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Committee subreddit for the Model Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament. Representatives vote on amendments to proposed legislation.


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WB146 | Local Government (Community Councils) (Repeal) (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order.

We now turn to a vote on amendments to the Local Government (Community Councils) (Repeal) (Wales) Bill, in the name of Llafur Cymru.

##Local Government (Community Councils) (Repeal) (Wales) Bill




Repeal the Local Government (Community Councils) Act 2023.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of His Majesty, it is enacted as follows–

Section 1 - Repealing the Act

(1) The Local Government (Community Councils) Bill 2023 is repealed.

Section 2 - Commencement and Extent

(1) This Act shall come into force immediately after receiving Royal Assent.

(2) This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Community Councils) (Repeal) (Wales) Bill 2023.

Proposed by Dyn-Cymru on behalf of Llafur Cymru, and the Welsh Government, this bill is also sponsored by the Welsh Libertarians and PoliticoBailey.

Opening Speech:


This is something that a lot of the parties in Wales were elected upon, to abolish a system that is ineffective and can only incur greater costs when the local authorities are stretching thiner and thinner.

This government was elected to get rid of yet another layer of bureaucracy and confusion for local governments. Llafur Cymru supports local representation however if it comes at the cost of making the entire system broken then it isn't worth it.

We have seen the inefficiencies of similar councils in England and we should take on these lessons instead of sitting through them again. Wales should lead in example, not follow in failure.

If this bill passes it will be a victory for Wales, ensuring that every one of its representatives, whether it be a Councillor on Cardiff Council or myself as First Minister, works more effectively than before.

Therefore Llywydd, if the Senedd supports an effective governance system and one that works for the people of Wales, they should support this bill.



In clause 1, insert at end:

(2) Section 27 of the Local Government Act 1972 is substituted with section 27 of the Local Government Act 1972 that was in effect immediately before the Local Government (Community Councils) Act 2023 came into force.

(3) Sections 27A, 27C, 27D and 30 of the Local Government Act 1972 are revived.

EN: The common law rule was that the provisions would be revived, but this is no longer case with the Interpretation Act 1978. It has to be explicit now.

This amendment was submitted by /u/model-kurimizumi.

Voting on these amendments will end on Monday 2nd October at 10pm BST.

15:00 UTC


WB145 | Government of Wales Amendment (Expanding the Senedd) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order.

We now turn to a vote on amendments to the Government of Wales Amendment (Expanding the Senedd) Bill.

#The Government of Wales Amendment (Expanding the Senedd) Act 2023




Amend the Government of Wales Act 2006 to increase the size of the Senedd Cymru and for related purposes.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows–

Section 1 – Amendments

  1. Replace Part 2 Section 2(4) of the Government of Wales Act 2006 with the following–

    (a) There are eight seats for each Senedd electoral region

Section 2 – Short Title, Extent, and Commencement

  1. This Act may be referred to by its Short Title the Government of Wales Amendment (Expanding the Senedd) Act 2023

  2. This Act extends to Wales only.

  3. This Act commences immediately after Royal Assent.

This Bill was authored by Sir /u/model-kyosanto KD OM CT MS on behalf of Volt Cymru

  1. This Bill amends the (Government of Wales Act 2006)[https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/32/section/2)


This is a simple Bill that seeks to expand the size of the Senedd to 96 members, this is following a strong community campaign to do so. We are the smallest of the devolved parliaments, and there are councils with more seats than us.

This is an overall drain on talent available to us, we are unable to adequately gain enough from such a small pool of people, and it is unfair with all the new devolved competencies we have since gained through merit a full-time representative body, not a glorified council. Time and time again, we have seen reports stating very clearly that we cannot adequately do the job we are expected to do by the Welsh people with just 60 Members of the Senedd.

Initially when Labour was in Government in the 1990s, they envisioned a Welsh Assembly with over 80 Members, this was only reduced to 60 as an effort to win the devolution referendum as asserted by James Griffiths et. al. (2023). This however goes onto the point that a 60 member assembly is simply unable to adequately hold a Government to account, nor does it allow for the proper accumulation of minor parties which better reflect the views of the people of Wales. The Richard Commission in 2004, and the Silk Commission in 2014 all came to similar conclusions that simply maintaining 60 members is inadequate for proper operation of a fully accountable Senedd Cymru. In the Richard Commission it was stated that “were the Assembly to gain the legislative powers it recommended, 80 members were essential if it was to discharge its roles of holding the Government to account, making laws for Wales effectively, and representing the people of Wales.” We are now beyond what has been devolved in the interim period of 2004 to the present day, we have more control over more areas of Government, and it is beyond time that we saw expansion in the face of it.

Professor of Welsh Governance Richard Wyn Jones in his report for the Electoral Reform Society ‘Size Matters: Making the National Assembly More Effective’ (2014) offers perhaps a counterpoint to what may come up as an argument against this reform by stating plainly “that more scrutiny and better accountability can potentially save taxpayers’ money” as well as the simple fact that it really will not cost a whole deal, while improving democratic representation beyond that of a mere council.

60 representatives for 3,136,000 people while Northern Ireland has 90 for 1,880,000 is inherently unfair. Which is why with this legislation, we would see the Senedd have 8 seats for each electoral region, and maintain the same number of constituency seats, which would increase proportionality while ensuring continuation of local members. All this would occur in time for the next election to be held under this system, and deliver better outcomes for Wales, Welsh democracy, and the people who we serve.

I hope that the Siambr may read these arguments and see that there is in fact benefit to be had in expansion, and I look forward to the support of others in favour of this common sense measure.

Diolch yn fawr.


Insert after Section 1

Section 2

(1) The changes to the number of seats in an electoral region shall take affect upon the first time the Welsh Parliament dissolves for a general election after this Act is given Royal Assent.

(2) A motion may be passed in the Welsh Parliament delaying this for a maximum of one Parliamentary Term should the Senedd resolve that the infrastructure is not in place for an expansion of Senedd seats.

EN: Clarifies when the law comes into affect, and just buys a little bit of breathing room should the electoral commission or other independent bodies come to the conclusion things are not yet in place for this to happen.

This amendment was submmited by /u/t2boys.

Voting on these amendments will end on Sunday 24th September at 10pm BST.

16:40 UTC


WB141 | Welsh Language Agency Amendment (Expansion of Service) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order.

We now turn to a vote on amendments to the Welsh Language Agency Amendment (Expansion of Service) Bill.

##Welsh Language Agency Amendment (Expansion of Service) Bill




make amendments to the Welsh Language Agency Act 2022 to allow the Welsh Language Agency to help businesses to provide Welsh Translations, in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 2021.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of His Majesty, it is enacted as follows–

Section 1 - Amending Section 2

(1) Insert an additional subsection, subsection E, to read: “Offer services to help provide Welsh businesses with Welsh Language translations for written texts.”

Section 2 - Commencement and Extent

(1) This Act shall come into force immediately after receiving Royal Assent.

(2) This Act may be cited as the Welsh Language Agency Amendment (Expansion of Service) Act 2023.

Proposed by Dyn-Cymru on behalf of Llafur Cymru, the official opposition.

Opening Speech:


The Welsh Language Agency is an institution set up by Plaid Cymru but will have its full potential expanded upon by Llafur Cymru, as now it only provides certain services to help facilitate the use of the Welsh Language but does not provide anything about providing a service of direct translations in of itself. The WLA is an institution that would be able to help provide businesses Welsh Language translations to their services, a requirement under the Welsh Language Act.

This expansion of the WLA will work on a submission based system where businesses will submit their services in English and the WLA will provide the Welsh Language translation in the order they're received. The WLA will soon become a key part of doing business in Wales as it will be a tool for Welsh Businesses. This will also ensure that the translations are accurate and correct in the context they're meant to be used.

This would not increase costs of the WLA to a significant level and would ensure that the money being put towards the agency are put to better use and are more efficient. Such expansion of Welsh services will not only benefit Welsh speakers but Welsh learners as they can immerse themselves in the language and be sure that it's accurate and able to be used in a non business context. This is part of Llafur Cymru's Byw yn Gymraeg Plan which I hope we can build upon in the future to make a Cymru Cymraeg.

Providing direct translations will also allow other factors of the bill to be met, since exposure to the Welsh Language, aided by the exposure of it, since we'll be able to see the direct results itself. This will only benefit Wales as we also will see costs of changing the translation due to errors being erased, meaning money can be better spent in areas where it is more likely to be used for reinvestment.



Amend section 1

(1) Insert an additional subsection, subsection E, to read: “Offer services to help provide Welsh businesses with Welsh Language translations for written texts.”


The Welsh Language Act 2021 section 2 will be amended to add an additional subsection:

(e) Offer services to help provide Welsh businesses with Welsh Language translations for written texts.

Explanatory Note:

The current bill does not mention which bill and section will be amended.

This amendment was submitted by /u/model-willem.

Voting on these amendments will close on Sunday 16th July at 10pm BST.

17:24 UTC


WB136 | Apprenticeships (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order

We turn now to a vote on amendments on the Apprenticeships (Wales) Bill.

##Apprenticeships (Wales) Bill


Make provisions for reforms to Apprenticeships, to ensure protections are in place for Apprentices, and for connected purposes.

Section 1: Definitions

(1) In this Act, unless specified otherwise,

(2) ‘Apprentice’ refers to the definition as established under Section 3(1).

(3) ‘College’ shall refer to the education institution that an Apprentice attends as part of the non-practical portion of their education

(a) In the event that an Apprentice attends a secondary school for the non-practical portion of their education, ‘college’ shall still be the applicable word.

(4) ‘Apprentice Supervisor’ refers to an employee at a college (as established above) as established under Section 5(1).

(5) ‘Employer’ refers to the employer of the apprentice.

Section 2: Repeals

(1) Where any existing legislation conflicts with this legislation, this legislation supersedes the existing legislation and shall repeal it insofar as it conflicts.

(2) Any repeal, revocation, or extinguishment enacted by any repealed provisions shall remain repealed, revoked, or extinguished.

Section 3: Apprenticeship Requirements

(1) ‘Apprentice’ shall refer to an individual who is;

(a) Sixteen years of age or older,

(b) Works with qualified staff to gain job specific experience

(c) Is given time for a non-practical portion of their education equivalent to at least twenty percent of their normal working hours.

(2) Apprentices shall not require an offer of employment or to be employed to be considered for an Apprenticeship

(a) The offer of or existing employment refers to prior to the offer of or commencement of an apprenticeship.

(3) The Employer may request proof of relevant qualifications before making an offer of an Apprenticeship.

Section 4: Advertisement of Apprenticeships

(1) When advertising an Apprenticeship, the Employer must;

(a) Clearly and plainly state;

(i) The hours worked per week

(ii) The required qualifications

(iii) The pay offered

(iv) Any potential risks associated with the job

(b) Include an adequate description of general responsibilities per year of employment

(c) Indicate which college the Apprentice would be studying at

(d) Include the location of employment

(2) An Employer may choose to advertise through the college, in which case the college must also abide by the above rules.

(3) Section 4(1a) and 4(1b) may be omitted as a requirement where the advertisement

(a) Is on a poster or a billboard in a public place

(b) Is within a newspaper or magazine

(4) If any information is omitted the employer or college must endeavour to provide this information at an interview or in an alternative manner.

(5) The Secretary of State may, by order in the negative procedure, amend Section 4(1).

(6) The Secretary of State may, by order in the negative procedure, amend Section 4(3).

Section 5: Apprenticeship Safeguards

(1) There shall exist at all Colleges within Wales that offer an apprenticeship a dedicated individual, or multiple, to safeguard Apprentices.

(a) This individual may be an existing member of staff or one may be hired expressly for this purpose.

