
Photograph via snooOG

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Illuna mutant commander deck help

Hello! I learned to play magic from my boyfriend and am building an Illuna deck to gift to him. I want to make sure the deck has a cohesive strategy and would love any feedback!


17:45 UTC


08:50 UTC


Help building Captain america

This is my current Captain List , im wondering if Iron man is worth to play? , also wondering if maybe i need more Creatures? or Talisman/Signets etc or any other artifact recomdations https://www.moxfield.com/decks/U5xhdiKbLk-SItH3-nTyTw

08:01 UTC


Arabella the Heir Apparant

Hey there!

[[Hare Apparant]] just got spoiled and since I have a copy of [[Thrumming Stone]] lying around that didn't make it in the [[Templar Knight]] deck I didn't build it's time has finally come!

Luckily i recently finished my [[Arabella]] deck and now I need to tune it for the Hares!

In my imagination we'll get a bunch of Hares real fast, geg damage in via [[Warleader's Call]] [[Purphoros]] and [[Impact Tremors]] and then swing with Arabella and all her hares.

But how to build a [[Relentless Rats]] kind of deck? I habe never done it.

How many Hares? 30? More? And wat to cut from my current list dor that?

What can't I forget in a deck like that? [[Coat of Arms]]? Thanks so much in advance!

07:12 UTC


Mono Black Aristocrat help

So, this will be the first time I've built an aristocrats deck, using Ozox as the commander. Mostly it intrigues me to have an aristocrats deck where the commander isn't an engine, but instead infinite fuel for other engines. But to those that do specialize in the style, how do you balance Sac outlets, Sac Fodder, and Sac payoffs?

This is the ROUGHEST draft of the deck so far, but my aim was to have a decent amount of all three, with a handful of cards to generate infinite fodder. Leading into the alternate wincons of Urborg/Cabal for mana, to hit the table with X spells to close out the game.

Any advice on the deck is welcome, as I mostly built my block of cards, and chiseled down to this. I'm sure there are a few spots where I could have a more efficient replacement though.


01:57 UTC


Commander recommendation

Hey y’all! My wife is a big beetlejuice fan, and we recently found some beetlejuice themed card sleeves. What would be a good commander (preferably golgari) that would feel somewhat beetlejuicey?

00:08 UTC


Anything spicy for Elenda Saint of Dusk?

Looking to get into lifegain with the newly spoiled Elenda from Foundations. I don't want to do just basic goodstuff with lifegain though, it's a voltron commander which is always fun. Do people have any spicy recommendations? Interestingly it has no lifelink so i thought of [[Homicidal Seclusion]]

22:06 UTC


Help trimming deck (Volo, Itinerant Baller/Master Chief)

This is my first time playing simic, and I have too many cards that I want to play with. I probably need to cut ~15 of them to make enough room for basic lands. Any advice? I suspect the deck is too broad and needs more focus, but I've developed an attachment and can't decide what to cut. The table's pretty casual so my goal is just potential for interesting combos/situations.


17:58 UTC


(Standard Arena) Delirium deck advice?

Here is the Decklist:


The deck I want to build is a semi-control and semi-midrange deck to try to survive the start and slowly pick the cards going into your hand while also building your delirium stack in the graveyard.


- There is not enough control for tokens and ramp decks.

- I find that if you don't get a good rhythm at the start like miss land draws, not always sequencing in a certain way then the deck kinda flops.

- The creatures are lackluster and take a while to be a threat.

- Winning takes too long, it makes you opponents have more chances to get something out to ruin the deck.

- The primary wincon is damage and slow chip so it's easily countered.

Any tips would be appreciated!

1 Comment
16:32 UTC


Commander: upgrade my Sevinne deck for around $50-75 US

so I want to get back to playing commander and I'm hoping you can help me upgrade my deck (https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6724412) within the budget mentioned above.

The commander is [[Sevinne, the Chronoclasm]] and it started off as a precon. I did some cheap upgrades soon after buying it.

I'm not super competitive (I believe there's always a bigger fish) but I don't want to be a pushover as well. I mainly want to have fun.

Thanks in advance for the assistance.

12:50 UTC


Yarok, The Desecrated

Need help one more time!

Would anyone be able to review this deck I've made and offer some suggestions, changes or just overall thoughts?


10:41 UTC


Deck Help Most Wanted Outlaws (Olivia, Opulent Outlaw)

Ok, so I recently got into EDH format and while I’ve made upgrades, I feel lacking in wincons and board presence, and I’d love to have thoughts on how to give this deck a more threatening presence, either through better cards or tips on how to push through for the win.

I don’t know the preferred method for giving reference, but this is my Moxfield link for my deck, preferred alternatives would be most welcome :


I haven’t won a match yet but consistently come second, I’d just love tips on how to push this through for a win.

