Music French people might play at a party or just with friends around
Music French people might play at a party or just with friends around
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Songs do not need to be in french, or by a french artist. The style of music is broad and largely decided by the community. Posts that are way out of line with the sub will be removed at moderators discretion. Example, heavy metal. If you are unsure about your post, message the mods.
If you post your own song you must do so in the self-promotion weekly thread
You can only post one playlist per week
Harshly criticizing a post in the comments for any reason is not allowed. If you believe it is not in line with the sub, report it.
/r/MGPMPPJWFA - Music German people might play at a party or just with friends around
/r/MFiPMPPJWFA - Music Finnish people might play at a party or just with friends around
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.
Envie de vibrer au rythme des meilleurs tubes français ? 🇫🇷🎶 Suivez French Hits sur Spotify et plongez dans une sélection de hits incontournables. Appuyez sur play, laissez-vous emporter et découvrez les sons qui font le buzz en France. Suivez maintenant !
Please post your creation in this thread. It will be renewed every Saturday.