(b) All apprentices must be made aware of:

(i) The identity of the Apprentice Supervisor

(ii) The role of the Apprentice Supervisor

(iii) The location of the Apprentice Supervisor (ie an office)

(iv) How to contact the Apprentice Supervisor.

(v) How the college ensures apprentices are aware of the above is the responsibility of the college.

(c) This individual shall be trusted to deal with potentially sensitive information.

(2) ‘Valid Reason’ shall be considered as:

(a) Discrimination on the basis of (non-exhaustive):

(i) Religious belief

(ii) Political Opinion

(iii) Racial Group

(iv) Age

(v) Sex

(vi) Sexual Orientation

(vii) Disability

(ix) Gender Identity

(x) Pregnancy

(xi) Marital status

(b) Breach of contract

(c) Illegal activities

(d) Deliberate placement of Apprentice in harm’s way without any required equipment or safety gear

(e) As deemed essential by the Apprentice Supervisor.

(3) An Apprentice may contact the Apprentice Supervisor at any time with concerns regarding their placement

(a) The Apprentice Supervisor must respond to the initial contact within a week of the Apprentice raising concerns.

(4) If the Apprentice Supervisor has reason to believe there is Valid Reason that the Apprentice is at risk at their workplace, they must seek to intervene.

(a) This intervention could include, but is not limited to:

(i) Direct intervention by the Apprentice Supervisor

(ii) Lodging a complaint with the company the Apprentice works at

(iii) Taking legal action on behalf of the Apprentice

(1) This shall come at no cost to the Apprentice

(2) The college may seek financial recourse from the local government for assistance.

(3) The college may also fund the legal action in whole or in part.

(a) In the event that legal action is successful, the college may request recourse from the opposing employer to reimburse legal costs.

(4) The Apprentice may also seek financial compensation as part of the settlement

(b) The intervention must be measured and in response to the risk and Valid Reason.

(5) In the event successful intervention occurs, the Apprentice is not permitted to be dismissed by their workplace.

(a) If the workplace makes attempt to dismiss the Apprentice on the basis of the intervention, this action may be legally challenged.

(b) The challenge may be submitted by the Apprentice Supervisor.

(6) Throughout the process of intervention, the Apprentice Supervisor must ensure that the Apprentice is aware of the ongoing situation.

(a) This must include the facts as they are

(b) The Apprentice Supervisor must ensure the Apprentice is contacted at least once per week with relation to the intervention.

(i) In the event the intervention has not progressed, the Apprentice must still be made aware of this.

(ii) The Apprentice Supervisor may delay contacting the Apprentice if they have reason to believe that doing so will ensure that within 24 hours there will be further information.

(iii) The maximum gap between contact must be at most two weeks.

(iv) If the Apprentice Supervisor has not made contact, the Apprentice has an obligation to report this to management at the College who may pass this information on.

(v) A week is considered to be Monday to Sunday inclusive.

Section 6: Apprenticeship Fund

(1) There shall exist a fund for the purposes of supporting businesses with apprenticeships.

(2) Businesses may make an application to the Welsh Government to access some funding from this fund.

(3) The fund may be used in relation to apprentices and apprenticeships, including (but not limited to);

(a) Hiring more apprentices

(b) Supporting businesses who already have apprentices if they are suffering financial issues in order to maintain the apprenticeship

(c) Purchasing any necessary equipment for use during the apprenticeship

(d) financial rewards for the apprentice, eg for good work

(4) The relevant Welsh Minister may, by order in the negative procedure, amend section 6(3) to insert or remove such uses of the apprenticeship fund as necessary.

Section 7: Short Title and Commencement

(1) This Act may be cited as the Apprenticeships (Wales) Act 2023

(2) This Act comes into force six months after Royal Assent.

This Act was written by the Rt. Hon. Sir Frost_Walker2017, Duke of the Suffolk Coasts, on behalf of Llafur Cymru. This Act is inspired by the Apprenticeships (Northern Ireland) Act 2022 and the Apprenticeships Act 2023 by the same author.

Opening Speech:

Presiding Officer,

I rise in support of this bill. This marks the third chamber I have presented a similar bill to, owing to its usefulness and versatility to be expanded in different areas to comprehensively raise standards.. Section 5 is the portion of the bill that has survived through multiple iterations, and owing to its importance I will refer to my previous arguments in support of this.

“[Section 5] seeks to implement safeguards for Apprentices in the workplace beyond what normal employees are entitled to. By establishing a figure (or figures) who are responsible for protecting Apprentices at the college they attend for the non-practical portion, we ensure that items of concern can’t get lost in the bureaucracy of education institutions. Furthermore, it ensures that support is provided for an Apprentice who may be unaware of precisely what courses of action they have available to them. The list of potential interventions is, I stress, not exhaustive, meaning that an Apprentice Supervisor may take the action they deem appropriate and in line with the concern of the Apprentice.”

Section 4 creates requirements for apprenticeship advertisements so that the apprentice is aware of what goes into working there. While some items may be omitted, the employer must ensure that this information is provided in the interview or in an alternative manner.

New to this iteration is Section 6, the Apprenticeship Fund. Its purpose is to assist businesses who take on apprentices with anything it may need, including assisting with retaining apprentices, purchasing equipment, and more.

Apprenticeships are a useful tool for upskilling or reskilling our population to give our modern economy and workers the tools for success. I am steadfast in my support of this. Ensuring that they are appropriately protected is key to encouraging more people, young and older, into apprenticeships. I hope to see swift passage of this bill.


Strike Section 4(3)

EN: Special exemptions should not be given to advertising in newspapers or on posters.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-kyosanto


Strike Section 4(4) and replace as follows-

(4) If information is omitted under Section (4)(3) of this act, the provider must:

(a) endeavour to provide this information at an interview or in an alternative matter which meets the requirements under Section (4)(1) of this act.

(b) advertise in such advertisement where and how the omitted information can be obtained, including but not limited to a website containing the information required under Section 4(1) of this act.

EN: Whilst agreeing with Section 4(3), I believe this amendment is a more comprehensive way of ensuring that any omitted information can be obtained by prospective applicants - and is more suitable than striking Section 4(3) altogether.

The amendment was submitted by u/PoliticoBailey

Voting on this bill will end at the close of business on 18th of June at 10pm BST

14:04 UTC


WB134 | Patient Safety Commissioner (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order

We turn now to a vote on amendments on the Patient Safety Commissioner (Wales) Bill.

##Patient Safety Commissioner (Wales) Bill 2023

An Act of the Senedd Cymru for the establishment and functions of a Patient Safety Commissioner for Wales

Having being passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of His Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section One: Interpretations

(1) For the purposes of this Act, “Commissioner” means the Patient Safety Commissioner for Wales,

(2) For the purposes of this Act, “healthcare services” means any services provided for the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or care of patients,

(3) For the purposes of this Act, “relevant Minister” means the Welsh Minister with responsibility for health,

(4) For the purposes of this Act, "relevant body" means any person or public authority who provides or commissions healthcare services in Wales,

(5) For the purposes of this Act, “patient safety” means the prevention and reduction of harm that occurs to patients during the provision of healthcare.

Section Two: Patient Safety Commissioner for Wales

(1) The office of Patient Safety Commissioner for Wales is established.

(2) The relevant Minister must appoint a person to be the Patient Safety Commissioner for Wales.

(3) An individual may not be appointed to the office of Commissioner if the individual:

(a) is disqualified under Section 3,

(b) has previously held or currently holds the office of the Commissioner.

(4) The Commissioner may be removed from office by the Minister if:

(a) the Minister has lost confidence in the Commissioner’s ability to exercise the Commissioner’s functions as outlined in Section 4,

(b) the Commissioner becomes disqualified from holding office under Section 3.

Section 3: Disqualification from appointment

(1) An individual is disqualified from holding the office of Commissioner if the individual:

(a) is a member of the Welsh Parliament,

(b) is a member of the House of Commons,

(c) is a member of the House of Lords,

(d) has previously been removed from public office for misconduct,

(e) has previously been convicted of an offence under any law relating to healthcare or patient safety,

(f) has pecuniary interest in any relevant body or healthcare provider.

Section 4: Functions of the Commissioner

(1) The Commissioner’s general functions are:

(a) to promote patient safety within healthcare services in Wales,

(b) to advise the relevant Minister on matters relating to patient safety,

(c) to make recommendations to the Minister or relevant bodies on matters relating to public safety,

(d) to promote the views of patients and the wider public in relation to patient safety,

(e) to monitor and report on the performance of relevant bodies in relation to patient safety,

(f) to investigate any matter relating to patient safety, and to report on the findings of any such investigation to the relevant Minister or relevant bodies.

(2) The Commissioner may require any relevant body to provide them with any information that may be relevant to the functions of the Commissioner’s under Section 4(1).

Section 5: Duty of relevant bodies

(1) A relevant body must:

(a) provide the Commissioner with any information the Commissioner requires for the purposes of carrying out his or her functions as outlined in Section 4(2),

(b) allow the Commissioner to inspect any premises or facilities used by the relevant body for the provision of healthcare services.

Section 6: Reporting of information

(1) The Commissioner must prepare and publish a report, as per their duties outlined in Section 4(1)(d), each financial year to:

(a) the relevant Minister,

(b) the Welsh Parliament.

(2) The report must include:

(a) a review of findings and issues the Commissioner has identified,

(b) a review of the activities of the Commissioner as relevant to the Commissioner’s duties in respect to that financial year,

Section 6: Short Title and Commencement

(1) This Act may be cited as the Patient Safety Commissioner (Wales) Act 2023.

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately upon receiving Royal Assent

This bill was written by the Rt. Hon. /u/BasedChurchill CBE PC on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives, and in part takes inspiration from the [Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill.](Patient Safety Commissioner for Scotland Bill (parliament.scot))


It is extremely important for patients to be heard and for their opinions regarding patient safety made clear, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Transparency and accountability are some of the things that often go amiss in the provision of healthcare services, so I therefore believe it’s high time for a Patient Safety Commissioner office to be established in Wales– to provide an independent point of contact for patients and to support the government in putting patients first once again.

The Commissioner will have powers to investigate relevant bodies and report on any issues to the Health Minister, enabling the Senedd to identify areas where improvements can be made and hold healthcare providers accountable for their actions. Identifying these root issues are key to ensuring that patients can finally receive safe, effective, and high-quality care in Wales.

I call on all members to support this bill in the interests of our health service, and I commend it to the Senedd.


Strike Section 2(2) and replace with:

(2) The Commissioner must be an individual appointed on the nomination of the relevant Minister with the subsequent approval of the Welsh Parliament through a resolution of the Senedd.

EN: This allows the Senedd to approve the nomination for the Commissioner rather than make this an arbitrary choice of the relevant Minister, whilst still allowing them to put a name forward.

The amendment was submitted by u/PoliticoBailey


Strike Section 2(4)(a) and replace with:

(a) the Minister has lost confidence in the Commissioner's ability to exercise the Commissioner's functions as outlined in Section 4, and the Welsh Parliament pass a resolution to this effect.

EN: This allows the Senedd to remove the Commissioner rather than make this an arbitrary choice of the Minister, similar to my other amendment.

The amendment was submitted by u/PoliticoBailey


Amend Section 4(1)(a) to read

(a) to promote patient safety and well-being within health and social care services in Wales

EN: Expands this to social care, and includes well being.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-kyosanto


Amend Section 4(1)(d) to read

(d) to investigate any matter relating to patient safety, including abuse, and to report on the findings of any such investigation to the relevant Minister or relevant bodies.

EN: Makes clear that this can extend to allegations of abuse, and allows the Patient Safety Commissioner to investigate said claims.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-kyosanto

Voting on these amendments will end at the close of business on 4th of June at 10pm BST

16:37 UTC


WB133 | Free School Meals Expansion Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order

We turn now to a vote on amendments on the Free School Meals Expansion (Wales) Bill.

