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Stagnant weight

I’m a 5’0” 27y F weighing between 126-129lbs with a goal weight of 115lbs. 2 years ago I got pregnant and went from 105lb to 145lb. I’ve lost about half of that weight but this last 10-15 pounds (to get to my goal weight) just won’t budge.

Ive been working out consistently (3-4x weekly a mix of cardio and weights) for about 5 months now and though I feel stronger/healthier… my weight just sticks around. One week I’ll be 125lbs and thinking I’m doing better but then it’ll go back up to 128lbs a week later with zero changes to my diet or exercise routine.

I recently started tracking my calories and I eat about 1100-1300 calories per day on average. I tailor the fluctuations to how active I am during the day (so if I do a hard workout I’ll eat closer to the 1300 calories but if I just do a mile walk it’s closer to 1100 calories for that day).

Any tips for how to lose 10-15 lbs? I’m getting so disheartened every time I step on the scale and it goes back up ruining my progress I’ve been working hard at.

Edited to add: Im currently waiting on bloodwork to check all my hormones and such to make sure that isn’t also a culprit. I was on antidepressants for almost a year and just stopped them about 3-4 months ago which my GP said could be contributing to the weight gain/issues losing weight.

1 Comment
16:06 UTC


Beach Body Prep

I'm a guy thats been fat for a bit, my biggest issue are the love handles and moobs. I'm going on a trip in a little under 2 months and I want to look half decent when we go to the beach. Realistically is it possible for me to lose a good chunk of my weight in that time and hopefully do something abt the moobs😭 Pls advice me on everything I can do. I can't go to a gym at the moment and will have to rely on home workouts. I've been hitting push ups daily, what else can I include for some quick changes in physique.

16:05 UTC


★OFFICIAL WEEKLY★ Foodie Friday: Share your favorite recipes and meal pics! May 17, 2024

Calories? I think you mean delicious points!

Got some new recipes you want to try out? Looking for ideas for your next /r/MealPrepSunday? Just trying to get some inspiration before you give up and say "Let's get takeout?" - again? Fight the Friday funk, and get excited for cooking tonight!

Post your favorite recipes here to share with the rest of the /r/loseit community! You can also share your meal photos via imgur.com links.

Due to the spirit of the sub, please try to include the calorie and nutritional information if at all possible. MyFitnessPal has awesome recipe calculators you can use!

Big thanks to SmilingJaguar for his many years of running our weekly Wecipe threads.

Due to space limitations, this may be a sticky only occasionally. Please find it using the sidebar if needed.

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16:01 UTC


Weight loss and work

I was a handsome guy before I got fat in 2013, and I’ve now lost the weight and I am handsome again. The problem is I am pissed about being treated better. Searching this thread has shown me this is common.

The disrespect I got from both genders for being fat is eye opening, and now the respect I get from both genders is infuriating. Until about two months ago, I thought they didn’t like who I was, turns out they just didn’t like how I looked!

I’ve worked the same job for 11 years. I am disgusted by so many people at work because of how much better they treat me now! If they continued to not like me, I’d chalk it up work politics, but knowing that they dislike fat people makes me think they’re bad people.

I can play the game and hide it, but I feel disgust when I see some people now.

Anyone successfully deal with this? I don’t want to quit my job just yet, but people can eventually tell when you dislike them even if you hide it to the best of your ability. It’s going to be bad for my career.

This is half venting and half asking about anyone’s experience dealing with the same issue. Feel free to answer or just vent.

1 Comment
15:54 UTC


Diet Fatigue

I (5’11 M23) have successfully cut from 215 to 185~ pounds since the start of the year. My highest weight was around 240 1-2 years ago, and I am at a better place with my physique than I have been in years. My body fat is around 18-21% but I’m not satisfied with my overall appearance just yet. However, I have started feeling hungrier throughout the day and had some seemingly uncontrollable binges, especially on the weekends. I feel ravenous at random times and my willpower is waning, and as a result, I’ve been at a plateau for 2 weeks. I regularly lift weights and have been running pretty regularly. I am satisfied with how much muscle mass I have, just want to get rid of a bit more body fat. Should I go on a planned diet break/maintenance phase, or is this normal and I just need to be more disciplined? Sorry if I rambled, and thanks in advance.

