Set in the League of Legends universe, Legends of Runeterra is the strategy card game created by Riot Games where skill, creativity, and cleverness determine your success.
-Build decks with your favorite League champions (and new characters) from the regions of Runeterra, each with their own style and strategic advantage.
-Face off in dynamic, alternating combat full of opportunities for outplay.
-Earn cards for free as you play or buy exactly what you want in the store—you’re in control of your collection.
Out now!
November 9th
November 16th
November 23rd
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There are a lot of higher-end options to play in PoC with the new Nightmare content. My question is, what is the best adventures to focus on for getting those higher-end mats? Weekly Nightmares? Spending Stardust in the Emporium?
I really don't care for the Monthlies. I did three or so to completion to get ASOL shards, but I found them tedious at best, so I'm looking for what else to focus on.
Thanks in advance!
I’ve finished the « Essence adventures » weekly, the reward went to the home screen but when I click it, nothing happens. I’ve opened a ticket with support which told me there’s nothing they can do and I have to wait for a dev fix. Has anyone encountered that bug before ?
I fear it will lock me out of all daily/weekly quests and I’m a bit baffled support can’t do anything about it :/
Thanks for your help
Since yesterday I can't collect some loot from quests, yesterday I had one loot and pressing the button does nothing, today I have 3 and I press the button and nothing happens.
I have uninstalled and installed the game and the bug persists.
¿Someone is experiencing this problem?
These are the ones I'm currently using
Who do think the last brand new TPOC exclusive champion will be?
I'm talking completely new and not remakes or variations.
Hey guys, I havent played the game for months and I just found out that there is no PVP anymore. Is only the Path of Champions available now? There are no plans for PVP to be available again? Thanks for the info.
I'm out with the latest spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Yo1RW3zP6B53Qlgx2aowaRHpltd0zIERpRYTFSxZv7Q/edit?gid=0#gid=0
Big thanks to notsolong for helping me out with early APAC data! A warning: there is a small chance EMEA and Americas are different, we will see.
I recommend using his planner if you want to share your run later with the community and me. In case you would rather use mine, you can do it in the Challenges tab, I even added a 3 times check too if you would plan a champion too many times.
The sheet has no reports in it yet, but in 1-2 days I expect 10+, which will give you a good hint what works where.
Copy past guide from last one, will improve it for the next time:
So the sheet has about 3 phases in its life-cycle.
The Anivia fight was BRUTAL I tried 4 times with different champ
I'm playing Evelynn in the Path of Champions. I love the play style with husks and everything, I just miss spells because I was playing Heimerdinger before, anyway...
Right now, I'm facing the Kai'Sa "campaign", and the first ennemy is DESTROYING me almost everytime, I'm not even getting to Irelia.
I finally achieve to try the second encounter.
Silly me thinking I was going to have a better time now that I have my secondary champion. That man just created a monster :
How the hell am I supposed to at least survive ???
It was already hard enough to just kill the first encounter and now this thing happen ! Kai'Sa path is really unfair I had problems with Heimer too (Not THAT much), and proceeded to almost first try Fiddlesticks, Galio and Thresh after beating Kai'Sa
So... She just attacks, gives back the mana, return to my hand, and I just repeat the cycle.
Can’t add spellshield because fizz just got the item i guess?
I like plaing LoR. I'm not even a fan of the Runeterra-lore and think it's all a bit corny and cringe but I like the general difficulty and crunch the game provides daily for no fee at all. I don't mind that I'm not playing pay-to-win-relics or never was nor will be a whale but still: There is one thing I'm missing sorely: It's another easy 3-star-level. Right now I'm trying to upgrade every item-slot of my three-star-characters to epic and in order to save time I upgrade all of them at the same time so I try to avoid "daughter of emptyness" (I have no idea how that level is called in English since I can't swap from German language to the original and this is also why I never know what relics everybody else on Reddit is talking about. That's maybe the only other thing: Let me swap my game from German to English, please, devs!) ) Anyway, without relics equipped the Irelia-encounter can be a bit unpredictable for not-so-good champs so my go-to is the three-star-spider-level. You know which one I mean. Tryndamere is a trynda-mere nuisance if you know how to handle him and the rest is a cakewalk. But right now it feels like as if I have played this level about 500000 times and I just wish for... some relief... some change... some alternative... some other background-graphics! Just another fucking easy 3-star-level I can abuse for levelling and updating my relic-slots! If you would be so kind, Riot! Thaaaaaank you... and over and out
Hi all when runeterra first came out i fell in love and played for about 6 months straight but then family stuff came up and i completely forgot about it until about a week ago. I'm absolutely loving path of champions and haven't tried PvP since 2020. I just had a few questions
In path of champions when there's a purple / dangerous enemy is there any reason to fight them? Is it just bonus XP?
I do see that theres different sections of PvP - are the allowed cards changed every season or year? as i love playing draven / sion but currently they aren't allowed unless i play eternal iirc?
Is it worth it to spend wild fragments to unlock characters in path of champions or should i save them for leveling characters up? Are the orange wild fragments hard to get?
Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated, Thank you all.
I don't know if this has been posted already but seeing the last update with increased level cap I'm confused why the devs didn't think of putting that in as they were apart of the previous level cap. They can place it on the other side of the champion card and two more in the future being a total of 6 slots as there are so many relics now most of which become obsolete with more to come. And it with give us more incentive to want to level our champions. Create more relic combinations, more content for content creators. I just can't see it being a negative for anyone. Well might be more work for the devs.
Is some else facing this issue? I click on the "Loot" section on the bottom left of the main screen, and it just doesn't open up. I have like 2 essence boxes in there.
Just an appreciation post. Everytime I come back to this game I realize again how much it's good, the gameplay is complex but smooth, the wording is flawless, never had a bug in years, graphics are incredible, variety is wide, music is also fantastic. What else? I've played several card games in my life but no one is better than LoR, by far. Of course I'm pretty sad about the state of PvP, but wathever... this game would really deserve soooo much more attention and popularity.
I just got Ekko's 6* power, which I thought would be neat and the strongest among PnZ. Then I tried him into 5.5* weekly expecting to have a wonderful time, but instead, I couldn't even make it to the mini boss for 3 tries.
Doubling stats is crazy for sure, cuz you can easily get units with 20+ power.The problem is, things only happen in predict. Most of the time I can only summon a really weak unit and pass because enemy usually has a unit with about stats around 10 on game start, and they can even summon more titanics after my first drop. Then the second round, i can finally play a unit with 10ish power, but its health wouldn't be high enough to survive the blocking so on round 3, I either have nothing on my board or have 1 medium unit with my nexus having 1 digit health.
After a few tries, I realized that Ekko has a huge problem with catching up the board. The one run I felt with greater chance is a run with the power creates a spell that makes 4 copy into your deck. I copied a lot 1-cost unit into my deck, and when I predicted I could get some 8|8 blockers on board at burst. But it wasn't enough and I failed eventually.
I just wonder if I missed something about Ekko. The relics I used are echoing spirit (fixed) and other relics between Heimer's relic/ Guardian orb/Oath of Guardian/star gems
How to beat this week (last october) weekly 5.5 star nightmare challenge?