##Free School Meals Expansion Bill




Expand free school meals to all students in Wales regardless of parental income.

be enacted by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of His Majesty, it is enacted as follows

Section 1 - Definitions

(1) A student shall refer to any child studying full time between key stage 1 to 3 or nursery.

(2) A place of education shall refer to primary schools and secondary/comprehensive schools along with schools with integrated nursery.

(3) A free meal shall be defined as a meal provided by a place of education for students that is provided without charge of the student or parent.

Section 2 - Providing Meals

(1) Every student who is in attendance on a school day must be provided with a free school meal by their place of education.

i. Students who wish to not have a meal by their own choice may not take a meal.

(2) Places of education may not collect funds from parents/guardians nor students as compensation for the free meals provided to students.

(3) Places of education must ensure these free school meals are to a satisfactory and nutritional value.

Section 3 - Government Funding & Usage of Funds

(1) The Welsh Government must allocate appropriate funding for free school meals for schools across Wales

(2) Any money not used must be preserved for the next school year.

(3) This money shall not be used for anything else other than funding the free school meals and ensuring provision of such.

(4) If there is no manual increase or change to the budgetary requirements of this bill then the amount needing allocating will increase per each new school year by whichever is highest of 6% or inflation.

Section 4 - Commencement & Short Title

(1) This bill shall come into force on the 1st August 2023.

(2) This bill may be cited as the Free School Meals Expansion Act 2023.

This Bill has been submitted by u/Dyn-Cymru on behalf of Llafur Cymru and is sponsored by Independent u/PoliticoBailey.

Opening speech.


Schools are where some of the most important lessons are learned, many key skills are learnt in early education and the understanding of these subjects will determine if a student can understand more complex subjects later on in life so again these core parts of the Education system are important.

That is why no child in Wales should go hungry even after they've started secondary/comprehensive school, this is where key skills such as numeracy, important grammatical distinctions (for both English and Welsh) are taught. More importantly this is when GCSEs are sat and these exams are sat, determining some peoples futures.

Many studies have shown education is less effective when students haven't eaten and therefore hungry students have a poorer standard of education. That is why I am proud to present this bill as it will put everyone on a level playing field and ensure everyone has a full stomach when they sit their exams next summer.

This bill will also let parents have some rest during a more and more expensive time as it is one less meal they have to pay for, this will help the ones most hit in life and this will give parents that before wouldn't have qualified for free school meals the extra change they need to get by, equalising society even out of the classroom. The cost of this is relatively quite small with the cost being under 180 Million pounds by 2026 with it starting off at just over 160 Million for the 2024 school year.

I urge all members to vote for this bill as we ensure that disadvantages such as poverty that affect children are minimised during their GCSE studies, ensuring that they can get the best grades they can and prepare themselves for a better future, one where no child's stomach is empty.


Strike section 3(2) and insert a new section:

(2) Any money not used will be handed back to the Government.

Note: Schools should use the money they have and not save it up, if they don't spend it the Government should regain a say in the spending of taxpayers money.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-willem


Strike section 3(4) entirely.

Note: The Government should be able to allocate the funding that they believe is fitting, not be forced through this bill by a 6% raise.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-willem


Insert section 2(n):

(n) Food that has been prepared but not used will be given to local charities that are dealing with homeless people.

Note: This will ensure, hopefully, that food will not go to waste.

The amendment was submitted by u/model-willem


Add to long title after “income”, “and make provision for free school meals to be provided during school holidays.”

After Section 2 insert

“Section 3 - Holiday Provision for School Meals

(1) Free school meals will be provided during school holidays to students who’s parents or guardians are eligible for the following benefits:

I. Universal Credit II. Child Tax Credit III. The guaranteed element of Pension Credit IV. Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance V. Income-based Employment and Support Allowance VI. Income Support VII. Support under section VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 VIII. Any successor benefit to the above

(2) The relevant local authority shall decide the method of the meal allocation during school holidays.

Renumber further sections accordingly.

Note: Expanding should also include making holiday free school meals available to those who need it most, expanding the net and future proofing will help in this regard. Additionally giving authorities flexibility with the method of implementation allows for the authorities to account for the different needs of urban and rural students.

The amendment was submitted by u/miraiwae


Insert section 2(4):

(4) A school must take into account the allergies, medical intolerances, and other dietary requirements of a student and provide alternatives.

(5) A school must be able to provide halal, kosher and other foods that comply with religious beliefs, for its students.

(6) A school must always provide a Vegan option for its students.

Note: Generally speaking, it’s advisable that schools respect student’s beliefs, and also don’t make them unwell, or dead for that matter.

The amendment was submitted by u/miraiwae

Voting on these amendments will end at the close of business on 28th May at 10pm BST

17:39 UTC


WB132 | Planning (Welsh Planning Agency and Local Planning Boards) (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

Order, Order

We turn now to a vote on amendments on the Planning (Welsh Planning Agency and Local Planning Boards) (Wales) Bill.

###Planning (Welsh Planning Agency and Local Planning Boards) (Wales) Bill 2023

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to make provision about planning

Transfer of powers

1 Transfer of powers to local planning boards

(1) The Town and Country Planning Act 1990 is amended as follows.

(2) For section (1B), substitute—

(1B) In Wales, the local planning authority for a county or a county borough is the local planning board established by the Welsh Planning Agency for the county or county borough.

Welsh Planning Agency

2 Welsh Planning Agency

(1) The Welsh Planning Agency is established.

(2) It is a body corporate.

(3) Schedule 1 makes further provision about the Welsh Planning Agency.

Local planning boards

3 Local planning boards

(1) The Welsh Planning Agency must establish bodies called local planning boards in accordance with this section.

(2) There must be one local planning board for each county and county borough.

(3) Each local planning board is to be established by order made by the Welsh Planning Agency for an area within Wales.

(4) The area for which a local planning board is established must not coincide or overlap with the area of any other local planning board.

(5) The Welsh Planning Agency must ensure that, at all times on and after the appointed day, the areas of local planning boards together cover the whole of Wales.

(6) An order establishing a local planning board must provide for the constitution of the board, either by setting out the constitution or by making provision by reference to a published document where it is set out.

(7) The Welsh Planning Agency must publish orders under this section.

(8) In this section “the appointed day” means a day appointed under this subsection by regulations made by the Welsh Ministers.

(9) Schedule 2 makes further provision about local planning boards.

Final provisions

4 Commencement

(1) This Act comes into force 1 year after Royal Assent.

5 Short title

(1) This Act may be known as the Planning (Welsh Planning Agency and Local Planning Boards) (Wales) Act 2023.




Appointment of members

1 (1)The Welsh Planning Agency is to consist of—

(a) a member appointed by the Welsh Ministers to chair the Welsh Planning Agency, and

(b) other members appointed by the Welsh Ministers.

(2) The Welsh Ministers may appoint a person as a member only if the Senedd Cymru has approved the appointment.

(3) In appointing members, the Welsh Ministers must have regard, among other things, to the desirability of ensuring that the membership (taken as a whole) has expertise or experience in—

(a) law relating to planning,

(b) housing policy,

(c) planning policy, and

(d) other matters which the Welsh Ministers consider relevant to planning and housing.

(4) A member is appointed for such period not exceeding 4 years as the Welsh Ministers determine.

(5) The Welsh Ministers may reappoint a person as a member if—

(a) the person—

(i) is a member at the time of reappointment, or

(ii) ceased to be a member not more than 3 months before the date of reappointment, and

(b) the person has not previously been reappointed.

(6) Sub-paragraphs (2) and (4) apply to the reappointment of a person as a member as they apply to the appointment of a person as a member.

(7) The Welsh Ministers may determine other terms and conditions of membership in relation to matters not covered by this Act.

Persons who may not be members

2 (1) The Welsh Ministers may not appoint a person as a member if sub-paragraph (2) or (4) applies to the person.

(2) This sub-paragraph applies to a person who is—

(a) a member of—

(i) the Scottish Parliament,

(ii) the House of Commons,

(iii) the House of Lords,

(iv) Senedd Cymru, or

(v) the Northern Ireland Assembly,

(b)a member of the Welsh Government,

(c) a Minister of the Crown,

(d) an office-holder in the Welsh Administration,

(e) an office-holder of the Crown in right of Her Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom,

(f) the holder of any other relevant elective office as defined by paragraph 1(8) of schedule 7 of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000,

(g) a civil servant.

(3) Sub-paragraph (2) does not apply to a person who is a councillor or an employee of a local authority.

(4) This sub-paragraph applies to a person who is or has been—

(a) insolvent,

(b) disqualified as a company director under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986,

(c) disqualified as a charity trustee under the Charities Act 2011,

(d) disqualified under a disqualification provision analogous to either of those mentioned in paragraphs (b) and (c) anywhere in the world.

(4) For the purpose of sub-paragraph (3)(a), a person is or has been insolvent if—

(a) the person’s estate is or has been sequestrated,

(b) the person has granted a trust deed for creditors or has made a composition or arrangement with creditors,

(c) the person is or has been the subject of any other kind of arrangement analogous to either of those mentioned in paragraphs (a) and (b) anywhere in the world.

Members’ remuneration and expenses

3 (1)The Welsh Planning Agency may pay—

(a) its members, and

(b) the members of any local planning board established by it, such remuneration as it may, with the approval of the Welsh Ministers, determine.

(2) The Welsh Planning Agency may pay—

(a) its members, and

(b) the members of any local planning board established by it, such sums as it may, with the approval of the Welsh Ministers, determine in respect of expenses incurred by them in performing their functions.

Early termination of membership

4 (1) A person’s membership of the Welsh Planning Agency ends if—

(a) the person gives notice in writing to the Welsh Ministers and the Llywydd of the Senedd that the person resigns,

(b) the person becomes disqualified from being a member,

(c) the Welsh Ministers give the person notice in writing that the person is removed from being a member.

(2) The Welsh Ministers may remove a member under sub-paragraph (1)(c) only if—

(a) the member has been absent, without permission or reasonable excuse, from meetings of the Welsh Planning Agency for a period of longer than 3 consecutive months,

(b) the member has been convicted of a criminal offence, or

(c) the Welsh Ministers consider that the member is—

(i) unable to perform the member’s functions, or

(ii) unsuitable to continue as a member.

(3) Where they propose to give a person, other than the person who is the member appointed to chair the Welsh Planning Agency, notice under sub-paragraph (1)(c) that the person is to be removed from being a member, the Welsh Ministers must consult the member appointed to chair the Welsh Planning Agency.

(4) The Welsh Ministers may remove a member under sub-paragraph (1)(c) only with the approval of the Senedd Cymru.

(5) For the purpose of sub-paragraph (1)(b), a person becomes disqualified from being a member if paragraph 3(2) or (4) applies to the person.

Chief executive and other staff

5 (1) The Welsh Planning Agency is to have, as a member of staff, a chief executive.

(2) The chief executive may not be a member of the Welsh Planning Agency.

(3)The Welsh Ministers are to appoint the first chief executive with the approval of the Senedd Cymru.

(4) The Welsh Planning Agency is to appoint each subsequent chief executive.

(5) The Welsh Planning Agency may appoint other staff.

(6) The chief executive and other staff are to be appointed on such terms and conditions as the Welsh Planning Agency, with the approval of the Welsh Ministers, determines.

Authority to perform functions

6 (1) The Welsh Planning Agency may authorise—

(a) any of its members,

(b) any local planning board established by it,

(c) its chief executive, or

(d) any other member of its staff, to perform such of its functions (and to such extent) as it may determine.

