
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to MIGuns!

/r/MIGuns is a catchall for all aspects of guns and gun ownership relevant to those who reside in Michigan: news, politics, and discussion about anything and everything gun-related.


Pistol Sales Record

CPL Application

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6,002 Subscribers


What’s your favorite place to shoot?

New to guns and just bought my first rifle. I’m looking for new places to shoot. I live in SE Michigan but I don’t mind driving an hour or two. This sub has been super helpful in the past and I’m curious where you all like to go shooting.

13:53 UTC


SE MI stores with AR accessories

Looking for a store in SE that has the widest range of accessories.

Particularly handguards & triggers.

Just hoping to support a local brick and mortar store if possible.

13:12 UTC


Lending Firearm for Home Defense

I had an urgent question: is it legal to lend a firearm (shotgun) to someone for home defense?

My sister in law is in fear for her life from her druggie con ex. He was recently arrested for stalking and breaking and entering (her home). She’s legally allowed to own a firearm.

22:42 UTC


Cpl just came in

Cpl just came in, can I just go into a gun store and purchase a gun now? Also what’s a good first pistol? I have pretty big hands and want one for the house and another one for everyday

17:20 UTC


Range Bags

Ok, what’s the staple y’all got in the range bag? You keep it and don’t touch it, unless hitting the range? Whats in it? I’m looking to set mine up and want it to always be there and not forget anything. So, I’d like to not 🐀 fu€k it if not needed.

16:50 UTC


Do you know anyone in Michigan who collects military vehicles? I’ve got some questions.

I’ve been kinda hyper-fixated on the m3 half track lately. I’m just wondering 1. Are they street legal in Michigan, 2. How long do the tracks last?

13:19 UTC


Gun show Oakland Expo Center

19:14 UTC


Best place to sell gun?

I’m looking to offload my Glock 19x and wondered where the best place is to sell it. I’ve done GunBroker which is fine but wondered if there are any better options. Thanks!

16:03 UTC


Ccw on Mackinac Island?

I'm from Ohio and I have a valid conceal carry permit. I wanted to make sure there were no rules against carrying on Mackinac Island or on the ferry, but I'm struggling to find anything about it online that's more recent than 2015. I recognize this isn't an official site for legal advice but I did want to see if anyone knew anything specific that would require me to leave it behind for the day.

12:56 UTC


Waiting period to pick up a gun

I ordered my first gun to an FFL here in Westland MI, and when I went to pick it up, they said I had to wait 10 days to pick it up, even if a background check comes back immediately. They told me the reason is because I was 19, however I already got a purchase permit from the sheriffs department and they said it doesn't matter. I was wondering if that was true, or if I should probably switch FFL's next time.

01:09 UTC


West Michigan outdoor ranges

I'm new to the sport. At this stage I just want a place to take my kid and do some rifle and handgun shooting. Not into clays at this point (but love the idea in the future).

I live in Ada, but the fees at KCCL are way more than if I head over to West Walker. Would I get any value out of the higher fee? Nicer, safer, cleaner facility, easier to get range time, etc.?

I'm at the stage of life where spending a few hundred more to have something right around the corner feels like the ticket but I'm also a cheapskate and also not sure I'd make good use of what I'm paying for.


17:21 UTC


Storing handguns with a friend?

My partner does not like guns and doesn’t want them in the house. Can I store handguns and long guns with a friend that has a cpl? I also have a cpl. thank you

21:09 UTC


Can I buy an AR-15 in Wisconsin and take it back to Michigan legally?

Just wondering because I live real close to wisco being in the UP, and it’s a bit easier to buy the gun in Wisconsin.

19:16 UTC


Moving to Michigan for work

Hey I’m Moving to Michigan for work I have a couple questions as far as carrying my gun I’m currently living in Indiana and I have a concealed carry permit what do I have to do when I move to be able To carry my gun? Thanks in advance

04:31 UTC


Moving (back) to Michigan from an anti-gun state – should/can I get a third state's non-resident CPL before applying for a Michigan driver's license?

I used to live in Michigan and had a Michigan CPL, but then moved, initially to a reasonably permissive state (where I got a resident CPL), but then to one of the worst anti-gun states in the country (where I did not, because I didn't expect to be there for much longer than the typical wait time, and providing the government with my social media account information just to got a couple months off the period in which I couldn't legally carry seemed like a bad trade). So both of my previous resident CPLs are now invalid (because I resided elsewhere in between), and I have't obtained any non-resident CPL(s).

Now, I'm physically back in Michigan, and planning to be here a while, but haven't yet done any of the things that "establish residency" for the purpose of concealed carry licensing. Based on my reading of the laws, I believe that the following is true, but am not at all certain:

  1. If I "establish residency" (by getting a Michigan driver's license) without having any current CPL, I will have to wait six months from the date I do so to apply for a Michigan CPL.
  2. If I get a non-resident CPL from one of the more permissive states and _then_ "establish residency," then I can apply for a Michigan CPL immediately.
  3. Whether I have "established residency" for concealed-carry purposes is a separate question from whether I am considered a Michigan resident for income tax purposes; I don't have to be treated as a non-resident earning income in Michigan for tax purpose merely because I'm deliberately delaying become a resident for concealed-carry purposes.

Is this all correct? And if so, does that mean that I should, in fact apply for a non-resident permit from another state (and if so, New Hampshire? or somewhere else?) immediately, and delay applying for a Michigan driver's license until it arrives?

