A NSFW community for sharing POV porn and sex videos, with active moderation to keep down on spam and gaming. Feel free to share your quality POV porn vids!
To help promote more consistent and high quality posting, please remember to vote on the content you see here. Don't just fap and run if you want to have good material the next time around!
Videos that are not POV will be removed. POV is defined as shot from the "point of view" of one of the participants, usually the man. As a general rule, if the video shows the male's face at any point, it's probably not POV. Unless you've found a rare female POV, which is fine and will not be removed.
Submitted videos should be POV for their entire length or very close to it. So for example, we will remove videos that are shot mostly with a normal cameraman but have a POV blowjob section.
If you believe your video was unfairly removed, message the mods with the reason why it should be allowed to stay. Feel free to help the mod team by reporting any videos that don't follow these rules, or whose links have broken.
Please take a moment to read the subreddit's rules here.