(2) The giving of authority under sub-paragraph (1) to perform a function does not—

(a) affect the Welsh Planning Agency’s responsibility for the performance of the function, or

(b) prevent the Welsh Planning Agency from performing the function itself.

Regulation of procedure

7 The Welsh Planning Agency may regulate its own procedure (including quorum) and that of any local planning board.

Validity of things done

8 The validity of anything done by the Welsh Planning Agency or a local planning board is not affected by—

(a) a vacancy in membership,

(b)a defect in the appointment of a member,

(c) the disqualification of a person from being a member after appointment.

General powers

10 The Welsh Planning Agency may do anything which appears to it—

(a) to be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or in connection with, the performance of its functions, or

(b) to be otherwise conducive to the performance of its functions.

Annual report

10 (1) The Welsh Planning Agency must, as soon as practicable after the end of each financial year—

(a) prepare and publish a report on its activities during that year,

(b) send a copy of the report to the Welsh Ministers, and

(c) lay a copy of the report before the Senedd Cymru.

(2) It is for the Welsh Planning Agency to determine the form and content of each report.


11 (1) The Welsh Ministers must seek to ensure that the amount of resources allocated for use by the Welsh Planning Agency is reasonably sufficient to enable it to perform its functions.

(2) Each report prepared under paragraph 11 must include an assessment by the Welsh Planning Agency of whether the amount of resources allocated for use by it in the financial year to which the report relates was sufficient to enable it to perform its functions.

(3) Sub-paragraph (2) does not affect the generality of paragraph 11(2).



1 (1) Local planning boards are to consist of members appointed by the council of the county or county borough (“the council”) which the local planning board’s area covers.

(2) The council may appoint a person as a member only if the Welsh Planning Agency has approved the appointment.

(3) In appointing members, the council must have regard, among other things, to the desirability of ensuring that the membership (taken as a whole) has expertise or experience in—

(a) law relating to planning,

(b) housing policy,

(c) planning policy, and

(d) other matters which the Welsh Planning Agency consider relevant to planning and housing.

(4) A member is appointed for such period not exceeding 4 years as the council determine.

(5) The council may reappoint a person as a member if—

(a) the person—

(i) is a member at the time of reappointment, or

(ii) ceased to be a member not more than 3 months before the date of reappointment, and

(b) the person has not previously been reappointed.

(6) Sub-paragraphs (2) and (4) apply to the reappointment of a person as a member as they apply to the appointment of a person as a member.

(7) The Welsh Planning Agency may determine other terms and conditions of membership in relation to matters not covered by this Act.

This bill is submitted by the Rt. Hon. /u/LightningMinion CBE OM KT PC on behalf of Welsh Labour. Parts of this bill are inspired by the following real-life acts: UK Withdrawal from the European Union (Continuity) (Scotland) Act 2021, Health and Care Act 2022; and mhocholyrood’s Planning (Scotland) Act 2022.

Opening Speech:


This bill overhauls the planning process by delegating the planning responsibilities of councils to new local planning boards under the direction of a new national planning agency, the Welsh Planning Agency, modelled off the Scottish Housing Agency I introduced in Scotland through the Planning (Scotland) Act 2022. By creating a new agency for housing and planning, we can ensure that house building is getting the priority it needs to solve Wales’ housing crisis, and to ensure that local “Not In My Backyard” councillors cannot block housing developments for no good reason.

The members of the Welsh Planning Agency will be formed of members nominated by the Welsh government and approved (or rejected) by the Senedd. The local planning boards, of which there will be one for each principal authority, will in turn be formed of members nominated by the local council and approved (or rejected) by the Welsh Planning Agency. This will ensure that local planning boards retain an element of local control and local representation while also ensuring that NIMBY sentiment isn’t represented on local planning boards, helping fix Wales’ shortage of housing.


In Schedule 1, before Paragraph 11 insert the following and renumber subsequent paragraphs:

Ministerial direction

11 (1) The Welsh Ministers may direct the Welsh Planning Agency to exercise its powers in a specified way.

(2) A direction under subsection (1) must—

(a) be in writing, and

(b) be published (as soon as practicable after it is communicated to the Welsh Planning Agency), and

(c) set out the Welsh Ministers’ reasons for making it.

(3) The Welsh Ministers may revise or revoke a direction under subsection (1).

(6) Subsection (3) applies to the revision or revocation of a direction under subsection (1) as it applies to such a direction.

Explanatory Note: allows the Welsh Government to make directions to the Welsh Planning Agency

The amendment was submitted by u/LightningMinion


In Schedule 2 insert the following after paragraph 1(2) and renumber subsequent sections:

(3) A council may not appoint a person if they are—

(a) ineligible to be a member of the Welsh Planning Agency, or

(b) a member of the Welsh Planning Agency.

Explanatory Note: bans members of the Welsh Planning Agency, all elected politicians and civil servants (except councillors and council employees), and those who are insolvent or disqualified as business directors from being members of local planning boards.

The amendment was submitted by u/LightningMinion


In Schedule 2, after paragraph 1 insert:

Early termination of membership

2 (1) A person’s membership of a local planning board ends if—

(a) the person gives notice in writing to the council and the Welsh Planning Agency that the person resigns,

(b) the person becomes disqualified from being a member,

(c) the council give the person notice in writing that the person is removed from being a member.

(2) The council may remove a member under sub-paragraph (1)(c) only if—

(a) the member has been absent, without permission or reasonable excuse, from meetings of the local planning board for a period of longer than 3 consecutive months,

(b) the member has been convicted of a criminal offence, or

(c) the council consider that the member is—

(i) unable to perform the member’s functions, or

(ii) unsuitable to continue as a member.

(3) The council may remove a member under sub-paragraph (1)(c) only with the approval of the Welsh Planning Agency.

(4) For the purpose of sub-paragraph (1)(b), a person becomes disqualified from being a member if paragraph 1(3) applies to the person.

Explanatory Note: allows a council to remove a member of their local planning board in certain situations (the person resigns, is disqualified from being a member, fails to attend meetings, is otherwise unsuitable as a member of the board). Note that this amendment relies on this other amendment

The amendment was submitted by u/LightningMinion


At the end of Schedule 2, insert (with appropriate numbering):

General powers

2 (1) A local planning board may do anything which appears to it—

(a) to be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or in connection with, the performance of its functions, or

(b) to be otherwise conducive to the performance of its functions.

(2) In exercising its powers, a local planning board must have regard to the National Development Framework for Wales.

The amendment was submitted by u/LightningMinion


At the end of Schedule 2, insert (with the appropriate numbering):

Directions from the Welsh Planning Agency

4 (1) The Welsh Planning Agency may direct a local planning board to exercise its powers in a specified way.

(2) A direction under subsection (1) must—

(a) be in writing, and

(b) be published (as soon as practicable after it is communicated to the planning board), and

(c) set out the Welsh Planning Agency’s reasons for making it.

(3) The Welsh Planning Agency may revise or revoke a direction under subsection (1).

(6) Subsection (3) applies to the revision or revocation of a direction under subsection (1) as it applies to such a direction.

Explanatory Note: allows the Welsh Planning Agency to make directions to local planning boards

The amendment was submitted by u/LightningMinion

Voting on this bill will end at the close of business on 28th May at 10pm BST

17:22 UTC


WB131 | Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) (Repeal) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

##Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) (Repeal) Bill

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to repeal the Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) Bill and the Registry of Bullying in Schools Amendment (Data Protections) (Wales) Bill.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Repeal

(1) The Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) Act 2022 is hereby repealed.

(2) The Registry of Bullying in Schools Amendment (Data Protections) (Wales) Bill is hereby repealed.

Section 2: Commencement

(1) This act shall come into force immediately upon Royal Assent.

Section 3: Short Title

(1) This act may be cited as the Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) (Repeal) Act.

**This bill was written by The Most Honourable u/model-willem KD KP OM CT KCB CMG CBE PC MS MSP MLA, MS for Swansea East, on behalf of the Welsh Libertarians.

Opening Speech


The idea of the Registry of Bullying is a nice one, it tries to protect the people that are bullied. However, it also means that some people in education have to spend a lot of time on registering the moments where people are bullied and that time isn’t spent actually helping the people that are bullied and the people that need help. Educators, of course, want what’s best for their students and that they want to help them in life, but this isn’t the way to go.

We should invest in more teachers, more staff, more people in schools, but not in a system that tries hard to achieve better lives, but only cost more money and more time that’s already scarce.

###SPaG Amendment Accepted


Amend the long form title of this bill to read:

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to repeal the Registry of Bullying in Schools (Wales) Bill and the Registry of Bullying in Schools Amendment (Data Protections) (Wales) Bill, as well as making mandatory reporting a legal requirement within Welsh education.

After Section 1, add:

Section 2: Mandatory Reporting

(1) Anyone working within education who receives a disclosure of abuse from a young person must report it to local authority social care services or the police.

(2) Anyone working within education who witnesses the abuse of a young person must report it to local authority social care services or the police.

(3) Those reporting abuse to local authorities or the police must do so within a 30-day period following the abuse being reported to them or witnessed by them.

(4) Failure to comply with Section 2 (1), Section 2 (2), Section 2 (3), will result in criminal prosecution, with a minimum suspended sentence of twelve months, and a maximum sentence of twenty-four months imprisonment.

This amendment was submitted by /u/BeppeSignfury

This vote shall end at 10pm BST on April 23rd.

14:01 UTC


WB130 | Free Tutoring (Wales) (Repeal) Bill | Stage 2 Vote

##Free Tutoring (Wales) (Repeal) Bill

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to repeal the Free Tutoring (Wales) Bill.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Repeal

(1) The Free Tutoring Act 2021 is hereby repealed.

Section 2: Commencement

(1) This act shall come into force immediately upon Royal Assent.

Section 3: Short Title

(1) This act may be cited as the Free Tutoring (Wales) (Repeal) Act.

**This bill was written by The Most Honourable u/model-willem KD KP OM CT KCB CMG CBE PC MS MSP MLA, MS for Swansea East, on behalf of the Welsh Libertarians.

Opening Speech


During the debate on the Clean Slate Budget I explained that I am against the state funding of several ideas that I believe should be up to the parents or the institutions already. One of these ideas is the Free Tutoring Bill that was introduced by Llafur over two years ago. The concept of needing more help with your education is something that will not magically go away. However, we should not give taxpayer money for the additional tutoring of children. I firmly believe that schools should provide the help necessary for children, this shouldn’t be something that the Welsh Government should pay extra for. I hope that other Members of the Senedd agree with me on this notion and that they will force the Government to ensure that schools provide the aid that’s necessary for children to complete their education, without additional tutors.


Strike Section 2(1) and replace with:

(1) This act shall come into force on 1 September 2023.

EN: Shouldn't really effect any students in the 2022/23 academic year who might need this during the spring/summer term.

This amendment was submitted by /u/PoliticoBailey

This division shall end at 10pm BST on April 16th.

21:25 UTC


WB128 | Biometric Rights (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Division

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to reinforce privacy and personal data protections in light of recent technological advancements.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section One: Definitions

  1. Facial Recognition Systems are any technology capable of matching human faces from images or video against a database of faces.
  2. Biometric identifier data is information relating to body measurements and human characteristics, able to be used to identify, label, and describe individuals. This includes, but is not limited to:

Facial scans, Fingerprints, Palm veins, Palm prints, Hand geometry, Iris or retina recognition, Voice, and, DNA. 3. For the sake of this act, “public-facing” is taken to mean any system that records or accepts data drawn from the general public or from public spaces. 4. For the sake of this act, “informed consent” is taken to mean direct affirmative agreement to an action taking place, after being provided a clear explanation of the actions being taken and their purpose.

