want Claw Dancer but for biting? This archetype will upgrade any unarmed attack you have (that isn't a ranged attack) and in theory enable anyone to fight with only their natural assets. In addition, if you have claws but want something that's less dancer and more barbarian, this might interest you.
Weapon Savant: Want to use advanced weapons? Or maybe you're a simple weapon class with a craving for something with more kick? Weapon Savant has been updated to be the Familiarity archetype, giving you familiarity with whatever weapons you want. Like archer, but you get to choose the weapon group! A small archetype, get in, get out, your enemies get hurt.
Monk Class Archetype; Kensei: For monks with a greater appreciation of weapons, kensei do their ki tricks with martial weapons while wearing light or medium armor. The cost they pay is mobility; you don't get any special exception to Incredible Movement's armor restriction until a feat at 8th level, and even then you won't be as fast as an unarmored monk.
Any feedback is appreciated! These are experimental and untested, and any thoughts you have would be great. In particular, if you have ideas for a few more feats to give Weapon Savant a bit more body that would be appreciated.
Tian Xia - Dihyang: Gazetteer, an original setting for Pathfinder Lost Omens: Tian Xia, inspired by Indonesia, featuring:
👊 New Player Options!
🧌 New Creatures!
✨ New Lore for Dihyang!
In case you miss it, here's our first Dihyang adventure, The Sea Queen's Tales: https://www.pathfinderinfinite.com/product/498487/Tian-Xia--Dihyang-The-Sea-Queens-Tales?affiliate_id=4431116
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Hi. My autism demands sacrifice in the form of making pf2e adventures that are based on other series that I like but I don't know where to link them/distribute them.
Due to the nature of this content it would all be completely free of course.
Thank you :D
Hi everyone! Recently I found my old wow tcg cards and wanted to use that cards as an inspirations for abilities to give to monsters or npcs. I have made a document on scribe, but I have some problems with the abilities (e.g. ALL the rogue cards). At the end of the document there is a box with the link of the wow tcg's card browser so that you can see the cards. Could you suggest me some of the missing abilities?
Ps: The cards are not linked specifically to a class but rather to a theme, so a "Priest ability" can be used by any Divine spellcaster, a Paladin to a divine magical striker and so on.
I have a question about some Zombie Minions. They have features that say they are permanently "slow 1", but they have some abilities that require 2 actions. But when we think of Minions, they only have 2 actions. Would the "Slow 1" Zombie only have 1 action? Is that right? Are these abilities that require 2 actions when we create undead minions wasted?