15:50 UTC


Curating your social media is key on your weight loss journey

I just started on my weight loss journey and I’ve gotta say, I realize just how affected I get when browsing my social media.

I’m a girl who LOVES cooking but I also never knew healthy habits and would over indulge and not use healthy ingredients etc.

I’ve noticed recently just how much cleanup on my social media accounts I’ve had to do to be able to continue being successful on this journey.

All around me has been videos on mozzarella sticks (fav) mukbangs (wish I could eat like them and not gain weight) baking desserts, food reviews for places like Crumbl cookies, or a new burger joint, etc. not gonna lie, I actually started crying cuz I just wanted to be able to indulge and participate in my unhealthy habits again.

However I knew how important this was to me. I knew I hated what I see / saw when I look in the mirror and I wanted to change. So, I unfortunately for rn removed those accounts.

I started following ppl on WW the program I’m currently enrolled in for a calorie deficit. I followed ppl who posted about nutritional swap outs. People who too were on weight loss journeys.

In the past few days alone I haven’t been nearly as emotional. It’s helped keep me accountable and realize I can eat the foods I still like just making healthier choices and in moderation.

And also because literally 85% of my social media was centered around food, eating, and cooking. I’ve added other accounts for hobbies like home decor, makeup, historical facts, comedy sketches etc.

Being mindful of what we see and surround ourselves with will help I believe in both motivation and overall weight loss mindset.

1 Comment
15:38 UTC


How to maintain diet despite depression?

I’ve been dieting for two months now and was losing weight pretty steadily for the first six weeks. The past couple weeks my weight has been hovering around the same place, which makes sense because I’ve also been struggling to stick to my calorie limit. I’m pretty sure I’m going through a depressive period (unrelated to the diet!) and I just feel tired and sad and unmotivated most of the time. I’m really struggling to not use food as a coping mechanism, and its especially hard to make good choices when I’m genuinely hungry. I’m in therapy, journal, do yoga, and go for walks regularly, so I’m doing too much mental health work to allow my dumb brain to get in the way of my progress. Does anyone have any tips for how to get through this issue? How do you trick your brain into working with and not against you? Or any depression foods that won’t put me over my calorie limit?

I’m 27F, 5’11, starting weight 194, current weight 185. My calories just went from 1850 to 1800 because of my weight loss.

1 Comment
15:37 UTC


I'm down 70lbs, hit a plateau for the first time, but....

It's been a little over a month since I hit this plateau. Started around 245lbs, and when I hit 167lbs, I basically just hit a wall.

But I could swear that my clothes have been feeling looser and looser this past month.

At 245lbs, I was wearing plus size pants, and XXL shirts. At around 185lbs, I traded my plus size pants for large pants, and I was able to fit into XL shirts at that point.

Around 170lbs, I went shopping again for more shirts, because the XL shirts I had had all become too baggy on me. It was such an amazing feeling to fit into size large for the first time since I was a child.

Now, I've barely lost any weight since getting these new shirts. I definitely need to get new pants again, the large's I wear need to be belted tight up around my waist, and my shirts have definitely been fitting looser this past two weeks in particular - but I am still at 167lbs, and have been for over a month.

The only change this past month is that I've improved my diet. I've increased my protein intake from under 10% per day to at or over 15% per day.

That being said, I have not been working out. My job is semi-active and I get up to 10k steps a day, but some days I get under 6k steps in.

I think I understand what's going on, but I just wanted some reassurance here. I have not increased my daily calories, only the amount of protein I consume, and I have not been burning more calories per day.

I'm assuming at this point that my body is recomping some, developing muscle while still burning fat stores to an extent - at a rate that's keeping my weight steady. Am I correct, and can I stop worrying about the scale not moving? I haven't experienced a plateau before this, so it's a bit disheartening.

