Where we celebrate successes, ask questions, vent frustrations, and share tips about using menstrual discs
Where we celebrate successes, ask questions, vent frustrations, and share tips about using menstrual discs
i have a diva disk i have been using for just a couple of months. i’ve had two or three times where it will start to leak a bit so i run to the bathroom and adjust it (even if it doesn’t seem to need to be adjusted). is this due to the size? i was drawn to the diva disk because of the anti-auto dump guard thing and the pull tab. the auto dumping with disposable soft disks kind of freaked me out and made me feel not secure. do any of you have problems with the diva brand disk?
occasionally i’ll have a tiny drop of blood on the toilet paper when i pee and it will usually auto dump quite a bit when i go #2, but it’s fine all day—except for 2 or 3 times in the past couple months. my flow is not super heavy. why would it leak occasionally? i know the placement is correct. do i need to try a different size disk? i’m nervous it’ll be too hard to get out without the pull tab (even tho i find it’s a mess to take out). suggestions?? thanks :)
Hey! Maybe a stupid question but does menstrual disc work for discharge? I don’t have periods anymore but my hormonal medication causes alot of discharge. I kinda know the anatomy but im still hopeful it could work for me.
I had previously tried a cup (Lena cup), but it was uncomfortable and caused cramps and bladder pain and pressure. I tried a disposable flex disc and decided I liked discs so much better than cups. It still caused some cramping and bladder pressure but much less than the cup. I just got a Cora soft cup and still feel like it is causing some pressure. It’s definitely better than the others, but I’m just not sure it’s the one. Maybe I just need to get used to it? Any recommendations for a really soft disc that doesn’t cause pressure?
Hi all!
In the last 24 hours I decided to make the switch to the flex disposable disc in hopes it would help the awful cramps I experience and endure each month. So far, I really like that once I insert the disc it feels really comfortable to the point I don’t notice it. I also like that I haven’t experienced any leaks or spills in my underwear throughout the night. - with tampons even a super + I would wake up and as soon as I stand up I would need to run to the bathroom as I could already feel a mess about to occur.
Anyways, with the disc, I have removed two of them and replaced. But I’ve found that when I remove it, it’s a mess. There’s blood all over my hand, there’s little to no blood in the ‘bowl’ part of the disc and I can’t seem to understand how people are able to pull it out and just empty the blood into the toilet mess free.
I can’t seem to grab the disc without bearing down to push the disc foreword enough for my finger to hook onto it and pull out. I really could use some help with this. If this would be the trick to help me get some relief each month with cramping, I’d like to stick with it. But I don’t want to deal with a mess at work, or at home each time.
Thanks in advance.
Hi again, I'm using the saalt menstrual disc right now for the first time and it rotated in my body and I struggled to take it out. I'm wondering if it's because I didn't put it in far enough to sit under my cervix or if insertion caused it to move without me being aware. I've also been slightly leaking so I think I haven't been pushing it up far enough to be able to tuck it under my pubic bone. What can I do to keep it from rotating?
Just made the switch to discs and I must say I am in love. I’ve been using the flex disposable discs. I’m having issues with leaking at. I am pretty sure that I am setting it on top of the pubic bone like it says but it’s still leaking so I’m thinking it may be too big? Does anybody have another recommendation for a disposable disc that’s smaller? Or any advice? Maybe I I am inserting it incorrectly. I’m unsure but I feel like I have it in place.
Advice with disc issue
Hi! I need some advice/help! I’ve had the soft saalt menstrual cup but I don’t love it I still leak occasionally and it is super difficult to take out. I want to try a disc. I have tried the Nixit disc without any success. I’m Canadian so I tried Nixit first but the tip keeps slipping out and doesn’t stay tucked in my pelvic bone and it’s super frustrating. Maybe it isn’t the correct size? I believe I’m a high cervix. I had to insert my whole index finger to feel the base of my cervix and I’m currently on day 2 of my period. I really want to find the right fit and not have to worry about leakage or making a blood bath of a mess at work when I need to change it (which happens with the cup a lot) and I really don’t want to go back to tampons. Thanks for reading and the advice!
Hi girls, I am 16 years old, 6 years ago I had my first menstrual period. and it has always been very irregular, even this last year 2024 I had menstruation only 5 times, it has not come for 4 months, and this month I had a dark spot one day and two days after I had a very light pink spot, my doctor says Menstrual irregularities are normal at my age, what do you think about it?