Section Two: Facial Recognition Systems

  1. It is prohibited to operate, or cause to be operated, any public-facing facial recognition system for any reason.
  2. It is prohibited to operate, or cause to be operated, any facial recognition system without the informed consent of the persons being matched against any database.

Section Three: Biometric Data

  1. It is prohibited to record, or cause to be recorded, any person’s biometric identifier data without that person’s informed consent.
  2. It is prohibited to collate a dataset of biometric identifier data for training of any surveillance or identification system without the informed consent of the identified persons, or to use such a dataset for that purpose, or to cause the collation or use of such a dataset.

Section Four: Offences Under This Act

  1. The maximum penalty for violations of Sections 2 and 3 will result in a fine of £10,000 as a civil offence and appropriate charges.

Section Five: Short Title and Commencement

  1. The short title of this act is the Biometric Rights (Wales) Act 2023.
  2. This act shall come into force one month after receiving Royal Assent.

Authored by Archism_ on behalf of Volt Cymru, co-sponsored by the Welsh Libertarian Party.

Opening Speech: Llywydd, It wasn’t long ago that a concept like private companies purchasing your facial scan data to sell on to authoritarian governments, to train systems that oppress minority groups, would be well-placed in dystopian science fiction. It is an extant menace today. If we are to be a future-facing country, that means reckoning with the political issues at the cutting edge of progress, and I hope I will find broad agreement in the Senedd that it is morally incumbent on us to take action at the soonest opportunity to protect the privacy of our citizens, and their right to ownership over their own bodies. This bill does not ban the use of biometric data in training sets. But it does require informed consent, meaning any individual whose biometric identifiers is used in such a system needs to know and agree to that use. This is a careful balance that allows for machine learning innovations to continue, while introducing new and necessary protections before we see a civil rights catastrophe in the near future. For the sake of your own bodily autonomy, I call on all members of the Senedd to see this bill through.


Strike Section Three, strike "and 3" from 4(1), renumber sections.

EN: Misremembered what was/wasn't devolved in which acts, this should resolve the competency question as section two is largely concerned with general privacy, rather than protection of personal data.

This amendment was submitted by u/Archism_

This division will end on Sunday 2nd April 2023

22:19 UTC


WB127 | Bilingual Display Standardisation Bill | Stage 2 Division

Bilingual Display Standardisation Bill




Standardise and simplify the use of informational displays that use bilingual messaging.

be enacted by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of His Majesty, it is enacted as follows

Section 1 - Definitions

A bilingual display is a display that is within public viewing that is written in both English and Welsh. Public information shall be defined as information meant to acknowledge the public of a fact, and or statement or issue. A Double Letter shall be fined as a Welsh letter made up of two Latin characters. Special characters shall be defined as letters that do not exist in the English alphabet, those being â, á, ï, î, ë, ê, é, ô, ö, û, ŵ, ŷ.

Section 2 - Text Apparence

All bilingual displays must use the same font in both languages when conveying public information. Fonts can slightly differentiate if they account for the use of double letters. All bilingual displays must use colours of similar eligibility when compared to their corresponding background. Fonts used in a bilingual display must ensure the quality of the special characters match those of all other letters in the text. Both texts should be of the same format in terms of style and boldness and underlining.

Section 3 - Text Location

All bilingual displays must locate Welsh above the English. If placed side by side the English must be placed on the left of the Welsh. Text may also use the format [WELSH WORD] [PLACE] [ENGLISH WORD] if the place name is the same in both languages.

Section 4 - Consistency of Grammar

Bilingual displays must use a consistent Welsh dialect and not switch between them. Unless quoting from another dialect. If the only translation difference is the use of a small hat over a vowel then only one shall be displayed at the choice of the producer. No mutation shall be applied to the first word of the display if the display has the ability to be singled out. If the translation difference is the anglicised version which is less than 3 characters different the Welsh translation shall be used in place of the English with no translation required.

Section 5 - Extent and Short Title

This bill shall extend to all of Wales. This bill shall come into force 6 months after gaining royal assent. This bill may be cited as the Bilingual Display Standardisation Bill.

This bill was written by Dyn-Cymru on behalf of the 16th Welsh Government and Llafur Cymru | Welsh Labour.

Opening speech.


Bilingualism is one of the few things that make Wales as unique from the rest of the United Kingdom. How do I know I'm home in Wales? By the Croeso i Gymru sign just after the Prince of Wales Bridge. It is the signs that display words like Canol y Dref and Caerdydd that then solidify the fact that I am home yng Nghymru.

However bilingualism must be done correctly so as to not cause issues for monolingual speakers. Monmouthshire has been known for their views against the use of the Welsh Language on signage citing that it causes general confusion for drivers and especially emergency workers who are unable to read both languages while driving.

I have done some research however and have maybe found a solution to this problem, bilingualism that is standardised across the nation. As it is currently signage is not standardised against signs that do not come from the same type of road. In fact across the entire nation I selected 35 signs from every part of Wales and found something incredibly interesting. There was almost a 50% chance that the sign would have one language on top of the other. What this means is that when driving down the road there was a chance one sign would have English then Welsh and one that displays Welsh then English. It was more common to see tourists signs to have Welsh on top along with dual carriageways which also tended to have Welsh over English.

However this wasn't always the case, in counties like Monmouthshire and Blaenau Gwent, which are English speaking, tended to have English on the top for dual carriageways. Now this is all somewhat okay until we see the free-for-all which was local town signage. During my research it was clear that signage in towns was entirely inconsistent. In the north there seemed to be some consistency of Welsh on the top with Welshified names taking president over Anglo names (i.e. using the Welsh V (F) in spelling of an English V). But in the South it was odd as some towns would have English, some would have Welsh, some only had English and in one particular sign in Swansea had it so inconsistently I couldn't actually tell you where to go.

This matters because of the drivers of this nation mostly using one language, may it be English or Welsh. I understand the concerns now of the right to these signs but if the signs were consistent then it'd make the process easier to understand while also keeping Wales bilingual. We are also reclaiming our culture of doing what they did for Caernarfon and only use non Anglo names where there is one to two letters difference, reclaiming our culture slowly while also still making it easy for English people to understand. Once enacted it'll make our language easier and to some extent safer to use in a bilingual setting when there's a rush to go somewhere.


Replace all instances of “double letter” with “digraph”.

EN: this is the correct term for letters such as “Dd”, “Th”, etc.


Remove Section 4 entirely, and renumber accordingly.

EN: Section 4 is effectively pointless and a waste of money and breath, not to mention being outright offensive.

These amendments were submitted by /u/Miraiwae


Insert new section 5, transition: "Clauses in sections 2, 3, and 4 of this act do not apply to bilingual displays installed before the passage of this act, but do come into force for these displays at their next instance of maintenance or replacement."

EN: To make sure the intent of transitioning the signs at their regular maintenance period is legally covered.

This amendment was submitted by u/Archism_

This division will end on Sunday April 2nd 2023

22:07 UTC


WB121 | Smoking in Vehicles Ban (Wales) Bill | Stage 2 Division

##Smoking in Vehicles (Wales) Ban Bill

A BILL TO Ban the practice of smoking in vehicles

BE IT ENACTED by being passed by the Senedd Cymru and assented to by His Majesty as Follows:—

**Section 1 - Amendments **

(1) The Smoking with Minors in Vehicles Ban Act 2017 is amended as follows:

(a) Section 2 is repealed and replaced with:

Section 2: Ban

(1) Smoking inside any vehicle either private, commercial or public is prohibited.

Section 2 - Extent, commencement and short title

(1) This Act shall extend to Wales only.

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately upon receiving Royal Assent.

(3) This Act shall be known as the Smoking in Vehicles (Wales) Ban Act 2023.

This Bill was written by The Rt Hon Marquess of Stevenage, u/Muffin5136, KT KP KD KCMG KBE CVO CT PC on behalf of the Sheep Raving Loony Party

Opening speech:


Justice Devolution has allowed Wales the self-determination over whether we keep certain UK laws or not. This bill allows Wales to take control of the smoking epidemic and cut out smoking in cars, as it once did with smoking in indoor places.


Strike Section 2(2) and replace with

(2) This Act shall come into force on 1 January 2024.

EN: In the event that this passes and a ban is actually implemented, it should at least have a formal commencement date to ensure awareness/formalities.

This amendment was submitted by /u/PoliticoBailey

This division shall end at 10pm GMT March 5th 2023.

16:31 UTC


WB117 - Disability Access to Public Transport (Wales) Bill - @ Committee Stage

Disability Access to Public Transport (Wales) Bill




Make provision surrounding the accessibility of public transport for people with disabilities; and for connected purposes.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows–

Section 1: Standards for New Train Stations

(1) All new railway stations built must have the following—

(a) A way for people with impaired mobility, including wheelchair users, to access platforms, including, but not limited to—

(i) Ramps

(ii) Stairlifts

(iii) Lifts

(b) A way for people with impaired hearing to receive relevant tannoy announcements, including, but not limited to, the use of visual aids

(i) Any visual aids provided under this section must be available in Welsh

Section 2: Standards for New Buses, Trams, and Coaches

(1) All newly constructed buses, trams, and coaches must have the following—

(a) A way for people with impaired mobility, including wheelchair users, to get on the bus, coach, or tram, including, but not limited to—

(i) Ramps

(ii) Stairlifts

Section 3: Accessibility of Existing Train Stations

(1) By the 1st of January 2030, all train stations must have the following—

(a) A way for people with impaired mobility, including wheelchair users, to access platforms, including, but not limited to—

(i) Ramps

(ii) Stairlifts

(iii) Lifts

(b) A way for people with impaired hearing to receive relevant tannoy announcements, including, but not limited to, the use of visual aids

(i) Any visual aids provided under this section must be available in Welsh

Section 4: Accessibility of Existing Buses, Trams, and Coaches

(1) By the 1st of January 2025, all Buses, Trams, and Coaches must have the following—

(a) A way for people with impaired mobility, including wheelchair users, to get on the bus, coach, or tram, including, but not limited to—

(i) Ramps

(ii) Stairlifts

Section 5: Duty to Report

(1) The Welsh Ministers must report annually on the accessibility of public transport for disabled people

Section 6: Funding

(1) The Welsh Ministers must make appropriate funding accommodations to implement, or support the implementation of, the provisions set out in this bill

Section 7: Extent, commencement, and short title

(1) This Act shall extend across Wales.

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately after receiving Royal Assent.

(3) This Act may be cited as the Disability Access to Public Transport (Wales) Act.

This Bill was submitted by the Rt. Hon Sir u/zakian3000, Baron of Gourock KT KD CMG MVO PC MSP MS MLA, First Minister of Wales, on behalf of the 15th Welsh Government.

A01: “Insert a new Section 5 in between current Sections 4 and 5, renumber as appropriate

Section 5: Staff Training

(1) Within 1 years of this Act's passage, all current staff must undergo training.

(2) All new staff hired after this Act's passage must receive this training within 1 month of starting.

(3) This training must include:

(a) Helping customers with physical disabilities as covered under this Act; (b) Helping customers with neurodivergent conditions; (c) How to use equipment mandated for use by disabled people under this Act.”

This amendment was submitted by u/muffin5136

This division will end on the 25th of October 2022.

18:51 UTC


WB113 - Voyeurism (Offences) Bill 2022 - @ Committee Stage




Make certain acts of voyeurism a specific criminal offence; and for connected purposes.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows —

Section 1: Voyeurism Offences

(1) A person (A) is guilty of an offence if, for a purpose specified in Subsection 3 -

a) they aim to, or enable another person in aiming to, observe a person’s (B) genitals or buttocks (covered or not covered) or;
b) B’s undergarments,

in circumstances where the genitals, buttocks, or underwear would not otherwise be visible, and

c) a person committing an offence under Subsection 1(1) does so without B’s consent, and, without reasonable belief B has given consent.

