A place for Magic Eye Illusions!
Handy image to tell if you are viewing Cross View or Parallel View.
Be advised, Parallel view Magic Eye images are the most popular here. For Crossview content, check out /r/CrossView. or /r/MagicEye_CrossView.
Versions of "Sistem", Offline Magic Eye Creators made by u/Pixelfest:
GUI for Windows
Commandline Only for Win, Mac, Linux, and whatever else can run the .net runtime libraries.
Text-only Autostereogram Creator:
Magic Eye images, more generically known as stereograms, became a wild hit in the 1990's. A stereogram might be described as an image within an image, where the second image requires the eyes to focus behind the image as opposed to on it.
While technique differs, many seem to agree that some combination of crossing your eyes (not entirely though, remember you're trying to look past the image, not at a point between the image and you), letting your eyes go unfocused, and getting your nose all up in the image's business assists in determining what the hidden image is. Once you do find the hidden image, don't get too excited and try to focus on it, or you'll likely lose it and have to start over!
Submit some of your favorites or even make your own!
Also, check out our friends at /r/CrossView, /r/ParallelView, and /r/MagicEye_CrossView!
I love magic eyes but I struggle to see them unless they have the 2 or 3 dots at the bottom that help you align the images (When the dots overlap, you have the right focus). Is there a subreddit specifically for magic eyes with the helper dots? Or can we create a tag system for this sub to filter posts?
Here's an example. I can do these almost instantly, where often I stare at regular magic eyes for over a minute and still can't see anything.
Thought this was mildly interesting to share.
So I've always been able to see them. Used to love the books back in school. But I had always done it by slightly crossing me eyes. Which for me results in the hidden image looking like a 3D indent in the surrounding 2D image.
Even though I could always see them, it was hard to discern any details this way, and it could be hard to tell what it was supposed to be.
Sometime in the past few months I decided to try the method where you hold the image close to your face and slowly back it away. The first time it focused in I was shocked. Now the surrounding image was sent to the background and the hidden image was popping out.
Sooo much easier to see what it's supposed to be this way. I still need practice doing the right way after going so long using the cross eyed method.