
Photograph via snooOG

A place for Libertarian-Right Redditors to discuss ideas and share opinions on political and social issues. Non Lib-Right users are allowed, but you must remain civil and respectful when posting and/or commenting.

This is a place for people that are lib right to express their opinions


1,883 Subscribers


What would you do if you were told that the world si ending in 100 years

I an writing a novel for the first time and i Need some data regarding the people reaction to:

Imagine being told that the world will end in 100 years. While it may not affect you personally, it will impact your children, grandchildren, and future generations. How would you react to this news? What would you change in your life? How would you act knowing what’s coming for the future?

I’m looking to gather opinions from a wider demographic so if you would like to please specifie your gender and age.

Thank you to everyone who responds!

22:59 UTC


Best places to live for lib rights

Sub question: Is it best to be nomadic or to search for a place to call ancapistan?

16:19 UTC


Keep authoritarians away from the White House by voting for Philip F. La Follette! | Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

18:51 UTC


To keep communist at bay, vote Federalist Reform! | A House Divided

14:14 UTC


My One-Party System

1 Comment
17:55 UTC


To destroy communists, vote Farmer-Labor! | Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

03:10 UTC


Hello I'm starting a Youtube channel where I interview people of various political beliefs and views and I'd like to interview a member of your community, if your interested please dm me, thank you.

It'll be completely anonymous and we'll just speak to each other online.

00:53 UTC


Hello I'm starting a Youtube channel where I interview people of various political beliefs and views and I'd like to interview a member of your community, if your interested please dm me, thank you.

It'll be completely anonymous and we'll just speak to each other online.

00:50 UTC


Starbucks employees should be able to afford a one bedroom apartment.

I think it's just fair.

12:58 UTC


Vote NPA Farmer-Labor for small government!

23:35 UTC


Trump worship has gotten out of hand.

Liberals literally cry tears over Trump (which is just ridiculous), and conservatives get offended over people bashing their beloved leader, Trump, whom they wish was their butt buddy. Being offended goes both ways. 

Seriously, they're selling Trump shoes with a capital T right now for $999, and conservatives are buying them; they literally worship the guy. It's almost like they want to sleep with him. I swear they have sexual fantasies about the guy. 

I'm sorry, but anyone who admires a public figure to that degree should seek help because clearly there's something mentally wrong with these people. I bet their wives were thrilled once they discovered their husband wasted 999 dollars on a pair of Trump sneakers.

20:38 UTC


This hatred towards police is irrational and inhumane.

I was scrolling through YouTube, and all I'm going to say is that I'm not a fan of the police, not because of any media schlock but because the police treated me like shit despite me being a law-abiding citizen and I'm white (take that liberals, they fuck us all equally). 

With that being said, videos like this piss me off. This video is of an officer being set on fire, and the fact that people in the comments are cheering it on is horrific. 

I hate a lot of these egotistical douches with badges as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean criminals are good people. 

People like George Floyd aren't heroes; they're sacks of shit who deserved a proper prison sentence but died instead. At the same time, though, he'd still be alive if he were a decent person, is all I'm going to say. 

Nobody other than pedophiles deserves to be set on fire. More often than not, the police won't help you or take you very seriously since they view themselves as superior due to their position in power, but at the same time, the world would be terrible without them.

Cops are a necessary evil, and a lawless society would be absolutely terrifying. My condolences go out to this man, and I hope he is doing okay. 

23:23 UTC


People who think starting a business is easy need a severe reality check.

The most hilarious thing is when people say, "Start your own business," as if it's an easy thing to do. First of all, you have to have enough money to get the thing built, and secondly, you're going to be working way more than you did prior.

That's saying something considering how many hours someone was already working, depending on their industry of choice. 

I hear a lot of people in the skilled trades saying they want to start their own business, and their main motivator is so that they can work less than 60 hours a week.

Once you start your own business, it's nearly impossible not to take work home with you, and that's especially true when it comes to a lot of skilled trades.

Yes, capitalism allows people to work their way up to where they can start their own business, but if someone's going to start their own business, they better be ready to handle a lot of mental stress.

I can 99 percent guarantee that most of the people who say, "Just start your own business," wouldn't be able to handle the amount of stress involved in running a business. Hell, I definitely couldn't handle it, but at least I'm awake enough to recognize that.

1 Comment
19:02 UTC


Greed has nothing to do with Capitalism

It always cracks me up that people think abolishing capitalism would change or improve anything. 

