A subreddit for the fans and critics of the ABC television show Lost. Discussion of the show, pictures from the show, and anything else Lost related.
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Esaw. Or Osiris to the Egyptians who lived on the island. I think ‘mother’ was a Jew who spoke Latin. The boys’ real mother was named Claudia, a Roman name for a woman who pretty Roman. I think we are supposed to intuit that both women speak the same language, since they have no communication issues. So why does ‘mother’ give Jacob a Hebrew name unless she is Hebrew? I also think that Latin was the native language of the boys not only because it’s what Claudia would have spoken, but because that specific language becomes the code language of the others.
Heard Michael is the lead actor, how similar is it to Lost?
For anyone interested, I've put together all of the LOST script excerpts found in The Official Magazine and the Season 4 blu-ray bonus feature Course of the Future: The Definitive Flash-Forwards and compiled them in screenplay format as pdfs. I've also put together what I'm calling an Expanded and Extended edition combining both and featuring extended excerpts from scripts available here https://archive.org/details/lost.the.script.collection
The magazine excerpts cover 31 episodes across all 6 seasons(9 of which we have full scripts for and 22 that exist only as these excerpts) and all 13 Missing Pieces. The bonus feature excerpts cover "Through the Looking Glass" and every flash-forward episode in Season 4. I hope you enjoy.
Course of the Future: The Definitive Flash-Forwards Excerpts
Combined and Extended Excerpts
I tried to match the formatting perfectly, spelling errors and magazine layout, for both regular excerpts and "fixed"(removed what seem like arbitrary line breaks and tried to fill in obvious cursing cut for the magazine) for the extended version. If I got anything wrong or missed anything, please don't hesitate to let me know. This was done through about 75% transcription and 25% copy/pasting and formatting so I'm sure I messed a couple things up.
Very small spoiler btw tho I doubt many ppl are still beginning to watch this 10 years later lmao. I’m on season 2 of Lost and I just gotta get this out here and I need someone to agree with me. I fucking hate John Locke. This absolute buffoon of a character is an absolute fucking dumbass in life before the island. He somehow gets convinced to give his kidney to a stranger who just claims to be his father out of nowhere after his many years of living. Oh yeah, then he stalks the “dad” who stole his kidney. Bro just shows up to his house every fucking day and just sits in his car, wasting his life away to just sit in front of a dudes house bc he stole his kidney. He’s fucking pathetic. Oh he suddenly gets healed when he gets to the island and starts preaching about destiny and fate? Cmon yall can’t actually like this terrible fucking character. Destiny this destiny that like shut your ass up. Talking about fucking fate and destiny but when whatever happens doesn’t go his way he just throws a temper tantrum like a fucking child it’s genuinely so annoying. Someone please agree with me, even though I know imma be flamed bc for some reason people like this bald ass idiotic fate preaching mf.
I just watched the epilogue for the first time (somehow 🤦♂️) and wow. I love it. It’s honestly what I expected to happen post-finale, but the way it was written was perfect. Not that I’d expect anything less
did you?
The first season of Lost is amazing, dont get me wrong. I have only one problem with it, which in my opinion gets solved in the second season. There are one to many plot twists
I felt like many of the episodes consisted of constant plot twists which got a little tiring. It´s well written and a great season, it was just something I picked up. It gets better in the second season as the show starts building on the twists.
Feel free to agree/disagree and write your thoughts.
Season 3 ep 12 at the beginning Charlie was handing Aaron back to Claire and totally missed the opportunity to call him a hobbit
Okay what the fuck is this show
Ok so Locke and Jack are absolutely already connected to this island after Jack ran looking for his dad in the suit, Locke knew immediately / was connected as soon as they crashed and when he encountered the ‘thing’ but ig he welcomed it?
The way they look at each other when shit goes down is so 👀
Also all the women are beautiful for some reason
Vincent better not die I’m not ready for tha, hughle has my heart
Current thoughts: there’s a thing / creature whatever that everyone knows about but it’s never mentioned as like being really terrifying, like they all know it’s there but why does nobody talk about it? , they’re all put on that plane for a connected reason?
There’s so many things happening how long till there are answers?😭
Her cold expressions always grab me and make me enjoy watching her act.
She chooses to accept a job at a company that she and everyone else she consulted have never heard about, that doesn't pay that well (as Richard pointed out), at an undisclosed location (which is justified as a safety measure) and leaves behind her pregnant sister who had been recently sick.