Hi everyone! I have always been using pads ever since I started having periods, and recently I started to develop pad rash, so I’m considering switching to menstrual disc. I’m currently using NuvaRing as birth control, so I’m used to the feeling of it inside me and have no issue with it. Just want to get some thoughts on whether a disc would be suitable for me, I have never tried tampons or menstrual cups before, but I heard the disc is potentially less painful/uncomfortable than cups so I really want to give it a try. If anyone has any helpful tips for a first time user that would be much appreciated as well. Thank you all!!
Hey all. I’m 27 and have been a pad user almost exclusively since starting. I’m really wanting to switch to something reusable; I’m just sick of changing pads every 2 hours on my heavy days, and I’m also sick of buying them lol. Plus, I’m trying to simplify my life and the ingredients in my products. I‘m fairly active, working out, hiking, have a 9-5 job. To put something in in the morning and not worry about it until after work would be so nice.
Here’s my issue: I’m a bit paranoid about cleanliness downstairs. Part of the reason tampons never really worked for me was I was constantly counting how long it had been in, never keeping one in past 4 hours, feeling concerned about having something internal. I know the rule of thumb is to wash your hands well before and after handling discs, and to rinse/clean at least every 12 hours. Boil at the end of the cycle, and maybe again when the new one starts. Is rinsing at the 12 hours mark enough, or does it need to be soaped? If so, what super simple cleansers would be good? All of our handsoaps are diluted Castile soap, but I saw somewhere not to use that on discs. Are y’all putting them back in wet after rinsing? My thought is it wouldn’t necessarily be sterile anymore if you dried it with a paper towel or rag.
Basically, I’m just looking to hear what y’alls experiences/perceptions of the cleanliness (and thus safety) of the discs is.
ETA: Thanks so much guys! Between this and my own research I am definitely feeling better about it! Followed Saalt on IG so I can catch their next sale. ☺️
Hi new disc users this is my second period with the hello disc and it’s causing discomfort the only way to describe it is a dull pain. It’s constant and not like cramps. It makes things harder and I find it very difficult to focus on anything with this dull ache. I seem to be inserting properly it’s behind the pubic bone all that.
I have quite a small canal so I’m not sure if that’s the cause?
Any advice would be wonderful I really wanna make it work
Okay so I’ve pushed it up literally as far as I possibly can and I can feel my pubic bone and I push it behind that but then it doesn’t feel like the disc opens up? Like it still feels like it is parallel with my vagina rather than sitting perpendicular at the top? Also when I stand up with my finger still inside it feels like it slides down a little and is not behind my pubic bone anymore. But again I’m literally pushing it up as far as I can. Tips? Is this in correctly? I can’t feel it when it’s inside me but not sure if this is going to actually catch any blood. Pls help lol
Hi, I'm 16. I just tried the bodyotics menstrual disc small for the very first time and I don't think it went in high enough? I might switch to the larger size made for higher cervixes but how do you push it up there far enough so that it actually can get tucked under the pubic bone and sit under cervix? I've never used menstrual discs before and cups hurt really bad when they went in my body and they just wouldn't fit. I'm aware there will definitely be trial and error but I'm wondering if I should switch to a larger size to make insertion and positioning easier.
I’m hoping to find help! I was born with a double cervix double uterus. I hoping I can find anyone with the same anatomy that has successfully used a disc I tried years ago but just couldn’t get it.
I have been a menstrual cup user for almost 10 years and am now looking at trying a menstrual disc. Was hoping to get some recommendations for a good disc to try.
I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong 🥹 I feel like I can only push as far as my longest finger goes and it still isn’t in right. I’m still leaking so much. I’ve felt for my cervix and I can’t find it. I’ve had my husband do it and he can’t feel anything either. It’s like it’s so high our fingers aren’t long enough to feel it!! When I think I have it tucked behind my pelvic bone… eventually I’m bleeding again so clearly I didn’t. It’s so frustrating!
