
Photograph via snooOG

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ARCHIVED: Rewatch Threads


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My random thoughts on "across the sea" s06e15

This is the 3rd-to-last episode about the backstory of Jacob and the MIB. Does anyone else get annoyed re-watching this episode? To me the entire thing seems so forced and cliche. The writing feels like it's just copy/pasting short one-liners together from past episodes of the show. While watching the episode, it just feels like the writers have found an excuse to force-feed me answers to the island's past in the most obvious way. And the placement of this episode as the third-to-last episode is a bit annoying too... maybe a little earlier in the season could have been better, or somehow spread across multiple episodes using flashbacks? IDK it just feels like such a lazy episode to me, end of rant.

11:02 UTC


The Hydra Station, fully recreated in Minecraft! (This one took a WHILE, hopefully you guys like it!)

1 Comment
09:08 UTC


I am a simple man, I just love Terry O'quinn

08:53 UTC


How did Kate know so much more about CPR than Jack?

After Saiiid drowns, Jack briefly attempts to save him with CPR but after performing it for 2 seconds Kate interupts him with "Jack? What are you doing? He's dead!"

How did she become such an expert that she can interrupt a professional experienced doctor to assure him that CPR isn't worth attempting for more than 2 seconds?


08:21 UTC


I actually kinda liked Ana Lucia

I will say, in the beginning of her being introduced I wasn’t a fan. But I think that was the total intention of the writers. As the show went on I definitely started to take a liking towards her. She seemed to me at least, to be an embodiment of someone who suffered severe PSTD after losing a child. Her character responded with aggression and heightened mistrust in others, which subsequently, also made her character unlikable. However, even though that’s true, to me she had some very likable moments… how she treated the children on the tail end of the plane and worried for them, her and Libby’s kinda friendship, how she wanted to protect her group when we first meet them, how even though her and Sayid had issues, she went to him for help regarding “Henry Gale” which showed that behind all the layers of hostility, she was capable of other feelings.

I also believe she had a lot to offer and could have been a great addition to the “main group” on the show. She had the smarts. It’s just that she had trouble managing and navigating her emotions because of her circumstances. She was messy but I think, I hope she could have come back from that. I know this may be an unpopular take, but her character if not killed off could have had a lot of potential to grow and I would have loved to see where that would have gone. That’s all:)

05:27 UTC


"I think they call it Lost because you get invested in a plot point and then the entire plot point gets Lost" - my dad

My dad is watching Lost for the first time, and he's getting so mad about how plot points get ignored for so long.

S1 spoilers: after Claire got taken, the show decided to focus on Kate and Sawyer fighting over that briefcase instead of searching for Claire. My dad kept yelling "WHERE'S CLAIRE". When Charlie was sad and Rose was talking to him by the fire, my dad yelled "YEAH BUT WHERE IS SHE?"

Now we're on Season 2 and he's doing the same about Michael and Walt.

Did anyone else get mad about this?

02:25 UTC


What color were Kate's eyes in the tv show lost?

They look green to me but just wanted to see what other people thought

22:51 UTC


"It's just a line of chalk in a cave"

I just wanna hear your thoughts on this one.

It seems very straightforward that as soon as you die, you're no longer a candidate to be the Protector. Just like Cunningham, Chang, Goodspeed and all the others. Your name is crossed off. You also have Jacob's touch, which doesn't necessarily turn you into a candidate (for instance, Jacob touched Ilana and Richard, but gave them different jobs).

However, one thing a lot of fans were puzzled about was the cliffside cave. Not only because Jacob wrote the names twice (ligthouse and cave), but when a candidate ceased to be a candidate. With Kate it was simple. She became a mother. We also have Littleton who is scratched out. If it's Claire then she ceased to be a candidate when she gave birth to Aaron. If the scratched out Littleton name means Aaron, then poor boy, he frankly did anything before losing the position :P

You could also argue that if a character does something to lose their candidate status, the Monster is now able to kill him. Candidate nr. 76, EKO (who is written with his first name and not surname for some reason), would not be able to be killed by the Monster in "The 23rd Psalm", but would be able to be killed - per the rules of their game - in "The Cost of Living", since he was able to kill him. It begs the question: How much power does the "crossing of the name" has.

You also have living characters like Straume and Linus, who are both crossed off. (If you believe Linus means Ben and not Roger). My question is as follows. If the Man in Black was succesful in killing everyone on the sub, would the ghost of Jacob appear to Miles and Ben and present them the job of Protector even though they are crossed off just like he told Kate she could take the job? Would you guys say it's within "the rules"? Would he have to do it in record speed, because the MIB is allowed to kill Ben and Miles and would rush to the main island to find them, since they are scratched off, but wouldn't be allowed to kill one of them if either of them becomes the protector.