(2) A person (A) is guilty of an offence if, for a purpose specified in Subsection 3 -

a) a person records an image or video beneath the clothing of another person (B), b) the image or video is of;

i) B’s genitals or buttocks (whether covered or not), or,
ii) the underwear covering B’s genitals or buttocks.

c) a person committing an offence under Subsection 1(2) does so without B’s consent, and, without reasonable belief B has given consent.

(3) The purposes referred to in Subsection 1 and 2 are;

a) obtaining sexual gratification
b) distressed, alarming, humiliating or otherwise intentionally causing psychological distress to B.

(4) A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable;

a) on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 months, to a fine amounting to no less than £1,000, or to both;
b) on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 18 months, to a fine not exceeding £3,000, or to both.

Section 2: Extent, Commencement, and Short Title

(1) This Act shall extend to Wales only.

(2) This Act shall come into force after a period of two months after receiving Royal Assent.

(3) This Act may be cited as the Voyeurism (Offences) Act 2022.

This bill is written and sponsored by the Rt. Hon. Lord Sigur CMG CBE MS, member for Dwyfor Meirionydd, Minister for Justice.


In section 2(2) delete ‘after a period of two months after’, insert ‘upon’.

EN: I honestly have no idea why I chose this bill to have a waiting period when it can easily be enacted right away.

A01 is moved by u/tartar-buildup

This division will end on the 6th of September 2022

18:21 UTC


WB108 - Indigent Defence (Wales) Bill 2022 - @ Committee Stage




Make provision for the right of an indigent criminal defendant to a zealous advocate in the form of free of charge, certified legal counsel; and for connected purposes.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows—

Section 1: Definitions

(1) ‘PDSW’ means the ‘Public Defender Service Wales’ as established in section 2(1).

(a) In Welsh, the ’Gwasanaeth Amddiffynwyr Cyhoeddus Cymru’, or ‘GACC’.

(2) ‘Defendant’ means an individual charged with a criminal offence.

(3) ‘Interviewee’ means an individual being interviewed by the Police.

(4) ‘Judge’, in addition to its present meaning, also refers to lay magistrates.

Section 2: Founding of PDSW

(1) The ‘Public Defender Service Wales’ is hereby established.

(2) The PDSW shall be jointly overseen by –

(a) The Attorney General for Wales.

(b) The Solicitor General for Wales.

(c) Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Justice.

(3) All PDSW services shall be available in the Welsh language.

Section 3: Eligibility for Indigent Defense

(1) A defendant will be appointed a bar-certified solicitor, and/or barrister, employed by, or who is under contract with, the PDSW, if the aforementioned defendant is deemed ‘indigent’.

(2) An interviewee shall have an automatic right to a bar-certified solicitor, without having to meet the requirements in subsection 3(a), for the length of their period of custody, or for the duration of the interview. An interviewee shall be made aware of this right prior to arrest and/or invitation to an interview.

(3) A defendant is deemed indigent for the purposes of this Act, if –

(a) a judge is able to reasonably determine that hiring private legal representation would place undue financial burden on the defendent or those financially dependent on the defendant.

(4) For the purposes of subsection 3(a), a judge may take into account the defendant’s savings, assets, financial obligations, debts, and bankruptcies. A judge may, in addition, take into account a written or oral statement of financial need by the defendant.

(a) Failure on the part of the Court to properly consider the defendant’s financial profile as set out in subsection 4, and if the defendant is not deemed indigent as a result, may be considered during the appeal of a subsequent conviction.

(5) A defendant of or below the age of nineteen years is, by definition, indigent for the purposes of this Act.

(6) A defendant of or below the age of nineteen may not waive their right to indigent defence as established in this Act, unless –

(a) the defendant has consulted with counsel; and

(b) the court is satisfied that, in the light of the defendant’s unique circumstances –

(i) the defendant’s waiver is knowing and voluntary; and

ii) the defendant understands the consequences of the waiver.

Section 4: Duties of Assigned Counsel

(1) Assigned counsel shall be ethically bound, where appropriate, to –

(a)provide zealous legal representation, consultation, and advice to their client.

(b) represent their client during criminal investigative proceedings.

(c) prepare a case for defence by conducting legal research, gathering facts, and interviewing their client and/or any witnesses.

(d) write motions and legal arguments.

(e) prepare necessary legal documentation and filings.

(f) handle pretrial disclosure and any necessary motions thereof.

(g) attend sentencing and/or negotiate any proposed plea deals.

(2) A defendant shall be assigned separate legal counsel, when necessary, for the purposes of appealing a conviction and/or sentence.

Section 5: Extent, Commencement, and Short-Title

(1) This Act shall extend to Wales.

(2) This Act shall come into force three months after receiving Royal Assent.

(3) This Act may be cited as the Indigent Defence Act 2022.

This bill was written by The Rt Hon. Einar Sigur, Baron Sigur (u/tartar-buildup), on behalf of Coalition! C!ymru. Based on the Indigent Defence Bill (England) https://www.reddit.com/r/MHOLVote/comments/to3v8z/lb228_indigent_defence_bill_final_division/

Opening Speech

Diolch yn fawr Mr. Llywydd,

The right of the indigent to free legal counsel in criminal proceedings should be at the forefront of our justice system. It is not enough for the government to contribute legal aid to an indigent criminal defendant; all financial burden must be removed from those who genuinely cannot afford it.

If an innocent person is convicted simply because hiring counsel is beyond their means, then our system delves further into corruption and inequality. People should have someone present that can help them understand what the police, lawyers and others in the justice system say to them. We know that people can say things they don't mean under pressure and we believe that everyone should be protected against that. The only way a justice system can be fair is for everyone who cannot afford it to be guaranteed a zealous advocate. Furthermore, even if the government provides meagre legal aid, how could a minor possibly be expected to pay out thousands for a lawyer. This bill would see this gap in our legal system mercifully resolved.

Mr. Llywydd, I ask for you to look abroad, to countries such as the United States where a similar system is famously well-established. The US justice system considers free-of-charge indigent defence to be such an important facet of the Court system, that it is even enshrined in their constitution. I think similarly. As one of the most important principles in a fair system, this must be enshrined in law; not to do so is to support the idea that an individual without wealth is implicitly guilty.

I therefore commend this bill to the Senedd.


In section 2(2)(c) replace “Her Majesty’s Secretary of State for Justice” with “The Welsh Ministers.”

A01 is moved by u/zakian3000


In section 2(2)(b) replace “The Solicitor General for Wales.” with “The Counsel General for Wales.

A02 is moved by u/zakian3000

This division will end on the 19th of July 2022

20:16 UTC


WB094 - Disability Rights (Wales) Bill 2021 - @Committee Stage

Disability Rights Bill Wales 2021

An Act to Improve access for disabled people and bring their rights in line with others

Having been passed by the National Assembly for Wales and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1 - Amendment to Drug Reform Act

  1. The DRA 2015 is amended as follows.
  2. In subsection 4(b) of section 11, insert new clause to read:

”i) This regulation does not apply to braille markings or any other markings that have the purpose of enabling the visually imparied. Section 2 - Amendment to Domestic Abuse Act 2021

  1. The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 is amended as follows.
  2. In the definition of “personally connected”, in subsection 1.3, insert:

g) One is a carer for the other, who is a disabled person

Section 3 - British Sign Language Interpreters for Deaf Jurors

  1. A judge may allow a British Sign language interpreter to enter the jury room if it will enable a deaf juror to fulfill their service.
  2. It is an offence for an interpreter to influence jury proceedings.

Section 4 - Duty to Educate

  1. Section 1 of The Abortion Act 1967 is amended as follows.
  2. Insert new subsection, subsection (1B) to read:

(1B) The medical practitioners referenced in section 1A have the duty to inform the mother of a disabled child of any specialist support available, for both the mother and the child, including but not limited to:

a) Mental health

b) Financial (including but not limited to disability benefits)

c) Childcare

d) Charity

e) Health (including but not limited to how the child’s disability can be mitigated or managed)

Section 5 - Extent, Commencement and Short Title

(1) This act shall come into force immediately at Royal Assent.

(2) This Act may be cited as Disability Rights (Wales) Bill 2021

This Bill was written by The Right Honourable Tarkin15 MBE, on behalf of the Conservative Party Cymru, based on a bill by The Right Honourable Sir Chi0121 KT KD KBE LVO CT and also the Rt. Hon Sir u/BrexitGlory.

This bill amends:

Abortion Act 1967

The Drug Reform Act 2015

The Domestic Abuse Act 2020



Omit "Section 4" in its entirety

Submitted by /u/Zakian3000



Scrap "Section 4"

Submitted by /u/Inadoreable



Amend Section 2 to read as follows:

(1) A judge must allow, if required for the benefit of a juror, an appropriate British Sign Language Interpreter, who can sign in Welsh dialect if required, into the juror room if it will enable a deaf juror to fulfil their service

Submitted by /u/RhysGwenythIV


Voting and Debate on this Committee Reading will end on the 25th January 2022 at close of business

22:28 UTC


WB093 - Social Housing Integration and Design (Wales) Bill @ Committee Stage






Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru for Wales and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:


(1) In Wales, in all future developments of new Social Housing estates, whether they be granted by the Minister for Housing or Local Government Bodies, the following terms must be adhered to;

(a) of the housing built, no less than 45% of the developments must be sold to a Local Housing Association, either by the Local Government or the Minister for Housing, and

(b) the remaining portion of social housing is then permitted to be rented or sold, by the Local Governing body, to members of the public who require social housing


(1) Wherein the Minister or Local Government bodies make provision for construction works upon an existing housing estate in Wales with aim to expand the social housing situation, they must make provision so that;

(a) of the new housing constructed, no less than 45% are to be sold to local housing associations within a reasonable amount of time, and not held by the Local Authority for social housing purposes.

(b) within developed estates, any additional dwellings added during the redevelopment or modernisation process are not to be placed in a geographically distinct or separate area that would isolate members of the community and must as much as practical match the design and style of housing typical of the area at large, including beyond the housing estate.

(2) When the Minister or Local Government bodies make provision for construction works upon an existing housing estate in Wales it must comply by the following guidance for social housing targets so that;

(a) within already founded estates it is not accepted that houses, pre-development,may be brought by the council to meet this quota of council owned social housing,

(b) newly developed housing is to match the design and style of the current housing, as much as possible,to ensure no segregation of the communities


(1) Wherein the Minister or Local Government bodies make provision for the construction of a new social housing estate in Wales, they must make provision so that

(a) 45% or greater of houses placed upon market through housing associations are not to be in a geographically distinct area, and should be functionally indistinguishable from whatever housing if any is retained.

(b) the remaining dwellings are to be utilized for Social Housing causes, directly by the Local Council, but are allowed to begin being sold off by the Local Government after five years of occupancy by a single tennant, at low interest mortgages provided by Local Governments.


Where it be so that Housing developed or sold by Local Governments, that is part of the criteria laid out above, it must be ensured that;

(a)wherein it is possible for the tenants of social housing to buy their houses through a mortgage, this should be encouraged with lower interest rate mortgages directly from Local Councils following the ‘Right to Buy’ protocol , after five years of inhabiting the property

(b) the money received from the mortgaging of Social Housing, by Local Councils, is to be returned to the budget of Local Councils, and must be placed back into Social Housing schemes in order to keep up investment and sustaining the levels of building, as set out in the targets


(a) This Act shall extend to Wales.

(b) This Act shall come into force upon receiving Royal Assent.

(c) This Act may be cited as the Social Housing and Community Design Act.