09:23 UTC


How should I change this deck

I feel this deck has terrible card draw and the mana is always never enough. And maybe some cards have been randomly added in I feel. Any recommendations on any of these?

09:11 UTC


Main staple counter spells and removals for each color?

What are some of the main staple counter spells and removal cards for each color? I’m just trying to buy a bunch for future deck building.

01:03 UTC


Wincondition in multiplayer oldschool


A small handful of times every year I get to play MTG with my old friends. Next time is around christmas, and for that i want to bring a new deck. We have a pool of 8-10 decks we switch around.

The format is casual, homemade and rather simple: Everything up to and including the Onslaught Block (Onslaught, Legions and Scourge) . We drew and line in the sand when the "new" card design came out with Mirrodin 

  • The Meta is always 2v2. The vast majority of the decks are creature heavy decks. Foodchain Goblin, Zombies, Sligh with Grim Lavamancer and the like.

I was thinking of a blue sort of control deck. At the moment both UB and UW with Shadowmage Infiltrator or Meddling Mage are options although im leaning towards UB because of Duress Cabal Therapy Innocent Blood and other black shenanigans that affects multiple players.

Besides Counterspells and I was thinking of including:

to keep the enemy in check. As it is multiplayer I'm not really sure what my win condition should be.

I really like Shadowmage Infiltrator that adds to my draw engine Fact or Fiction Brainstorm etc.

But what could/should my win condition be?

  • Upheaval to deliver lethal with Psychatog is an option, but only kills 1 of my opponents - although it probably would be enough to win the game.
  • Morphling
  • ?
  • Aquamoeba
  • or something completely different?

Please help with any suggestions what could be the best in a multiplayer scenario.


1 Comment
21:55 UTC


Cuts for Hidetsugu brawl deck

Hey, would definitely appreciate some advice for cuts for this deck (ignore the lands for now). I’ve been working on it in arena for a while and cut it down from about 250 to now 126, but really struggling with the last 20.


It’s a deck based around act of treason/sac synergies and big mana value spells for hidetsugus second ability (so I can hit to the face when needed), plus mana producing things like treasures and rocks to cast the big spells.

Thanks for any help

21:01 UTC


Defender deck

Hey! Built a deck around defenders.

I think I'm maybe heavy on creatures and lacking some other things. Just unsure what to swap out because I see potential in a lot of the cards so far.

Thoughts and advice? Thank you!


15:35 UTC


Necrobloom Dredge deck help

Hi everyone,

recently I decided to build the necrobloom in Commander as dredge is my favorite pauper deck. I am having consistency issues with card draw and ramp and feel that my deck has too much recursion, and cant get online till I draw a combo. I was wondering if there are any suggestions for budget upgrades I could make to my decklist.


any help is greatly appreciated. I appreciate any tips as I am trying to get better at building decks.

07:58 UTC


stella lee upgrades


(Collage friendly budget)-Whatever cards are a priority I can get

I want to just spam spells for straight DAMAGE and make Stella tap and un tap infinitely to keep having spells fire off

I play against random people every time so the decks I face don't stay the same

I want to use fun spells and just spray them off

Ive played with this for the last few months and it is starting to feel good but I know it can be so much better

Thank you for the help!!!

06:04 UTC


Urza commander deck

Hi all just looking for some feedback from this deck I've created. Any tips or pointers welcomed! Cheers 🍻 https://www.moxfield.com/decks/vMje3EM3PkG3ktz4yVjrOg

Considering cutting something to add Sapphire medallion

Cards I wasn't sure if I wanted to include Urzas saga The one ring Mox opal (On the more expensive side so settled for less for now with what I had)

03:24 UTC


Sorin of House Markov + Lurrus of the Dream Den


Asked once before, this has some iteration since I received some helpful info (shoutout to MtlStatsGuy !)

The deck is now: EDH legal, right number of cards, has 33 lands, and definitely more cohesive! Any final recommendations before I start my tcgplayer journey in buying these cards?

03:02 UTC


Opinions and suggestions for my commander decks

Hello friends, I hope you are well, I know it's a lot to ask but I have multiple decks of commander that I would like to be checked, I would like to know if you have any advice for them or what you think in general.

