All about NS. Two years is a lot of time, and stories happen. This is where you talk about them.
Feel free to ask questions and discuss here!
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What is training in commando BMT like , how are the trainers like , is it true that commando BMT confiscates phones etc
do i rlly nd to go and buy rectangular black frame specs? hearsay from friends and acquaintances that spf nt too strict regarding this but better be safe than sorry and wld like to avoid buying new specs unless mandatory
can wear contact lens for training anot? the specs boink boink whenever i run abit the annoying ah. packing list also said no coloured contact lens w/ no mentions of regular contact lens
thanks ah
Is it rlly 2 days in 2 days out? Is it better to be an ambulance TO as compared to normal TOs?
hi, ive been pes f by pcc and im currently in my 84 days mc, took meds for the past month and have been feeling better, realised that i might have made an impulse decision and i am now worried about my future with all the implications (jobs, insurance)
am i able to appeal and ask for a reevaluation of my condition? i really feel like i have made a mistake accepting the pes f
So currently, I have ongoing appointments regarding my spine, hip and nerve. My spine issue will cause my pain while bending down and inflexibility.
However its the hip and nerve issue that is the thing I'm worried about. Currently I'm a stay in ASA in KC3, however the walking distance just from the mrt to camp, camp entrace to bunk, bunk to office is too far for me. I can't walk long distances (longer than like 5 minutes-ish) without feeling numbness, or pain throughout my entire lower left body. When I go out, I always have to constantly switch between sitting and standing/walking. The issue is that the distances between checkpoints I needed to go is way too far and causes me intense pain. I gotten a memo from my neurologist to "excuse me from walking long distances" but I believe that will only just give me a status that just says excuse prolong walking, nothing else. I have nerve and muscle tests to figure out whats wrong with me but those are in March 2025 and I don't think I can tahan it any longer. How should I go on about regarding this issue then??
Hello, im currently 17 and have always had health complications since young with frequents problems and trips to the doctors so I was wondering if my conditions could let me be exempted from NS or if not, what pes I would most likely get when the time comes.
Since young, I’ve always had a very sensitive nose which caused problems such as, runny nose and stuffed nose and was diagnosed with allergic rhinitis though im not exactly sure what im allergic to and in order for my nose to not be clogged up and be continuously dripping, I will have to use some nose spray. I also sneeze and cough quite frequently on a daily basis. I have also been to a dermatologist and was diagnosed with eczema. For extra information, my eczema covers quite a lot of my body with frequent flares up in my ears, arms, thighs, under the legs and my neck. I also have an extreme social anxiety which has prevented me from making friends and doing basic daily stuff such as buying food, though I have not seen a specialist yet. I have a constant fear of being judged by people which just enables me to shut them all out and the only people I can really confide in and interact with are my family members and close friends. I do not have the ability to interact with others without feeling super nervous and judged. Also I think I might have some behavioural problems as well as since young, I’ve been to a lot of specialist for my behaviour which they said was odd but they could not figure out what was wrong with me so oh well. 🫠
So with all of these, I was wondering if it is a good enough reason to be exempted and given a pes f and if not, what pes would I most likely receive? In case anyone thinks this is fake and I just wanna ck, it’s really not. Any input would be appreciated thanks
Will I get paid for doing 1 week reservist even tho I don’t have a full time job? First ict so I’m clueless
Do I need to be OCS/SCS PES Fit for DIS cyspec 4year work learn scheme? (CSCC)
Went for CS FFI, and I declared fear of heights, and was deemed pes unfit for OCS/SCS.
Its a 1 week long low key and just curious as to if its stay in or stay out
cant seem to find a proper answer even after calling into the hotline after all
Anyone with experience with this?
Edit: Also on the NS portal it says to book in with full battle order LOL
Called into the hotline and confirmed im a service trooper so idk wtf that is either
Hi as an NSF, i understand that for LCP and below 80% of ward charges are subsidised, however with the additional one we bought during bmt does it cover hospitalisation or only for injuries?
It is always the 4th batch of the year which I will encourage a bit more because I was from 04/16.
understand that the route march changed a bit to currently
4km, casevac
4km, mock grenade and combat buddy aid
16km route march outside
I hope that during this route march, you will remember your BMT journey from civilian to soldier.
I frimly believe that everybody do grow and mature during this 2 or 4 months BMT package. I wish you all the best and have fun :)
jia you :)
Hi, I have always wanted to try sniper course, got marksman for my range and would like to be selected to be infantry sniper. May I know what to expect and how can I maximise my chances of getting it?
Thanks in advance.
Just wanna know if anyone had bad experiences with NSMen for overseas exercises mainly trident 💀💀 Got yelled at by one NSMEN for not giving him my personal snacks and idk if it’s just me but some of the NSMen are blur which is fine it’s just funny but there’s that few that’s just straight up entitled. I’m an Active I kinda like what I do and all that but sometimes the people makes the work not fun especially when you’re babysitting people older than you and they supposedly know what they’re doing but they aren’t doing anything useful. Like I get that they’re forced to be there but I was told “NSmen should be treated like kings. We’re just guests here. We’re civilians and not under SAF” fucked up mindset but not my issue until they disrupt my work
this is a very serious question. I’ve been very hardworking since day 1, and have never ever backed off of being outspoken so that I can get into command school. initially I was PES BP cuz of my bmi and have gone completely 31.5 bmi to 27.8 bmi through the past 19 weeks and have worked way too hard for this and I got my PES status that I’m B2 just because my fat percentage is 25.3%. The mandated percentage for B1 is below 25.0% and I only went overboard by .3% and was graded PES B2.
