
Photograph via snooOG

Unofficial subreddit for TwoSet Violin, for all you TwoSetters out there who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. The TSV team do not moderate this subreddit.


For all you TwoSetters out there, who aspire to one day be the world's next Ling Ling. Show us your best dank memes & videos of you shredding. Brett and Eddy DO NOT moderate this subreddit, yet.


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303,430 Subscribers


How is this a bassoon? This is a bass clarinet.

02:27 UTC


Sometimes they want to destroy my vocals...

1 Comment
01:53 UTC


Anyone know a good place to practice in Taipei?

I'm going to Taiwan this summer and want to still practice but practicing at home is out of the question. Does anyone know any good places? Preferably in Taipei.

03:14 UTC


I really want sheet music to be written like this now

18:28 UTC


I named my banjo Brett

My kids asked me why, and if I named it for Brett of TSV. I said no, I picked the name because a banjo has frets. Brett with Frets, ye ken. Then one of them said "But human Brett also frets"

Anyway here's Banjo Brett, I found him in a used bookstore behind a rocking chair. I bedazzled his special tuner so he'd feel bonita. Banjo Brett does his best every day, just like Human Brett.

18:02 UTC


It sounds good though

15:18 UTC


Watching twoset because I have no class tomorrow

Love you Eddy & Brett

13:46 UTC


Guys how in the absolute heck do I count this

03:22 UTC


For some reason my school orchestra teacher thought that this was a good idea

01:03 UTC


Interesting ✨

I made this in MuseScore and it hurts me

21:25 UTC


Request to do a Reaction video to Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)

ELO is a rock band formed in the 70s that incorporates classical music in their songs. Most of their songs have string instruments and some of them talk about Opera and Classical music.

I have been playing piano for 15 years (I'm 22 now) and I have a classical background. I've almost always played and listened to classical music. And I am also a hugee fan of rock. So ELO for me is the GOAT when it comes to more 'modern' music. I was wondering if any other linglings love this band too. I also realllyy want a reaction video and want to hear twoset's analysis of the band.

Here are some songs I would recommend:

  • Rockaria
  • Roll over beethoven
  • 10538 overture ( their first song)
  • Evil woman
  • Telephone line
  • Endless lies

All of their songs are really worth listening to though!!

20:06 UTC


Pachelbel is a canon event in cellists' lives

14:08 UTC

13:48 UTC


Best viola joke I've see in a while

So I watched this violist doing stand up and he said "While the violins play the whole melody, we only play one note. But we get paid the same amount". Now I know why all string instruments are roasting violists, they're jealous 🤣🤣🤣🤣

07:49 UTC


having to make tough performance decisions based on preparation

Hello I've never posted but I am a cellist and I've been playing for about 2 years, and I'm going into high school next year. anyway I really love the cello and I have been able to progress very quickly, as I am part of a professionally gigging quartet and I've learnt most of the Bach Suites ig. I've been a musician all my life. anyway I'm currently learning the Swan by Saint Saens as my next new solo (all original key, tenor clef, og fingerings you get it) and its a very difficult piece. I was given the music about 2 weeks ago and I've already worked on memorizing it and I've only had one rehearsal with my accompanist so far, but honestly I cannot get through it (especially with the accompaniment) without having some horrible mistakes. I swear guys I have literally practiced 40 hours a day on this little sonata and I cannot get my head wrapped around it. And the auditions for the orchestra class placement for the arts highschool I'm going to next year are on May 11th which is in two weeks, which I was expecting to play this piece for. I had a lesson with my cello teacher today in which we had some playthrough and discussion. He agreed with me that this piece is very challenging and I am quite underprepared for it and it's not a good idea to audition with a piece I am underprepared on. He said that the best thing for me to audition with would be the Bach Suite I prelude, because this is my most worked on piece and I have it memorized and it has become my signature. I also earned a Superior rating on it at my state Solo and Ensemble competition. It's also a very beautiful etude that is very popular and very comparable, which means in auditions if someone else comes in playing the same piece worse than me I'll certainly earn a few more points with the judges simply because of the comparison with the playing levels. anyway my teacher said that its my decision, but he really wants me to nail my audition and feel confident. so i emailed my accompanist telling him he's off the hook for the audition (he was also struggling with his part; he's a little old man who was a prodigy in his childhood and hasn't had a performance in over two decades) but we will certainly continue rehearsing. This honestly left me very disappointed, as I am a very big perfectionist who has a lot of expectations for myself when it comes to music. But I've realized that it's really just a sign and a little bit of guidance from the universe. I certainly don't want my audition to go bad, and I've really started to build a connection with this beautiful piece regardless of how frustrating it is. I know that if I'm not able to play this piece to the best of my ability then I will be deeply disappointed and risk a fair assessment on my audition. It also feels sacrilegious to Saint Saens and the whole romantic genre along with the famous cello repertoire, to be performing this piece underprepared and nervous and inevitably butchering it. Or even if it does pass with the judges I know it won't be enough for me. I know for certain that if I walk into that adjudicators room with Bach, then I will have an excellent audition and be very satisfied. Anyways I feel like this really has taught me a lesson on the decisions and sacrifices I have to make as a musician. I'm definitely still a student and I need to be wary of the boundaries of my ability and experience. I also can't be pushing myself too hard and putting too much pressure on myself. Now I'm actually excited for my audition instead of the crushing anxiety and overwhelming self doubt. Anyway if any musician reading this deals with the underpreparedness and high expectations it's important to always remember why you're doing it; because its an art that should be expressed with beauty properly and securely. it's always most important to have a good understanding of your art and performances and to be prepared and confident to perform it. you can't undermine yourself for stupid reasons like trying to be able to learn a piece fast or to impress other people. you know what you deserve and you deserve to have the music.