Just wanna hear what you all think :)

21:28 UTC


Can someone explain Libby’s character

Ok I’m halfway through season 3 and there was absolutely no explanation who Libby actually was and how she got on the island. She was in the psych ward with Hurley so does that mean she was obsessed with him and followed him on his flight and subsequently was stranded on the island too? Was it something more supernatural? Libby obviously exists so it’s not a Dave situation. And then my confusion only worsened when they showed a flashback of her giving Desmond her boat..and she seems completely level headed and not like someone who would be in an institution. this is my third rewatch my last rewatch was almost ten years ago and I don’t think they bring her up again unless I’m misremembering. WHO WAS SHE.

21:25 UTC


Rambling about electromagnetism and consiousness on Lost - Is the Island alive?

I'm not sure if I would call this coherent... but I feel like there are several puzzle pieces that might fit together somehow. Maybe it adds up to something. Lots of wiki-quotes with potential pseudoscience incoming.

There are lots of allusions to electromagnetism on Lost, like in S.O.S. where Isaac said:

ISAAC: There are certain places with great energy -- spots on the Earth like the one we're above now. Perhaps this energy is geological -- magnetic. Or perhaps it's something else. And when possible I harness this energy and give it to others. May I?

And we all have seen how magnetic the Swan is... but is there more to it than just "energy"?

The Energy in the Swan

In the "Lost on Location" bonus feature for Flashes Before Your Eyes Lindelof was a bit more specific, when he said:

Lindelof: This power to see the future... it started when he [Desmond] turned the failsafe key and there had to be a side effect of this bioelectric magnetic energy that is contained behind this wall.



Bioelectromagnetics, also known as bioelectromagnetism, is the study of the interaction between electromagnetic fields and biological entities. Areas of study include electromagnetic fields produced by living cells, tissues or organisms, the effects of man-made sources of electromagnetic fields like mobile phones, and the application of electromagnetic radiation toward therapies for the treatment of various conditions.


In simple terms: the human brain creates an EMF - an electromagnetic field. It can be measured and everything.

Walt's powers

Would bioelectromagnetism explain a part of Walt's powers? His brain, like any other, creates an EMF - but what if he (unintentionally) creates rather strong EMFs when he's angry or scared? Birds use the earth's magnetic field for orientation - what if their orientation gets disrupted by Walt when he's creating a strong EMF and they get confused and thus smash against the windows as shown twice on the show.

Psychics and ghostbusters

Bioelectromagnetism could also be used to explain people like Richard Malkin (if you believe that he's real) or Miles. In real life it's speculated that something like direct brain-to-brain communication could be a thing, meaning that you could read another people's thoughts by analyzing the other person's EMF. Maybe Miles can just read a remnant of a dead person's brain. I guess this wouldn't explain Malkin's claims about Aaron's future etc. - but maybe there's something to it, lol.



The bioelectromagnetism/EMFs lead me to topic of the human consciousness. What consciousness really is, is pretty tough to nail down. Some guy named John Locke was apparently talking about it quite a bit.

The origin of the modern concept of consciousness is often attributed to John Locke who defined the word in his Essay Concerning Human Understanding, published in 1690, as "the perception of what passes in a man's own mind".


Consciousness = Electromagnetism

There are theories out there about the consciousness and how it's basically an electromagnetic field or created by the EMF.

Electromagnetic theories of consciousness propose that consciousness can be understood as an electromagnetic phenomenon.


If you google a bit you will find a lot of articles about that topic.



Desmond's time travel adventures

This briefly leads me back to Flashes Before Your Eyes. When Desmond turned the key he was exposed to this energy on the island and he had this time travel adventure... but he wasn't physically travelling through time - it was just his consciousness, that was dislodged from his body. The same thing happened again in The Constant and Happily Ever After when Widmore blasted Desmond with more electromagnetic energy. Another connection between EMFs and conciousness.


In Happily Ever After it's also that Desmond gets taken to a hospital to be checked with an MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging - where a magnetic field is used to scan the brain. This is what triggers Desmond to remember Penny.

Penny's last name in the afterlife was by the way supposed to be Mansfield, named after Sir Peter Mansfield, who contributed a lot to today's MRI technology.


Is the Island alive?

