
Photograph via snooOG

Cancerjerk for shitty moderators

When the others are oppressing, we are laughing at your impotence.

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Has anyone had experience in dealing with subreddit moderators actively trying to destroy/take control over the subreddit? What can be done?

Greetings. I am frequenting a subreddit where one of the mods (subreddit owner might be the right term, I do not fully understand how it works) is on a full on power trip. He removed some people from mod team (some of which were major contributors), and banned what appears to be hundreds of people for asking about what is going on or just questions that itch him the wrong way. Sufficient to say that these bans have nothing to do with breaking reddit/subreddit rules.

I myself am not banned (because I did not ask any questions) but I see what is going on, and I kindly disagree with it. Considering that hundreds of people are basically victims to despotism (there is already a growing alternative subreddit), what can we even do about it?

Where and how can we report this situation? Will anything even be done? I had some experience dealing with questionable mod decisions in the past (not just against me in particular), and reporting them did not seem to do anything whatsoever. Is there hope?

10:51 UTC


Can we just take a second to recognize r/harrypotter is trash

Never thought a subreddit to do with magical worlds and wonder would breed such negativity. This is legit a subreddit where nobody wants any sort of discussion or debate and if you aren't abiding by the (extremely sad and kiss ass) opinions of others you get downvoted to hell or even attacked. I was on this subreddit and these brits (who clearly dominate this reddit) straight up call Americans weirdos and disregard any opinions of them. What is worse the rest of the subreddit supports it and updates these comments to the heavens.

06:57 UTC


Got trolled by r/dankmemes mods by giving me stupid flairs

For some reason, the mods decide to troll me by giving me a stupid flair. I don't know if that's a joke but I felt uncomfortable with the flair, so I politely requested to remove it, and they instead changed it to something even worse. I messaged another mod and, guess what? They ignored me on purpose. I left a final message and left.

The mods there have had a history of trolling people, but since it didn't affected me, i wasn't that bothered. I joined the sub for fun and entertainment, and being trolled at is neither. I'm not interested in joining a sub run by immature neckbeards.

21:05 UTC


Undercover at a mod circlejerk

22:49 UTC


White Female Vs Mexican Male

Who is more oppressed in America, a Straight White Female or a Straight Mexican Male?

1 Comment
01:57 UTC


Cinematic Musical Philosophical Theater,"Socrates"The Wisest Humans Admi...

16:01 UTC


r/Politics Supports mass-murder

This mostly a vent. Don't expect anything to actually get fixed.

Banned from r/politics. I was replying to a guy who had a multi-paragraph long rant calling on all liberals in America to be drowned, and his replies to others in the thread make it seem like he was planning an attack sometime this Tuesday.

My reply was about he's likely to shoot himself while sucking off his gun. Received an instant perma-ban. He seems to still be posting.

r/Politics clearly supports GQP Terrorism.

It's the Judiciary R investigation topic. Have a look.

1 Comment
21:47 UTC

20:24 UTC


mod power trip

I ve been a part of a sub and this "Mod", which I didn't know was a mod since they aren't identified at all. They appear as regular members. This idiot was gung oh against me from the moment I corrected people on proper titles of individuals on a subject matter. Dead set against me for using those words. Nothing happened.

A few months later, I post a letting off steam in the same sub but not using profanity or anything, this member attacks me, and points out he remembers me from months prior about proper titles and for 45 min began to harrass me on the sub until he pushed me to warn him to stop or i'll block.

Poof *** your post was removed due to rules violation BS.***

I realized then he was a Mod, now that it said so next to his name at that point ... He then proceeded to remove another post I immediately put up, exclaiming what happened, I had blocked him by this point, but he was still able to see my post and use his power of corruption to remove it. Needless to say I un-joined that sub. I reported it but the powers that be at reddit decided there was nothing wrong and no abuse of power was done.

10:14 UTC


And another one...

Got permabanned from r/news for not coming to the conclusion they they wanted me to.

A video was posted of an officer involved shooting with the obvious implication that the officer was some bloodthirsty murderer. Because the "news" these days isn't about reporting facts so you can form your own opinion, it's about giving you the opinion they've decided you should have, and given that Reddit is largely hard left politically, most were more than happy to jump on the ACAB bandwagon.

I argued a different point and explained why. I didn't demonize the guy that was shot and even referred to him as "the victim" and said that what happened to him sucked. Mostly I was just trying to get them to understand that the call the cop made wasn't unreasonable given what he knew at the time and the situation he was in.

I was pretty darn civil given that I was pelted with personal attacks and insults, because who needs facts and logic when you have a good outrage boner going. Anyway, after a lengthy battle trying to bring reason to the unreasonable and getting downvoted for my trouble, I get a message that I've been permabanned without warning.

I went back to check their rules and could not find any that I broken and asked them why I had been banned and got nothing but silence. Looks like they couldn't think of a reason either. I waited a few days and asked again, a little more sassy this time, and they muted me.

So if you got to r/news, make sure you don't disagree with the opinion they've picked out for you, just think as you are told.

