A Place Where Palestinians and Our Supporters Can Share Information and Knowledge free from the noise of Hasbara, Sayanim and Zionists.
This subreddit has been created to provide a place for Palestinians and people sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians, to meet, learn and communicate with each other information about the Palestinian heritage and the future for Palestinians.
Subreddits of Interest.
Adhere to the rules of reddit, also familiarize yourself with Reddiquette. Don't forget that we can disagree without being disagreeable.
Be civil. Civil discussion is welcome and encouraged. However, overly confrontational and inflammatory rhetoric is not. Particularly disrespectful or hateful discriminatory submissions or comments which dehumanize, denigrate, ridicule, defame or smear another redditor, person or group of people. This kind of content will be removed and the moderators reserve the right to take action against posters as they see fit.
Submission titles cannot be editorialized. Make sure that the submitted content is relevant to the subreddit-specific niche; Israel's indiscriminate use of force, shameless human rights violations, blatant disregard of international law, and meddling in American and European politics. Submissions that do not follow this simple rule will be removed.
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I'm looking to get in touch with someone who lives near or can get to the Walled Off Hotel on 182 Caritas Street, Bethlehem, Palestine. Please PM me if you can help out! Thanks
Will people boycott Wonder woman due to her being ex IDF?
Me gustaría contactar con quienes estéis sensibilizados con la ocupación de Palestina.
A place for Palestinians and Palestinian supporters to share information and experiences free from Zionist interference.
A place where we can talk about equal rights, equal opportunities, equal representation in government and equal protection under the law for all Palestinians in The Middle East and everywhere.
Palestijn is the Dutch name for Palestinian and Palestina is the Dutch name for Palestine.
Please share the news about this new subreddit with other Palestinians and explain to them that they will not have to tolerate Zionist interference here.