
Photograph via snooOG

A place for the No Mans Sky modding community to congregate.


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Simple Questions and Mod Requests Thread

Please try to keep your requests and quick questions in this thread.

Another place to get a quick response to questions is the modding discord.

List of previous Simple Questions and Mod Request threads.

05:00 UTC


Any low flight mods still working?

i am aware of galaxy S, but that one has too many cheats in it that make it unfun, and idk how to make the .lua editor work, so im looking for a simple low flight mod that still works.

07:26 UTC


AMUMSS Fails to create PAK

I'm trying to learn how to use AMUMSS, so I chose two mods that work out of the gate when installed via Vortex (Firmware update for signal processor and Enjoyable Quicksilver). They have one file they both alter, so I thought it would be a simple test to see if I understand how to use AMUMSS properly. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, because there's no troubleshooting info I can find for my problem. When I run BUILDMOD.bat, answer all of the questions, no PAK file is placed in CreatedModPAKs, nor the game's MODS folder. If it matters, AMUMSS is installed to D:\Documents\NMS Mods\AMUMSS. Game files are on the same drive, and the log says AMUMSS found them. Sorry if this is asked and answered. I searched and did not find a solution.

Edit: u/Gumsk and I figured it out. I needed to exempt api.github and github from being screened by Norton 360. Everything works, now! Thanks, Gumsk! Also, removed the log, since it was long and cumbersome.

04:55 UTC


Looking for a mod that lets time pass when in the discoveries screen

I'm pretty sure I saw this mod awhile ago, but forgot to bookmark it. There should be a mod currently existing that makes it so that time can still pass by when you go into the discoveries tab and such...does anyone else know what I'm talking about?

1 Comment
22:22 UTC


Retrieve eggs from quicksilver vendor after deletion

Title... I didn't know better when I played the expeditions.
I tried nomnom and add the item in my inventory but something buggy came up, and searching for ie "grub cocoon" yields no results...
Is there a workaround to get these expedition rewards once again?

I also search for the rewards in my Quicksilver page and I think I don't see any of the twitch/expedition companion pet eggs.... :(
Thank you for your help

07:04 UTC


Any way to make Wonder menus solid? no transparency?

I save Wonders > Personal Records entries for new planet addresses that I might want to visit in the future, but we can only save 12. I wind up taking screenshots to keep them all when I need to create new ones, but I'd really like for the rest of the entries to not show through the popup.


1 Comment
23:30 UTC


NMS Top down camera and RTS movement Mod

as the title suggests I was just wondering if it would be possible to mod No Man's Sky to have a top-down free camera to move around the planets and have RTS mechanics like highlighting your character and clicking where you want them to go.

no real reason why at the moment I'm just wondering if its possible at all and how difficult it would be to pull off.

1 Comment
20:31 UTC


Modders please help! (...me make my father a cool ATLAS lamp for the holidays)

So! I have a 3D printer and I know a liiiiiittle bit of modeling (I'm still very, very new) but this year I wanted to make my dad a cool tensegrity lamp for christmas! Thing is, I want to make it a perfect replica of the ATLAS station, and the best way to do that would be to just tear the model data from the game files and pop it into blender so I can add the bits it needs. Problem is, I have no idea what to do to make that happen.

Someone please tell me how to extract this data! It would mean the world to me!

19:49 UTC


No Man’s Sky Update 5.29 Brings Bug Fixes to Holiday Expeditions

17:58 UTC


Loaded mods?

Is there a way to tell which mods were active/loaded in a save game?

I'm asking because I'm missing base building parts I've used in the past. Sadly I cleaned up my mod directory and am not sure which mod it was.

1 Comment
21:48 UTC


Altimeter in visor?

Has anyone found a mod for including an altimeter in the visor or know if that data is in the JSON?

01:32 UTC


Seeking Help Reviving an Old Creature Mod: Space Safari

Summary: There is a mod that hasn't been updated since 2018 and I am interested in possibly learning how to update it.

Hey fellow Travelers!

I'm relatively new to No Man's Sky and absolutely loving it! The modding community has breathed so much life into this game, and I'm incredibly grateful for all the hard work you all do.

I've been exploring a lot of mods, and while there's fantastic support for ships, resources, graphics, and more, I'm really missing something that adds more diverse and interesting creatures. I came across this awesome mod called Space Safari(More creatures - More variety - Faster Scanning - New behavior) that seems to be exactly what I'm looking for, but it hasn't been updated since 2018. 😭

Unfortunately, it seems the original mod author is no longer able to maintain it. I understand life gets in the way, and I totally respect that!

Here's my question: I'm willing to learn how to mod, but I'm a complete beginner. How difficult would it be to update Space Safari to work with the latest version of No Man's Sky? Is this a realistic goal for someone new to modding?

