A subreddit dedicated to the new Atomic Mass Games' Marvel Crisis Protocol Miniature game!
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Affiliation Document (Feb 3, 2022)
Banned and Restricted List (Feb 3, 2022)
Discord Servers
Roster Builders
I'm new and have not seen these Tokens before in the Earth's Mightiest Core set, I'm looking for what they are and do, if someone could please tell me.
I consider myself still pretty new at the game. My roster is xmen, with both professor and cyclops for leader options. I have one slot let open that I'd like a 3 threat in and am considering weapon x. Anyone have any experience running him in xmen?
Here's the list if that helps.
Colossus (4)
Nightcrawler (4)
Psylocke (4) Wolverine (4) Shadowcat (3) Magik (3)
Team Tactics Brace for Impact (R) Patch Up (R) First Class Children of the Atom Xavier‘s Dream To Me My X-Men Instant Recovery Cerebro Fallen Hold Still
Secure Crisis Mutant Madman Turns City Into Lethal Amusement Park (B, 18) Deadly Meteors Mutate Civilians (I, 17) Portals Overrun City With Spider-People! (D, 18)
Extract Crisis Fear Grips World As “Worthy“ Terrorize Cities (D, 18) Struggle For The Cube Continues (F, 17) The Montesi Formula Found (E, 18)
I watched a battle report. 3 damages comes into Rhino and Rhino blocks 1. The end result is 1 damage taken and gains 3 power. Is that correct and I have been playing this wrong? Does Rhino takes 2 damage and gains 2 powers, check for dazed and then gain 1 power from Ornery and reduce 1 damage from Rhino Hide?
Looks like AMG are taking things in an interesting (and positive?) direction. Looking forward to seeing more!
Is this list any good and what final 3 characters form the guardians could I add to round it out I know I don’t have to keep it purely gog but I would like to
Im a fairly new player and I'm still learning the rules. I had a game against a friend playing the sentinels. Can a sentinel that has already have a full activation and has moved to my activation use the restraint cables durring my activation?
How have you all addressed the back of the Battle of the Throne Warrior Falls terrain?
Does anyone have an STL maybe that will fill it in?
If you’re looking to get into MCP and want a beginners intro to affiliations join us as we break them down!
Just got the monsters box and was looking to build a roster, would appreciate some card recommendations too
Hello! I’m new to the game and have been using the excellent community resources (like Jarvis’ Protocol) to familiarize myself with the different affiliations available. While there are already an impressive number of the , I was curious: have AMG hinted at any future ones that might be coming? Are there any that folks have been wanting/speculating on for a while?
There are a few that I’d be interested to see—for instance, it looks like there’s no Champions roster yet, and that could be a decent-size group if they combine the original roster and the more modern one. A Champions affiliation pack with, say, Ms. Marvel (leader), Brawn, Ironheart, and Nova (Sam Alexander) seems like it would be solid to me. And I see that Hellfire Club exists, but only as a Tactics card that Emma can use, right? Any chance of getting a full team with Shaw, Selene, etc. somewhere down the line?
Hi Everyone
I am a new player with 2-3 games under my belt. There's a local tournament that is beginner friendly that I am going to attend. I want to focus on my guardians of the Galaxy faction to learn them and become more familair with the game.
I wanted to ask for some advice on who to take, TTCs and Crises you can suggest. I have all the guardians models released currently (except yondu + Nova).
Any strategy or anything to help is appreciated!
Started work on Colossus this evening, while I continue to add bits and pieces to a bunch of my mutants. The definition on this model is amazing, I must say!!
I have some experience with star wars legion. There you make lists of different armies/factions and what not. Usually have a preferred faction. Is it the same concept with MCP? If I started buying defenders, would I say “I play defenders”