
Photograph via snooOG

Ostriv is a city-building game that puts you in a role of a governor of an 18th century town to challenge your creative skills and management abilities. Dive into the story mode and decide the fate of your country, or just build your cities for fun in sandbox mode.

Alpha 5 released!

Current version: Alpha 5, Patch 5, Hotfix 1 (ver.

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Ostriv Wiki

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Ostriv Roadmap:

  • campaign (story mode)
  • improved trading: trade by sea and by river✓, negotiations, discounts, reputation
  • more statistics (production, consumption, trade etc.)
  • more production chains
  • education✓, religion, entertainment
  • graveyards
  • crime, justice and security
  • more types of housing(row houses etc.)
  • more types of bridges, paved roads
  • pigs✓, sheep✓, chicks✓, orchards✓, more crop types
  • more sound effects and music✓ even more
  • improved graphics and optimized performance for bigger cities
  • Linux (and maybe Mac) support
  • weather effects
  • improved navigation
  • cats and dogs
  • more believable behaviors, social activities, animations
  • more realistic products consumption, real demand for food variety
  • products quality, spoilage
  • worker experience, sharing experience, manager skills
  • private businesses
  • vehicles wearing out
  • more town hall functionality : advisors, policies, personnel management
  • more maps with different landscape types
  • ability to select camp position
  • better tree models
  • better UI
  • more languages
  • complete game manual and in-game tips
  • more options, customizable key bindings
  • customizable building colors, ornamentation
  • customizable building forms, free-form fields
  • modding support (level editor, building editor)


5,145 Subscribers


Hey friends, could someone explain to me what "Maximize bulls/rams livestock" means?

That's all, basically. I don't know what the checkbox on the cowshed or sheep farm that say "maximize bulls livestock" or "maximize rams livestock" are for. What happens when you have it checked? Thanks in advance for an answer.

02:37 UTC


I have 5000 chicken eggs but none are available to sell....

The chicken eggs do not show as available for export, but if I unclick "available only" I can add them... yet, no one will take the eggs to the trade dock etc.

20:49 UTC


The oldest original settler who is still alive.

And she’s still kicking!

14:41 UTC


Surgery family not moving

I tried rebuilding my Barber Surgery so i could move some buildings around and the family wont move so I cant delete the building. I've done Propose relocation multiple times to other homes but they wont move.

Does anyone know a solution for this? Thanks in advance

20:44 UTC


Threshing harvest should have the lowest priority of all farm jobs

(Farm Manager): Yuliya, could you go out into the fields and help with harvesting?

(Worker): Sorry boss, can't, I'm threshing this here wheat.

(FM) Yes, I see that, only it's November, we'll get snow soon, and I'd like to complete the harvest before then. Ok, maybe just nip over to the nearest field and bring some of the already harvested wheat?

(W) No can do, threshing. People's lives depend on it.

(FM) *looks pointedly at the already threshed piles and piles of wheat*

(W) *threshes*

(Snow) *falls*

(Ungathered harvest) *disappears*

Or add a toggle like with gathering? Please?

14:53 UTC


An apple a day

Keeps the doctor away. I don’t know if the citizens know this! I have an orchard of each type of fruit tree and ALWAYS have surplus apples. I use them well but am curious if citizens just don’t like apples as much as apricots and cherries?

04:01 UTC



i just want the 28 year old man living at home with his parents bc there are no women to marry right now to be able to marry the 33 year old widow with 2 kids. is this a thing or nah? i wish it was.

13:42 UTC


Made it to 1800 and got rich in the process!

05:36 UTC


Difficulties abound!

No matter what I do - including cheat, I can't get my wheat to equal enough livestock feed. There are never enough workers, or enough variety of food. :/

Edit --- Still having this issue, even with plenty of buckwheat, wheat, etc .... I get animals dying of starvation. Do I need more carts? It doesn't seem like supplies are being moved around as they should. Never seem to have enough of a population to fill all the jobs either. (sigh)

21:16 UTC


Iron ore mines

Hi I'm new player and playing on map 3 with unlimited resources I wanted to mine iron but it says that iron ore mine should be placed near lre deposit. The thing is I can't find that ore deposit, nothing is highligjted or anything. I can't place this building

10:16 UTC


Orchids not working

Trees have had two years to grow and no harvesting happened in between June and October, and advice?

22:17 UTC


new families not moving in

So my current town is at 174 and has stalled, and for some reason, there's no one moving into the new houses once they are built besides current residents who are getting married. i have plenty of jobs and have already built a large church, a barber, and a distillery and meet all the other requirements for new residents to move in.

What am I doing wrong and what should I do to stimulate growth also this is what my policies are set to.


16:32 UTC


New player looking for advice

So new player here looking for some advice I have the basics down and I trade for most of my food I only grow wheat and I don’t know how to change crops

Another thing I need help with is I suck at managing my economy and even though I’ve upped rent and lowered wages I’m still losing money so any advice on that? Thank y’all :)

09:22 UTC


Is this game similar to the old games by Impression Games?

I'm talking about games like Caesar, Emperor, Pharaoh... For those who know these games, are the mechanics of Ostriv similar?

19:22 UTC


Clearing up some of the confusion around farming

Edit: I did some more experimentation, contradicting the first point. On a 600-650 field, sunflowers yielded around 650 when I ploughed them, around 850 when I didn't. Potatoes on the other hand, yielded around 800-850 even when ploughed. At this point I assume that this is due to late sowing and not intrinsic to the ploughing, and the potatoes maybe just got lucky being ploughed and immediately sowed super early in march. Why un-ploughed fields consume more than 100% of the base nutrient needs, I still don't understand. Perhaps for un-ploughed fields both yields and nutrients scale with sowing time, whereas for ploughed ones only yield does, but nutrient consumption gets fixed at 80%? This is just speculation...

