The name is self explanatory...
Pretty much what it sounds like... LSD trip life hacks!
Credit to /u/thehiveminded for the inspiration, and to /u/justsoldmysoul for the original comment that led to the sub's creation!
For exhilirating gifs and images, /r/eyebeams
For anti-anti-funny funny (anti) anti-jokes, /r/AntiAntiJokes
I’m wondering if I it would be possible to walk in and just show them the tracking number to pick up my package? Would that be possible without having to show ID? The package arrived today, but when I ordered it I was anxious and didn’t think about how I would retrieve the package. Does anyone have any ideas? Should I just call it a loss and leave it there since it doesn’t have anything that can track back to me?
Looking for legit clearnet vendor to research LSD and other RCs. Where do you guys do your research at. (Nobody around me irl is researching lsd). Thanks guys. First time trip btw so nothing like 300ug+, just wanna research 100 - 150
i thought they were cool my guy said their 250 they definitely were not id say around 100 trying again today see how it goes
how do I have to burn the dmt on the crack pipe it doesn’t generates much smoke
I’m in NYC looking for LSD. What are my options and how can I find someone who sells it?
Hi everyone,
I'm 23m down with fever and, I was supposed to do acid with my friends tomorrow but I'm down with heavy fever. I'm planning to visit the doctor's in sometime so I can be well tomorrow to take it but does it have side affects? That is being infected and taking tabs.
I'm going to give 24 hours time for the medicine to dilute out of my body but is that enough?
Look at these beautiful jelly’s of 300 ugs 🤤
Not sure if I'm in the right subreddit to ask this question, but I am trying to find out where I can get some acid to microdose as a newbie. I work in a restaurant, so I am certain somebody knows where I can go, or who to talk to. Just not sure how to do it without being awkward (I have autism haha) . I thought about the dark web but that seems too risky
I am 19 years old and want to try LSD for the first time but I've been doing medikinet-retard(methylphenidat) since I am 9 years old can i do LSD or can it be dangerous for me and will it help if I pause the medication for some days before I do LSD?? Any advices???
Holy shit balls! Fan fucking tastic! Just got back from REZZ. This shit was really good quality
Took my first tab today, 100ug per tab supposedly, I only took half to check the taste since I heard about the possibility of other chemicals in there, when I put it on my tongue it was pretty bitter, I spit it out but then decided to just do it 30 mins later so I took half a tab, I didn’t even get far enough in to take the second half, since stuff was already morphing around me and I was getting some pretty good visuals, is this expected for only 50ng or should I get a different vendor?
Pretty sure it’s the same artwork! Wish I could have dropped some of it.
Hey Family , just wondering, has anybody seen or tried this? If so what was the experience and strength?
Firelight crystal...if you've partaken,, share your thoughts...I've had his WOW and it's world class. New art. Same xtal??
I’ve taken mushrooms around seven times and had two bad trips that made everything seem really terrible and bleak. I want my life to feel beautiful and enjoyable again but I really don’t want to have another bad trip and feel even more depressed. Should I take lsd? How can I avoid a bad trip?
I took 2 (220-250ug) tabs about an hour and a half apart and I was looking for a movie to watch while I was just about to start peaking, stumbled across coraline a movie I used to love and hadn't seen in ages. Had all the lights off and had surround sound speakers in my room, and let me tell you that was a whole ass experience. Loved every single second of it, I felt like I really resonated with her. There's loads of conspiracies around the movie about what different things mean and I feel like I figured it all out while I was watching it, like I'd completed the game the creators had made. Would 10000% recommend it to anyone who likes dark vibes but not necessarily scary while tripping.
"We ate the acid"
Unless you've been under a rock, you probably heard in your first week's of your musical journey journey this is written into the lettering of Grateful Dead. Well, it's gotta be pointed out to those new to the band at some point! 😂
That had enantiomer specific atropine?
Hello family, I'll be direct, Hungarian sweets really hurt me, that's why I'm running away from them, this week new sweets arrived at the store, Yama and Bosh both 200ug, has anyone tried them? Do you know which Crystal it is? Or any good or bad trip reports? Thank you in advance
Hi y'all, I'm gonna try LSD for the first time tomorrow together with two friends who has done it a couple of times before. I read somewhere that smoking some weed a couple of hours into the trip in going to enhance it and I was wondering if this is true, should I/should I not do it/any tips? I smoke weed regularly but this will be my first acid trip.
I'm thinking on traveling to the nevado de toluca a big mountain here in Mexico I don't really have a good condition but when I take lsd I can walk for hours, I'm thinking on taking some before stating to hike but I'm a little bit scared that I get some bad experience or just faint walking, is it a good idea to consume or not