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Përshëndetje, ku dhe qysh mundemi mi ble biletat për ndeshjen e Kosovës kundër Lituanisë më 18 Nëntor? Dhe sa kushton bileta?
Deshta me pyt nese najkush prej juve dini/njihni naj shitore per gaming qe jon, ndryshe per najkon qe nuk i njeh quhen edhe Local Stores, pershembull per CD t playstation 4
Na sugjeroni ju lutem ndonje emer Shqiptar ose te pakten me kuptim ne shqip per djem.
I recently had a "online" discussion with albanians from kosova and shqiperija about the war and their relationship and views on serbia, its people and government.
The one from kosova told me that his or her family didn't lose anyone during the war and didn't actually feel any type of way of serbia.
The same thing came from the one from albania which makes sense because the majority of them didn't really have anything to do with the war.
My family lost allot of people. And even tho i was born in europe theres still.....lets just say feelings that remain.
I was thinking and wondering how the majority in here feels about that?
Does kosova as whole in the majority feel a type of way. Or does it actually depend if someone wasnt or was affected to make someone involved in this "conflict".
Does growing up somewhere else also affect this?
Because i grew up with the thought that all of us have problems with them. I was shocked for the lack of a better term that that wasnt the case.
Im curious what you think.
E di qe jon tshtrejta amo edhe reps mu kan ska lidhje amo ku?
I would like to ask for the National Team Kits Font in the back. I spent an entire day looking and searching everywhere for that but we as Nation dont pay a designer to create the Brand ID for important stuff.
If anyone knows, your help would be apreciated.
May God bless us all.
This morning got bitten on my leg from behind. Never saw it coming. Was with trousers on and although they weren’t punctured I still have a few surface blood marks. Is this serious? Is there a public clinic or somewhere i should go to check? Currently in Pristina.
Jam ni Amerikan, Dhe Jom tu mesu gjuhen shqipe, Dhe sapo lexova ni liber Dhe ka ni fjal qe shkruhet filani, shka kuptim ka?
Nese dini edhe ma specifikisht per naj lagje ju lutem m’tregoni. Jam i interesum afersisht qendres ma shume.
Edhe a e dini a e llogaritin m2 bruto apo neto?
Hello can anyone please recommend a restaurant in Prishtina where I can reserve a table for lunch that will also help with supplying a birthday cake and some small decor? I think this would be easier as some places may not let outside food/decorations.
We will be only 4 adults and 2 kids.
We will be travelling for my daughter's birthday and will be in Prishtina's core the day of, and I would like to have this prearranged as we are not from there.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Përshëndetje! My family is coming from America to visit me for Christmas, are there any hotels or resorts anyone knows that are nice at Christmas time, have a Christmas dinner, etc.? Or what would be the best city to bring them to, maybe Prizren or Peja? They don’t ski, but a place with nice mountain views would be great. Any advice would be greatly appreciate, thank you!
Hi, we’re a group of friends who want to play Dungeons and Dragons in Prishtina and are in dire need of a Dungeon Master to flock us and teach us the way of the game. If you are interested please be cool with loud people and the far left.
I (26M) will be going to Kosova in a week and was wondering if someone would be down to meet around Prizren preferably or even Prishtina area.
Since I do not have contact with my family in KS since some of them passed away and some do not want to keep touch. I find myself very often to be lonely.
I am a 26M, 6ft3 tall, gym quite a lot and got a decent job in the West. So I am not a spoiled thug or something. If anyone would like to meet I am down.
And if any female would like to meet me I definitely also would be down to know someone for serious.
Respect and love to everyone
Një model i mirë-përshtatur nga Kushtrim Visoka për transkriptimin e gjuhës shqipe, i cili dallon për aftësinë e shkëlqyera për të kuptuar dialektin Gegë.
Testoni dhe jepni mendimin tuaj.
Kushtrim, Faleminderit shume.
Përshëndetje, I am currently in Skopje and will have 5 days to spend in Kosovo beginning tomorrow. Traveling solo with a car.
Planning to head to Pristina tomorrow for probably 2 nights (though perhaps 1 is enough?), then I'll have another 3 to spend in the country.
What's the best area of town to stay in for sightseeing and nightlife?
How will Peje or Prizren be with the weather? Looking for some light hiking and nice mountain views (lookouts by car are fine if the conditions aren't great for hiking). Are the Accursed Mountains passable now?
Are there any off-the-beaten-path destinations that tourists don't normally hit?
I will be heading to Tirana on Friday, planning to take the Fierza ferry, so I'll need to end Kosovo in the west...was thinking I might spend night 5 in Bajram Curri across the border.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My trip is in your hands...what would you do in my position over the next 5 days?
Kush di gjo per qet draft legistlation te serbis ?
Mu ka ofru ni pune po orari perfundon n 23:00 e nuk pe di a ka menyr te transportit t'mir per atje
Jam nje UI/UX Designer me pervoje rreth afer 3 vite. Tash punoj ne nje kompani ne Prishtine per nje X rroge, por deshta me vlersu se a paguhem aq sa e meriton nje UI/UX Designer. Ju lutem me tregoni prej eksperiences dhe ato qe dini se sa paguhet nje UI/UX Designer (Junior, Mid dhe Senior). Une po besoj se me eksperiencen qe e kam, konsiderohem Mid UI/UX Dizajner. Gjithashtu nese dini ndonje pozite te hapur per UI/UX ose dike qe i duhet per ndonje projekt, me lajmroni.
E cila ministri është e përgjegjshme për turisëm?
Have a very early flight and need to be at the airport by 4am. Are there any taxi companies operating that early in the morning. Thanks.