No way I flew in from overseas just to serve NS and just to live a fcking corporal life where I get fucked every single day. I’m about to POP and this is the most depressing news I’ve ever had in the whole of NS. Like I dont understand, I want to upPES and sign on but have had no chance to fucking do it anymore because I can’t be graded B1. I’m now trying to talk to MO but he doesn’t seem like the person to budge.
Now Idk what to do, it legit is so rabak like I can’t comprehend this. I’m not in a position to say anything but I legit wanted to go command school like the many others surrounded by me. Everyone is graded B1 around me and I’m completely and entirely jealous that I got B2. Even a recruit with 32.8 BMI can get B1 and I get B2 even after I pass IPPT, pass SOC, have had multiple roles and responsibilities before, good commander rating, good peer appraisal.
I’ve tried so less to report sick and have never RSOed throughout my BMT life but still I’m B2 like what the fuck. This is so bad to the point that I don’t wanna serve anymore and I want to go to the school CO direct. I legit don’t want to be a corporal and have not worked this hard to live a shit life and be smashed by other people like seargents and officers. Corporal life is the shaggiest and the lowest pay of all. I want to legit want to go command school but I can’t cuz of this bullshit.
Like I really wanted to let my 2 years be passed in peace and harmony but now knowing that I’m not going to a good vocation and going to be crushed underneath everyone and have no say at all, I legit want to die bruh like I worked hard for absolutely no bloody reason. This is pathetic and I want to complain about the MO who have me my PES status, I really want to upPES but everyone is saying it is too late.
Please advise, current recruits, commanders, medics, medical officers, past NS ppl, I really need your help in advising what am I going to do in the future. I really need help guys, no choice in my life at all. B2 is the most shag PES there is and it is pathetic. My life is fucking pathetic
Hi, so my company POPs in March but our sgts and enciks are helping out with the POP this week for the december batch. so our coy was given block leave today till sunday. i’m on long term MC and my sgt said i can’t leave the house still as my mc hasn’t ended, but my leave will still get taken up. is this normal practice…? feels abit unfair tbh if my leave still gets taken up
edit: seems like the leave isn’t on my oneNS and my leave will get deducted anyway whilst i can’t leave the house 😢
I ORD-ed oct 24 and somehow i forgot to attempt and clear my ippt for second year. (i thought that it wasn’t compulsory as i already got a gold for my first year.) My unit let me ORD on my ORD date but keep pushing me to come back and clear it. Can they charge me if i don’t listen and just wait for my ict window to open?
Hi all, for context I received 84d Ex field training and Uniform for eczema.
MO told me that I'll be pending downpes but may not be 100% successful because the memo lacks the necessary information.
In the case that my statuses expires and I'm not granted a lower PES, do I go back to the MO with my existing memo from NSC that granted me the status in the first place? Or do I have to go back to NSC to get a fresh memo after 84days?
In my last week before POP and the CS FFI was suddenly given to me. I’m on MC for a very high fever and have no more opportunities to do the FFI. Does missing this FFI automatically cancel my chances of getting into command school? Sucks that it’s so last minute.
Hey guys, just want to check. I missed my ippt window last year and got 9 ns fit to attend, if I take IPPT this year and pass, do I need to attend the outstanding ns fit?
I am thinking if I pass my IPPT , then no reason for me to go ns fit correct?
https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/central-kitchens-for-schools-help-with-quality-control-waste-reduction-chan-chun-sing Your skills learnt in NS will take you far 🤣
Enlisted 2021 pes B1, downpes in the first week. Never touched any of the combat stuff, been sitting in my store room.
My stuff is either S/M
Does anyone need? Can't give free if not people who don't need it will take, so either $5/$10
What items do you guys want, so I go and dig out. I stay in the east
anyone knows how 16 c4I is like how is the culture, CO, OC etc and welfare + what to look out for
what questions will they ask or can expect to be asked in the interview?
Some of my bunkmates and I just realized that when applied for Navy the form was “Provisional Contract”. Does it means if we get selected will we have to go to Navy and sign on?
Also lets say if I decide not to sign, will that disqualify me for OCS/SCS? Or will I be posted to wherever I would have gone initially. Quite worried as people said once I apply to sign on I forgo any potential slots of OCS/SCS
Anyone knows how much does beer cost in Temasek Club or Chevron? I have heard varying prices and have yet to go down to see for myself!
Hi guys, can I check if we are permitted to work part time jobs with CPF contribution during our disruption period while studying in uni? Thank you
I was recently told by my MO to visit the DPPH citing mental health issues . Does anyone know what the DPPH is and their role? And preferably, if they have the authority to issue things like memos or even down pes?
Hi guys, going in for my first reservist soon, its lowkey and I'm PES C2 (My vocation is ST if it matters). Just wanted to ask about the items to bring. Saw that I have to report in FBO, and I almost never used it so I'm not too familiar with whats included. Is it just the LBS + helmet inside the issued field pack? Read somewhere about the 10 pack items(?) not too sure what that is too as I don't utilize these items during my NS days because of my PES, just really confused as to what exactly is needed to be brought. Thanks for any help! :)
going for my ns checkup in a few days and was wondering if clean shaven only refers to my face. coz I'm quite hairy all over my body and don't wanna get send back.
What did you bring for confinement week?