
Photograph via snooOG

This a community for any and all questions about methadone and methadone treatment. Our primary purpose is to provide factual, thorough harm-reduction information regarding methadone and methadone treatment. All users of methadone are welcome to post here.

This a community for any and all questions about methadone and methadone treatment. Our primary purpose is to provide factual, thorough harm-reduction information regarding methadone and methadone treatment. All users of methadone are welcome to post here.


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Bringing methadone on a Christmas trip to the EU. Advice?

Sooo long time lurker, first time posting, but as the title says, I’m going to a few countries in Europe for a Christmas trip (Switzerland, Czechia, Austria, to name a few), and this is the first time I’ve traveled overseas since getting on Methadone, and was wondering if anyone else had done so also? My clinic is giving me more than enough takehomes to cover (single liquid bottles) the entirety of my vacation and for a few days before and after, as well as a doctors/script letter, card stating I’m on methadone, etc. I’ve done my research on what EU countries allow importation of methadone and what I need to bring with, so I should be good. Regardless, i’m still a little anxious about going and was wondering if anyone else had gone on vacation (from the U.S.) to Europe and brought takehomes with them? Any advice at all helps. Thanks yall

02:00 UTC


Tested positive for fentanyl.

I’ve been going to this clinic for 5 years, I got my Monthly’s on time because I never failed screens, did all my groups and sessions, etc.. then out of no where after 4 & 1/2 years I had a test come back positive for Fentanyl, they took my take homes for a few days until the lab came back that it was a false positive, a few months went by and then I missed a diversion (didn’t actually miss the call, but the system messed up and I forgot to go the next day) so I lost my takehomes for 30 days, I figured since I had to wait 30 days, I’d up my dose because I had been feeling some w/d during the night, The Dr told me I’d have to stay on code 1 a couple times, and then go to code t a couple times after my 30 days to make sure I was stable at that dose, I got my take homes back after the 30 days and then 3 weeks later, Bam my creatinine was low (idk why, I didn’t drink a bunch of water or nothing) lost my take homes again 30 days, finally got them back after the 30 days, and I asked them about my increase to code T because it had been about 4 weeks at that point, then I found out I had to stay on each code for 3-4 months, so after 3 months of initially being put on Code 1, I asked them again if I could get my increase and it took 2 months for them to give me an answer and told me that the time had started over when I lost my take homes for the creatinine so I had to wait til December 2nd for my increase… okay I was upset that it took them 2 months of me asking them every week for them to tell me that, but whatever, I go in today thinking I’m getting an increase to code T, only to be told, they are taking my takehomes again because apparently I’ve tested positive for fentanyl again, and apparently they already had it confirmed. I have never done fentanyl, never, not even when I was using.. Idk what’s happening or what could be causing this .. I feel like they are sabotaging me for some reason.. idk why but how does this keep happening to me when I haven’t relapsed?

01:53 UTC


Long termers 10+ years where are you at with your dose?

Been on methadone 16 years im 36m. Been at 130mg for almost the whole time. 150mg for a few years in the beginning. It's starting to work less and less I feel like. My dr fights me and won't let me raise dose. I've tried all the potentiators and it's just not good to keep taking long term. Wtf. Lol.

01:04 UTC



Hey guys it's been a while since I last posted. Was just wondering if anyone else feels a lack of desire for music anymore ever since the beginning the medication. I used to be an absolute music lover but now I don't even want to hear music hardly at all I would rather just turn on a podcast or something I can learn from. Has anyone else felt a lack of interest for anything musical since beginning methadone?

23:32 UTC


Biggest scare/I am a dummy


I feel like I should be wearing a big Ole dunce cap. I had a call back today. And I went to get my bottles together. I am a phase 6 and I put my bottles separate so it's just easier. Well I looked in the box and didn't see the first day. And I started freaking I tore my house apart. Then I called my counselor. And she said that even though it was empty I would go back to daily dosing. I am a phase 6 so I really really got upset. I am thinking with my disabled kids I can't do daily dosing again, I just can't. I had just settled down with the idea that it was inevitable. And my husband messaged me. And said uhmmmm I found it. What happened was that I had written the numbers 2 and 6 separate so I was not counting it as the 26th. I had NOT counted to bottles or looked at the dates. Just looked at the tops. OMG...DUH.....


21:41 UTC


I'm out for 3 days. I need some support.

Please excuse me in advance as this will probably be all over the place.

I know this sounds incredibly hinky. Unfortunately, it's the truth.