There's a lot of speculative information floating around how it allegedly works, but I found that it doesn't play out this way in the game, and the in-game tool tips don't really reveal the inner workings of the game. So I thought I'd compile what I have found playing around with it. I will write an in-depth guide as soon as I have figured out a strategy that works for me, but for now this is just raw information.

  1. A field that is NOT ploughed consumes roughly 110% of the base nutrient needs and yields a little over 133% of the field size (the obvious exception being sunflowers, which can't consume more than 100%). A field that IS ploughed consumes roughly 80% of the base nutrient needs and yields a little over 100% of the field size. Ploughing does NOT impact the ratio of yields to nutrient consumption. It reduces BOTH yields and nutrient consumption by around one fourth (or, if you use the ploughed field as your point of reference, NOT ploughing increases both by around one third). I'm not sure if this is a hard-coded effect of the ploughing process, or just caused by late sowing.
  2. Ploughing does, however, restore 15 of each nutrient.
  3. Using a fallow field as a pasture restores every nutrient back to 100.
  4. Crops on ploughed fields can fail to grow properly even if the field still has the nutrients that a ploughed field would be expected to consume. I can't confirm this hypothesis, but what I think is happening is: After ploughing, the game checks whether there are still more nutrients in the soil than the BASE nutrient needs of the respective crop. So if a field has 40 red and 40 green after ploughing, you can't grow barley on it, despite a ploughed barley field consuming only 40 red and 40 green. I haven't checked the exact impact this has on yield, but it definitely reduces it somewhat. This, in combination with some fluctuations due to earlier or later sowing, means that you can practically never work a field all the way to 0 without getting bad yields in the final year, even if you think the math should check out.
  5. Cows and sheep don't seem to care how large their pastures are, so smaller fields improve land usage. Going too small may eventually lead to inefficient ploughing and sowing, as the workers return the plough back to the farm between fields, but I've found that 5 workers and 20 laborers can easily sow 5 un-ploughed (not counting fallow ones) and 9 ploughed fields (14 total) of size around 600 in March, for a total area of around 8500 units. If walking distances are short enough, I assume you could go all the way to 10000 units (not counting fallow fields) per farm, but I haven't tested that yet.
17:28 UTC


Is there someplace to store Iron Ore other than at the mine or the Smeltery?

I seem to be out of storage for Iron Ore and thought I could put some in a warehouse, but it looks like that's not an option. Is there some way to store it that I am missing?

17:11 UTC


Which features and mechanics are you looking for in the game?

  • For example, we should be able to make own glaze.
  • I would also love procedurally generated maps.
  • More unlockable buildings, like a requirement to have pottery on a market to allow certain advanced housing to be populated.
  • bigger and more randomized global map
  • some challenge quests like “a kid was born, make sure he is healthy and gets proper education”
  • some military mechanics. example similar to ceasar 3
  • university and jobs demanding higher education
  • politics and diplomacy
  • classes among people: high and low
  • theatre and arts

Would love to hear your ideas

19:10 UTC


One map missing

Just found out my map n°5 simply doesn't exist. Anyone who knows what is happennig? And yes, my game is running on Steam


16:52 UTC


Just a beach in Ostriv!

14:29 UTC


I wrote a program to calculate optimal crop rotation strategies. The lower the score means better optimized sequence. I am open for feedback though! Algo explanation in a comment below

15:02 UTC


Ostriv - Fiz todas as construções possíveis! (Episódio 19)

16:31 UTC


[New Tool] Enhance Your Ostriv Game Maps with Our Custom Editor!

Hey Ostriv community!I'm excited to share a new tool I've been working on to help you manage your Ostriv game maps more efficiently. Since the official modding support for Ostriv isn't out yet, I decided to create this tool to fill the gap and make it easier for everyone to customize their game maps. This tool allows you to easily open, edit, and save your level_save YAML files that exported throught OstrivConverter. Here are some of the key features:


  • Open level_save YAML: Import your level_save YAML files for editing.
  • Modify deposits, fishing spots and riverflow position.
  • Add Deposits: Easily add new deposits to your map.
  • Add Fishing Spots: Place fishing spots on your map with a simple click.
  • Draw River Flow: Draw and edit river flows on your map.
  • Remove Objects: Remove unwanted deposits from your map.
  • Save Changes: Save your edited level_save YAML files.

How to Use:

  1. Export level_save using OstrivConverter to generate the level_save YAML file. The level_save file can be found in the map folder of your Ostriv game installation folder.
  2. Open the heightmap image from the map folder of your Ostriv game installation folder.
  3. Open the exported level_save YAML file.
  4. Use the interface to manage your deposits and save the edited level_save YAML file.
  5. Import the edited level_save YAML using OstrivConverter.
  6. Copy the edited level_save YAML file to the map folder of your Ostriv game installation folder and replace the original level_save file.
  7. Start your Ostriv game and enjoy your modified map.

Tool Link:

You can access the tool from this link.


You can download the OstrivConverter from this link.

I hope you find this tool helpful! Feel free to leave any feedback or suggestions. Happy modding!

---Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance. Enjoy!---

06:08 UTC


Couldn't post a video

I spent a bunch of time figuring out how to screen record before realizing I can't even post the video walkthrough of Kyzyl. I'm so disappointed lol.

15:20 UTC


Ostriv - Patch Notes! Alpha 5 Patch 8 (ver

1 Comment
19:20 UTC


Warehouse capacity

I feel that warehouse capacity of 10000 is not enough. Granary is 20000 after all. Maybe a new building like Large Warehouse is needed?

12:44 UTC

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