Greed has a lot less to do with capitalism and more to do with certain companies treating workers like shit. Socialism isn't going to keep people from being assholes. 

The only thing any economic system does is regulate factors of production; none of them are designed to hold a boss or business owner accountable for being a douche. 

The harsh truth is that life is a journey, and throughout that journey, we discover companies that are good and companies that are bad. A socialist economy isn't going to decrease the number of hours people work or increase their pay. 

I can't tell you how many times I've heard workers complain about a terrible company run by a scumbag and blame it all on capitalism. 

They'll go on a 45-minute rant about how capitalism needs to be abolished, and most of the issues they're complaining about have nothing to do with the economy whatsoever. The issue has everything to do with certain companies not caring about their workers. 

Making the United States a socialist country isn't going to stop someone's boss from being a hot head, and it's not going to change the hearts of certain business owners and turn them into loving and caring individuals who don't have a greedy bone in their bodies. 

1 Comment
19:11 UTC


How Socialism Runs American “Capitalism”

1 Comment
16:42 UTC


Abolish the SEC

1 Comment
16:14 UTC


Political Exclusivity

I don't about y'all, but I'm really sick of Authoritarians getting elected and dominating politics. It's probably the worst issue with traditional democracy. I think government bodies should exclusively make up of Libertarians. Maybe a Libertarian One Party system.

17:41 UTC


Thoughts on Peter Zeihan?

Explain in comments

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18:17 UTC


In the event that Venezuela invades Guyana, how should the US respond?

22:32 UTC


Check Out This Polsim

Hi, I am Owner of r/USGovernmentalSim. It is a place where we simulate US politics. We are currently in the past, 1810. We have SCOTUS, senate, house and regular elections. We have media too. We will have scenarios to run and keep sim active. In addition, we will have a UN Sim for international events. The sim keeps 1st amendment first, Scenarios are interactive with rng and the place is open to all with leniency. There will be elections where you can campaign. A senate (discord only) and house and governorships (on reddit). Besides this, you can create party, run media shows and soon open business.

We Have Second Election On 24th September, 2023. Join the sub r/USGovernmentalSim on reddit and discord server- https://discord.gg/7smXJ6jP

Election Registration Link-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Hx3sxyn16bcxzj2J4hS7mQajsTB3QtG5O4RwNP2bxKE/edit

01:02 UTC


A historical polsim

Hi, I am Owner of r/USGovernmentalSim. It is a place where we simulate US politics. We are currently in the past, 1810. We have SCOTUS, senate, house and regular elections. We have media too. We will have scenarios to run and keep sim active. In addition, we will have a UN Sim for international events. The sim keeps 1st amendment first, Scenarios are interactive with rng and the place is open to all with leniency. There will be elections where you can campaign. A senate (discord only) and house and governorships (on reddit). Besides this, you can create party, run media shows and soon open business.

We Have First Election On 4th September, 2023. Join the sub r/USGovernmentalSim on reddit and discord server- https://discord.gg/7smXJ6jP

Election Registration Link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iXF5FBHVUJOgSlUjQTGrzAOrbxTr3R9d9k4CjPcZn0M/edit

03:33 UTC


Don't step on the snake

Does it make sense if a British person says "Don't tread on me" or owns a gadsden flag?

22:44 UTC


Do you agree with Ivan Eland’s characterization of Bill Clinton as “libertarianesque” (his term) on domestic policy?

Overall, Clinton's haphazard "tilting-at-wind-mills" foreign policy of conducting numerous, needless small interventions probably takes an otherwise good president—who limited government at home compared to most other recent chief executives—and makes him only an average one. Clinton unnecessarily intervened using military force, or the threat thereof, in conflicts in Bosnia, Kosovo, Somalia, Iraq, and Haiti—none of which affected the vital interests of the United States. Although Clinton allowed his wife Hillary to attempt to pass a complex and costly healthcare "reform" program, which was fortunately rejected by Congress, he cut the federal budget as a portion of GDP more than any post-Truman president, helping to spur a long period of robust economic growth that turned huge Reagan/Bush budget deficits into surpluses; passed welfare reform; and got the North American Free Trade Agreement ratified, at great political cost by going against most of his party.

