
Photograph via snooOG

r/PasswordManagers is a community focused on password management. Discuss tools, technology and get advice.

r/PasswordManagers is a community focused on password management. Discuss tools, technology and get advice.


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What do you guys think about a GIT based password manager?

Repost from r/PasswordManager

Hey guys.

I am planning to build a GIT based password manager that you can access from the terminal.

The basic idea is:

  1. You have a master password
  2. You use the master password to encrypt all your other passwords.
  3. The encrypted passwords get stored in a private Github repo.
  4. You access all of this from the terminal.
  5. Sync passwords across multiple devices since it is GIT based

I thought this might be a good idea since usually, I am signing up to a bunch of things and need a way to store my passwords. Since I am a dev and usually am using a terminal, a terminal-accessible password manager made a lot of sense to me. And I chose Github as my storage cause every dev/student might have a Github account and it would be easy to create a private Github repo for all of the encrypted passwords. This way, I do not have to manage any databases and also, if the user tries wants, they can login from multiple devices and still have access to all their passwords.

So, right now I am just collecting feedback around this idea. What do you guys think? I'd love to get some feedback around this.

22:18 UTC


Is there anyway to not have to login twice with Nordpass?

I am taking the advice of people from my other post and going to move away from LastPass. I have tried out Nordpass (because I have NordVPN) and 1password so far and both work well, but every time it makes me login to my Nord account and then enter the master password. That is going to be very annoying if I have to do that every time. Is there a way around that?

15:54 UTC


Is LastPass THAT bad?

I have been using LastPass Families for the last few years because I get free through my work. I don't see it recommended anywhere anymore and heard about the breach a while back. It seems a little finicky on Android sometimes by not auto filling or even finding the logins sometimes, but for the most part, seems to work ok. I like that you can share logins with family members and have a few that I share with my wife. With it being free, does that help, or would you recommend still switching to something else?

23:57 UTC


Encrypt data on device

Please explain like I'm 5 why I should encrypt data on my device before saving passwords to my password manager of choice. I have a pin and/or use biometrics to unlock my phone, can't see PW's on manager without biometrics and if I were to encrypt, sounds ominous if I lose my key. What "key" is this anyway? I've tried looking up explanations & videos about the encryption process, but still don't understand.

17:36 UTC


How to disable email 2fa Bitwarden

Didn't enable email 2FA, already have Yubico and authenticator as 2FA and keep getting asked for email 2FAs instead.

Anyone else have this issue? I want to shutoff email 2FA but cannot find the ability to remove it.

1 Comment
13:01 UTC



I do not think Passkeys can replace Passwords and 2FA (TOTP/Security Key) for a long time. What I found in my testing:

I am Proton Pass Plus User for Lifetime. Passkeys can be generated as a Proton Pass free user as well. Proton recently informed that Passkeys can work cross platform. System requirements to create Passkey in Proton Pass:

  1. Android: Requires Android 14.
  2. iOS: Requires iOS 17.
  3. Windows: Requires Browser Extension.

Source: https://proton.me/support/pass-use-passkeys#How-to-use-Proton-Pass-passkeys-in-the-browser-extension

I used Adobe ID website (account.adobe.com) because I do not like to use Adobe proprietary 2FA app and you need to enable email or SMS as a backup. Probably they are cutting costs here because normally backup codes are provided if you lose access to your 2FA app.

There is no option to enable 2FA through Webauthn Security key. (Another cost cutting.)

When I enabled Passkey through the Browser Extension on my Windows laptop I could not use the Passkey when I tried to login on my Android 12 smartphone though I could see the passkey created. I could login through the Passkey on my Windows laptop. (No cross platform option here.) Adobe provides an option to create a passkey through the FIDO2 security key. This option works flawlessly both on Windows laptop and my Android smartphone. But when I login through my Adobe ID on Adobe Acrobat app the passkey option is not available. The login is only possible by entering the password. (Adobe Android app is not integrated with passkey support.)

Adobe charges the most for its proprietary software but they are cutting corners in Security.

Google provides an option to create a passkey on the Adobe website in my Android 12 phone but through third party apps like Proton at least Android 14 is required. Get ready to upgrade your smartphone if you want to use Proton Pass / Bitwarden for passkey generation.

Checked with my Google account: Passkey created through Browser Extension on Windows laptop cannot be used to login through the Android app on my Android 12 phone. (No cross platform option here. Probably because it is still very early development for passkey.)

I don’t know about iOS because I don’t use an iPhone. (iPhone also provides five year software upgrades so maybe many users are covered.)

Further testing will continue.

20:18 UTC


Is it possible to set a password for files so they can’t be copied without permission? preferably with 7-zip

1 Comment
02:36 UTC


Passkeys support is now available for everyone in Proton Pass on all platforms

11:38 UTC


Can you prevent someone from changing the password?

I need to make an email which is a gmail and give the password to a newly recruited person.

I was asked to find a way for the password not to be changed once the username and password are given to the the person because the person is actually working at another branch.

Can I please know whether there is a way for this?

23:34 UTC


The Proton Pass Windows app is now available for everyone

10:39 UTC


Dashlane switching to an Annual Subscription only - Your thoughts?

06:51 UTC


Command line tool to manage your pwsafe database.

What's pwsafe?