15:26 UTC


27M 5'11 Started in January at 210 lbs. and now at 183 lbs....next goal is within healthy BMI

I started in January as a new years resolution to get down to 185 by May, now that its May I want to get down to 170-175 by end of year. I started doing lots of working out and counting calories but now I barely do any working out and stopped counting. What I did do though was shift my mindset of what I need to eat each day. I do the 80/20 rule of 80% real foods (whole type foods with little processing) and 20% UPF type foods. I don't feel like I need to count anymore but I definitely need to go back to the gym as my muscles are deteriorating in my opinion. I try not to snack either but lately that has been an issue. Only eat two meals a day on most days and try to take vitamins when i feel deficient. Let me know of your tips and thoughts!

15:24 UTC


Lost 2lbs in a month.

Ugh. I (35F) Started at 353lbs and now 351lbs. I feel like weight loss was faster before. Like if I just tried a little but I'd lose at least 10lbs a month. This month I ate an average of 3200 calories a day and was burning an average of 3500 calories a day. Think I need to eat more like 2500 calories a day to account for inaccuracies on eating and burning.

At least I’m saving money by not eating out as much and kids are happy going on walks with mommy.

I was hoping to get below 350 and notice a difference a difference in my clothes by now.

What do other 300lbs+ women use as their calorie target?

15:15 UTC


Started just over a month ago and making progress

Started April 15th with the CICO method. Started at 300 lbs. Was at this weight for the longest time. No matter how much I walked or exercised it did not budge. It never registered in my brain until I started following this sub that my diet is causing me to retain my weight. I downloaded the Mynetdiary app, punched in my goal weight and date to reach it and started tracking.

I had no clue how much calories I was eating but it must have been a whole lot. All the snacking, all the extra foods I would eat for lunch. All the sodas, coffee's and so called healthy foods had so many calories. TBH unnecessary calories. Now after 30 days I am at 20 percent of my goal, lost 25 pounds. Thanks for everyone on this sub for all the informative posts and testimony. I have more work to do but hope to hit that goal weight in September.

1 Comment
15:07 UTC


High Exercise "Cheat day" success?

27M 6'3" SW:317 CW:233 GW:217? 199?

So my town has a weekly bicycle ride that is just one big party, for me it's a 36 mile round trip. Tacos, Alcohol and bicycles, basically the highlight of my week all summer in the past. I've lost almost 85lbs since last fall and haven't been one to "eat back" exercise calories during that time, but since the ride started up this year I'm trying out using it as a "cheat day".

I'm still tracking every calorie. I'm still being mindful, still choosing lower calorie drinks and such, but it looks like the 36 miles of cycling actually does successfully offset the intake at least on paper.

Yesterday, my calorie goal was ~1700 calories, I blew it out of the water at almost 3300 calories with tacos and seltzers. While I know fitness gadgets have a bad habit of overestimating calories, every calculator and estimate for bicycling easily puts calories burned for the 36 miles at 12mph at or above 1600. This lines up with what Apple reports from the workout.

Maybe I'll be back here to report that it derailed everything. I'm hoping the balance does work out and I get to enjoy this event like I want to. Anyone have experience to share?

15:07 UTC


Has anyone started on an electrolytes regimen that could advise?

I had a weigh-in/body scan yesterday and to say I am disappointed would be an understatement.

The scale has been moving very, very slowly, but I just presumed I was gaining muscle. That was my only explanation for it. I have really been putting in the work the last few weeks at the gym. That work, to what my results were yesterday, just didn't compute.

According to the results, my body fat has increased. My lean body mass has decreased. My abdominal circumference has increased. I'm stunned and frustrated.

Now, to be fair, I was dehydrated. But....I am also on my period. So, I knew going into it, I was likely going to show as dehydrated. That said, my hydration/de-hydration levels have been an issue for a while. I had blood work done a couple of weeks back, not on my period, and it showed as dehydrated then as well. The good news is the bloodwork didn't really show any medical reason for it....like poor kidney function or diabetes. Everything else checked out okay.

The thing is....I don't have any of the traditional symptoms of dehydration. It really only shows up on bloodwork/scans.

