Unofficial subreddit for TwoSet Violin, for all you TwoSetters out there who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. The TSV team do not moderate this subreddit.
For all you TwoSetters out there, who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. Brett and Eddy DO NOT moderate this subreddit, yet.
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2. No hate!
Targeting other users, insulting behaviour, bigotry, and ableism will not be tolerated. Respect other people's opinions. Itβs ok to debate, but do so in a polite and civil manner.
3. Donβt post full TwoSet videos.
Uploading TwoSet videos is not permitted. You may share YouTube links to TwoSet videos, only. Compilations and short clips related to memes are allowed, but only as Reddit uploads, so long as they are original content.
4. No reposts!
We want to see your best original memes. If you share content from another source, make sure that it has not been posted before.
Please also credit the creator of art work and similar original creations in the title.
We will give you a day or so to credit. After that, the post may be taken down.
5. No karma farming.
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Only post things relevant to TwoSet and classical music.
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If it took you less than one minute to create your post, it's probably low effort. Crop your screenshots and provide necessary background information!
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11. No posts or comments about controversial topics
The new mod team currently has no association with TwoSet Violin, Brett, or Eddy.
The goal of this sub is to be a place where you all can share your art and music. As such, this is not the place to litigate controversy.
Controversial posts will be removed and the authors may be banned temporarily or permanently.
All of my TSA purchases (except the preorders) arrived today and I just feel sad again. π© Thanks for everything, TwoSet Violin and TwoSet Apparel.
Hi, Iβm Maya and Iβve been an avid watcher of Twoset for about 7-8 years. I have been watching Twoset since I first started playing violin in primary school to now as a high school senior. I live in Brisbane Australia and watching Twoset has taught me a lot about classical music, violin techniques and vocab when I was young. They helped build a great love for classical music and made me a better player for showing various violin repertoire and players whom I still adore today. One of my favorite moments was watching the 2 million Tchaikovsky live and seeing the community come together and celebrate their success which was filmed on a phone camera I think, and now seeing them on these large stages with multiple, high-quality cameras and huge crowds was honestly baffling as I look back.
I still remember them busking on Queen Street and sleeping on the streets to fund their first tour. Slowly seeing Brett and Eddie grow to who they are today and seeing them succeed made me want to pursue music even more than before. I remember watching all the videos then looking up the pieces mentioned or played and shocking my primary and high school violin teachers the next day telling them all the pieces that I knew and how invested I was in the classical music world. Later, my violin playing wasnβt good enough anymore and I had to stop as I was getting behind with it due to my new workload with school and picking up another instrument, the guitar. Guitar took over my life as I loved rock as much as I like music. My dad was an Indian immigrant that grew up in Australia in the early 80s, listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam and other bands like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, I grew up listening to the same.
Itβs been nearly two years since I stopped playing violin and it changed my life. Twoset changed my life. I still love and listen to classical music and all of that was due to Twoset exposing me to a new world at that time. I still play music and its still a dream I would like to peruse some day. I am doing pretty good in my class, and I am in a band now and do performances for my school with another ensemble. The only thing I regret about being a ling ling wannabe is not being able to go to tours or buy merch.
Thank you, Brett and Eddie. Thank you for everything that you guys have done for the past 11 years, and I hope you can be pleased with what youβve done for this community.
[Sorry for being late to this and also if I made any mistakes.]
[I Have so much more I want to say but than this would go for pages.]
The last time I had checked this subreddit, there were about 302k Ling Ling Wannabees; now there are only 299k...?
Of course, as soon as I start following TwoSet they leave. I'm so glad they left their music video though. I cannot stop listening to it. I hope we will get to see/hear more of B2TSM in the future!
As one of their remaining videos is on the Queen Elisabeth Competition, I've been rewatching some parts of the competition (I'm from Belgium and as it went on tv channels we can rewatch it up to one year after it was broadcasted). I've noticed this guy (so sorry idk his name πβ) here at the left of Anna Im. He appeared on every semi-final and final, and I tought his face was familiar... Am I the only one thinking he kinda looks like Davie504?
I made a photo montage : 4 corners = that guy (maybe we should guve him a name? Like idk, Bob?) and the 2 in the middle are Davie504 for comparison.
Let me know what you think !
Just a random thought lol
Hi, Iβm still devastated about Two Set Violin priveting their videos, possibly ending their online career, and how up in the air their final post was, so I decided to write my own interpretation of how their future could go narratively, to give myself a little closure. Brett and Eddy do like the occasional skit and they love to turn their concerts into stories for all of us to interact with. Please do not take this as speculation. This is a fictional scenario made just for fun and to help me move on and maybe spark a little hope.
Two Set Violinβs tours and concerts in the past have narratively linked into upcoming projects before, and the last tour was no different. So if their last shows were against an evil classical music adjudicator that believed that was meant for the pristine musicians and classical music was meant to be only for formal occasions and to copyright striking whoever uses classical music in a disrespectful manner, they defeated that notion during the concert. The adjudicator would find someone in the Two Set staff to start taking down their videos or risk getting their talent stolen. The adjudicator would want to stop their efforts into making classical music accessible for everybody. So using that and my memory of the most recent videos that got privated, which were skits taking place in Two Set Academy, this story could go two ways depending on what the goodbye post actually meant.
If the post meant they were absolutely done with online content,
The deletion of their content would be the adjudicator's doing through their power of copyright striking. This would make it so Brett and Eddy donβt have access to their channel anymore. In light of this Brett and Eddy find a way to continue spreading their message in other methods and mediums. They continue to practice 40 hours a day, and they would continue to teach their students and they would become university professors. They might take up their old orchestra jobs or become full time soloists. They might join forces with other musicians and make new music. Their journey with classical music is very much far from over and a new chapter for them will begin and they will thrive and continue to make classical music relevant for the next generation.
