
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for the alumni and student body of MATC.

Campus Map - Downtown

Campus Map - Mequon

Campus Map - West Allis

Student Services

ACA Multi-Campus Registration

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133 Subscribers


Free CARS Resource

Hey, r/matc. This post is for all the pre-meds and students looking to take their MCAT this year! CARShub is a new, MCAT resource specifically for practicing CARS! The website has hundreds of CARS passages -- new passages added weekly -- all presented in the typical MCAT user interface, giving you the upper hand when it comes to exam time. Please give it a try at https://carshub.xyz ! We would appreciate any feedback! Thanks.

1 Comment
15:18 UTC


Can someone tell me why I've been at MATC for 4 years without a degree yet at all?

I haven't failed a single course, but I am transferring to UWM into computer science.

The fact that I have been in MATC for 4 years has pretty much killed me and nobody can answer why i was forced to.

They added a bunch of courses to my program requirements later on in my education when I thought I was almost ready to transfer, but these extra courses I apparently had to take and they had nothing to do with my aspiration.

Right now I'm pretty much done but I'm told to fill out a graduation form but that doesn't sound right to me. Wouldn't I just transfer to UWM instead of graduating from MATC? Wouldn't I get affected by financial aid that way? I never heard of someone graduating to transfer.

17:03 UTC


Book Macroeconomics 22nd edition Campbell McConnell ECON202

Hi, I'm really looking for this book for my ECON class but I have not been able to find it yet.

Any help is appreciated

02:30 UTC


My friends made a discord server if anyone wants to come talk and make friends =)

If anyone is looking to make friends and chat about a wide range of topics, my friends made a discord server that everyone is welcome to join and come chat at :)


1 Comment
20:17 UTC


Free Dental Work

Hey everyone, I’m a fourth year student at Marquette Dental School and my National Board Exam is coming up on Sunday, March 1st. I am screening patients this week and next week that may be qualify for a free filling! You will also be compensated $50 for your time if you are chosen. Please contact me if interested!

02:55 UTC


Can someone help me apply?

Hi! I F(17) am a senior but my family has never been career driven and my friends are all busy at college right now. I’m planning on taking my gen ed classes for 2 years at MATC and then transferring to a college to complete a bachelors degree. Is there anyone willing to help me do my application?

15:22 UTC


MATC Rocket League Team

I am looking to create an MATC team for Rocket league to participate in CCA (College Carball Association) which is a league ran by other college students and they compete in leagues twice a year. I am looking for people that are ranked champ or higher. Even if you aren't, please still come and tryout! If you are interested and enrolled at MATC please comment your discord name below with the # or message me on discord. My discord is JDeleven11#8443. Otherwise message me on here. Any other questions regarding cross play, how the league works, prizes, etc just contact me and I will be happy to answer.

1 Comment
21:42 UTC


What tech works best for school?

I am a student at another school conducting research for a project about technology in community college/vocational programs. Current/recent students, could you do me a favor and take this brief survey listing what you like/don't like about how technology is used for your classes? Thank you!

21:01 UTC


Registration - ACA Multi-Campus Teach-In, Details in post.

I was sent a piece of mod mail by /u/mst3kcrow with a link to what could be considered valuable information to some about students and the ACA.

Regardless of your stance on the ACA (This subreddit takes no formal pro or con stance), it will be added to the side bar under a new heading of Student Services.

For those two lazy (or busy with school work) this is the link:


21:38 UTC


Anyone working on Campus Cycle for ACCTG 1?

I'm gonna be knocking this bad boy out in the next week, was wondering if anyone was going to be doing the same.

1 Comment
15:40 UTC


Spring semester is about to start...

This semester I'm taking all downtown classes (evening, 3-8). I'll probably be much more flexible to grab a snack at the cafe, or something, if you guys ever want to do that!

1 Comment
16:26 UTC


The Smoke Free Campus Policy

As of November the 1st MATC instituted a smoke-free campus policy. This includes all indoor buildings (which was already the policy) and outdoor common areas.

While they have every right to insist that students and faculty do not smoke indoors and on campus property, at the Milwaukee Down Town campus they have been asking students standing on public walkways to move across the street. This however is outside of their ability to force you to comply with. The sidewalk is not owned by the school and therefore does not fall under their ability to enforce policy on.

From their FAQ

Does this policy apply to sidewalks around campus?

MATC cannot make policies regarding property the college does not own. If you wish to use tobacco products, we ask that you be courteous and cross the street away from campus buildings and entrances, and that you dispose of smoking materials properly.

I have heard from many students in my department that smoke, Public Safety has been ordering students to cross streets and telling them that they are not allowed to smoke on sidewalks.

I agree that smokers should try to be considerate of those who do not. I strongly disagree with the idea that students should be lied to and have threats of fines imposed upon them when they are not in violation of the law or policy.

As an additional reference, you can click here to read the the Statute (101.123) on smoking prohibition in public places. Which makes no reference to public sidewalks or unenclosed areas, that are not actually on campus property.

1 Comment
23:04 UTC


Hey, guys! I need your help! Can you answer a few quick questions for me?

For my English class, I'm writing a hypothetical problem-solution paper.

My thesis is that the gaming community is highly under-appreciated at MATC.

My solution would be to form a Gaming Club in order to meet the needs of gamers at our school. The emphasis is on video games. Playing Uno and Connect 4 once a week does not count as a suffient gaming club.

So, as supporting evidence for my thesis, I thought it would be great to have a Student Survey. If you could please answer these questions for me, I would greatly appreciate it, and in turn offer my help for your future studies if you need.

