A community for large format photography of all kinds.
For practitioners and for those who are curious about large format photography. Ask questions, post your photos, anything goes.
I made a 3d printed holder that lets me scan a sheet of 4x5 film in two passes using my Epson V600. Files and details are available on Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/1091581-4x5-film-holder-for-epson-v600
To scan, insert the film and push the holder all the way into the bottom left corner of the scanning window. Then, without adjusting crop/scanning area, slide the holder all the way to the right and press scan again. I use VueScan to lock exposure and get identical raw scans, then merge them in Photoshop.
Any feedback would be appreciated! Example scan attached (Foma 100 developed in Pyrocat-HDC)
Hi All.
Does anyone have a link to useful Cheat Sheet cards that I can print and laminate? Ones that have useful info, specifically for large format like bellows extension calculations, zones and similar Useful info. Maybe even a checklist of things to check before taking a shot etc (the dance I believe it is referred to!!)
I am still new to fully manual photography, and if I had more experience I would have created my own, but not sure what information I might need.
I see a ton of posts about tall tripods, but am having difficulty finding a solid carbon fiber tripod for shorter people like myself (5' 3".)
I'd be using it for a 4x5 camera and was considering a Gitzo Traveler Series 0 Carbon Fiber Tripod.
For reference, I've actually been making do with the Heipi Travel Tripod, and it's height is near perfect for me without raising the center column. Just want something more robust and sturdier if at all possible.
Any suggestions?
looking for a durable camera
I recently purchased a lot from an estate of a photographer, and have several pieces of Sinar Accessories I don't need:
Wide Angle Bellows Sinar #455.36
Binocular Loupes Sinar #471.21
2-Light Hood Sinar #531.00
Multipurpose standard Sinar #437.61
All appear to be as new, still wrapped in plastic and the original Sinar boxes. If anyone has any interest, please send a DM (photos to follow shortly)
Hi all.
I have a Crown Graphic with a Rangefinder that needs a bit of calibrating. I have only ever used the ground glass, but I am seeing more and more people using the rangefinder to focus. I just wanted to know if people who do have a Rangefinder on their camera actually use it, and if so, how good and accurate is it?? Just wanted to see if it would be worth trying to fix the rangefinder, as I have heard it can be a bit of a pain.
I’m making the jump up to printing 5x4 bl ask and white negs on my De Vere 507 with my Varicon head. Was looking for some recommendations on which lens to buy as I don’t own one.