If the post meant that they were rebranding,
The next video after some time would be a message from the adjudicator. He would make his stand and say that classical music was only made for those who are serious and that this art should only be for serious and formal purposes and those that pursue it must be the same. The adjudicator would announce the takeover of the channel so that classical music is preserved. Brett and Eddy would be alarmed by this and would take the opportunity to bide time to reach out friends and other creators and start assembling whomever they could to enroll into a school where classical music is easily accessible to all. Not just other violinists but all people whoβve played in orchestra or band, people who have sung in choir, people that have danced on stage, and anybody else who loves music is welcome to enroll and learn more about classical music. This would lead to a comeback and the take down of the adjudicator, and the start of the brand new Two Set Academy.
I donβt know what Brett and Eddy are planning, but whatever it is, Iβm happy I got to spend time watching their videos. If this isnβt the last time we see them, Iβm excited to see whatβs in store when the next project drops. If it is, then I wish them nothing but the best for their futures and I hope we will see them again soon.
Hey! If you're an artist, join me as we draw ourselves sitting down in the LingLing Concert. This is not an advertisement, or a sponsor, I just thought it would be fun for us TwoSetters. Here's the link! https://magma.com/d/LO8a5Ojbrm
Last night I was practicing scales and got A Major headache. By today I thought it would b minor, but I c minor improvement
I decided on a whim to see just how many total views they lost when they privated all those videos...I don't think it ever dawned on me until now just how many views they had over all these years.
It really feels like a punch to the gut to lose all those videos.
Any boba shop recommendations? I'm going to be in Taichung for the next few days.
My father is moving soon, and my Twoset hoodie was found when clearing the closets. I checked TSA website and that way eventially caught up on the quitting news. Considering that it is a good quality piece of clothing I wouldn't want to just toss it, but selling it right now feels wrong.
What do you think?
Hey, Ling Ling wannabes! This is your periodic reminder to report rule-breaking posts and comments, and to not engage with them.
We are trying to ensure that rule-breaking posts get removed as soon as possible, but we are not always able to react quickly. It would be helpful if sub members would report these posts for violating the rules, rather than commenting on them. As soon as they receive 2 reports, these posts will be removed automatically by Automod, and quarantined until a human mod can take a closer look. Certain reports are also routed to Reddit admins, if the reported items violate site-wide rules.
No one, except Reddit admins, will know who reported anything.
Also, please keep in mind that if you want to officially bring anything to the mods' attention, the best way to do that is to send a modmail.** Modmails go to all the mods at once, allowing us to have a discussion about whatever issues are brought up. DMs and chats to moderators will be ignored.
Here's some more information about reporting and what happens when you report things.
Thanks for all your help keeping this a safe and fun sub!
A bunch of people I know have posted stories of themselves meeting Nikocado Avocado today after the Juilliard Orchestra concert in Alice Tully Hall (Lincoln Center, New York City). Wearing a "I identify as skinny" hat, he appears to be his happy friendly "new" self. Quite a big contrast from the infamous internet personality of the past.
Just sharing cause I also remembered that Twoset did a reaction of his Squid Game remix and they said it was pretty funny but good.
We're currently working on a project about TwoSetViolin, which has been a part of our lives for the past 11 years until this situation.
It should be a surprise for B&E, so I donβt want to reveal all the details yet, but it will be a project where our community can showcase our talents and share our memories of TSV.
We're looking for:
Please comment below if you meet any of these criteria.
EVERYONE can provide their own video submissions in these 4 themes:
β€οΈ 1. Short video message about musical or life lesson youβve learned from TwoSetViolin
Main points:
You can take this as a basis for your speech or share your own thoughts that aren't included in this list.
Filename: lesson_nickname_country(optional)
Link: LearnedLessons
Main points:
You can take this as a basis for your speech or share your own thoughts that aren't included in this list.
Duration: 5-10 seconds
Format: mp4
Size: 16:9
Filename: appreciation_nickname_country(optional)
Link: What we enjoyed
#π¨ 3. Artworks representing your feelings about TSV ending
Link: Arts
This can be: mini-comics, art, sketch etc
π» 4. Your artworks of blooming flower
Link: Flowers
Any one of the blooming flower that you like (with stem ideally)
You can submit in EVERY one of these. Go to the link and add your art to the Google Drive folder.
Deadline: 5 November 2024 12am UTC βοΈ
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below or DM me.
I hope we can unite as a big Linlingwannabes community!
β οΈReceived permission from mods of lingling40hrs
First it was Momo, now itβs Chopy, I bet 6 sharps and 3 flats that itβs gonna be Bachy nextβ¦
Come on Bachy weβre waiting π
I just wanna say thank you for loving TSV and TSA till today. I am so proud to be able to join TSA for 3 months 4 years ago and helped them create some apparel designs.
and I am so happy to see that the designs are very much loved by you guys and stay they most popular apparel till todayππ»
Please keep supporting Brett and Eddy when they are back on Youtube or any other platform ππ»ππ»
We will be waiting!
Viola wants revenge. Viola look injured because fell off from the stage during challenge with Violin.
Found this on a free copyright sound effects channel lmao. I know it's AI, I just got whiplash from the two chin rests. Perfect for playing the the bro I guess.
Whatever your reason for moving on, you deserve thanks for not only years of free entertainment for all of us, but for your enjoyable performances from your concert tours.
For me, a person who is not a musician, I especially appreciated the lighthearted but informative glimpses you gave us into the world of modern classical music practice and performance.
Again - thank you!
Second tier corridor at Carnegie Hall. I saw David Oistrakh!!!
I was expecting Eddy to play Brahms Violin Concerto for 5 Mil. But that's not happening now I guess π