It's an open-source password manager, see Password Safe (pwsafe.org)

But it doesn't have a good interface on linux and macos. Therefore, I made a CLI tool PwSafeClient/src/PwSafeClient.CLI/README.md at master · nodew/PwSafeClient (github.com)

1 Comment
01:16 UTC


Password manager with autosave / autofill for iOS?

I am trying to set up a family password manager that my very non-technical husband can use. He currently uses the same password for all his accounts. He is an ipad user and will need to have autosave / autofill if he's going to be successful with this. I recently transferred my passwords to NordPass and set up a family account only to discover that the NordPass extension is not compatible with his device, therefore no autosave / autofill. Any suggestions?

21:16 UTC


Ambiguous letters in password generators

Is there a way to exclude the use of certain letters in the LastPass password generator? It is incredibly frustrating to try to figure out if the generated password contains o (letter o) or 0 (zero) or I (capital letter I) or l (lower case L) when I am trying to write down a password for use on another device or paper copy. If it is not possible, is there a font that makes these distinguishable on small screens?

01:24 UTC


any software to store the password base in plain text?

I know it's unsafe. So any example simple password manager app, save password in .json or .csv file?

07:50 UTC


Recommendations for a Password Manager with Built-in Authenticator

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for some advice on finding a replacement for Bitwarden. Recently, it has come to my attention that Bitwarden has engaged in manipulative tactics to inflate positive reviews on G2. As someone who values integrity and transparency, I cannot continue to support a company that resorts to such practices.

Therefore, I am in search of a new password manager with a built-in authenticator feature. While Bitwarden has served me well in the past, I believe it's time to explore alternatives that align with my principles and priorities.

I currently use my Yubikeys (principal + backup) to protect my Bitwarden vault. If the replacement supports Yubikeys as 2FA or passwordless vault access (using only the Yubikeys), it would be superb.

I appreciate any suggestions or insights you can offer regarding trustworthy password managers with robust security features and built-in authenticators. Thank you in advance for your help.

22:46 UTC


Proton Pass for business is now available

13:17 UTC


What is you password manager of choice?

I use LastPass, the hated one.

Any reasons I should switch?

Pros and cons..

23:17 UTC


Google passwords on-device encryption

I am using google passwords as my password manager. I know that I should use some "real" password manager but let's not focus on that.

Is there any reason why I should not enable on-device encryption in google passords? Am I able to continue using autofilling passowords on ios from google passwords after this?

10:56 UTC


Best free password manager w good autofill??

Simply looking for user experience with free password managers that are good with autofill.thx

21:00 UTC


Should I switch from 1Password to Bitwarden or ProtonPass?

hi guys,
I have been using 1Password for 2 years, it’s a good password manager but a pricy one. I have read some articles and Bitwarden seems a good cheaper alternative.

Things that are stopping me from shifting to bitwarden are:

  • Can’t share passwords using links like 1Password does.
  • Read a few posts stating that the autofill feature is not working properly.
  • UI is not as intuitive as 1Password. But this is not a stopper.
  • Can’t save sign-in with identity providers (like sign-in with google, facebook, etc)

Should I compromise and switch to bitwarden or is there a better alternative or just pay and keep on using 1Password?

Also, I saw a few articles mentioning proton pass, is it a good alternative to consider?

09:45 UTC


Switching from 1Password to Proton Pass

Has anyone switched over to Proton Pass from 1Password on iOS? I'm curious to hear your thoughts and what made you make the switch and what features you miss from 1Password. Thanks!

08:04 UTC


Best password manager for me?

So I am looking for answers here because the way I store passwords is not like other people. I want a secure place where I can make titles and write “any” info I give to each website. So I am looking for a secure app which I can write multiple info with titles about the websites and apps and not just the password.

RN I use my 2tb passport (external drive) and I use the notes app but that is not secure so I want to make it more professional. rn it’s something like this:

03:00 UTC


Looking for the best password manager

Hi I am looking for the best, feature rich and affordable or even free password manager that is available.

I am currently using Kaspersky Plus which has the Kaspersky password manager on it but I am looking to switch because the experience has been mid at best.

Take mobile for instance, the autofill is hit or miss, it almost never provides the right details or it won't identify what site or app I'm in. Another thing is since my Master Pass is so long, I have to enter it manually every single time I need to get a password or document from it, since it won't register the Face ID from my Google Pixel 4 as biometrics.

Overall I just don't like Kaspersky as a whole, it feels unpolished and buggy.

Do you guys have any suggestions for a password manager that has a fully featured Desktop and Android client that supports autofill like it is natively available, that is an overall polished and smooth/clean experience?

18:56 UTC


Keepass 2 > Password Safe

Hello! I need to transfer a little over 2000 passwords from Keepass into Password Safe.
I've looked online and done some research on my own, and this doesn't appear to have a solution as of recently that I can find. So far I've changed the titles of all of the categories within the CSV, and am attempting to create a python script to give double quotes around all objects.

15:47 UTC


Best password manager for me?

I need one that is free for at least two devices. For my phone and computer. Because rn I have LastPass on my pc and dashlane on my phone.

09:36 UTC


Master Password

Hey guys,

Glad to join the sub!

I am currently using LastPass as my password Vault.

I am thinking about using a hash generator to create a secure password, using something somewhat complex yet memorable to log into the generator whenever I need to log into Last Pass.

Any cons?

Any advice on master passwords in general?

Of course o want something secure, but I need to remember it.


23:31 UTC

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