In any case, my trainer talked to me about using electrolytes. He feels like it would help as far as prompting more thirst, so that I can drink water more often. I'm interested, but....I don't really want to do powder. I found some "unflavored" drops that sounded maybe more my speed, but reviews have said that even if they are unflavored, you can still taste them, which...kind of defeats the purpose.

Has anyone done the electrolytes tablets? Maybe I should just have a few ounces of Gatorade in the morning? I've seen people suggest pink Himalayan salt as an alternative too.

Can anyone offer suggestions to someone who is interested in it, but doesn't want the powder/flavor that goes along with it?

15:06 UTC


"I know you mean well, but that actually isn't helping me"

I've lost about 15 lbs since February but I am still obese (F 41, 6'0, SW 270, CW 254, GW 180). I started going to the gym last month to improve my fitness and maybe help the pounds shed a little faster. I've got a good rhythm going, most weekdays I am there doing cardio at about 7 am for 20 minutes. Not anything amazing but it's a start and more than I was doing before. My gym is a small locally-owned place. I live in a part of the US where typically people are open and friendly.

There's an older woman who I think must be an owner or a manager of the gym who is often also there at the same time as me. She's thin and clearly fit. She is usually chatting with the staff person at the front desk for about 15 minutes, and frequently I walk past her on my way out.

Lately she's been saying encouraging things to me, and I've been ignoring them or just nodding slightly. But it has been bugging me, because I have a thing about getting attention for exercising. I don't want anyone to see me exercising and I hate attention, even positive attention, while I'm doing it. I was always the fat kid in gym class and I hated it. I also have a history of childhood trauma which I don't need to get into right now, but that's related too. I just want to be invisible while working out, at least until I'm thinner.

Today she said something like, "you're doing great, you've been here every day". I KNOW she means to be supportive and encouraging. There is no way she could know my history or how I feel about that kind of attention. I almost ignored it again because I also have difficulty sometimes saying the thing that I know is going to be awkward or that the other person doesn't want to hear. But it just came out of my mouth, I didn't think about what I was going to say beforehand, an even-tempered, not-hysterical response: "I know you mean well, but that actually isn't helping me." She said "Ok," and then I said "thank you" and walked out. I didn't have a "tone" to my voice, I just said it as a thing she might want to know. I don't think it's going to be awkward the next time I see her.

If you are a people-pleaser maybe you will identify with this. Before I either would have gotten a little "extra" or hysterical during this interaction, or I would have started avoiding the gym altogether. Being able to kindly say "no thanks" to that interaction in the moment without overreacting, overthinking, or beating myself up afterwards is a huge win for me. I wanted to share this NSV with you all. And feel free to borrow my newest useful phrase 😄

15:03 UTC


has anyone successfully maintained weight with intuitive eating after losing?


I’m just wondering if anyone has had any success with maintaining their weight with IE after losing a bunch of weight?

I’ve recently lost abt 50 lbs over the course of a year ish, and I’m trying to take a bit of a break right now and just maintain because my activity level has massively decreased recently (went from an active college student, to living at my parents house and mostly just recovering from the stress lol). I haven’t been tracking really at all, other than measuring my weight each day. I’m a college student and so I did gain about 5lbs over a month with finals (lw of 132, im at like 137-138 rn). But I’ve been maintaining 138 with very little effort.

Ideally I want to lose like 15-20 more lbs (I’m 5’4 so my weight is healthy right now, but like it would be nice lol), would I still be able to maintain that with IE or should I just stop here while I’m having success with maintaining? I’ve maintained this for like a month.

Btw heres stats, 5’4 19f 138lbs/63kg

1 Comment
14:59 UTC


How has your alcohol tolerance changed with weight loss?

I've always been aware of my alcohol intake as an adult, thanks to a parent who wasn't. It's especially come into focus however when trying to lose weight.

We all know that cutting out drinking is a game changer for losing weight, but for those who like to make room for it in their weekly allowances, how has your tolerance changed with the scale?

I used to have a VERY high tolerance alongside my 5'9 80kg frame. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks however, that I'm trying to drink the same amounts and it's affecting me way more. I've lost 12kg and it seems I can't drink like I used to.