And all of this leads me back to the energy on the island. What if... it's a consciousness? The island's consciousness - making the island a living being. After all Lindelof called it bioelectric magnetic energy, which would require the source to be a living organism.


Good question! Does this make any sense? I don't know. It feels like it does. Somehow. Maybe it sparks an idea or discussion.

19:03 UTC


Winner for Chad-Neutral is Mr. Eko! Day 13: Who is Neutral-Neutral? Most upvoted character will win.

18:59 UTC


I really need help finding where this clip is from or a longer version 😭

I know this is weird but it’s for an edit and I can’t find where this clip is from for the life of me so help would be really really appreciated

15:34 UTC


good suggestions for videos to recap the first four seasons

basically the title and I want to resume and finish this. I really 'lost' interest after >!they were back from the island!< and I dont really remember which episode that was but I do remember I stopped after season 4 somewhere. its been over 5 years I think so I need good detailed recaps so I dont have to watch it all again. I really want to finish because it has some really good actors that I have grown to like over different series.

Please suggest some really good recap videos in your opinion.

15:19 UTC


Jacobs blessing is still working

Thata picture from Nestor Carbonell during the getting Lost documentary.

That man really doesnt age.

11:53 UTC


In Season one , Loving it, a whimsically beautiful plot and lovable characters

06:09 UTC


Richard’s test for Young Locke: what was Locke supposed to pick?

05:31 UTC


Just finished lost for the first time

I cried like a baby.

04:34 UTC


Locke’s beech craft dream

After seeing the episode Locke and Boone finds the Beechcraft, it made me think that maybe Locke misunderstood the dream and was supposed to find the Dharma station in the ground. Or do you think that Boone was meant to climb up to the plane?

04:27 UTC


What the fuck is happening

Although this is not my first time watching it has been about 13 years since the last time I’ve seen anything! I’m on season 4 episode 10 right now and since I started season 4 I’ve never been more confused with all the flashbacks and the flashes of the future it’s so confusing!! Will it make sense soon or am I just lost (pun intended)

00:22 UTC


Rewatch cry count… 5 times in one episode

I just finished Exodus part 1. My cry count is now at 6. It hurts even worse because I kind of remember what happens. Also Jin and Sun are my Roman Empire.

23:04 UTC


PART 2: Watch the finale with me - Thoughts on The End (uncut)

For the 10 people that read my post yesterday ((Part 1 here)), I’m rehydrated and ready to finish the finale!

-I am continuing at the point where Ben got squished like a bug saving Hurley (I guess sharing your candy bar pays off).

-Jack, you couldn’t have at least brought a big stick or something to fight Flocke?

-Good, Flocke’s dead. Fuck that guy

-Oh, John 🥹 what a great scene after his surgery. I bet I’ll love him on my next rewatch. His smile is so sweet.

-The looks on Sun and Jin’s faces talking to Sawyer. Their peace. I’m crying again.

-Jack and Kate’s declaration of love got me. Neither of them are my favorite, but I definitely love them together (in theory, not in practice).

-Ben’s willingness to go down with the island is nice to see. There’s my Dr. Linus.

-“Chesty” has me laughing through my tears. I’ll miss the nicknames.

-Oh god, Juliet and James. I wish we had more time with them in the 70s. “You got it, Blondie” 😭

-This finale is beautiful. It’s for the fans. How could anyone be unhappy with this? We get closure! We get peace! This is a love letter to the fans and I’m enjoying every minute.

-I’m not ready for this to be over, but I think rewatchability is going to be fantastic because the destination is as wonderful as the journey.

-They powered up the plane! Shoutout to Lapidus, Miles, and Richard. 3 cool dudes I would have liked to see more of.

-And they’re off! Side note, how do people hate Claire? She’s been through trauma and has been brainwashed and in survival mode for 3 years. Cut her a break.

-Ben, my beloved. Look how handsome he is all cleaned up and bruise-free. They could never make me hate you. It was a great choice to have him stay and work on himself more. I wish we saw more of Dr. Linus in the flash-sideways but I’m grateful for the scenes we did get. The last one with Danielle and Alex was so sweet. And him trying to protect John was poignant.

-Love the Hugo and Ben scene. Hugo getting some confidence and Ben needing to feel needed (I swear I could fix him).

-“It’s the place you created together so you could find each other.” sobbing uncontrollably. Beautiful scene with Jack and his dad. Jack needed him to be the one to put it all together. It’s perfect.

