
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/Morrowind, a subreddit dedicated to Bethesda's 2002 open world RPG, the third installment in the The Elder Scrolls series.

Welcome to r/Morrowind, a subreddit dedicated to Bethesda's 2002 open world RPG, the third installment in the The Elder Scrolls series.

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OpenMW for iOS? Been asked years ago but today’s iOS landscape is different

Given that Apple is now allowing users in the EU to sideload anything, and that Apple is now allowing apps like xCloud and Geforce Now worldwide, could we get some traction behind an iOS port of OpenMW? EU users could obviously install it, but maybe it could even be published in the App Store in some clever way given the new rules.

Also distributing homebrew apps via Testflight has also become a thing since this was last asked on this sub years ago.

06:54 UTC


Morrowind's world feels very static

I love the game, its lore and environmental storytelling are awesome, but compared to other RPGs such as Oblivion, Skyrim, or the Fallout games, it feels so empty. What I mean by that is that everyone is always doing exactly the same thing, you can't run across something interesting happening such as a wandering trader happening to run into bandits and fight them off. Inns also feel very lackluster, nobody sits at the tables and they don't feel cozy at all, whereas in Skyrim the inns feel very welcoming and warm.

I know a lot of this is probably just due to technical limitation, but it still sucks, I guess that's why Morrowblivion exists, to make it so it can feel more alive. How do you guys feel about Morrowind's world? Does it feel lonely to you?

05:15 UTC


gnisis temple is flooded in my game. any clues why?

05:02 UTC


Who is Dagoth Ur? And what does he want?

I'm very new to Morrowind and the Elder scrolls as a whole. To be honest I had very little interest in the games and lore until I became fascinated with the character, design and vocal performance of Dagoth Ur. The simple "Intoxicating Innocence" line has sparked such an interest in me I want to learn everything I can about him but the wiki and YouTube videos just confuse me more then anything. I'm not exactly looking for a lore breakdown, I get the idea he was a associated with the dwemer was basically plugged into this super battery and now has a sort of Anti Chim (cham? Chum? Whatever that is lol) centered around himself being a god. I'm more interested in his philosophy, his plan, why someone would be his follower and why someone would desperately want to oppose him. Stuff like that!

02:49 UTC


Has anyone gone through the entire openmw total overhaul modlist and downloaded everything? seems liek it'd take an unreasonably long time.

Got a new expensive gaming pc and of course the first thing I want to play is a heavily modded Morrowind. Couldn't figure out a good way to move my old mod list to the new pc so I thought I might as well start from scratch anyway and decided to go with the total overhaul list in modding-openmw.

Is the expectation that you really just sit there and download everything one by one? I thought most mod lists came with some sort of application that would allow you to install everything at once. Steam for example just lets you subscribe to collections so all you need to do is press one button and maybe a copy paste into some load order file. Maybe I'm missing something about openmw?

23:19 UTC


Never played a stealth archer in Skyrim so i said: why don't i try it for the first time in Morrowind lol

18:46 UTC


Dagoth Ur as a mortal and a god sketch WIP

It’s been a bit since I posted any art here but all I’ve got is this sketch comp I did. I usually I like to share finished stuff. I just really liked the idea of drawing Dagoth beside himself 😊

17:45 UTC


does anyone know why my game looks like this even when i use the resist magic on the boots of blinding speed?

16:49 UTC


I was handed a leaflet in Vivec, seems like there’s a shoddy alchemist in town..

15:24 UTC


Duplicated Vampiric Ring?

So, I am playing a modded game of morrowind. I went to mournhold and decided to sell my Vampiric Ring for 16,000 gold because i wanted some drakes. Then I think to myself: “what if i just steal it back” so i go into a corner, turn on invisibility + telekinesis and grab the ring back. I check my inventory…


WTF????!! Is this a known issue?

1 Comment
04:44 UTC


Helping a Skybaby play Morrowind

Just yesterday, I’ve managed to get a Copy of Skyrim after years of playing Skyrim and Oblivion. Been excited to try this game out, but going in Blind is quite a daunting prospect for me. So if there is any advices you can shared with this Newbie, it would be greatly appreciated.

05:26 UTC


Cannot change aspect ratio in Morrowind.

So I decided last year to download the Morrowind Code Patch and Graphics extender last year, and everything has worked well, but then recently I was playing and like an idiot I changed the resolution on the TES3 Direct3D Driver Selection and since then I can’t change the aspect ratio out of 4:3. Resolution fix is enabled on The Code Patch and everything but it still won’t change. Any fixes?

13:12 UTC


Morrowind DnD: The priosners failed their mission.

Greetings, sera. I am running a Morrowind DnD campaign. The party of pardoned priosners were jailed in Balmora, and let the package fall into the hands of House Hlaalu. I have yet to determine how that will unfold.