**This Bill was submitted by The Right Honourable, Sir RhysGwenythIV MS PC KD on behalf of the Welsh Liberal Democrats



Replace every use of the words "house" or "houses" with "housing unit" or "housing units" as appropriate

Explaination: makes it clearer and includes other places of residence

Amendment submitted by /u/Muffin5136



Insert a new section after Section Three and re-number accordingly.

Section Four: Housing Standards for New Developments

(1) The standard of housing in all housing units within a new Social Housing development must meet minimum living standards as follows:

(a) Running water

(b) Access to electricity

(c) Ability to have internet installed

(d) Must consist of separate rooms for each bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen.

(2) At least 60% of housing units built in new social housing developments must be considered affordable housing.

Amendment submitted by /u/Muffin5136



Insert a new Section before the existing Section 5 and re-number accordingly.

Section Five: Housing Standards for Existing Social Housing.

(1) The standard of housing in all housing units within existing Social Housing developments must meet minimum living standards as follows:

(a) Running water

(b) Access to electricity

(c) Ability to have internet installed

(d) Must consist of separate rooms for each bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen.

Insert into existing Section 5 (Extent, etc...)

(d) Section Five: Housing Standards for Existing Social Housing shall come into force two years after receiving Royal Assent

Amendment submitted by /u/Muffin5136


Voting and Debate will close on this Bill on 18th January 2022 at 22:00 BST

13:56 UTC


WB090 - Establishment of Commissions (Wales) Bill @ Committee Stage

Establishment of Commissions (Wales) Bill

An act of the Senedd Cymru to allow the government or Senedd as a whole to establish Commissions in relation to key policy areas

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Establishment of Commissions

(1) A commission may be established to investigate any issue or formulate policy surrounding any policy area currently devolved to Wales.

(2) The Welsh Government may form commissions through orders made by the relevant minister.

(a) This order must include what issue the commission will be tackling and/or what policy area the commission will relate to.

(3) The Senedd Cymru may form commissions through a motion which the government is obligated to follow.

(a) This motion must include what issue the commission will be tackling and/or what policy area the commission will relate to.

Section 2: Commission Structure

(1) Any commission formed shall be made up of the following individuals:

(a) First Minister.

(b) Deputy First Minister.
(c) The relevant minister.
(d) A representative from every political party currently represented in the Senedd.
(e) Any other individual the government deems essential.

(2) A commission shall be chaired by the relevant minister and the deputy chair shall be a representative of the largest opposition party.

Section 3: Miscellaneous

(1) Commissions shall last for the duration of the term they were established in; however the government for the following term may choose to continue committees established during the preceding term.

(2) The Cancer Combat Commission (Wales) Act 2020 is hereby repealed.

Section 4: Commencement and short title

(1) This Act shall come into force immediately after receiving royal assent.

(2) This Act shall be known as the Establishment of Commissions (Wales) Act.

This bill was written by The Most Hon. Sir model-avery, Marquess of Duckington CT KT CBE MVO PC MS MSP, First Minister of Wales on behalf of the 12th Welsh Government


A001: Muffin365

Insert into Section 2, Subsection 1, Clause (e), between "the government" and "deems essential":

or the member who submitted the motion

Exp.: It would then read as "(e) any other individual the government or the member who submitted the motion deems essential."


A002: RhysGwenythIV

Inset into Section 2, Subsection 1, after the end of the clause, "or mutually agreed person via a vote of the commission"


A003: RhysGwenythIV

Insert into Section 3, " Commissions shall last for the duration of the term they were established in; however the Senedd for the following term may choose to continue committees established during the preceding term via a motion requesting its reestablishment

19:49 UTC


WB089 - Primate Protection (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

Primate Protection (Wales) Bill 2021




Make the keeping of primates as pets and the trading of primates with the intention for them to be kept as pets a criminal offence in Wales

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Definitions

(1) For the purposes of this act—

(a) A ‘pet’ is defined as a domestic or tamed animal kept within a household

Section 2: Offenses

(1) It is an offence to:

(a) Keep a primate as a pet (b) Trade a primate with the intention for it to be used as a pet

(2) If a person commits an offence under this act they shall be punished according to law regarding animal abuse

Extent, commencement, and short title

(1) This act extends to Wales

(2) This Act shall come into force 3 months after receiving Royal Assent.

(3) This Act may be cited as the Primate Protection (Wales) Act.

This Bill was submitted by the Rt Hon. u/zakian3000, Baron of Gourock PC MSP MS MLA, Plaid Cymru leader and Deputy Minister for Health, on behalf of the Clymblaid yr Eryr government


A001: u/Muffin365

Insert in Section 1 - Subsection (1), after clause (a)

(b) A 'primate' is defined as being any mammal of the order Primates, excluding humans.


This debate and vote will end on the 4th November 2021

10:09 UTC


WB088 - Education Pay (2022-26) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage One reading for the bill being amended may be found here.

Education Pay (2022-26) Bill 2021

An Act to make provision for an Education sector payrise

Having been passed by the National Assembly for Wales and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Provision for a payrise

(1) The Finance Minister shall make available at the next budget funds to provide a 5% year-on-year payrise for all education staff funded by the Welsh Government.
(2) The payrise will be given in each financial year from 2022/23 to 2025/26
(3) The payrise will apply to all staff employed by the Welsh Government, public sector education institutions and any private education institutions that receive funding from the Welsh Government.

Section 2: Commencement

(1) This bill may be cited as the Education Pay (2022-26) Act
(2) This bill will come into force at the passage of the next Budget by the Senedd Cymru

This Bill was submitted by The Rt. Hon Earl of Bournemouth AP PC KBE MP MS MSP FRS, Finance Minister, on behalf of the Clymblaid yr Eryr Government.


Replace Section 1, Subsection (1) with:

The Finance Minister shall make available at the next budget fund to provide a 5% year-on-year pay rise to all staff in the education industry or who work at educational institutions funded by the Welsh Government, including nurseries, primary schools, secondary schools including sixth forms, FE colleges, HE colleges, and Universities.


Add a subsection after Section 1, Subsection 3:

(4) The pay rise for all staff at government funded private education institutions including Universities, HE and FE colleges shall be covered in full by the Welsh Government.


Add a subsection after Section 1, Subsection 3:

(4) The pay rise for all staff at government funded private education institutions including Universities, HE and FE colleges shall be covered in full by the education institutions themselves and proof of this must be submitted to the Government at the end of every tax year this bill encompasses.


Add a subsection after Section 1, Subsection 3:

(4) The pay rise for all staff at government funded private education institutions including Universities, HE and FE colleges shall be covered half by the Welsh Government and half by the education institutions themselves and proof of this must be submitted to the Government at the end of every tax year this bill encompasses.

All amendments submitted by /u/Muffin5136 on behalf of the Welsh Workers Party

18:10 UTC


WB087 - Palliative Home Services (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

WB087 - Palliative Home Services (Wales) Bill 2021

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to offer an option for terminally ill patients to die at home.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Interpretations

(1) ‘Home’ means, permanent place of residence for the patient

(2) ‘Terminally ill’ means, the patient is at the last stages, meaning no cure or viable treatment for survival and death being the expected result.

Section 2: Right to Die at Home

(1) If a doctor of a terminally ill patient considers them likely to die within six months, the terminally ill patient has the right to know that they can live the rest of their life at home given appropriate treatment prescribed by the doctor.

(2) Any individual may declare that, should they become terminally ill, they would rather die at home.

(3) Should an individual exercise their right, their doctor or GP must record the appropriate information within the patient's medical records.

(4) Should a patient with a lasting power of attorney of health and welfare wish to make the declaration;

(a) The Attorney (the individual appointed by the patient) must confirm the decision,

(b) the decision must not contravene any advanced decisions made,
(c) should the Attorney or an advanced decision conflict, an application may be submitted for a 'one-off decision' relating to the lasting power of attorney via the Court of Protection.

(5) The Welsh Minister must provide appropriate guidelines for the Healthcare sector in order to ensure the right to die at home is implemented effectively.

(6) The Welsh Minister must provide appropriate information for the general public relating to the right to die at home once the act has passed.

Section 3: Commencement

(1) This act shall come into force six months after receiving Royal Assent.

Section 4: Short Title

(1) This act may be cited as the Palliative Home Services (Wales) Act 2021.

This bill was submitted by the Right Honorable Sir u/model-willem on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives, based on the Palliative Home Services Bill by The Rt Hon Baron of Silverstone.


A001: RhysGwenythIV

Amend Section 2 (1) to:

(1) If a Doctor declares a patient terminally ill, and with a likely lifespan of less than six months, the patient has the legal right to palliative treatment at home if desired


A002: RhysGwenythIV

Amend Section 2 (2) to :

(2) Any patient who is declared terminally ill has a legal right to declare their desire to die at home and all ends must be taken by healthcare professionals to honor this wish.


A003: RhysGwenythIV

Add Section 3 'Lasting Power of Attorney' and renumber accordingly

(1) All patients declared terminally ill, who have not yet done so before being declared terminally ill, are entitled to a lawyer to create a lasting power of attorney.

(2) The Minister responsible for Health must establish a bursary to cover the £80 fee associated with registering a Lasting Power of Attorney in the upcoming budget


A004: Muffin5136

Replace Section 3, Subsection (1) with:

(1) This act shall come into force one month after receiving Royal Assent


A005: Muffin5136

In Section 2: Right to Die at Home, add the following subsection:

(7) Funding must be made available within local health budgets for the provision of medical equipment and medicine to support end of life care for people to be used at home.

14:52 UTC


WB084 - Magistrates Retirement Age (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage 1 reading for the bill being amended may be found here.

Magistrates Retirement Age (Wales) Bill 2021

An Act to increase the age of retirement for Magistrates from 70 to 75 in Cymru

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Interpretations

“the 2003 Act” - The Courts Act 2003

Section 2: Increased retirement age for magistrates

(1) In Section 13(1) of the 2003 Act, amend “70” to read “75”.

(2) In Section 13(2) of the Act amend “70” to read “75”.

(3) In Section 13(3)(a) of the Act amend “70” to read “75”.

Section 3: Extent, Short Title and Commencement

(1) This Act shall extend to Wales only.

(2) This Act shall come into force immediately upon Royal Assent.

(3) This Act shall be known as the Magistrates Retirement Age Act 2021.

This bill was co-written by The Right Honourable Sir RhysGwenythIV PC KD on behalf of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, who altered the act for Cymru, and The Right Honourable Sir Tommy2Boys KCT KG KT KCB KBE CVO MP MSP on behalf of Coalition. This bill is equally sponsored by both the Welsh Liberal Democrats and C!yrmu.

This reading will end on the 23rd of August.


Replace all references to "75" with "80"

This amendment was submitted by /u/zakian3000 on behalf of Plaid Cymru.

This division will end on the 7th of September.

13:13 UTC


WB083 - Police Discrimination (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage 1 reading for the bill being amended may be found here.

Police Discrimination (Wales) Bill

An act of the Senedd Cymru to tackle discrimination within the Welsh police force.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

Section 1: Establishment of a Commission

(1) There shall be a body established by the name of the Welsh Police Discrimination Commission (“The Commission”)

(a) The Commission shall have in it no less than seven members (“Commissioners”)

(2) The appointment of members and any other rules regarding the running of the Commission shall be handled by Welsh Ministers.

(3) The Commission shall be required to send to the Welsh Government a report outlining the progress of their activities, as set out in Section 2, every three months.

Section 2: Responsibilities of the Commission

(1) The Commission shall be required to report on discrimination within the hiring practices, policing practices or any other matters relating to the Police in Wales.

(2) For the purposes of this Section, “discrimination” may be due to—

(a) age

(b) race

(c) ethnicity

(d) appearance

(e) perceived gender

(f) mental or physical disability

(g) sexuality

(h) nationality, or

(i) any other characteristic which the commission feels needs to be investigated.