-The church scene is so beautiful. I’m glad I chugged water ahead of time. Then Vincent with Jack, and Jack’s smile when he saw him. I’ve never cried this much at any show EVER.

Well, it’s over, folks. I couldn’t have asked for a better finale. I truly didn’t expect to be so emotional or to love it so much. This hit me harder than any finale I ever ever seen, even 6 Feet Under.

The way the story came together took this show from a fun casual watch to one of my favorite shows I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to rewatch it knowing where it all ends up. I can see why this sub is so active, Lost is a fantastic show!

23:03 UTC


The number of passengers on 815

I'm watching episode 2 and they mention there's 324 confirmed dead. Yep, 324 ÷ 3= 108. And it only took me 8 rewatches 😂

22:17 UTC



I’m probably one of three people on the planet who care about this. I hate that Netflix adds their own subtitles onto the episode, instead of keeping how they were originally aired, font & all (as seen in the photo). They would even be adjusted where they were placed on the screen depending on the shot, which was a great touch.

Hulu has the OG subtitles. Hulu > Netflix, for me!

20:58 UTC


Winner for Lawful-Neutral is Richard! Day 12: Who is Chad-Neutral? Most upvoted character will win.

19:44 UTC


What shows give you a Lost vibe?

The first season of dark, was really good and gave me a ton of vibes from this show, the mystery, the mix of sci-fi with mythology/religion, I felt like it got a bit repetitive by the third season but still glad I watched.

3 body problem seemed promising and the first contact scene was amazing but the show just isn't working out for me, gave up on watching it.

After that show I just can't seem to find anything that checks the right boxes for me. I've seen the leftovers and Its definitely paired up with lost as my two all time favourites, followed by twin peaks, some Fargo seasons and the first season of true detective. The only shows from lindeloff I haven't seen are watchmen and Mrs Davis, are those any good?

TLDR: looking for a new show to watch. Open to suggestions. Doesn't need to be the best show ever, just looking for a mystery/adventure kind of thing, if there's sci-fi even better. Not an easy person to sell CGI though.

18:53 UTC


Desmond 5x03

I forgot Desmond and Penny named their son Charlie. Almost had me crying all over again. What a nice tribute to the person who helped reunite them.

18:20 UTC


Hurley on TV in Korea?

Is that Hurley on TV? Haha. I just started watching the series (on season 1 still) and in the episode where Jin goes to talk to the man his daughter is watching TV. My husband said Hurley was on the TV and didn't believe him until I went back and saw it 😂 have y'all noticed this? I thought maybe because he won the lottery but when he did the interview after winning he was wearing a black shirt. Just thought it was funny and maybe someone knows the lore? Thanks!!

15:43 UTC


Third rewatch, I don't think I can express how much I appreciate Sawyer [Heavy Spoilers]

James Ford is undoubtedbly one of my favorite characters and has a lot of depth - The token anti-hero type character who plays the bad guy to keep people at a distance. The show does an amazing job at redeeming and growing his character. To where even by mid season 3 he's a lot wiser and kinder than he ever would have shown when the plane first crashed.

I can talk at length about how much I hate the love triangle plot line but I'm glad James wizens up to it and doesn't get jealous. "I know you only did it cause you thought I was a dead man, so don't beat yourself up for leaving the doc behind" "I'm not beating myself up" "Course you're not." [S3 E9 SiaSL] As much as he doesn't let it show he is a lot more mature than he lets on.

He's not a perfect character by any means, but no one on the show is. Everyone is lost in their own way. Sawyer was definitely a dick. and I still haven't forgiven him for the frog :( but I think when he is at his best and being nice its always a treat to see.

One of the biggest tragedy with his character is the death of Ana Lucia. AL is a character very similar to James, she's gruff and hard to deal with but she had a kind side, it's just sad to see that the moment she started to show her weakness she was killed. I truly felt if she lasted in the show, she and James would have been able to help eachother grow and form a relationship thats better than the J K S triangle. But Ana was unfortunately disliked by many.

15:05 UTC


Best line so far

Doing a rewatch and by far this is my favorite line

S03E04 Every man for himself

CASSIDY: I just thought you could write her a letter. Her name's Clementine.

SAWYER: What the hell am I going to write, "Dear Goo-goo, Ga-ga?" She's a baby.


14:43 UTC


Mr Eko timeline

Doing a rewatch…H ow did Mr Eko arrive on the island before the drug plane crashed. It was taking off with his brother and drugs while Eko was in Nigeria yet plane crashed at least weeks after Eko was on a flight from Australia

14:04 UTC

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