Subreddit for the Danish Town Næstved
Næstved is a commercial town in a municipality of the same name, located on the island of Zealand in Denmark. The town is one hour's travel from Copenhagen. Næstved has a population of 41,857 (1 January 2012).Næstved's UN/LOCODE is DKNVD.
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Hello everyone!
I still need Danish participants for my study (see the post before). Thank you to everyone who already participated!
It would be nice if some more could participate! :-)
Thank you!
[Link to the study] (https://www.unipark.de/uc/DBP/b358/)
Hello everyone! I know, this is not directly related to Naestved, but I need your help! Also, at least this is related to Denmark in general ;-)
I am a student from Germany, currently writing my bachelor thesis. For this I am conducting an online study I need Danish participants for, that means people who come from Denmark and/or think of themselves as Danish. It would be really nice, if some of you could participate! Read below to find out what the study is about.
Do you have a strong opinion? Do you have a strong personality? Tell us about your opinions and participate in our study about political attitudes, personality and decision making.
Who can participate?
Why participate?
What do you need?
The study:
First you play 3 short games in which you can win money and then we ask you a few questions about your opinion on certain societal issues and about personal attitudes.
Interested? Then click on the link!
[Link to the study] (https://www.unipark.de/uc/DBP/b358/)
.. dog med en del flere vokale A'er.
Hej alle sammen. Jeg er lidt en noob hvad nogle ting angår. Men flyttede til Næver for 3 måneder siden med min kone på grund af arbejde som efterhånden fylder 50 timer om ugen. Grundet mit nye arbejde og vores to børn har jeg fået en smule stress, som gør at jeg ikke rigtigt har den samme sexlyst. Det er gået lidt udover vores forhold, og derfor forslog min kæreste af vi eksperimenterede med sexlegetøj. Jeg er dog ikke sikker på, om det er en god ide. Er det overhovedet sikkert at bestille på nettet? Jeg faldt over http://www.alor.dk/, hvor de garanterer anonym bestilling, men hvad hvis det ikke er? Så kan bankmanden, postbuddet og hvem ved eller se, at min kone og jeg har bestilt :/
er der stadig jams, malere, breakere og en ordentlig røvfuld rappere dernede?