TMI maybe but I honestly don’t know who to ask. I just showered, cleaned and reinserted my disc. My question is when should I clean and put it back again? Tomorrow morning? Or wait again until this time? (about 10pm) I have get up around 5:30am to head into work, so should I do it then, or wait until I get home which is around 4:30pm? Trying to clean, and reinsert while at work just seems too messy. I tried my best to word this correctly I’m sorry if it’s confusing, I need help!
trying a flex disc and so far in 2 days had nothing but pain, dryness and 5 pairs of ruined underwear. i can not get this massive thing deep enough or for it to stay behind my pubic bone. when it’s fully in as much as it goes the rim is almost poking out still. i’ve tried all the angles and positions but it’s just not working. when i pee, it slips out. when i sneeze there’s so much blood. i can push it in so far and it goes right back to about a centimeter past the entry hole. idk how y’all do it but i give this a -10/10 and i think i’ll have to stick to tampons:(
I’ve been using a menstrual disc for a few years and I’ve noticed that when I use it I usually feel like I have to pee more frequently and it can be kind of annoying. I’m pretty good at insertion and removal of the disc and I love using one, but I would really like to be able to get rid of the urge to pee that it seems to give me. Do I need to size down my disc?
I started using the Hello brand disc last month. The disc itself seems to go in and fit comfortably, but I can't seem to fully empty my bladder. I'm also having cramps when I'm wearing it, and I usually only cramp on the first day. Are there any tips to try for these issues or does that usually just indicate a bad fit with the particular disc?
Hello guys, I’ve been a sanitary pads girl all my life and decided to switch to disc recently and bought the pixie disc in size medium. This is my second cycle using the disc and I leaked every time I used (both cycles). My disc is not completely filled every time. I’m thinking whether I should try the small one or should I just buy the applicator from the brand. What do you guys suggest?
Does anyone feel like their flow is too heavy for the disc. I don’t mind the auto dumping but I figured using it overnight would lessen the chance of bleeding thought, but it appears I need to get up at least twice overnight to fill so I don’t bleed through :/
I've read a bunch of posts on here about how auto dumping cannot occur with a properly fitting disc unless seated and bearing down. Well, I disagree. I got both a small and a large pixie disc a couple of months ago when I finally got my period back (three vaginal childbirths, IUDs, and breastfeeding means I've had little use for my menstrual cup in the last decade or so). I made a mess of my underwear again today after a cough. So I went and trimmed the tails on both discs jic, then inserted them properly (sitting over my cervix, back against my tailbone, tucked behind my pelvic bone). Then did a kegel while standing. Dislodged both. What gives? I have a very strong pelvic floor (had to do pelvic floor physical therapy after the babies and do kegels multiple times a week still). Will I have to stick to a cup forever?
I've been using a menstrual cup for 5 years. Lately, I get cramps from the cup on my first days. I wanted to try disc. Insertion was fine, not hard for me but it was leaking. I pulled the disc and saw that it did not collect blood. Blood was underneath the disc. I tried but couldn't find the right angle except this one time. Eventually I gave up and used my cup again. Any tips? Also how to get rid of the residual blood? I think there is more residual blood than cups.
I am 33 years old, not very active and I have not given any birth if that matters.
I'm new to the disc, have been using it for a few days now and I'm very confused.
It goes in without a problem, it stays in all day and doesn't leak... I've experienced autodump, which was also fine and the disc stayed at its place. So far so good...
Now the confusing part. As soon as I try to get it out, I'll leak everywhere. When I take it out, the inside of the disc is totally clean. Like, no bloody residue, nothing. The outside/bottom part is all bloody and definitely needs a clean.
How is it possible that I'm not leaking, but also not collecting any blood inside the disc? Why is it only on the outside?
And wtf did I do wrong? :,) Could it be placement or maybe size of the disc?
Another question, they are advertised as being penetration safe. I've read that the penetrating person can't feel it. How is this possible? When I stuck my finger in, it's very much present. I'll feel it right away. I am so confused.
Hi everyone! I’m 21 and started using the Flex disc for the first time during my last cycle. I absolutely love it, especially since I have a heavy flow and wanted to save money. However, I noticed that I got a yeast infection a couple days after my cycle ended. During usage, I was washing it with the Vanicream Gentle Facial cleanser. I figured it would be okay since others online were saying they used gentle face washes/hand soap etc. I’ve never had a yeast infection before so could it be from the soap throwing off my pH? Would appreciate any and all insight! Thanks!
hello! i started using the saalt disc a bit over a year ago -- love it -- but have a cleaning question.
i empty and clean it every 12 hours like you're supposed to, give it a wash with dove sensitive soap, boil at end of cycle then store in the laundered bag.
HOWEVER (possible TMI) this cycle i noticed that what i thought was brownish staining was actually residue that i could scrape off with my nail -- cue the panic that i basically havent been getting it clean enough this whole time. it did come off with up with some gentle scrubbing with the dove soap and a washcloth.
i guess my question is has this happened to anyone else? is my body doing something funky? and would gentle scrubbing with a washcloth harm the silicone?