Chishiro: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/xS0u6gPG5EeY6DOvKQuyKA
Chatterfang: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/CzWMXV3QiUG2RHGiSNb3_w
N'ghathrod: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/0y2fh35JKUuRFD6p9o1Yyg
Alibou: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/wLahiPwk4EuiNJMBs6k8Rg

02:13 UTC


Edgar Markov Commander Deck Help

Really struggling to determine final cards to cut with this deck. Wondering if the community could provide some input/advice on the final 4 cards to cut. It’s an Edgar tribal vampire deck with a heavy aristocrat/sac theme. My playgroup is fairly high power, bordering on cEDH. I have played a lower to the ground version of Edgar and that is fun and may likely be better overall, we'll see. New vamps from foundations have made me want to make a few more changes and trying to make a version with some higher CMC vamps and combos work to switch it up and I’ve settled on this. Lots of trigger effects that can double with roaming throne and some infinites for win cons. Thanks in advance!

Cuts I was originally thinking, but couldn't settle on were as follows:

  1. Dracula the Voyager/Edgar, chargmed groom- LOVE the flavor and the token generation, but just a slower card.
  2. And they shall know no fear- I figured rather than focusing on another protection item, I could just focus on reestablishing after the inevitable board wipe and also have boros charm and terferi's available, but then due to wipe susceptibility I of course could not decide lol
  3. Bloodline Keeper- solid lord effect and some additional token generation, but does not feed into the triggered effect theme and relatively high CMC. BUT, just such a classic vampire so hard to cut.
  4. Champion of dusk/Invasion of new capenna/Black market connections- considered invasion because I am already a little lean on draw and wanted to keep champion and black market, but I often find myself having a wide board state and not utilizing champion of dusk anyway and usually tutor out The One Ring or Necropotence for draw anyway. Black market is a great card, but just always feel slow to me. Invasion is nice utility with removal and then the stacking +1/+1 counters on all vamps can get out of hand quickly.
  5. Bola's citadel- high CMC, but great for a game ender to sac those 10 permanents and if it comes out earlier is great for just playing loads of cards. Then combined with necropotence... ridiculous- filter the top of the deck with by viewing with bola's and then exile out what you don't want with necropotence for 1 life. Crazy strong. I just feel that often times if the game is going to get to when bola's would come out the game is already almost over and that mana cost is just so steep.

Thanks again everyone! Newer to magic and loving it and looking for some input.


00:55 UTC


Looking to maybe get into standard. Need suggestions for a vehicle deck.

My favorite card is Greasefang and I have a pioneer deck with her, but sadly she is no longer standard legal. I was wondering if there are any good staples for vehicles in the current standard rotation. A decklist would be great too.

1 Comment
23:01 UTC


Need help building a good thurid mare of destiny Commander deck

I want to run thurid as the commander, i want to find the best, white horses, pegasus and unicorns for this deck, Any ideas?

18:07 UTC


Help me Update My 2nd deck

Hi everyone, I have been playing MtG off and on since I was 10 (I’m now 25). And While I have some “not legal” cards in my deck I mostly want to know how to change my deck to be better. I mostly just play with my friend and I’m not interested in tournaments or anything so the “not legal” cards don’t bother me or my friends.

I have an 80% success rate with my deck. Yet I feel like I could do better. My main issue is I either pull too much land or I pull high cost creatures at the start of the game and it puts me at a disadvantage. I know that sounds contradictory so I apologize if it doesn’t make sense.

Here are my cards:

[CREATURES] 1 Black Knight 1 Blood Seeker 1 Child of Night 1 Doomsday Excruciator 1 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief 1 Gravedigger 1 Moonglove Winnower 1 Null Champion 3 Sengir Vampire 3 Typhoid Rats 2 Vampire Nighthawk

[ARTIFACTS] 1 Demon's Horn 1 Feldon's Cane 1 Pennon Blade 1 Sword of Vengeance 1 Trusty Machete 1 Whispersilk Cloak 1 Wurm's Tooth

[INSTANTS] 2 Dark Ritual 1 Doom Blade 1 Murder 1 Reckless Spite 1 Slay 1 Winter's Intervention

[SORCERIES] 1 Asphyxiate 1 Corrupt 1 Final Vengeance 1 Nightmare Unmaking 1 Psychic Whorl

[ENCHANTMENTS] 1 Cracked Skull 2 Grievous Wound 1 Painful Quandary

[LANDS] 4 Dismal Backwater 4 Scoured Barrens 13 Swamp

Apologies if the formatting looks weird I am on mobile :’(

2 More things I am a simple woman and would like to remain Mono color, and sorry that my cards years are so diverse.

17:39 UTC


Need Help Building My first Standard Deck (horror theme)

I'm very new to the game and am really enjoying Black/Blue combos. I am a huge horror fan and really excited about the Duskmorn set. I want to build a horror theme deck around black/blue. Need advice and friendly tips for Building a budget deck under $50 that I can upgrade later.

This is what I have currently: https://archidekt.com/decks/9852463/horror_theme

17:04 UTC


BR Land Destruction vs GR Tempo | Old School Magic the Gathering

17:02 UTC

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