A part of me is realising I need to change my relationship with alcohol regardless now. I need to learn to nurse my drinks, pour less, not go one for one with everyone else just because of rounds at the pub.

14:57 UTC


Going to the gym 5x a week, getting my steps in & eating in a deficit but scale hasn’t changed in 10 days

hi everyone! looking for some guidance as this journey can get frustrated and very aware I could be being impatient 😂 I have lost 10 pounds so far in my fat loss journey. I go to the gym 5x a week (go to boxing 2x a week and strength train 3x a week) and never take a day off. I track my foods, stay in a deficit & get 5K-9K steps daily.

My current stats:

  • Height: 5’6
  • Age: 26
  • Starting Weight: 194
  • Current Weight: 185

My deficit range of calories is from 1600-1750, I almost always fall under my weekly goal of calories and track using MFP.

Recently I hit 184 (May 8) and the scale has not moved since. It’s ranged from 185-186 on some days even and then back down but hasn’t moved past the 184/185. It’s been about 10 days but this has me frustrated because I’m doing everything I can and staying consistent. I hear that you can build muscle and lose fat at the same time, but if you’ve been in the gym for a minute and you’re not a beginner it’s much less likely to do that. My clothes are fitting better & friends have said I look really slimmed down which is great but overall would love any advice or shared experiences!

14:54 UTC


How do I do a body recomp at home?

I am a 133lbs woman. I want to lose fat around my mid section, tone, and grow glutes. I did a tdee calculator and it said my maintenance calories are around 2000 a day. I was to lose weight and grow my glutes but I don’t have access to the gym. I try to do like Lily sabri workout videos (I know they don’t usually work for some people) but I’m so lost on where to start and what workouts to do. I’m cutting 300 calories so now I’m at 1700. What workouts should I do? And is it even possible to grow my glutes and do a body recomp at home?

14:39 UTC


After pregnancy I have so much trouble to lose weight!

I was pregnant 3 and half years ago and since it was COVID and I needed to stay home I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy. You know if you are pregnant and you're u stay at home all the time you eat. I gained like 52 pounds during pregnancy! Now I have this 20 extra pounds that my body is fighting to keep it!

I am 5.4 and I weigh 152 pounds now 🤦 I was132 to 135 before pregnancy 😔

The worst thing that is bothering me the most, is my belly. Anything I wear my belly obviously showing.

Also, I am taking antidepressants due to pain for arthritis after pregnancy so that doesn't help.

14:11 UTC


How to stop eating so much?

Hello, first time poster here

I'm currently a bit above 240lbs, and it's more than when I started going to the gym about 10 months ago. I go 1-3 times a week, and I'm glad I've managed to hold that down (I'd been going on and off before)

I do cardio and strength training. While I enjoy lifting, which makes it easier to push for those last reps each set; The treadmill is my worst enemy. I hate running in general, I think, probably because I'm so fat. I feel so heavy and it just makes it difficult to move in general.

I think my overall life hygiene is in the gutter. I can't seem to sleep enough, I'm perma tired. Besides this my main issue is my diet. I always want to stuff my face. I can't seem to resist or stop. Sometimes I catch myself scavenging for food and being able to clearly set apart the facts that I am not hungry but still want to eat. I've been in therapy and it was worked out to be coming from the fact that I came from a poor background and thus I tend to eat yummy things whenever I get the chance, hungry or not. Understanding doesn't help, though. I can't control myself.

I have several problems to fix but I think this is the main one, and I was curious to know if there were people like me who went through and successfully got rid of this need to ingest things at all times.

14:02 UTC


Hungrier days after working out?

A couple of weeks ago, I walked a 5k (with a little bit of running), then I walked about another 4 miles throughout the day. I haven’t been active like that in a long time and usually only walk 1.5-2 miles a day. I was super hungry after the exercise (understandable), but then felt my appetite significantly increase for the next several days, even though it was only a few hours of increased activity.

Is this normal? I know appetites will increase with more activity but I thought that would be with regular activity, not one instance. I’ve also gained several pounds of weight since then.