—Ivan Eland, Eleven Presidents: Promises vs. Results in Achieving Limited Government


08:30 UTC


Why do leftists keep coping about them having better equality and them being the "good guys"

The amount of leftists bragging about communism or socialist libertarianism being the greatest ideology doesnt make sense, one of the greatest communist states that ever existed, which is China, is more Auth capitalist than communist. The Soviet Union took every opportunity to get pepsi or some other corporate stuff from the US in to the country. I really cant find a great communist state where everyone prospered, agreed with the government or stuff. All the equality loving socialists had equality as good as a feudal state, "middle" class living in the cities and every else is just tyranny and ignorance of the great great government they mald about saving the people and the workers rights. You ask a socialist: Did the government that had a AuthLeft party in control infring on peoples rights? Was it worth killing about 100 million people in the last century to achieve your great state of socialism/communism or whatever for it to fail anyway? Look at the spanish civil war, the Republican side was extremely disoriented, lacked any support other than the russians who wanted to test out their medieval quality weapons and army, the anarchists who wanted to claim a territory of their own so they joined, and got as many victories as you could expect, which is practically nothing since they failed anyway and destroyed the already failing government even harder. Or the russian civil war? Yeah, great army. They claim it was a brilliant soviet victory, but if the whites had the main city centers and industrial sectors, you would see how that would end. You can call this a "rant" but im genuinly confused about the malding they keep doing when all the historical and real evidence shows that communism aint that great, and greed, a natural human trait, just makes it obsolete. There will always be elites in any country that will control it and live out in great luxury. Look at russia, former communist state, in a war they're losing, weak economy but extremely rich elites and the politicians as corrupt as you expect them to be. If i got something wrong please correct me, id like to discuss with anyone. To be honest i get some aspects of anarcho capitalism are very radical, but if you look at anarcho communism, thats probably as good as ancap seeing that for communism you need a proletariat leadership, workers that wouldnt mind the harsh conditions that an ancom state would need to achieve just to get a state of their own (most likely by violent means) even if they do lets say get into power by election, what to do than? Its highly individualistic, which i find weird because communism is collectivistic? People are all equal, share and care but if ancom says its "individualistic" than how does it work? There will be no incentive to go share or not start a business, well that wont happen because you will most likely get beaten to death or something. When you have an ancap society, you will get to do anything if you can understand a simple thing as the NAP and not doing dumb shit, you're free to go do whatever, live in a forest and proclaim it as private property, use creativity and knowledge to get in a higher class, the lower class will be people who refused to go up the knowledge ladder and will work to improve the higher peoples lives, because they worked hard and deserve to live well, on the other hand, you cant be sure if your gonna live in comfort in ancom or communism, because what if the states that exist sanction you or dont support you? Now what, you gotta be self sufficient, the soviet union tried that and you know how that ended, but the US greatness is just that, people who worked hard and got up the knowledge ladder got to live good, being served by the people below, but everyone had private property and the rights to defend. In communism your oppresed and you must live under the constant surveillance, same for ancom, the other people can now do whatever they want, theres no government, no oppresion, so you can start doing whatever and go live out but you cant have private property, thats everyones property, you cant stop someone from making a state and saying fuck you to everyone else, because they're free to do whatever, whats stopping them? You live in an anarchist land so that means anyone can do anything and if you try to stop them your an authoritarian and if you group up, that gets bigger, you get a leadership, a defense force, and woah, youve just made a socialist state. The leftists might say "but what about corporations taking over every part of your life" well the NAP exists, you're free to say fuck you to the corporation and the others agreeing to this will see they've infringed on it and they're free to join you, that balances it out, no monopolies or anything, because the individual with the other individuals working towards the same goal, to make their own lives better. Thanks if you read this, its quite long i know and as i said feel free to correct me or anything, if you want to have a debate feel free.

14:25 UTC



Hi! I'm conducting research for a presentation during a lecture on my university. It's exploring how centrism is perceived and how humour regarding centrism is perceived. You will be asked to watch two Jreg videos and then answer some questions. Thanks for your help :)

Link: https://forms.gle/mmQV1gEkkNtwZExK7

23:48 UTC


The Russian social media profile of the Texas shooter Garcia might be very real, but that doesn't mean the guild by association is real.

1 Comment
06:30 UTC


Which current major-party hopeful would you prefer to win in 2024, if you had to pick one?

I know that DeSantis isn't formally in yet, but he is for all intents and purposes. He's campaigning without saying so and is getting an exploratory committee going. Ordered by how well they appear to be doing at the moment. Explain "other" in the comments, but I'm asking for people who look like they are actually running.

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17:05 UTC

04:12 UTC


Would you rather ally with the Authoritarian Right, or the Libertarian Left?

00:15 UTC

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