Yesterday morning when I went to dose, I realized there were THREE less bottles than should have been. To be completely honest, I didn't think much of it. I figured they were in my box, as I always take them out upon arriving home and stick them in my master bathroom drawer. I do this because it's the first place I go immediately after getting out of bed, so it's convenient to take one after I brush my teeth each morning. This is my and my husband's home, we have no children, so it's just he and I.

To my shock and horror, I came downstairs to get the box this morning and found it was empty.

I am at a complete and utter loss. I've torn my entire house and car apart, checked the pockets of all my jackets, and so much more. I also did not double dose at all. My husband is not an addict and would absolutely never touch them. We did have a family member visiting as well as contractors and our housekeeper in the house at times. We have cameras in the house, so I've viewed hours and hours of footage and thankfully found nothing.

Again, I know this all sounds absurd and I wish it were not true.

I'm someone who needs her dose every morning because the previous day's dose doesn't hold. The clinic doctor believes that's caused by my hep c.

My last dose was yesterday morning ~8am, I'm already a mess, and don't go to the clinic until Thursday.

I have no fucking idea what has happened. I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. I don't even know why I'm posting this. I guess I just need some support and encouragement.

Thanks for reading this. 🩵

20:30 UTC


Still showing positive in UA

I've been on Methadone and off fentanyl for over 2 months now. I am female, 120lbs and I had been using for like 7+ years. I just had my second UA on 11/22 and it still is showing positive for fent. How long should I expect it to stay in my system?

16:40 UTC


To make my dose not so strong one day, can I take less the day before?

I'm tapering at home so when I in person dose 1x every 2 weeks my dose is really too strong now, if I take less the day before or go like 30 hours before I go in, will that in person dose be less potent?

16:26 UTC


Anyone else have nightmares EVERY night and it usually wakes them up way too early to dose?

I have NO idea why but for a while now I’ve been having weird nightmares that always wake me up during the night. I sometimes am able to go back to sleep.. Yet other times I’m up for good bc I literally wake up crying from the dream! 😞 I don’t know wuts going on or if the methadone is even playing a part in this or not? Anyone else?

11:34 UTC


Clinic Day Anxiety

Anyone else wake up very, very early in the morning on clinic day with horrible anxiety and sit around feeling panicky until it's time to leave?

This doesn't happen to me every single week, just sporadically and, as a woman, seems like it may coincide with my other biological processes and cycles.

This week is bad. Been up an hour already, and can't leave for the clinic for another hour yet. Fuck anxiety, man, fuck it all the way to hell.

Anyone else?

11:09 UTC


Can I use Methadone for about 7 days to quit 7-HO Kratom extract pills. These new pils are as 16X as strong as morphine

09:19 UTC


I’ve been off methadone for 10 months now!

I made a post about coming to the end of my tapering(140mg to 1mg) on my old Reddit account that I deleted. It’s officially been around 10 months. I feel very proud and happy. It is definitely possible, even if it’s hard sometimes. If anyone has any questions please feel free to comment and reach out. If I can give even just 1 person who is feeling hopeless about their taper some reassurance I’m happy to.

08:48 UTC


Can someone help me figure out a taper schedule?

I've been on 145mg for 3 years and started taking a bit out each bottle a few months ago and I'm taking about 105mg currently. I don't know hardly anything about tapering except you aren't supposed to drop more than 10% of dose every week or 2. I want to be comfortable as my main priority but also don't want to take like 3 more years to taper down. What is a good taper for me? And yes, I know I can pause it if it's starts to get too uncomfortable :)

06:28 UTC


How to make my dose not hit as hard?

I have to dose in person once every two weeks. I'm prescribed 140 and am currently actually taking 105 and my 140 knocks me the f out. Anyone have any ideas to make it not as strong? I'm just tapering faster at home than I am at my clinic. I'm hoping to speed it up soon but I will have that conversation next time I go in, so I will still have to take that 140 that day until it's sorted. I'm so tired of nodding out for 5 hours on those days.

06:18 UTC


Anyone in australia

Has anyones clinic stopped 'serving' bupe? I know this is a methadone page but kinda goes hand in hand ay. If so what did they have you do to get dosed? Go to a pharmacist? Switch clinics? Seems so extreme that they would just cut off bupe patients and send them elsewhere. Especially when they were paying weekly. I asked and they wouldnt give me a proper answer just that they had to go elsewhere which kinda makes sense but is kinda dodge as well lol

02:57 UTC


If you’re tapering, watch your teeth.