1 Comment
02:55 UTC



Should i play

View Poll

00:45 UTC


What it feels like trying to start a conversation with someone when you have social anxiety disorder

20:56 UTC


Extended Technique on the Piano

By @irinagorinpiano on Tiktok

15:54 UTC

15:21 UTC


Will TwoSet ever react to content/memes of this subreddit again?

Hi everyone, I kind of miss ling ling 40 hours when Brett and Eddy would just react to people's submissions on this subreddit. The last kind of these videos was posted almost a year ago... I assume the reason they stopped was the issue regarding the ownership of this subreddit but I was hoping that at some point they would revive this format.

Does anyone else miss these videos? Have Brett and Eddy ever mentioned why precisely they stopped ling ling 40 hours? Do you think there's any hope they'll return to this format?

14:57 UTC


Reminder: Please report posts and comments that break the rules, and do not engage

Hey, Ling Ling wannabes! This is your periodic reminder to report rule-breaking posts and comments, and to not engage with them.

We are trying to ensure that rule-breaking posts get removed as soon as possible, but we are not always able to react quickly. It would be helpful if sub members would report these posts for violating the rules, rather than commenting on them. As soon as they receive 2 reports, these posts will be removed automatically by Automod, and quarantined until a human mod can take a closer look. Certain reports are also routed to Reddit admins, if the reported items violate site-wide rules.

No one, except Reddit admins, will know who reported anything.

Also, please keep in mind that if you want to officially bring anything to the mods' attention, the best way to do that is to send a modmail.** Modmails go to all the mods at once, allowing us to have a discussion about whatever issues are brought up. DMs and chats to moderators will be ignored.

Here's some more information about reporting and what happens when you report things.

Thanks for all your help keeping this a safe and fun sub!

13:01 UTC


Which video is this from?

21:32 UTC


My first live concert

I just wanted to share with all of you that as of today I will be going to my first live classical music concert in my life and I'm bursting with excitement and can barely wait the five minutes until it starts.

17:40 UTC


Where should I start learning to compose?

I'm a high school student and violinist in my orchestra. I love listening to classical music, and wanted to know how to try my hand at it. Are there any Youtube channels, websites, books, or anything that can help me out? Thank you so so much!

- Your friend, IllogicalInterpreter

1 Comment
16:51 UTC


Please give piano piece recommendations for old fart

Hiya, hello here from the land of Sibelius, from a 29-year-old hobby pianist. I’m in desperate need of fun and pretty piano compositions. Got my piano finally back after a year of being separated and now I’m super excited to play but want a new piece to work on but don’t t know what! Please help so i can find new project for myself. I’ve graduated music school and have been playing actively for 18 years or so. Last two years I haven’t worked on any new piece, just played occasionally, so i am rusty. So hoping suggestions that aren’t technically frustratingly hard. Like debussys la fille aux cheveux de lin level hard max. Preference on smaller unknown composers and hidden gems :)

Would be awesome if you guys could help because none of my friends can :(

21:14 UTC


Pov:non musician friends

Once my non-musician friend asked me what's the difference between 3/4 and 6/8, he said that in math they're the same so they must be the same in music too...😃🔫

17:46 UTC


Parents Don't Support a Career in Music

I play the piano mainly but I'm a beginner French hornist and violinist too. I'm learning the French Horn in my school orchestra and for violin, I used to learn a bit and now I'm starting lessons again. Music (particularly classical) has always been this irresistible area that I almost can't live without. I'm a composer too and I love composing. However, my parents don't see much future in this area mainly because there are so many better people. Yet I know that there's always an opportunity somehow...

Any advice?

My parents support music as a side hustle and all, and are willing to pay for my lessons. But I can't just leave it like that. Idk what to do. I'm 13 and studying in secondary school in Singapore.

14:21 UTC

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