The Original and still nearest to our hearts Deadpool Reddit
Other fine reddits:r/spiderman
Hi everyone. Going a bit off-topic today and wanted to share a link to a subreddit I have just created called r/comicbookshowoffs as you can probably guessed by the name, it is wholly dedicated to showing off any and all comic books or comic related items in your collection. Just wanted to share it here incase anyone was interested. If this post is against the rules in any way, please let me know and I can either modify or delete it if needed. Thanks, and I hope to see some of you there.
I am thinking of watch Deadpool 2. I have heard there are several different cuts of it. Which is the best?
Just curious
So, i was trying to be funny in a true Deadpool fashion over at r/Movies. Someone asked how to make suicide squad better and i simply replied "add deadpool". And downvoted to oblivion :/ https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/60xrnt/how_would_you_improve_suicide_squad/dfa4pwp/?context=3 Please help me out fellow Deadpool fans! Ill pay you with virtual kisses and Arrows to the knee.
edit: thanks guys! you are the sexiest people i know
I've seen a bit online about how people are calling for an R rating. Is this just a select few? Personally I loved Deadpool in The Ultimate Spiderman cartoon. If they can make him entertaining on a cartoon, then I think they can make him entertaining in PG-13.
I'm not some prude either, I love Quentin Tarantino's work, and I don't mind violence. But I want this thing to do really well at the box office so FOX can't squash any future development and for that I genuinely think they should just push the PG-13 rating to the limit, and then do an R cut for DVD/Blu-ray release. Let me hear what everyone else's opinions are though.
ADDITION: My brother points out that maybe they should do two edits and actually do a limited R release in theater and a broader PG-13 release. I feel like that could work for everyone.
EDIT #2: Haha. Well that's that. I'm still excited to see it. :)
Im just getting into comics and I really love deadpool. I only know little about him from the recent game/internet browsing, so I'd really love to know where I can learn more about him?
Would anyone be interested in buying this from me?