I was taking good care of my teeth, but I noticed my gumlines receding and some weird grooves in the tooth near the gums. A year later a molar broke while eating and I had to get surgery.

The dentist told me it was from grinding my teeth. I had no idea grinding could do anything but smooth out and weaken the enamel.

After thinking about it I realized it lined up exactly with when I started my long term taper. I assume being in low level withdrawal so often for so long is what caused the grinding.

Anyway I now need 9-12 crowns and/or root canals which could’ve been avoided by sleeping with a mouth guard.

01:39 UTC


Can anyone's MAT doctor prescribed medications?

Curious if anyone's MAT doctor is able to prescribe comfort meds. I recently moved and no longer have insurance or a doctor. I currently have clonidine but looking to see if there is anything else and if the MAT doctor is able to prescribe anything else. I'm going to ask tomorrow but curious if anyone on here knows

Edit: maybe I need to just pay the money to go to a doctor. What meds do yall suggest other than clonidine?

Edit: asked today and she said that the clinic doesn't allow/do that. So looks like I'm out of luck. I'll have to toughen through it

01:15 UTC


Increase after 3 years?

As the title suggests, I’m having a really weird experience and need advice; or just some support to keep me sane. Anyway, I’ve been on methadone for over 5 years now but on a stable split dose for 3 years. No adjustments, just cruising. Recently though I’ve been suffering big time. I find myself experiencing BAD withdrawals through the night starting at around 3am and have had to start dosing earlier and earlier because I’m just in a tortured state of sweating and RLS and restless arms. in my country we go to a specialized office but pick up our meds at the pharmacy. We tend to see the same doctor every time but when I booked in to discuss this issue I saw a dr I’d never seen before and she completely brushed off my symptoms saying I wouldn’t have these symptoms after being stable so long and she wouldn’t increase or adjust my meds. I then asked for them to give me less take homes because I didn’t trust myself not to take extra while suffering so much, which I’ve never done in my history of being on this medication. They wouldn’t even do that. She tried to gaslight me completely into thinking I wasn’t experiencing these things. So I’m just white knuckling it from dose to dose and crying most days about this. I don’t know what has derailed my stability but it’s so triggering and honestly putting me in a really bad place mentally. Feeling like I have no options and this is just my life now. My typical dr is back on Friday and I’m praying to GOD he helps me because I can’t function like this at all. It’s triggering and torture and I feel like somethings wrong with me. Any advice or stories or encouragement is welcome 💕

23:53 UTC


Pain management?

Has anyone stayed on methadone for pain management? If so, what was that like? I have 2 herniated disc's in my spine and pinping pong ball size bunions in both my feet....all needs surgery which im just physically not up for....I need something for pain...but I don't want opiates as I'm in recovery but the clinic I'm at won't help with pain management they are substance abuse only .... has anyone gone down this road? If so did it help? Did they give you a high enough MG? Or did they cut you off at like 3mg a day? I'm trying to weigh my options as I cannot stay at the clinic forever but I'm in so much pain idk what I should do

23:52 UTC


A couple doses short

Hypothetically speaking, if someone had to make it through 4 days with only 2 doses available- would it be better to take half doses on each of the 4 days, or full doses every other day? (Asking for a friend... 😬🫣🤦🏼‍♀️) Thanks so much.

23:50 UTC


“Tethered to this ball & chain”: Women’s perspectives on bodily agency within opioid treatment programs (New methadone article in intl journal of drug policy)


Excellent publication by a dear friend in the International Journal of Drug Policy based on their research on the punitive, carceral practices of OTPs & their effects on women’s bodily agency. In their words “This is a push to abolish OTPs. Methadone belongs in a pharmacy free of urine tests and supervised dosing.” Please give it a read & feel free to share your thoughts! #FreeMethadone

23:42 UTC


Morning anxiety when tapering off

I'm down to 30mg from 50mg.

Overall, it's been surprisingly smooth, except I have that anxious feeling in my stomach when I wake up. Once I get up and take a crap, I feel better. I then go get my dose, and I'm good.

Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

I used to have bad anxiety, and waking up with my stomach in knots was common. However, I don't feel mentally anxious now, it's purely a physical feeling in my gut.

I take 100mg docusate (down from 120mg). I wonder if this contributes?

21:43 UTC


Is tapering down 10mg every 2 weeks considered “too fast”? DAE have experience tapering this way?

