Unofficial subreddit for TwoSet Violin, for all you TwoSetters out there who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. The TSV team do not moderate this subreddit.
For all you TwoSetters out there, who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. Brett and Eddy DO NOT moderate this subreddit, yet.
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There is a saying, "never meet your heroes".
These people (influencers, celebrities, athletes, streamers) are not your friends. They show us the side of their personal life that they carefully curate as a business transaction. This is a harsh reality, but people can be imperceptible to this, and this is why some people end up simping and donating thousands of dollars on twitch chat.
Don't mourn or whine about their lack of explanation. Silently thank them for their contribution and move on. Time to practice.
Does anyone know the girl actor from their first skit and the male actor (not twoset) from the second skit
She will be appearing with the National Symphony Orchestra at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Center (assuming they can get it fixed in time after Hurricane Milton) on March 24, 2025.
I kinda choked up when I opened the package and saw the two set sticker. It made me realize it's really the end. I don't like what they did but the channel and the community will always be in my heart. My favorite videos used to be them looking at this subreddit. My wish for this community is to keep on playing and posting memes. You guys are the best.
Basically, I used to watch Twoset religiously when I first learnt to play the violin (like back in 2017-19), but since, I dropped it and so over time stopped watching twoset. I came back like a month ago and started watching all of their videos again and suddenly they're gone? I'm delusional so I can't help but feel like I caused this lmao, especially since I've read through the subreddit and I realise this came out of nowhere. It makes me dissapointed because I always loved watching them and I still find it hard to believe that they've just up and left like this.
Let’s say you have a job you love but find draining. It’s okay to quit without feeling obligated to give closure to everyone impacted by your decision. I understand many here are genuinely sad, but let’s face it: Brett and Eddy don’t owe us anything. Their choice is theirs alone, and some of the posts here seem way too emotionally involved, as if they commited a crime.
I think I’ll be leaving this subreddit myself, as it doesn’t hold much meaning if TwoSet stops making content. Honestly, though, we had a great journey with them, and I hope they’ll pursue whatever they truly want next. Let's remember them for the fun and inspiration they brought and wish them well.
If you saw the TwoSet collab video referencing John Cage's 4:33, this will make more sense.
TwoSet is at 4.34 million subscribers - very close to 4.33. If they were at 4.33 million subs at the time the announcement was posted, might that have something to do with the concert? Perhaps at 4.33 million, they 4:33'd (went silent)?
Received this for my Birthday today…too bad they are closed for business. Typical…lol
Okay, hear me out. Brett and Eddy probably had a serious psychedelic experience that changed their whole perspective on reality. I'm talking about total ego death. Imagine them realizing that, no matter how famous and funny TwoSet is, it's not the life they truly want. It's just a persona, and imagine worrying about what your fans think all the time... Tripping can bring up profound and uncomfortable truths. Maybe it forced them to question why they should be acting for millions, and whether it's actually fulfilling...
That kind of shift can feel so intense that it demands immediate change, which could explain why they suddenly chose to private videos. They were trying to get rid of relics of a less authentic version of themselves. So maybe they didn't leave because of boredom or burnout, but cause of this eye-opening revelation, and now they're leaving to do things that they really want to pursue.
As the situation unfolded, I started to notice something unique about this subreddit compared to others that follow YouTube controversies. In most communities, situations like these often feels like a game—an ongoing cycle of betrayal and outrage that fuels more entertainment than real feelings.
Here, though, it’s different. People in this community seem genuinely hurt, and it’s heartbreaking to see. and you can notice the difference by seeing how many are still trying to forgive, to understand, even though it might not be possible anymore. It’s not about stoking anger for the sake of entertainment.
And that makes me even more upset. -because it feels like a true connection is being betrayed.
I know they don't owe us anything etc etc we all get it But I have watched them religiously since the beginning, their videos helped me SO MUCH during the pandemics, when I lost many people in my family and developed a really bad depression... I kinda believe this has something to do with the twoset academy thing but idk I'm just sad 🫤
With TwoSet’s announcement and with the future unclear, it is truly a shock that we likely won’t be getting anymore funny, informative, and entertaining videos from them. It made me think about what kinds of content they would’ve created if they kept going. (I know that the tone of their later videos kind of shifted to mixed reactions but I’m going to leave that aside for now) If TwoSet didn’t retire, what kind of videos would you peeps liked to have them do? More B2TSM music or content? More skits about Asian Mum? More roasting on classical music sacrilege in movies and TV? A brief history of the violin? A react to the (upcoming) Maria Callas movie alongside a professional opera singer as a guest? Ok that last one was one of my more personal ideas along with another alto clef video, but what about you peeps - what content ideas would you have wanted TwoSet Violin to do?
I've always had confusion between triple-time and waltz tempo. How do you differentiate?
