A porn gif subreddit specializing in gifs of reverse gangbangs. All posts must feature 3 or more women to 1 man.
A porn gif subreddit specializing in gifs of reverse gangbangs. Gifs featuring a throng of cock-hungry girls swarming one lucky dude and banging the shit out of him for all he's worth.
Female:Male ratio of 3:1 or higher is required
We allow sellers, but we do NOT allow advertising or external links in this subreddit - this may result in a permanent ban.
1) Posts must fit the subreddit: one dick, many chicks only.
2) Models must be over 18 : All participants featured in this sub must be at least 18 years old at the time. Spreading or promoting underage content will result in a ban, and the user will be reported to the Reddit admins.
3) Do not advertise: This is not a selling sub. Any mention of selling in the title or comments may result in a ban. This includes (but is not limited to) OnlyFans, PornHub, Patreon, etc. No "DM me for more", "Check out my profile", or asking for upvotes.
4) No involuntary pornography : Everyone in the image must be consenting to the image being taken and shared.
5) Be kind: This is a NSFW subreddit, we come here to enjoy ourselves. Don't be a dick and ruin it for other people.
6) Please use the reddit uploader, or redgifs: All other hosts will be filtered out by the spam filter.