"we live in a society" - frederick nietzsch
A safe haven for the disciples of Quentopher Nolantino to practice freely without the persecution of /u/girafa (DAE Mods are literally fascists?).
If you enjoy MCJ, you may also enjoy /r/Dunkirk, /r/dadmovies, and /r/JamesBondcirclejerk. Alternatively you can rant about /r/movies at /r/IDontLikeRMovies and /r/IHateRMovies. Or just go back to /r/movies, you fuckin' Oscar bait-making pleb.
The docking scene from Interstellar
Jegel (JGL) - noun. a single unit of mindfuck
Base scaling:
Transformers :: Zero JGLs
Looperception :: 350 JGLs
The Shining :: 750 JGLs
Fight Club :: 1000 JGLs
Fight Club :: 1001 JGLs
Interstellar:: 2001 JGLs
Examples: "12 Monkeys was like 50 JGLs of Mindfuckery." and "tree fiddy jegels? shieeeeeet gotta be mo liek fo hundred brah"
Pretentious - adjective. Any movie made before (1994) that isn't in color. Movies made by Nicolas Roeg are also automatically pretentious. Movies that aren't Superhero movies are automatically pretentious too.
Example: "Why are you watching pretentious bullshit like Jean-Luc Godard movies?"
For spoilery stuff use:
[Spoilers](#s "NOLAN IS JESUS")
And it will look like
Im trying to find dr strangelove to watch and i can't get to it except paid services Anyone can help?
Can he not?