02:38 UTC


u/Tymanthius of r/ModerationMediation bans me for two years because he failed to moderate

This is a meta rant because it's a ban regarding a ban.

OK, so first I was permanently banned from r/rant, with no explanation, just a "No". I politely asked them for clarification:

I do have a question regarding my ban: why was I banned?

No response.

I presume it's because my comments in this lovely post: Women get depression at a rate 2x that of men, let's admit this is a problem, which the moderators of r/rant butchered by banning everyone and removing all the comments. But I can't really tell because it's hard to extract information from a "No".

So I go to r/ModerationMediation, I read their rules and I make a post, they make bullshit reasons to reject the post. I explain to them that I didn't provide more context because there is no context, and after I added two lines "I am seeking:" and "What happened:" my post was approved (I guess they ran out of bullshit reasons to reject it).

I was permanently banned with no reason given.

All the comments in the post are irrelevant, because they don't address what I'm seeking:

I am seeking: I want to know why I was banned.

I wasn't seeking advice, I wasn't looking for a life coach, I wanted to know why I was banned, not for people to do guesswork.

I reply to some comments explaining that they don't address what I'm looking for, and of course Tymanthius removes them all (again for bullshit reasons).

After a couple of days of nothing useful I ask the mods:

When is the mediation supposed to start?

After a non-answer from Tymanthius I ask him point-blank:

Are you able to actually supply mediation?

To which he replies another non-answer:

You do not dictate the terms under which our sub operates.

At this point it's 100% clear that r/ModerationMediation does not in fact do any mediation. Turns out that 2 years ago the same mod banned me for a year because I sent him a message after he said "I generally love to argue and debate myself. But this is not the place for it.". Did he do any mediation at that time? Of course not!

u/Tymanthius of r/ModerationMediation bans me for one year for sending him a message after he said he loves to argue.

So r/ModerationMediation is a lie, I know I'm not going to get any mediation ever, so this time I do actually go for the impolite route (which I hadn't gone through yet despite of what that mod claimed):

I will take that as a "no".

Thank you for nothing.

Within seconds Tymanthius bans me for TWO YEARS.

Oh no! Two full years without moderation mediation! What am I going to do with my life?!

Pfft. Tymanthius never does any mediation and he knows it.

His sub is a complete joke. He doesn't know how to moderate, much less mediate.

23:22 UTC


Permanently banned by Vanderpump rules mod because I referred to a one year old as someones daughter instead of a son! 🙄 then after telling me I can’t message the mods for 28 days. Then they unblock me to continue to harass me then block me again so I can’t respond.

22:19 UTC



HOW TO message anyone (anonymously) on reddit, even if you are blocked. The notification cannot be muted.

As long as you are not spamming people using this, it should be allowed and should not get you banned.

Note: Reddit allows anyone to block anyone, so this does not violate any guidelines. If you were to SPAM someone, they would have to make a manual request to remove your account, which might not work and is very slow. SPAM by itself is a violation, but enforcement is difficult.


Step #1: Make a subreddit (If you want to be anonymous)

or use your premade personal sub r/u_your-username

Make sure you remove the automatic comment in the newly created sub and make sure privacy settings don't allow a leak of your username, if you want to be anonymous.

Step #2: Make up some rules that (automatically) get violated (easily) and post them to your sub.

Step #3: Start banning



Important: Make sure you select a rule and write something nice in the box for the ban reason (ignore mod note box)

Pro Tip: You can easily automate this. In the mobile-ish layout, you just need (a program) to type the username without the u/ and press enter. the reason/text and rule violated will stay the same.

(Step #4) If someone writes you back or does ban appeals, you can mute them.

Step #5: Repost the message and profit!

1 Comment
21:11 UTC


Post removed because no one could answer my question

mod - u/maoman1 in r/Locksmith

I posted a question, asking for suggestions for a product that'll fit a sliding door. Thinking the best place to go was in a reddit community of locksmiths but then all the replies told me to go call a locksmith or the manufacturer... smh...

So this mod deleted my post because I didn't want to tell him my experience in this industry, the question might sound like a newb but there are reasons why i couldn't find a product for my particular problem and am trying to avoid customizing a solution.


20:27 UTC


hello would you be interested in r/reportlandlords

It's a place for reporting and sharing your dangerous apartments, we'll provide support and resources for protecting yourself against abusive landlords as well as reviewing and exposing apartments and landlord tactics.


We will hold Landowners accountable for their property and our wellness through legal action, we will not be another statistic.

My plan is to have flairs and just share experiences and then people who have lived in those areas or who can help can point the people to the right laws.

The aim is to start the dialogue, I was inspired by anti-work how one sub inspired groups of people to stand up for their worker rights.

With the amount of housing being bought up by LLC companies and being treated as leverage against the individual, I would like to kickstart dialogue into standing up for tenant rights.

This is not a hate group I want to be a property owner one day, This is to expose the corruption and the people preying on young naive people like myself

17:20 UTC

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