13:55 UTC


I hit my goal weight today.

And not just hit it, blew right past it.

I’m 5’8 and my goal has always been to get to 164 to get to the normal weight category. I started my journey at 235 and I don’t remember ever being a healthy weight. I’ve been over 200lbs since I was 12.

I’ve been struggling to lose the last 5 pounds to reach my goal for about a month and a half now. Things just really started slowing down for me. I decided to cut out gluten completely since I have a sensativity to it and usually choose to just ignore it lmao, but I knew it was probably making me pretty inflamed and that could be masking the last bit of weight loss that I needed. I cut it out on Monday and today, Friday, I’m 162.2 after not weighing in for a few days.

I honestly can’t really belive it. I’m still in shock. Even though I hit my goal, I still think I would like to get slightly lower, so I’m aiming for 155 now and we’ll see how I feel there. I’m going to take a couple week diet break though just to get rid of some of the diet fatigue.

Thank you, lose it. Couldn’t have done it without you.

13:47 UTC


I don't know when I should stop losing weight

Hi, first time posting here.

I lost about 19kg (41 pounds) since mid December!!

Initially my goal was to get to a healthy weight, using a bmi calculator to better understand what my target was gonna be.

Once I hit 10 kg lost, I kept wanting to lose it purely for aesthetic reasons; but I'm still not happy.

I know some people will recommend to stop when I feel good about myself but I'm afraid that might not happen despite the (positive?) changes I'm making.

and a little fyi: I'm still in the healthy weight range

13:37 UTC


Measurements stalling?

Hi! I am 34/F/5'6 SW:144 CW:139 GW:130ish (I know this is a relatively small shift!)

After losing 7 lbs in my first five weeks, my weight has started bouncing around from 137-139 for about 2 weeks. I know this is pretty expected. However, my measurements have not changed at all during that time. Is that to be expected, or should I tweak something?

Diet details: No caffeine, dairy, or added sugar (for years now), mostly vegetarian, low UPF and alcohol. This is all for managing health, not weight. 16:8 IF (for about 7 weeks) 1400 calories daily (I measure it well, and what I eat hasn't changed since I was seeing the numbers dropping). I've had two planned days of eating out that each brought me up to around 2000 calories.

Exercise details: 10k steps a day, often on an incline of 4-7 (completely new, I used to get maybe 2-3k steps a day) Gentle body weight/loooow weight strength training 5-6 days a week (I'm getting back into the gym after an injury and taking it slow)

All the posts about weight loss being all wobbly and inconsistent say to take heart in checking your measurements - but they're not moving either, clothes don't fit differently, etc, I look, if anything, a little puffier than a few weeks ago. It's ok if it takes a while, I just want to check if I should tweak something. What do you think?

1 Comment
13:28 UTC


No amount of weight loss ever feels like enough.

Has anyone realized that the modern thinness standard for women, especially tall women, is underweight, or at least the very border of underweight and normal weight?

My BMI is literally 20 and I still have very thick thighs and lower stomach fat. I also exercise four times per week (once a week swimming and gym/hiking the other three days - primarily cardio).

I wear US size 6-8 clothes. In my life, I have rarely ever reached size 4.

I feel like I will never reach the weight or physique of celebrities like Tyla. Or even the weight of Tiktokers who do outfit try-ons. I have been dealing with this my entire life. Does anyone else feel the same?

13:00 UTC


Am I doing this correctly? Feels like progress is to slow.

I recently found out I'm prediabetic and needed a life stye change.

Starting April 1st I have been trying to lose weight and now almost 2 months later I have lost 7.4 LBS with a BMI of 37 I thought I would lose weight faster in the beginning. I am eating 1900 calories per day with 1 "cheat" meal on Saturdays. I am walking 45 minutes 4x a week and drinking about 40-60 ounces of water per day.

Any suggestions? Are there any vitamins people recommend? I just feel like I'm trying so hard and the number is hardly moving. Before starting my weight loss journey I was sitting 99 percent of my day and eating whatever I wanted so I just figured the change would be a little faster.

12:51 UTC


Nobody notices, and it kinda sucks.

