
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for people who are interested in learning Hmong. If you have a question about anything Hmong-language related, ask and we'll help the best we can!

This is a subreddit for people who are interested in learning Hmong. If you have a question about anything Hmong-language related, ask and we'll help the best we can!


181 Subscribers


Protect and teach languages like Hmong with a fun card game! Suitable for all ages and ability levels. Great for language class and clubs.

Hi, everybody! Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

I was inspired to create this game after seeing a group of community elders teach their young ones the basic number and color vocabulary of their endangered language with UNO. I thought: why has no one specifically made a game for this purpose? It might help protect and revitalize languages for children! Well, now, I have done it!

In this game, each player can use any language they want to try to win. Each card will prompt the player to speak a specific type of word (like types of places, foods, or animals) and then they should put down their card by matching it to another card of the same color or name. The first player to put down all their cards wins!

To learn more about this game, I warmly welcome you to visit my shop --> https://languagecardgames.com/product/language-guardians/

If you'd like to leave any questions or comments below, I'd be happy to answer!

Cheers and good luck with your Hmong studies!


11:55 UTC


Please find something Apple related or any other source!

I️ have always have had friends that speak Hmong and I️ admire how rare and unique the language is! So —>please<—someone find a full proof way of learning Hmong that’s cost effective of course! Because it’s nearly impossible I find a way to learn Hmong without taking actual personal classes... I️ just would really like to earn true respect from true friends.

08:23 UTC


Learn hmong from your homscreen!

It's a small android app that can teach you new words everyday using a live wallpaper and widgets!

Have a look! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/hieroglyphics-learn-a-language-from-the-homescreen-android/x/16690509#/

Also, we made a facebook group to collect tools and resources for learning new languages, join us now and invite your friends!: https://www.facebook.com/groups/422944634773330/

10:41 UTC


Want to learn Hmong?

I recommend applying to UW-Madison's [SEASSI] (http://seassi.wisc.edu/)

Look at the 2016 application and start planning now for 2017. There's also scholarships, so plan early. Best of luck - former SEASSI student

It's in Madison. Class format is 1 teacher to about 10 students, mostly American-born Hmong students. An awesome instructor. Real life conversations! Try it!

01:33 UTC


Music! A great language learning tool.

Hey, so haven't been the best mod since I started this but just finished school for the next while so I'll be posting more. Anywayy back to what this is about. Music is such a great learning tool when learning any language. It helps in so many different ways so on your Hmong journey I strongly encourage you to listen to Hmong music. The easiest way to find hmong music is to just type it into youtube.

Some personal favourites of mine are: Logo-our own ways (English and Hmong) Paradise- Phooj ywg zoo tshaj Also some of Meena Thao's songs

P.S. Personally Hmong music wasn't my style at first but you just have to look around, there are different types and I found it also grows on you.

03:22 UTC


New Subreddit LearnHmong

Happy to announce the opening of the new subreddit LearnHmong!

A place for all interested in Learning Hmong can come to share resources and ask questions.

23:50 UTC

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