Any advice, resources, or guidance would be greatly appreciated! Maybe there are even some experienced modders out there who'd be willing to collaborate or mentor a newbie? 😊

Thanks in advance for any help!

19:06 UTC


No Man's Sky Mods

Today I discovered that there are mods in No Man's Sky and I was wondering if there is a mod you could recommend. I'm not someone who is into using mods. I'm just curious if there is a mod that would make the game better than it already is.

16:20 UTC


save editor for ships

so i can see that on nms save editor you can export and import ship.

i'm looking for an editor website or tool to edit my ships so i can make them look how i want export it as a SH0 file and import it into nms save editor.

does anything like this exist that works as easy as nms save editor as i'm not savvy with value editing or changing code

1 Comment
16:24 UTC


Cannot get these 3 mods to work together, with or without AMUMSS, can I get an assist?

I am trying to run with just a few mods:

Remove Technology Overload (by chronicallybored)

Atmosphere Hover and Reverse - Pulse Speed Adjustments (by BigEx20 AKA Chromos)

Instant Text Display (by NooBzPoWaH - Backing vocals by Babscoole)

It looks like Remove Tech Overload and Admosphere Hover edit the same file. I can get RTO to work with Vortex fine, but nothing else does.

I grabbed the lua files for all 3 and put them into the ModScipt folder with the following options:

Run as Full
Create Combined
Move All and Remove file

I even copied the 4 edits from the one file into the other and that didn't work either.

This seems way harder than it should be. What am I missing?

23:38 UTC


Simple Questions and Mod Requests Thread

Please try to keep your requests and quick questions in this thread.

Another place to get a quick response to questions is the modding discord.

List of previous Simple Questions and Mod Request threads.

1 Comment
05:00 UTC


Any word on Save-Editing with Cross-Save files?

Looks like Goatfungus hasn't updated their editor in over a month still, curious if anyone has been able to play around with editing as the Cross-Save Beta has been expanding?

21:30 UTC


Start in illegal system?

Is there any way to define illegal systems as valid for a new game?

19:05 UTC


Better Frigste Rewards

Hi there. Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to the Better Frigate Rewards mod? The page for it seems to have completely disappeared from Nexus. Thanks for any help.

05:37 UTC


Updates and Mods

Man do I love the updates HG is sending out lately...

But man are they killing me on the mod side lmao I've got something like 92 mods on my game (granted roughly a third of those are just Dud's Sky). The last 2 to 3 weeks my cycle has been:

  1. Oooo update, shiny
  2. Oh no mods broke. Wait for updates or try to update myself?
  3. I really wanna play now
  4. Spend next few days getting mods updated in my evenings (most mod authors have released the updates by the time I'm done)
  5. Play a few days
  6. Repeat steps 1-5

Not really complaining. More knocking myself for lack of patience and being so set on having my mods. We've had 3? 4? patches in the last 2 to 3 weeks, so my mod cycle is repeating much more frequently than it typically would.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk

18:01 UTC


Can anyone help me get something that flys

If someone could help me get something that flies and or that is fast I would greatly appreciate I'm not picky

12:04 UTC


Pet mods?

Hello anyone know of any mods that make pets less......we'll honestly crappy I love the looks but they move rather slow and just ramble about getting in way etc any way to make them like a follower type deal? Or improve at all

02:14 UTC


Editing JSON Data question for experienced modder

I need to purge a lot of parts to get down from the 16,000 cap. I've started on the easy stuff in game but I need to remove thousands of Plinth Lights that I used to expand base perimeters. Removing them manually in game would take dozens of hours.

I know where they live in the JSON and would like to delete them using the live edit function in Goat Fungus. However, as they are intermixed in the sequential base file with other items, I am wondering if anyone has ever tried to delete items. Will the list reorder itself or will the gaps crash the save?

00:37 UTC


Simple Questions and Mod Requests Thread

Please try to keep your requests and quick questions in this thread.

Another place to get a quick response to questions is the modding discord.

List of previous Simple Questions and Mod Request threads.

04:00 UTC


I lost my Iron Vulture. How can I replace it?

I use Goatfungus' editor. Do I just need the Iron Vulture seed? If so, what is it?!

01:35 UTC


Does anyone have a map of the JSON data?

I stumbled on this python script to get the raw json, but the decrypted output is entirely too big for gedit. Honestly i just want to make a php (i don't know python) script or something that can take the output and give me the portal coordinates the planet the most recent save was on. The idea is to capture portal coordinates by getting out of your ship, running a command in a terminal or cygwin, and having the coordinates without having to unlock the locator, manually type out what you see on the screen, then doing all the math for the coordinates. I understand that somewhere in there is a hex value already made. I tried using /"UA" in vim but pattern wasn't found.

13:05 UTC


Shout Out to Goat Fungus for the quick fix!!


1 Comment
20:45 UTC

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