
Photograph via snooOG

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic who published intensively in the 1870s and 1880s. He is famous for uncompromising criticisms of traditional European morality and religion, as well as of conventional philosophical ideas and social and political pieties associated with modernity. - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) was a German philosopher and cultural critic who published intensively in the 1870s and 1880s. He is famous for uncompromising criticisms of traditional European morality and religion, as well as of conventional philosophical ideas and social and political pieties associated with modernity.

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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The meaning of life and philosophy.

I struggle with reading philosophy because I think it might be a waste of time. But every time I leave it I just sit on Tik Tok or eat and drink. I do not think there is meaning in life but I do not want to waste life just sitting here and wasting it away. Does philosophy help give meaning to life ? Does it help us understand more about life and how to live it?

04:16 UTC


What to read before the birth of tradegy?

Nietzche mentions alot of writers and philosophers and id like to use him as a huide of what to read. Obviously reading another philosopher to understand another one if he does not mention the first philosopher.

He also mentions Dostoevsky witch I have read and I am going to read homer to understand Plato better. Who else does he discuss in this book?

03:25 UTC


Is it ok to go from part one to part three when reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

I'm really invested in the story of Zarathustra, and while the sermons of him are interesting reads, I kinda wanna skip to learn about the rest of his life, but I dont wanna miss any context

02:18 UTC


Plz read my thoughts

First of all let me be clear my first language is മലയാളം. It's mix between indo europen and dravidian language.. So pardon my English. First , Tomorrow is a day that never came. It means to live in the present.. it's a gift. So I don't know or can't tell if tomorrow, people will be communist or socialist or facist . What I sees today is anarchy.. People willing to do anything to get what they want.. That's because we are animals ( we are primates belonging to animal kingdom) we are the most violent species in existance..

But our current society has a way of putting the viloent people in its place.. Think when we were tribal people if our leader was more viloent our tribe will not survive cause we will wage endless war and will get anhilated fast.. Present day violent people will either land in prison or in jail.. Others who say they are dominat or alpha or sigma are just show of when the face an real inmate or trained killer they will shit in pants. Now the most dangerous group of people not the physically dominant ones. They are the mix of cerebrally dominat ones if they are not socially awkward. They can manipulate normal people. Think about it how Hitler rallied massive amount of people to death.. His war was funded from every continent.. They have psychopathic and sociopathic and narcissistic tendencies. They should be identifed and properly moniterd. Nerds and socially awkward people should be in charge of world. They are the one who keeps the civilization alive.Ifw all were doninat people we would have been extinct ages ago... What am saying is your political and life view is yours. But be financiallya, mentally and emotionally independent first..

Society is a wonderful thing. The Society and civilization we see today is place werewa unspoken war is happening ie, between anarchy(chaos) and order.

People say beta male is unwanted they are the one who is healing the society.. Real dominat one (criminals and trained killers) false dominat ones (sigma & alpha) and cerebral dominat (psychopaths sociopaths and narcissist) are chaos.. They are the real anarchist.. They can be found in every places.. So be carefull... Am not grooming people to any ideology.. All am interested in is seeing how our civilization ends. Who will tell it's last story..

21:45 UTC


Should I surrender ?

Nothing goes as I want to no matter what I do . Should I just accept I'm a part of heard and I can't have my ambitions I'm so low and sad and weak ,mentally phisicaly financially . Seems like nietzsche teaching was only theoretical for me . I can't even explain how's my condition now .

I don't need to be harsh on myself and accept it . But the result will be me being week and sad for life . No happyness for me in this life ( But then comes ,I only believe that we have one life the day my heartbeat stops it's done nothing remains ) Some will say I should post this on stoic or motivation and shit , but they are not humans they are robot's and I'm a human a mortal one . I fear I have wasted it all .