To think you’re owed anything because you supported them is insane. Whatever their reason for quitting is, it’s enough of a reason for them to not create a video together discussing what’s happening. Doesn’t that signal it’s something severe? And instead of being concerned for them or wishing them well this sub is whining like bratty kids. Absolutely mental.
I know we're all upset that they deleted their videos on YouTube... But I just checked and a lot (if not all, I'm not sure) are on their Facebook! I don't know if this has been said before or people already know but I just wanted to share it in case :D
so, i was something of a twoset watcher. i don’t know anything about violin, but i thought “hey, these two guys seem funny + their content is unique, i’ll tune in”. i can’t recall when i stopped watching, but part of it was just me growing up.
whatever their reason is for “quitting”, i get it. they’ve been doing it for a hot minute, burn out is bound to happen. maybe a falling out happened between them, which i understand too. they’re human, and at the end of the day, they should make the decisions that best for them. if deep down they felt quitting was best for them, then they’re entitled to that.
HOWEVER…to leave your audience (many of whom has stuck with you for years) in the dark about the future or why things are happening is unfair. i’m not saying they should share an entire story or make an hour long video or anything, but a brief explanation would’ve been nice. it’s a bit selfish to just say “bye❤️” and not give a reason or even an ounce of reassurance.
them making certain videos private was the icing on the cake for me. hundreds of videos that fans liked…that can’t be viewed. for what? a little bit of transparency wouldn’t hurt.
again, they are human and they don’t owe us the deepest explanation ever. but at least give a little clarity to your upset fanbase. :(
Does it bother you when people make viola jokes? Do you find it insulting/demeaning? I'm genuinely curious. Should we petition to end all viola jokes? Also, does anyone know how viola jokes got started?
All of my TSA purchases (except the preorders) arrived today and I just feel sad again. 😩 Thanks for everything, TwoSet Violin and TwoSet Apparel.
Hi, I’m Maya and I’ve been an avid watcher of Twoset for about 7-8 years. I have been watching Twoset since I first started playing violin in primary school to now as a high school senior. I live in Brisbane Australia and watching Twoset has taught me a lot about classical music, violin techniques and vocab when I was young. They helped build a great love for classical music and made me a better player for showing various violin repertoire and players whom I still adore today. One of my favorite moments was watching the 2 million Tchaikovsky live and seeing the community come together and celebrate their success which was filmed on a phone camera I think, and now seeing them on these large stages with multiple, high-quality cameras and huge crowds was honestly baffling as I look back.
I still remember them busking on Queen Street and sleeping on the streets to fund their first tour. Slowly seeing Brett and Eddie grow to who they are today and seeing them succeed made me want to pursue music even more than before. I remember watching all the videos then looking up the pieces mentioned or played and shocking my primary and high school violin teachers the next day telling them all the pieces that I knew and how invested I was in the classical music world. Later, my violin playing wasn’t good enough anymore and I had to stop as I was getting behind with it due to my new workload with school and picking up another instrument, the guitar. Guitar took over my life as I loved rock as much as I like music. My dad was an Indian immigrant that grew up in Australia in the early 80s, listening to Nirvana, Pearl Jam and other bands like The Red Hot Chili Peppers, I grew up listening to the same.
It’s been nearly two years since I stopped playing violin and it changed my life. Twoset changed my life. I still love and listen to classical music and all of that was due to Twoset exposing me to a new world at that time. I still play music and its still a dream I would like to peruse some day. I am doing pretty good in my class, and I am in a band now and do performances for my school with another ensemble. The only thing I regret about being a ling ling wannabe is not being able to go to tours or buy merch.
Thank you, Brett Yang and Eddie Chen. Thank you for the laughs, knowledge and everything that you guys have done for the past 11 years, I hope you can be pleased with what you’ve done for this community.
[Sorry for being late to this and also if I made any mistakes.]
[I Have so much more I want to say but than this would go for pages.]
The last time I had checked this subreddit, there were about 302k Ling Ling Wannabees; now there are only 299k...?
Of course, as soon as I start following TwoSet they leave. I'm so glad they left their music video though. I cannot stop listening to it. I hope we will get to see/hear more of B2TSM in the future!
As one of their remaining videos is on the Queen Elisabeth Competition, I've been rewatching some parts of the competition (I'm from Belgium and as it went on tv channels we can rewatch it up to one year after it was broadcasted). I've noticed this guy (so sorry idk his name 😭) here at the left of Anna Im. He appeared on every semi-final and final, and I tought his face was familiar... Am I the only one thinking he kinda looks like Davie504?
I made a photo montage : 4 corners = that guy (maybe we should guve him a name? Like idk, Bob?) and the 2 in the middle are Davie504 for comparison.
Let me know what you think !
Just a random thought lol