The party returned to Seyda Neen, and by this time the Cencus Office has gotten word that the package has been discovered. When they arrive in town, they are taken under arrest. It is explained to them that they failed their mission, and will be sent back to the Imperial City's prison. Also, they've killed several innocent people already. Our session ended with them being taken aboard the prisoner ship and being sent back to mainland Morrowind.

One of them asked in shock, "Is the campaign over?" I want to put the fear of god in them. I apologize if this isn't how you think things would of should have went - this is my first time DMing, and I get a lil nervous when put on the spot. But I'm also trying to teach them a lesson.

Obviously, I don't want to take them off of Vvardenfell, and I'm definitely not doing an Imperial City's prison break. But I was thinking that their ship crash-lands on Firemoth island during a storm, and they can make their way back to Vvardenfell? But they'd still be in trouble with the Empire. Should I retcon it so that Sellus Gravius is willing to sweep this under the rug if they bring him the Akaviri artifact from Firemoth? But this doesn't seem like something that should be swept under the rug.

I kinda want Azura to talk to them again while they're on the boat. Maybe she's the one that says, "The thread of prophecy has been severed. Restore the weave of fate, or persist in this doomed world you have created." Maybe them being taken under arrest was a vision from Azura, and I continue the vision by explaining how they are taken to the Imperial City's prison, and how years pass, then they see from their cell a red smog over the horizon, and a bronze giant walking towards them.

What do you all think I should do? Thanks!

12:22 UTC


Controversial: Morrowind dungeons are simpler than Skyrim dungeons.

I love Morrowind. I love it even more than Skyrim. But people put Morrowind's dungeon design on a pedastal it simply doesn't deserve. There's a good few complex dungeons with branching paths in the game, sure, and those are... Well, I hesitate to call that dwemer ruin that they send you to at the beginning of the game 'great', but I understand why people like it. And there are plenty of awesome dungeons (like the one with the secret maze), But the vast majority of dungeons, even the dwemer ones, are linear and not terribly interesting.

Skyrim, meanwhile, is more consistent. While the number of dungeons with non-linear paths are reduced, the general quality of everything has increased. Even the 'pointless caves' all have something unique going for them, a quality Morrowind and Oblivion never really had. Not to mention how awesome dwemer ruins are in Skyrim, especially the ones on Solsthiem. If you plopped me in a random cave in skyrim, chances are I'll know the name, or at least remember going through it. If you did the same with Morrowind, I'd have no idea where I was, with few exceptions for heavily-traversed areas and special dungeons.

Tl;dr: Morrowind has great exceptions, but generally the dungeon design is simpler than Skyrim's consistently good and unique dungeons.

00:44 UTC


Tamriel Rebuilt or Vanilla ?

I plan to start playing Morrowind for the first time ever and obviously I will add tons of mods whether for graphics improvements or gameplay tweaks. While researching this I've stumbled upon Tamriel Rebuilt and from what I understand it doesn't alter the existing game but rather adds completely new content. So my question is should I install it to begin with and play its content after after I finish the original game or do a vanilla playthrough first then install it?

23:50 UTC


I'm about to start my first playthrough of morrowind any advice?

I'm planning on playing a female khajiit mage and I'm using open morrowind.

I've been doing fine except I can't kill nords. I ran into one on a bridge and a naked one looking for his axe but every time I use a fire spell on them it says they resisted the spell.

22:24 UTC


Does anyone know the armor and weapon name this nord carrying? Also where is the location of this picture?

19:11 UTC


Made this a while back

I imagine it would play like The Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past

19:51 UTC


I'm new to Morrowind but I must say this game looks beautiful

21:02 UTC


Glass canon build

19:20 UTC


The Divine Twink

1 Comment
19:04 UTC


When you hear TES3's Soundtrack, what ingame memory comes to mind?

06:48 UTC


Can Morrowind be beaten without killing anyone?

Hey everyone,

Morrowind is one of my all-time favorite games. I love the JANK and the weird bugs and the diseases and the sand storms. I couldn't find out for sure online so I figured I'd put something up here to see if anyone was interested in finding out if Morrowind could be beaten completely without killing anyone.

No Summons, no poisons, nada. Just speechcraft and running. I dunno, we'll see. Check it out here:


17:12 UTC


Is there any reason to believe we are the definitive Nerevarine?

Or does Azura tell this to everyone who seems they could be capable and willing and all this taking up the mantle stuff is just a means of incentivization for the player and a way of ingratiating them into Vvardenfell? Like who’s going to die to prove moon and star’s authenticity?

18:22 UTC


Vivec City

17:41 UTC


Randomly Found Chrysamere (such a cool moment)

I was doing one of the Telvanni quests and walking/swimming over to Tel Fyr (I think it’s Tel Fyr), decided to randomly go into this cave I saw, had a crazy hard fight that used up all of my scrolls and most of my enchanted spells, and this dude was just wielding Chrysamere. It was so cool to just find this really strong sword. If you can’t tell I’ve never played Morrowind before, but I’m loving it so far

16:12 UTC


It's taken her a couple thousand years 🎲

15:34 UTC


Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of this games release

15:25 UTC

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