A sub dedicated to derpy orange cats!
"It is widely believed that all orange cats share one communal brain cell" -Unknown
Rules & Guidelines
1. Post pictures, gifs, and videos of orange cats! This is a cat subreddit, specifically for orange cats. Other animals with orange fur don't count. (Non-orange cats and other animals that don't fit the theme of the sub will be removed!)
2. No spam! No spamming allowed.
3. No meme, image macro, or low-effort content. Original content is preferred. No image macros, memes, or similar low-effort content. Check out r/MEOW_IRL and r/Catmemes for that.
4. No NSFW, animal abuse, or cruelty. Contains content that is NSFW, features animal abuse, or cruelty (including animals fighting each other).
5. Please do not submit links to social media.
6. Please keep comments civil! Negativity is not welcome here. Creepy or harassing comments may result in a temporary ban.
7. Reposts and crossposts are allowed within reason. (Reposts must be older than a month)
8. Absolutely no politics! Nothing related to politics in any way, shape, or form.
9. Mourning/loss posts are allowed under a couple of conditions: - The post must use the "Mourning/loss" flair and be marked with a spoiler tag. - The post's title cannot be graphic or mention death directly. Appropriate titles include "I lost my orange boy today" or "RIP I miss [pet name]." - Detailed discussions about the loss should be left in the comments. Posts not following these rules will be removed.
This cutie “works” in a restaurant
They always look so peaceful and cute when sleeping.
wanna guess how they lost their leg? NOT by being smart!
messi (right) is missing his front left leg alexander (left) is missing his back right leg
Bruce has no shame
This is the face of a girly who once again has been jolted out of a dead sleep by something, reacting like she'd had a nightmare that continued on after awakening, acting afraid.
Anyone else have an Orange that this happens to? Jelly Bean is my second ginger, though first ginger-lite, but I've had many other cats of other colours, and none of them, including my first ginger, have reacted like this so often. Seriously, this is an every other day kind of thing. And it really feels like she's having night terrors or something. Flinching if I try and move after she wakes up. Some times she's so startled/afraid, she will actually claw at me, and run away. She recovers soon enough, coming back to my lap usually within 10 minutes or so. I just talk to her, calmly and with a soothing voice, but I don't really know if it makes a difference for her.
During her waking hours, other than not seeming to be a fan of my brother when he comes to visit, she's a pretty happy go lucky girl who thinks she needs to bite me all the time. Not hard, and never breaking skin, more like a mama cat nipping at her kittens to teach them right from wrong. And she's rarely not in my lap when I'm sitting for any length of time. So really, no odd behaviours other than the nipping, for what I'm used to with cats.
Just thought I'd put it out there to see if anyone else has had this kind of ongoing experience, as it's a new thing for me.
I'm Jelly Bean's second owner. She's 5, and the first 9 months of her life are unknown. She was found as a stray, under a year old, pregnant, and brought to a vet's office to have her kittens. Once her kittens were weaned, she went home with a family member of one of the vet techs, until May of this year, when she joined my home after her Mom had to move to an assisted living home. She's an only cat, but does have a pair of gerbil brother's who provide lots of entertainment for her.
Just brought him home yesterday. He spent the past day hiding in the furnace room. He's still terrified of me, though he'll play with a toy I'm holding. He finally started exploring the living room this evening.