Down 25lbs from my heaviest of 289. Down 10lbs since this time last month. I know I was very overweight, but 25lbs was still a big deal to me. I keep asking my husband if he notices, but he only humors me and when I press further, he says he can't see a difference. It kinda sucks. My stomach fat has migrated but isn't shrinking yet. Everywhere else is losing fat rapidly. My face, fingers, legs, arms, neck, chest. I know I just need to lose more because bellyfat is difficult, but I just wish he noticed.

12:48 UTC


habits of skinny people

i know that this has been talked about many times, but i really wanna share my experience since it has changed my whole weightloss journey. You need to hang out with "naturally" skinny people and study their habits! i always thought that its genetics or that they do not have an appetite but thats wrong.

My best friend is really skinny, almost underweight and i started to look closer at her habits like a year ago. The first main thing is that she does not feel like she is missing out. She does not feel like she is dieting or that she needs a cheat day after a week of being "good" which makes her "be good" all the time. She does not know anything about calories, all she knows is what is considered healthy and what is not. So that is the way she lives. She wakes up, drinks water and LISTENS to her body. some days, she will have a breakfast of 3/4 pieces of bread, other days she will skip breakfast all together. If she craves something sweet, she will have it. But after 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate, she notices how her body does not crave it anymore so she stops. She eats very slowly and is mindful of what she puts in her body.

I spent 3 months abroad with her and we ate a lot of junkfood but the difference between me and her is: her body is so used to having small portions, that she rarely finished any of the dishes we had. so not only does she stop eating when she satisfied her cravings, she also stops once she gets the first signs of being full. getting hungry again at 12am? she eats something. But having eaten only that little throughout the day, it does not make her gain weight. She would have days where she ate barely 1000 calories, and others where i am sure she hit the 3000 mark. But the fact that she doesnt even notice it, makes her able to not obsess with any of these results.

another thing: she is a very active person. she does not hit the gym, but she will always walk or take the bus rather than driving her car. she does not like sleeping on a full stomach so we would sometimes go on a walk right after dinner. she is also a waitress, which makes her take 15-20k steps every shift, which is 3x a week.

summary: make your body used to small portions. in the beginning, you will feel so hungry but after a week, your body wont be able to eat big portions anymore. LISTEN to your body (this begins after that first week): not full yet? eat more. already full even though you are "supposed to" be hungrier? stop eating, even if you are allowed to consume those calories. ordered an expensive dessert but it just does not taste good? dont eat it. dont obsess with either "bad" nor "good" days, just try to be mindful and try to eat healthy options without restricting too much. wanna eat a burger? do it, but do you really need those fries on the side? start thinking about what your body wants, and not what has the fewest calories. yes, you will end up having a burger sometimes, but you will also end up eating a salad other times. keep health in your mind but dont obsess over it. and lastly: try to have an active lifestyle. go for walks, keep your house clean (i swear she cleans her house so much, im sure that counts as a workout), try to walk small distances or take public transport.

12:38 UTC


I lost 3kg in a week

I don't know if it is something that is not normal, but i lost 3kg in like 6 days. I wasn't starving myself, i ate 2 normal meals during the day, breakfast and lunch. I didnt eat dinner, i still don't and barely were. But most important of all, i cut off sweets. In 6 days i didn't eat even a smallest sweet and i was a type of person who would eat sweets 10 times a day. It was a bit hard first 3-4 days to not eat sweets but after those 3-4 days i didn't have a need to eat it. I went from 57.8kg to 54.6 in 6-7 days.

12:36 UTC


Body hurts after loosing weight

I’ve recently lost 20kg and I am well into the healthy weight category. My thinner body is actually starting to cause some pain when doing normal things like sitting and sleeping, is this normal?

For example sitting on the floor causes so much almost like pressure on my bones that I can only do it for a few minutes. And when sleeping and lying down it’s like my ribs and hip bones are being crushed into the mattress and it’s so uncomfortable. Not to mention my ankles and knees banging into each other throughout the night.

Is this something I’ll just have to get used to? And what can I do to help this

12:32 UTC

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