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Something I know for sure, looking at models left and right is not good for you psychologically. . Isn't that true? If you're at the point where you can handle fucking another human being, you can visit u/Fun_Contribution1241 and click on the link to go after a chance of meeting some real hot pussy that is just as horny as you are.
What would the sprits do or say if she was playing with the Ouija Board? https://i.imgur.com/5GFKlcr.jpg
please help me i am alien and i will die without nutrient and i do not know how to eat
This sub will probably never take off, but it is brought to by...
u/thatdude6566: the father u/NJP_TSN: the son u/OliverWotei: the Holy Spirit
Same rules go as r/AskOuija, but feel free to ask the spirits more racy questions. Pretty sure we're communicating directly with the second circle of hell. We're also joined by our special guest, Hugh Hefner. He's new to this, but I'm sure he'll be happy to throw us a vowel every now and then.