Worship the one true idol, Maki, here!
Check out /r/LoveLive for general discussion on the anime and the other girls!
Rule 1: No Maki hentai. It is a sin and it defiles her purity. Our High Priest has deemed it so. Ecchi and other non-nude media of her is okay, as long as it is not too sexual
Rule 2: Our God Empress must be involved in all posts. No solo media of the other members of µ's. Group stuff is fine as long as Maki is in the center in some form.
Rule 3: File sharing links are okay as long as you provide the legal alternative where possible. We don't mind shared links but please support Love Live as much as you can!
Rule 4: No personal info, flaming, witch hunts etc. We are still a kind hearted community, please don't encourage hatred or endanger the privacy of other users.
Rule 5: Use spoilers wherever possible. Some people haven't finished Love Live so if something feels spoiler-ish, there's no harm in doing so. For info on how to use spoilers, visit this link!
Rule 6: Flair links appropriately. We use special link flairs to categorize our content. All users have link flair permission so please flair your posts accordingly!
Rule 7: Sources! Give credit where credit is due. Unless it's your own creation, please do your best to provide source for your post(s). iqdb and SauceNAO are good sites to use to look for sources.
And finally, please participate in community events! We'd love to know more about our newly joined Maki disciples!
To use a comment face please use the following syntax:
Example: [](#kiss)
Alternatively, you can install this script by /u/JonnyRobbie to allow an 'Add a comment face' button to appear by your comments!
/r/TsunderePantheon - A subreddit to discuss new and upcoming subreddits about tsunderes.
/r/OneTrueBiribiri - For the high praise of Misaka Mikoto!
/r/TheRiceGoddess - Praise the legendary Rice Goddess here!