Remember: This is all hypothetical. I do not have the time to actually organize a new club.

  1. Name , Campus

  2. Do you play video games?

If yes: How often? What games, and why?

If no: Why not?

  1. Do you belong to any club at MATC?

  2. If MATC had a video gaming club, would you be interested in trying it out?

  3. Do yu know what a LAN party is?

  4. Do you think LAN parties are appropriate in a college computer lab?

21:37 UTC


Rock Hunger: A Hunger Task Force Benefit Show, December 16th

Rock Hunger benefit show on Friday December 16th at Best Place (901 W. Juneau Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53233) at the Pabst Brewery MATC presents live performances by:

7pm Lex Luther & DJ Capt. Haddock with an open mic by Cypher

8pm Off Beat

9pm Ayinde Garry & The G Spot Trio feat. 'Lyrics'

10pm Up North

11pm Mr. Logek & The Noize

Proceeds benefit Hunger Task Force

17:14 UTC


National Novel Writing Month kick-off at South campus (x-post from r/milwaukee)

National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo.org) is a sort of challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. Our kick-off party (as well as get togethers on Mondays in November) will be held at the South campus library (among other events). I've been doing NaNoWriMo for something like eight years now and this is my third year being involved in the regional group. It's a fun (though challenging!) experience. Only a few people I've run into at these meetings have been MATC students, which is a shame! Here's the info for the kick-off:

Friday, November 4

MATC Oak Creek Campus Library

6665 S Howell Ave. Oak Creek WI 53154

6:00pm to 9:00pm

Kick off NaNoWriMo with other Wrimos in the region! Icebreakers, writing exercises, and of course, the always popular ‘official swag stickers’. No cost to attend, but those who are able are encouraged to bring a dessert or snack. Beverages will be provided.

04:48 UTC


Protest in front of MATC Downtown (link to video inside).

Here is the video. It's about half of a minute. The name of this group is Deep Green Resistance. It appears that the leader of this movement is Waziyatawin. The following is the text from the pamphlet they were handing out. Warning it's a bit long. Although, it is worth the read as you get an idea of what this movement intends for non-compliant, non-Indigenous People. I myself am not a supporter of this movement. I am simply sharing what I saw on campus.

Indigenous People and The Revolution By Waziyatawin

Indigenous Peoples have been waiting for more that 500 years for the collapse of western civilization. We knew the day would come when Indigenous ways of being would be vindicated, even by the invaders to our lands, and the hopelessly unsustainable ways of colonizing society would be proven foolish and destructive. That day is rapidly approaching and many Indigenous Peoples are preparing for the reclamation of our homelands.

In strategizing about building sustainable communities, those who seek to inhabit North America must plan for the return of Indigenous Peoples to our homelands. Long before invading forces colonized what is now the United States, Indigenous populations were a part of the land base rather than a destructive force upon it. In fact, many Indigenous Peoples maintain stories about how our bodies were actually created from the earth. Thus, we are indigenous to the land just as other plant beings and animal beings are also indigenous.

Further, we understood how to maintain spiritual relationships with these brothers and sisters. To live as good relatives, we learned how to pray their survival and sing their well-being. Our distinct societies survived for thousands of years precisely because balance and reciprocity in our relations are core values of our cultures. Given our understanding about the interconnectedness of all beings, we knew if we wanted our future generations to endure, we had to strive for balance and sustainability. Our ceremonies and spirituality connected us to the land and we existed as beloved children. In the age of colonization, our mother has not forgotten us and she continues to call us home. We are the ones who know how to restore those spiritual relationships. Even if that knowledge has been temporarily lost because the colonizers have beaten it out of us, we have the means to recover it.

If you want to inhabit North America but choose not to develop future communities with Indigenous Peoples, or you ignore the primacy of our relationship to the land, you will make enemies of us. In fact, you will become just the next wave of colonizers. Though your desired communities might be more respectful to some indigenous plant and animal beings, when the revolution begins, so will the war with Indigenous Peoples. If you want a future in which your children can potentially live peacefully, how you develop your notions of a future society with us is of fundamental importance. As many Indigenous Peoples have one since invasion, we are training our children now for the reclamation of our inherent right to live freely in our homelands. We will go to war with any population that attempts to prevent this.

On the other hand, if you choose to work as a non-Indigenous ally in support of Indigenous Peoples, you can assist us now in two primary ways. First, you can help restore lands to us by working for the return of public or private lands, or by collaborating with Indigenous populations in the occupations and seizing of lands. Second, you can help us by taking down civilization. Every blow against American imperialism is an act for Indigenous liberation. When the revolution begins, love the land as a beloved mother and respect our right to live freely.

18:08 UTC


Audio Lab for MATC Live Sound Recording & Techniques of Sound Recording open!

The lab in M170 is now open for students enrolled in the music department for Live Sound Recording and Techniques of Sound Recording.

Hours are:

Monday:10am-12 & 1-2pm Tuesday:10am-5pm Wednesday:1-3pm Thursday:12-1pm Friday:10am-11

This lab is only for Music students enrolled in those two classes.

16:25 UTC



What are some good nearby restaurants that aren't bars or Cousin's? I don't care for the cafeteria food much.

16:20 UTC


Chess club anybody?

I was in the chess club in high school, and thought I'd give it a go in college. Is anybody else here interested in playing?

19:09 UTC


MATC meet up!

It doesn't have to be a huge event, we could get together in the union. I am down there in the morning/early afternoon everyday but Wednesday. I'm done with my classes around 11am. When is convenient for the rest of you?

19:54 UTC

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