Subbreddit about the Archipelago of Madeira, a Portuguese autonomous region.
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Subbreddit about the Archipelago of Madeira, a Portuguese autonomous region.
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Hey, I'm a 22 year old ( male) from Ireland and I've managed to secure a summer job offer in Maderia.
I am in search for a room to rent from May - September and was wondering if anybody here can point me in the right direction. I don't think I'll be able to afford an apartment to myself as I'm estimating a monthly rent budget of €600
If anybody can help guide me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.
I visited the island last year and couldn't get enough of it! It would be fantastic if I was able to make this work :)
This is the place for anyone to ask questions about Madeira.
If you are a tourist visiting Madeira or planning a visit, this is the place to post your questions about hikes, weather, rent a car, nightlife, restaurants, bars and others.
This post is refreshed every week on Sunday. Repost in subsequent weeks if not answered.
Hi everybody!
I will be travelling to Madeira from 19th of march until 2d of april.
I will stay in camping with my tent for the most part, beginning and ending in an airbnb.
I'm planning to do the five day mountainhike; next to that, what are some nice activities I can do? I'm not that much of a sea-rat, scuba and surfing and such are not my thing. But is it worthwhile to go on a whale and dolpin-sighting?
What are some foods and beverages I should try? What are local specialities and where can I taste them?
Thank you!
Hi everyone,
I have a hotel booked for 8 nights, and thinking about leaving 2 weeks from now.
The flight is on hold, I paid $10 to hold the flight for 48 hours and my deadline is tonight. The plan is to rent a car throughout my entire stay, stay in a village.
I am worried that the island will not be what I expect it to be. I have been extremely depressed and stressed out lately. I am looking for a place that will give me tranquil, peace, relaxation, with the opportunity to be out in nature and do some hikes and get some fresh air.
I am worried that Madeira won't give me a "wow" factor that I'm looking for and I am afraid it won't satisfy my craving for some peace and beauty on this trip. I know a lot of people tend to overhype destinations and in the past when I've been to those destinations, I got disappointed. I am worried the same will be for Madeira, that I will go and it will be overhyped and not surprise me.
I have limited vacation time. I only take 2-3 trips a year, this one would be my first trip of the year.
Can anyone please advise?
I was debating between Madeira Portugal or Porto / Duoro Valley Portugal. I am not sure if Duoro Valley would be a better fit for me?
Thank you
Visiting for the week and would love to play some matches!
Feb 02/2025 Travelling to Madeira for a week and wow everything is wonderful, will be sad to return home tomorrow! Captured hundreds of jumping dolphins in Funchal! Also young Belugas.
Alguém recomenda bons restaurantes de sushi na Madeira?
É preciso coragem para avançar com esta ideia…
Hi there, I recently moved here to Madeira and my Portuguese is still not good and therefore I am searching for a good hairdresser who does Balayage technique. Any recommendations? Mucho obrigada! 🙏🏼✨
We are currently looking from ponta do sol onto the sea and see a strange thing floating on the horizon. Anybody know what it is? Is it an aircraft carrier? Merci 😅
Já somos a melhor ilha do mundo, e penso que se continuarmos assim podemos pelo menos atingir o pódio das ilhas com maiores preços por m2 de habitação!
Curioso para ver as propostas dos partidos para resolver este problema, ou será mais do mesmo? É que esta situação não se resolve apenas com investimento em habitação pública! Sem dúvida que é parte da solução, mas se vamos estar a espera só de isso para resolver o problema, muitos madeirenses que ainda vivem em casa dos pais, vão ter de continuar a viver por muito mais anos.
Fonte da notícia: https://www.jm-madeira.pt/economia/madeira-regista-maior-subida-do-pais-no-valor-de-avaliacao-bancaria-na-habitacao-em-2024-BK17485172
Olá pessoal, voces tambem notam o impacto do aumento de carros onde moram? A minha freguesia era extremamente pacata e silenciosa. Hoje em dia é carros a passar O DIA TODO alguns com bastante excesso de velocidade, que se ouve por uma distancia incrivel mesmo longe da estrada. O que antes era um barulho de um carro aqui e ali agora é constante, isto está pior em janeiro do que em qualquer fim de semana de verão há anos atrás. Sinceramente começou a piorar em 2023 e parece que cada ano que passa aumenta exponencialmente.
Gostaria de saber se têm a mesma experiência.
Anybody else just saw the military jet flying super close to the coast? What was that about? 😅
Hi Everyone,
I’m currently trying to find art from locals. I’ve been to a few galleries but want to make sure i’m not overlooking anyone. Does anyone have recommended galleries to check out during my time here?
So far I’ve visited
Art Center Caravel RESTOCK Gallery Bela 30 Leodecor
This is the place for anyone to ask questions about Madeira.
If you are a tourist visiting Madeira or planning a visit, this is the place to post your questions about hikes, weather, rent a car, nightlife, restaurants, bars and others.
This post is refreshed every week on Sunday. Repost in subsequent weeks if not answered.
Então não é que o primeiro treinador da época afinal até percebe alguma coisa disto? Treinador madeirense, repito, madeirense, na sua cadeira de sonho... depois de ter conseguido o ano passado lutar até à última pelo acesso ao play off de subida e foi corrido logo no início desta para que o Marítimo pudesse fazer esta época histórica.
Gosto muito do Ivo, tenho fé no seu trabalho, precisa de tempo e paciência. É o meu treinador. E não será este ano, será no próximo, acredito.
Mas estes aprendizes de dirigentes. O Fábio prepara a época, já conhece a casa, já trás uma boa avaliação da época passada, conhece o campeonato e depois é logo despachado 🤔
Não é o gajo mais engraçado, não conquistou as bancadas. Mas como em tudo, o que é lixo para uns para outros é ouro. Que o digam a Oliveirense e agora o Vizela
Parabéns Fábio, de outra forma, sem as nossas cores, mas continuas a orgulhar o futebol madeirense 👍