19:34 UTC


Why didnt I like peace? I cant enjoy it. Do you or Nietzsche have any answers to this? :d

17:32 UTC


STEM vs Liberal Arts

I, maybe similar to many of you, was a keener while studying for my bachelor's and master's degrees. However, maybe not similar to many of you, I was studying the theoretical and applied sciences and only stumbled upon Nietzsche long after I would have been able to take any electives or join seminars that thought/discussed his ideas. As I continued to read Nietzsche independently post academia I tried to reach out to the handful of friends I knew whom studied undergraduate philosophy to see if they can help better guide me on how to approach Nietzsche but I couldn't believe how little they knew about him or even how little they even cared to know. Honestly, I don't understand how students can go through a 4 year philosophy degree and not be moved by Nietzsche and company and their body of corpus! I'm sure there are many who love their subject, but from anecdotal experience, I can assure you the philosophy graduates I know couldn't get more than 3 up votes on this sub! I don't mean to harp on the liberal arts departments in universities and I know from my own experience as an Engineering student that STEM departments think they are literally God's gift to humanity and can't see any use in philosophy - but why can't they talk to each other more to share their ideas?! Genuinely believe such a relationship would greatly benefit our quest for knowledge that is condusive for human flourishing!

11:45 UTC


Book recommendations.

So I've never read any of Nietzsche's works I was wondering if you guys had and recommendations for me

07:17 UTC


Best philosophical quote of all time?

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

05:25 UTC


How to understand the Gay science?

I read the preface and im extremely drawn to it. I am reading Descartes along with it and will read plato but is there anyone I should read along with it?

Is there any good secnodary literature or commetary on it? Do you guys have any tips for reading it? I am willing to spend the whole year re reading it to understand it

04:54 UTC


Is Nietzsche a Sophist?

Many of his ideas are great but the general reevaluation of values and nihilism makes little sense to me. Sure, you can create your own world and in your mind be great but his atheistic world view and motivation makes no sense to me. In the modern world, we are already devoid of God. As he proclaimed in The Gay Science: "God is dead!". Besides his good quotes and criticism of the world, religion and humankind, his atheism leads to sophistry.

04:03 UTC


Notes in the genealogy

I have the penguin classics version of ’on the genealogy of morals’ translated by Michael A. Scarpitti and notes by Robert C. Holub. And I find the notes regarding racism very odd at times. N says in the first essay: ”…more inoffensive, more cunning, comfortable, more mediocre, more indifferent, more Chinese, more Christian-man…”. Chinese is footnoted with the text: ”Chinese: Nietzsche uses the term here and elsewhere to refer to a vast mediocre uniformity. An example of how Nietzsche was not immune to nineteenth-century European racial views.”

In the second essay N talks about the old man being more resilient to pain, he says: ”…any physician who has treated Negroes (taking them as representative of prehistoric man) suffering severe…”. This has no footnote. The next sentence N says: ”Pain does not have the same effect with Negroes.” Which is footnoted with: ”Negroes: Another example of Nietzsche’s adoption of typical racist views circulating in the Europe of his times.”

I find these notes to be extremely misleading and all too personal. The latter even explicitly states the reason for the use. The note is also somewhat contradictory saying ”the Europe of his times”. The word Negroes did not carry the same load back then. I don’t see why this would ever be considered racist.

I’m not trying to sugarcoat any of Nietzche’s ideas, many of his views are terrible. The notes are just illogical and vindictive to me. Has anyone else read this translation? I know that these are not the translator’s notes, but reading translations is already quite fragile as it is.

What do you all think? Please correct me if I’m mistaken

1 Comment
22:53 UTC


Ubermensch or noble savage can you have one without the other?

I’m curious if these concepts can be made distinct or if they fall into one an other.

20:42 UTC


Is it life affirming to die for your will?

11:36 UTC


Nietzche is beautiful

Not himself (but the moustache is beautiful) but I am reading the preface for The gay science and sure I don't understand it but the writing and the bit I understand is amazing. I would never have thought that a philosopher would be the best writer I've read

In the end, lest what is most important remain unsaid: from such abysses, from such severe sickness, also from the sickness of severe suspicion, one returns newborn, having shed one's skin. more ticklish and malicious, with a more delicate taste for joy, with a tenderer tongue for all good things, with merrier senses, with a second dangerous innocence in joy, more childlike and yet a hundred times subtler than one has ever been before.

Like you're telling me he sat there and wrote that down while battling sickness and suffering and it is just the preface for this book? Also I coin not see how anybody who has read his work could see it as Nihilism that only depressed people read

10:31 UTC


What translations or what book do you recommend

I am intrigued by nietzsche's philosophy so what kind of book or books and translations do you recommend for me?

09:12 UTC

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