I suppose it can be argued that she wanted a challenge to prove herself and was traumatised by the death of her ex, but still seems too far fetched. Is there a better explanation regarding her motivations?
Will be going to Oahu for our honeymoon and we were looking for some recommendations for tours of filming locations. Has anyone done any of these? Online I see the KOS/Hummer tour, has anyone done this? Any others that people have tried? Thanks all!
Claire was my favorite female character and no its not just cuz I found her really attractive, but she was such a sweetheart and super likeable
Her character didnt have enough depth though and it didnt help that she missed a whole season
I see her get no love on this sub and it just makes me hate the writers😭
Anybody have a spotify list give him/her a Lost vibe
I'm watching the doc now. It's just fun to see everyone's thoughts on the show all these years later. The mix of regular fans, celebrity fans and the cast/crew is great.
The little things like how they got Vincent to swim after the boat is just so sweet.
What a ride! I had somehow gone these whole 20 years without knowing a single thing about the show, and avoiding all spoilers.
Anyway, it's now shot its way up to being one of my all time favourite shows.
(Also, season 3 of Yellowjackets is coming out in a couple of weeks too, so I may be absolutely saturated with plane crash survival media lmao)
I read that the finales have extended uncut versions that are the intended way to watch. Does Netflix have all the episodes in their uncut form? Need to know in case I have to pick up the series on Blu-Ray.
I’ve just got up to season 3 of Lost today and I’m loving everything about the show. I’d even go as far to say that I like it more than Breaking Bad and Prison Break so far. I was just wondering when the show dips in quality/popularity for people and why do the later seasons get so much criticism? With the direction it’s currently going, I can’t see me not enjoying the rest of this series.
Hey everybody how can I easily find Lost clips for editing
Did anyone ever play the point and click game Myst back in the day? It feels like something that would have influenced Lost. It's set on a mysterious island, and there are two mystical brothers at odds with one another, and you have to decide which one to trust. It's probably pretty dated by today's standards, but it was a cool game and definitely had Lost vibes. I think Damon mentioned it in an interview once but I might be imagining that.
Why wasnt micheal at the chruch?
Its interesting to see the production team committed to the outfits withwearing the sane outfits a lot with sweat and you know they forge there camp with things they can get from the island and yet they all have perfect dental health during this entire time even though theyre on the island which i highly doubt would have tooth paste. The village probably would. But they dont get there until later. Not to mention the beards still being upkept haha.
So im on s1 ep 17 and after jin burned Michaels boat theres a flashback of jin and on the tv i think i see hurley maybe its not him but it kind of does let me know what you think?
I just finished for first time- when it originally aired I was a new mom and never watched tv at all (“binging” didn’t really exist back then). I feel like the series must have been entirely novel and led to lots more than The Leftovers, etc. Does anyone have insight re: big impacts it had for the making/writing of movies and tv scripts overall?
I’m committing lol
It really bothers me how much they devalue him on Lost. We can very well say that he is the center of Lost, the two need each other to live. You can argue that at first he is selfish and arrogant, but this goes far beyond aspects of their internal conflicts. He was made leader even though he didn't want to, he said countless times. Furthermore, being a doctor on a desert island, he already has an additional burden, his obsession with control and fixing everything ends up sinking him even further, as he is a paradigm; He is certainly one if not the most important survivor, they need him and they need his approval. And this breaks him as he realizes that once again he doesn't have control over everything, much less can he fix it. More and more deaths happen and he is lost. His need to find logic and forget the mysticism on the island is also a big factor. He's such a rich and deep character, his flashbacks are the best. For me it's impossible not to love it, especially with the ending of the third.
He's broken off the island, he manages to live the life he wanted so much, with Kate and Aroon, but it's not enough, he's not complete. He's still in trouble, he doesn't feel the way he thinks he should, and it's sinking him deeper and deeper. Kate lies to him, hides that she is still thinking about soywar. So he wants to go back to the island, he thinks it's their place, he can find himself again. Locke's death is also a great catalyst, he also feels guilty for not believing in him, Locke is the main turning point for his masterful development. A man of science for the man of faith. Honestly, Matthew's performance in The End is masterful, the scene of him laughing after "fixing" the island is tear-jerking. One of the highest peaks in fiction, for me it has the best conclusion on television for the characters, along with Jax (Sons of Anarchy.)
Anyway, what I want to say; Enjoy and allow yourself to love this excellent protagonist, for me the best character in lost and my second favorite protagonist.