(3) As part of their work, the commission should investigate inefficiencies within the policing tactics of the Police Services of Wales where it is believed they disproportionately affect people of a certain characteristic listed in Section 2(2).

Section 3: Police Body Cameras

(1) Upon this bill receiving royal assent the Welsh government shall facilitate the purchases of body cameras for every police officer in Wales.

(a) These body cameras must be capable of storing at least 12 hours of footage at 720p and at least 30 fps.

(b) These body cameras must be able to upload footage to the cloud.

(2) Police shall be required to keep body cameras on at all times.

(3) If an officer is caught taking off or turning off their body camera they shall receive a written warning after which they shall be immediately dismissed from their position if they are caught a second time.

(4) All footage captured shall be stored at local police stations and shall be admissible as evidence in court.

(5) Welsh Ministers through a S.I. may alter requirements or restrictions on body cameras.

Section 4: Implicit Bias Training and Crisis Intervention Training for police

(1) All police shall be required to go through implicit bias training to test for and tackle unintentional, deeply ingrained biases.

(a) Police shall be required to go through a 3 stage program involving a pretest to test for biases, training to tackle biases and a follow up test to examine the results.

(b) This program shall be put together and administered by the Welsh government.

(c) This program shall be undertaken by all police at least once a year.

(2) All police shall be required to go through Crisis Intervention Training (CIT)

(a) Police shall be required to do at least 8 hours of CIT to be renewed at least once every 4 years.

(b) This program shall be put together and administered by the Welsh government with a particular focus to be put on de-escalation particularly for situations involving mental health.

(3) Welsh Ministers through a S.I. may make changes to requirements for training.

Section 5: Commencement and Short Title

(1) This Act shall come into force one month after receiving Royal Assent.

(2) This Act may be cited as the Police Discrimination (Wales) Act 2021.

This Bill was written by The Most Honourable Sir model-avery, Marquess of Duckington CT KT CBE MVO PC MS MLA, First Minister of Wales and is submitted on behalf of the Welsh Government. It is cosponsored by the Welsh Workers Party. Sections 1 and 2 of this bill are based off of the Police Discrimination Commission (Scotland) Act 2020.


Insert after section 3 (4): “(5) All footage will be stored for sixty days, if it is not used as evidence, it must be destroyed.”

Renumber accordingly.


In Section 4 (1) (b) replace “Welsh government” with “the Commission”.


Remove section 4 (2) and renumber accordingly.

All amendments submitted by /u/model-willem on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives.

This division will end on the 31st of August.

14:18 UTC


WB082 - Clean Air (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage One reading for the bill being amended may be read here.


Clean Air (Wales) Bill 2021

An act to establish a Clean Air Act

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of her majesty, it is enacted as follows:―

1 - Definitions:

(1) Annual Progress Report - review and assessment of air quality in a Local Authorities area, taking into account of government guidance as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act 1995(2) Community Organisation - Any non for profit organisation in a local area which aims to improve a communities general standards(3) National Air Quality Objectives - Targets for which air pollutants should be limited to(4) Air Quality Management Area - An area designated by a Local Authority which exceeds National Air Quality Objectives(5) Clean Air Zone - As set out by the Clean Air Zone Act 2020

2 - Air Quality Strategy

(1) The relevant Minister is responsible for producing an Air Quality Strategy every 5 years, comprising of:

(a) A review of current National Air Quality Objectives(b) The impact and prevalence of key pollutants(c) The impact pollutants have on the general health of the population(d) Strategies being put in place to meet National Air Quality Objectives(i) Or strategies to altering National Air Quality Objectives if they’re deemed inappropriate

(2) An Air Quality Strategy should be published within 12 months of this bills passage.(3) The relevant Minister can make regulations using positive procedure

3 - Reforms to Local Government Air Quality Management

(1) When submitting an Annual Progress Report, a Local Authority must review it’s assessment and monitoring strategies(2) Local Air Quality Management Reviews must be drafted in collaboration with at least one of the following:

(a) Health Boards(b) Community Organisations(c) Planning and Transport authorities(d) Neighbouring Local Authorities(e) Resident Associations

(3) Local Air Quality Management Reviews may be submitted as a region if:

(a) Two or more neighbouring Local Authorities have worked in collaboration with each other(b) At least 2 non-governmental organisations are consulted in the drafting phase as set out in 3(2)

(4) When an Air Quality Management Area is established the Local Authority must set a projected compliance date within the Air Quality Action Plan

(a) This compliance date must be agreed to by Welsh Ministers(b) An Air Quality Action Plan must be reviewed by the Local Authority every time it reaches ¼ of it’s projected length.

4 - Clean Air Zone

(1) Cardiff City will be established as a Clean Air Zone within 18 months of this bill passing

5 - National Air Quality and Assessment Centre

(1) A National Air Quality and Assessment Centre shall be established and it shall have the following responsibilities:

(a) Constant review of Welsh Air Quality(b) Provide assistance on monitoring methods to Local Authorities(c) Provide advice and information on national air quality to the Welsh Government(d) Monitoring any area where Air Pollutant levels exceed the limits set out in schedule 1(e) Providing information on the largest sources of air pollutants in Wales and how they can be addressed

(2) It shall be ran and administered by Air Quality in Wales(3) The National Air Quality and Assessment Centre shall be responsible for establishing an appropriate number of Air Monitoring stations throughout Wales

6 - Amendments to National Air Quality Objectives

(1) Replace the National Air Quality Objectives with the table set out in schedule 1

7 - Idling Measures

(1) Local Authorities have a duty to pay due regard to developing and implementing anti-idling measures(2) Local Authorities have the power to increase the fine for idling by up to Level 3 on the Standard Scale(3) Idling outside of a school or educational institute can be fined up to and no less than a Level 5 on the Standard Scale

9 - Smoke Control Orders

(1) Local Authorities must review Smoke Control Areas on an annual basis in terms of the following:

(a) Effectiveness(b) Whether to retain or rescind a Smoke Control Area

(2) The relevant Welsh Minister must publish an accessible list of acceptable fuels to be used in outside fires

8 - Financial Provisions

(1) Any fiscal costs that arise from this bill shall be covered by the relevant Minister’s budget


The table may be found here.

This Bill was written by the Rt. Hon. Sir u/Chi0121 KD MS on behalf of the Welsh Conservatives



Insert into Section 4 - Clean Air Zone

(2) Swansea City and Newport City will be established as Clean Air Zones within 24 months of this bill passing

(3) Any localities with a population greater than 50,000 (excluding those in subsection (1) and (2)) according to the most recent census will be established as clean air zones within 36 months.

(Exp. We should be ensuring that people in more denser localities are protected under this bill, and as such we should expand the clean air zone establishment to more than just Cardiff)


Insert a section 10 - Commencement, and Short Title

10 - Commencement, and Short Title

  1. This bill shall come into force upon receiving Royal Assent.
  2. This bill may be cited as the Clean Air (Wales) Bill 2021.


This division will end on the 24th August 2021

13:13 UTC


WB074 - Parliamentary Accountability (Motion Responses) (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage One reading for the bill being amended may be read here.

Parliamentary Accountability (Motion Responses) Bill 2021

An act of the Senedd Cymru to require the Government to respond to all motions passed by the Parliament within 28 days via a written statement laid before Parliament.

Section 1: Motion Responses

  1. Once the Presiding Officer has declared that a motion brought before the Senedd under Chapter 12 of the Standing Orders has passed Parliament, the Welsh Government shall have 28 days to respond to the motion through a written statement laid before the Senedd Cymru.

Section 2: Exemptions

  1. The following motions are not subject to the provisions of Section 1(1).

a) Motions of the First Minister.
b) Business motions.
c) Motions of no confidence.
d) Motions on competence.
e) Procedural motions.

Section 3: Failure to respond

  1. Should the Welsh Government fail to comply with Section 1(1) of this Act, the Presiding Officer shall be required to summon a member of the Government to a question session on the topic of the motion if requested by a Member of the Senedd Cymru.

Section 4: Commencement

  1. This Act shall come into force upon Royal Assent.

Section 5: Short Title

  1. This Act shall be known as the Parliamentary Accountability (Motion Responses) Act 2021.

**This Bill was written by /u/Aberteifi on behalf of the Cardigan Community Healthcare Advocates Party, and co-sponsored by the Welsh Conservatives. based on similar legislation by /u/Tommy2Boys ’ in the Scottish Parliament. **


Substitute Section 1 for:

Section 1: Motion Responses

Once the Presiding Officer has declared that a motion brought before the Senedd under Chapter 12 of the Standing Orders has passed Parliament, the Welsh Government shall have 28 days, or until the next General Questions Session, to respond to the motion through a written statement laid before the Senedd Cymru.

This amendment was submitted by /u/RhysGwenythIV on behalf of the Welsh Liberal Democrats.

This division will end on the 13th of July.

14:52 UTC


WB070 - Police and Civil Liberties (Wales) Bill 2021 @ Committee Stage

The Stage One reading for the bill being amended may be found here.

Police and Civil Liberties (Wales) Bill 2021

An Act of the Senedd Cymru to restrict in Wales policing practices.

Having been passed by the Senedd Cymru and having received the assent of Her Majesty, it is enacted as follows:

1 Definitions

(a) “Mounted Constabulary” refers to any police officer mounted on a police horse.

(b) “Water Cannon” refers to any device that shoots water at a high velocity with the aim of dispersing crowds.

(c) “Kettling” refers to the boxing in of crowds using riot shields.

“Non-Participants” refers to any person(s) present at or in the vicinity of a protest not involved either in the protest or the policing thereof.

(d)“Tear Gas” refers to any lachrymatory agent.

2 Restrictions

(a) The use of Mounted Constabulary, Water Cannons and Kettling will be restricted in the policing of protests and in crowd control.

(b) The use of Mounted Constabulary, Water Cannons and Kettling will only be permitted if two of the following three conditions are met:

(i) The size of the protest or crowd exceeds 250 persons.

(ii) There is a credible threat of violence amongst the crowd which would pose a real and credible threat of life to the safety and wellbeing of protesters, non-participating parties, or police officers.

(iii) The protest or crowd has reached an area where non-participators are present or where there is the possibility of damage to infrastructure.

(c) Mounted Constabulary, Water Cannons and Kettling may only be used to ensure the safety of all persons in the vicinity of a protest or crowd and to direct crowds away from non-participants or vulnerable infrastructure where there is no viable alternative.

(d) Mounted Constabulary, Water Cannons and Kettling must be used in a way that minimizes the risk of injury to protesters or the crowd.

(e) The use of Tear Gas will be prohibited in all circumstances.

3. Commencement, full extent and title

1)- This Act may be cited as the Police and Civil Liberties Act 2021

  1. This Act shall come into force 2 weeks upon Royal Assent.

  2. This Act extends to Wales.

This bill was written by the Viscount Houston on behalf of Plaid Cymru, designed to reinstate the provisions contained in legislation written by Yoshi2010 and rexrex200. It is co-sponsored by the Welsh Liberal Democrats, Welsh National Party and the Welsh Labour Party.

The proposed amendment reads as follows:

For section 2 substitute;

(1) Any use of force by the police must be proportionate and for a lawful purpose.

(2) To be proportionate a use of force must reasonably be lived by the officer be the minimum amount of force to achieve the lawful purpose.

(3) The Minister shall commission provision of independent guidance on the proportionate use of tear gas in policing in Wales to regional police forces.

(4) The independent guidance will consider advising on safer deployment systems and the scientific evidence on tear gas.

This amendment was submitted by /u/LeChevalierMal-Fait on behalf of Libertarian Party Cymru

This division will end on the 6th of July.

15:20 UTC

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