An additional wrinkle (or two) is that I own firearms that are currently stored in another state. These include one or more of each of the four possible combinations of handgun vs. long gun and purchased in Michigan when I was here previously vs. purchased after I left. My tentative read of the laws is that I can legally bring all of these into the state and possess (but not necessarily carry) them here without filling out any additional paperwork _except_ for the handguns that I purchased after leaving the state. Is this correct? And how do I legally bring those handguns (and any other guns that require paperwork, if I'm missing something) into the state, given that I purchased them years ago and no longer have detailed records (at least for some of them) of when exactly and from whom?

17:57 UTC


Needed info on a private rifle sale

Hello all. I havent sold a rifle in many years and the last time I did it was a quick interaction and sale, thats it. Has anything changed with the new gun laws besides the buyer needing a purchase permit or CPL?

15:33 UTC


I’ve just found out my birthday year is wrong on my pistol sales record. How do i correct this?

12:59 UTC


maverick 88 with 20 inch barrel black or flat earth color.

hi, just wondered if anyone knew of any shops on the east side of Michigan that have the maverick 88 security with the full length tube in store? black or earth color is fine. just want to handle one and look at it before I buy one. ive found several deals online that I can ship to my FFL. ive only been to bass pro and one local gun shop. thanks for any help. appreciate It

14:19 UTC


Permit to purchase delayed

For context, I am active duty Army stationed overseas and I'm home on leave. Over a year ago I was involved in an incident that opened a UCMJ investigation on me. It was never pursued further by my chain of command and wouldn't have resulted in a dishonorable discharge or anything else that would have prevented me from owning a gun even if it were. I have purchased multiple long guns between then and now, which is why I was confused when my county's records unit couldn't give me a permit to purchase a handgun. The UCMJ charge showed up in their background check as "severity - unknown" and they told me that they couldn't give me the permit until they confirmed that it was a misdemeanor. This was their first time seeing something like this and the clerk didn't know what to do besides try to contact "the FBI and the Army". I reached out to the MP unit on my base, the one that initiated the investigation, and they told me that they couldn't help me and didn't know who could. It's been two weeks and I haven't heard back from the records office. I'm at a loss on what to do now.

1 Comment
23:48 UTC


Gun rights are on the ballot here in 2024!

If Democrats lose the state house, the assault weapon and magazine bans they threatened in 2023 are DOA.

Per Bridge, there are six districts where democrats won their 2022 elections by less than 2,000 votes:

Vulnerable incumbents in those districts include Reps. Betsy Coffia, D-Traverse City; Joey Andrews, D-St. Joseph; Jim Haadsma, D-Battle Creek; Nate Shannon, D-Sterling Heights; Denise Mentzer, D-Mt. Clemens; and Jamie Churches, D-Wyandotte.

ALL of these democrats voted to pass red flag laws, background checks on private sales, and storage laws.

Elissa Slotkin, now running for US Senate, has made gun control a focus of her campaign. https://newrepublic.com/article/171662/democrat-whos-betting-senate-bid-gun-control.

Essentially one US Senate seat flipping red will make it impossible for a potential Harris administration to end the filibuster, pass sweeping gun control, or pack the Supreme Court with judges willing to overturn Heller, McDonald, and Bruen. WE can stop this!

POTUS is obviously important but the down-ballot matters more in terms of our everyday lives. Vote wisely, vote early, and bring your friends.

16:31 UTC


How to License an Inherited Firearm

I inherited a Ruger .357 revolver when my dad passed away in 2017. I didn't handle his passing well and didn't think to do anything with it - it has literally been sitting in a closet in a case, unloaded, for 7 years. Now I'm finally trying to sell it and I don't know what the law is.

Can I get in trouble for not transferring it to myself right after he died? Do I need to get my dad's death certificate to do so? How do I do it, and do I need to somehow license it as the owner before selling to a dealer?

I have no proof my dad bought it but he was a collector: he had a ton of guns. I feel like an idiot for not doing this sooner.

22:23 UTC


Traveling from Kzoo to TC today. Any cool shops to stop by?

Or any cool antique stores or museums?

13:48 UTC



I’ve moved several times over the years and have never worried about the legality of leaving my firearms in Michigan, as it’s always been my home of record.

However, no longer being in the military, if I were to relocate to say California, and complete a change of address could I still legally leave my firearms in Michigan?

10:00 UTC



So I took my CPL course maybe a month ago or so I still have my certificate and have the paper application filled out. I made my appointment for September. Can I go turn in the certificate and application then? Or do I have to go before hand. I’m coming from Lincoln park so I’ll be going to Wayne county clerks office.

Applied for my LTP on the 23rd of last month as well (at the time I was not aware I can just get a CPL and would not be required to LTP) but I’ve yet to hear from Lincoln park PD I called and they said to be patient and that I’m not that far off on the list. Anyone got the same experience? Waiting to get my card to purchase my firearm.

19:10 UTC


Where do I go to turn in my CPL application and get printed and all that? I’m in Macomb county. I asked Warren PD and they had no idea.

14:40 UTC


CPL Question

This is an odd one and Wayne county isn't easy to get a hold of.

I previously lived in Michigan and had a Michigan CPL. I left the state and then came back before my CPL expired. My new MI drivers license number is the same as my old one. Is my Michigan CPL still valid?

13:42 UTC


buying pistol from private seller(no cpl)

so i was on armslist and saw someone selling a pistol that im thinking about buying; i dont have a CPL but my understanding is that i have to go to my local police station and get the RI-060 form before buying the gun. so do the police put all the info (serial#, shot count, etc) on the form before i buy the gun or do they give me a blank form and i handwrite it in afterward? or does this all need to be typed in at the station by the police after i’ve bought it? Thanks in advance!

23:39 UTC


Handgun registration

I moved to Michigan and have have handguns I bought in my previous state, do I need to register them in Michigan?

14:28 UTC

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