Share all your memes related to Orthodox Christianity here!
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~ St. Clement of Rome
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On Acquisition of the Holy Spirit
The Bible and the Holy Fathers for Orthodox
Looking for a new or first parish in the US? Start here!
See the /r/OrthodoxChristianity wiki for other online resources.
Also, I've had to Google different festal greetings about 1,000 times now. I'm putting this link here so I don't have to look for it again, and now neither do you.
Need a watermark for your content? You're welcome to use the one here!
"Light from Light, Only-begotten Son of the Father of lights, who dwellest in light unapproachable, the beauty of whose countenance is beyond description and whose luminous thoughts are beyond the grasp of my created mind; O Creator of all form and beauty, which are intended for holiness and contemplation of thee: do thou guide me who would use the internet, that by so doing I would glorify thee, and walk in the light thou givest me, at all times thinking on whatever is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and good, to the sole glory of thy most holy Name, Jesus: through the prayers of the Virgin Mary, thy Mother; of our fathers among the saints Isodore of Seville and Theophan the Recluse; of the Venerable Eugenius of Aitolia, Job of Pochaev, and Nicodemus the Hagiorite; and of all the saints. Amen."
~ A Prayer Before Using the Internet, from Orthodox Christian Prayers
Facebook [RETIRED]
Andrei Rublev on Gameboy Advance Video
Jesus-kun loves you.
Btw I found this on r/philosophymemes and it was talking about the grand inquisitor
Had to make an Orthodox version of this meme I saw.
I certainly don't....
This is the story of St. Marina