As the title says - After 2.5 years clean on the same steady dose of methadone (190mg / day) I requested to start going down. After talking with my doctor and weighing the options I decided I wanted to go down 10mg every 2 wks despite her recommendation to go much slower. I have gone down twice now and am at 170mg/day. Honestly, so far I feel pretty good and have been tracking my symptoms. I know it’ll get harder as I go down and I plan to stop the taper for a while if it gets past th point I can handle. Just curious if others have thoughts on this or any suggestions and would love to hear from people who have done it at this pace as well. Ty in advance

21:31 UTC


New to the sub, wanted to introduce myself

Hi all,

I have been using opioids since high school. In the late 90s in so cal Vicodin was everywhere. I took it all the time, and when Oxycontin hit the scene I dove in. For the last 20 years I have been on and off of tar heroin.

I used methadone for about 2 months years back but went back to dope. I was on Suboxone for close to 4 years, but then got back on dope. The last year and a half I as extreme, at peak I was smoking 1.5oz of tar with fentanyl in it. In October I started Methadone. It barely helped on its own, but as it increased I decreased my tar usage. I have been on only 105mg of methadone daily for 2 weeks and one day.

The methadone regulations in my state haven’t caught up with the fed’s generous new rules about take home dosing, so I have to go to the clinic every single day. It adds about a 40min-1hour to my morning commute, and I want to keep at it, so I’m trying not to resent that too much.

Also, if anyone works at a methadone clinic in the US and can answer the following questions I would appreciate it:

  1. What state is the clinic in?

  2. What is your state’s take-home dose policy?

  3. What software does the clinic use to keep track of patients’ data, especially with respect to take home doses?


19:06 UTC


Mega-dosing vit C

So I'm going through withdrawal from methadone Again. I hope I can make it this time without using Again. I started taking mega-doses of vitamin c and imodium. I take the vitamin c every 2 hours. I don't know if it's all in my head or not but I think it's helping. A subtext doctor was going start me in vit c to get off pills I never made it that far. So clearly even doctors believe large amounts of vitamin C will help you with withdrawal. I dosed twice yesterday and I felt great b4 bed. I actually had the energy to do stuff around the house. I guess I'll keep yall posted on how it works out.

18:42 UTC


UPDATE: 73 days since my last dose (1mg). Feeling great!!

I spent three years tapering off of methadone. I started at 140mg and eventually stopped completely. I jumped off at 1mg. If you want to hear how I did it, just check my profile! For anyone tapering, or any questions, just send them my way. Stay safe everybody!!

15:54 UTC



Hello. For the longest time I’ve been gaining weight thanks to methadone and seroquel. Well I put a stop to it. I ballooned up to 315 LB. I’m now down to 260L LB.

Has anyone found an effective way to lose weight? For me I stopped drinking soda, rarely eat sweets at all actually, I changed one to two meals a day into protein smoothies and began to walk a mile to two miles a day. I also was biking a mile a day until winter hit.

15:47 UTC


Need help calculating my taper dose

Hi everyone, I am a chronic pain patient that has been on various opioids for the last 3 years. Now I am on 90mg oxy per day and i usually run out early. For the last 3 days i bought methadone and 20mg per day barely stops WD 100% (i can sleep fine and function but anxious). I am now trying to lower my dose of oxy and wondering what dose should I start with tomorrow when I pick up my prescription? It should be equal in effects of 20mgs methadone. Can you help me with the conversion?

15:33 UTC


Update (subutex+methadone

I’m fine guys! Oddly enough the following day was the hardest. I’m thinking since I went so early to take my dose, and I still had some of the bupe left I didn’t really feel anything. But I’m still continuing on the 5mg a week taper, it definitely fucking sucks. Buttttttt I think me being on 45 mgs saved me, if I would’ve been on a higher dose I would’ve been 50xs worse off. Thank you guys for all the genuine support, advice and knowledge. And to the negative Nancy’s, I would think that of all people you would understand the desperation of being sick and just trying to do ANYTHING to feel normal again. But today’s day three and I’m feeling back to usual, besides my body still being achey.

00:52 UTC


How tired does Methadone make everyone? 🥱

So in the beginning I had bad insomnia, probably like most of us here! Now I’m really super lucky if I can make it up past 10:30 or so! I’m always super sleepy. Sometimes my mom will like catch me with my eyes half closed, haha. And no, I don’t mean nodding at all! No feel-good, euphoric feeling like other opiates, just straight up tired. I’m sure u guys get it..! No need to explain. But how tired is too tired? I mean when I need to be up I’m pretty sure I can handle that, at least I hope so anyway! Lol.

13:14 UTC

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