
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is for those who have problems or injuries with their knee(s). This can be a place to discuss treatment, offer advice, or just to generally ask questions.

This subreddit is for those who have problem or injuries with their knees. This can be a place to discuss the treatment process, or just to generally ask questions.

Please remember this place is just for support and general interest. If you have some serious concerns about your health go see your doctor or health professional.

If people feel like posting their stories of their recovery feel free to. I know everyones path to recovery is different so it's cool to hear different sides.


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Should I be aiming for full mobility post recovery?

I sprained my MCL 10 months ago and developed a bit of osteoarthritis in my right knee. The knee feels OK most of the time and I'm able to kneel, walk and cycle. Fully bending the knee is a little uncomfortable going into a deep squat and when I try standing on one leg and doing a hamstring stretch I can't get my heel to touch my butt.

Should I be gently working through my discomfort and aiming for full mobility or would this put too much force through the knee?

09:29 UTC


Could this be runners knee syndrome?

I like running and went running as usual. When I got home my right knee started hurting, I thought nothing of it but the pain didn't stop and its been a month now. Should I be concerned or it can go away on its own. It kinda cracks when I move my leg

09:17 UTC


8 weeks post op- MACI procedure & TTO

I’m 8 weeks post op and my range of motion is stuck at 50 degrees. Oddly though, I can go as far as 90 degrees on the CPM machine. Needless to say, I’m stuck there and can’t seem to go further. I consider myself a person who can tolerate pain pretty well but is being this stiff normal or is it like a mental block? I’m so frustrated and discouraged. I have minimal swelling and my scar is healing pretty good so that doesn’t hurt somebody who has gone through this, Please give me some tips on how I can better my range of motion or what I can do. I feel like I’ve done everything and I really, really do not want another procedure for knee manipulation to get done.

06:54 UTC


Dislocation, long term affects?

I dislocated my knee cap in 8th grade (14 yrs old) (I am now 22) (i am female). I didn’t dislocate it from any physical activity. I was in band class and went to sit down and my knee cap just popped out. I screamed bloody murder and there was 70 people in the room. besides the point, i now have intermittent pain in my knee cap. It comes in waves and I feel as though someone is pushing down on my knee. Could my dislocation be a cause of this? Just wondering honestly

02:37 UTC


Nagging Patellar Tendonitis

Hi everyone, I’ll try to keep this short but I want to provide context. I’m a former D1 jumper now finishing my last year at a D2 school. Great program but the main difference is the quality/ availability of ATs. Since I’m a grad student living off campus and have to work to pay rent I am on my feet A LOT outside of practice, this new stimuli’s as caused resparked some old tendonitis I used to deal with. I haven’t been able to get into the training room with my schedule and have just been doing old rehab exercises from my last AT. Does anyone have any advice for how I can manage the load on my knees/ treat my pain? I’ve talked with my coach and we are load managing already so taking any more training load off is a last resort. Any advice is much appreciated

1 Comment
02:22 UTC


OATS surgery Question

Hello! I have had several OATS procedures and I just had my third. After two failures, I am wondering if it started weight bearing too early.

If you have had this surgery, and had a pretty large grafts, how long were you non weight bearing post op and how long did you keep your brace locked?


For this surgery, I am going non weight bearing for four weeks, and after that keeping the brace locked for another 2 weeks.

Previous surgeries, weight bearing at 4 weeks with brace unlocked

01:53 UTC


Tibial patella fracture/ quad detachment? Week 11

New here, to this group... think I'm doing ok so far.. 2 injuries within 15 mins... happened so odd, but. Ive been taking initiative w doc to keep reducing pain meds, but just got into phy rehab a few weeks back and less than 3 weeks from being out of the leg stabilizer completely. Got to 120° articulation- but im hyper flexible so I expect better from myself. 44 m 5'10 170. Was pretty athletic, kind of still am in recovery.

Was nursing an injury I hadn't sought help for-because i commonly have sprains and dislocation and joint things... so I try to stay fit, but I flew over some handle bars on a bike at around 7 mph while trying to get the knee to peddle again, then this... while self rehabbing. Required emergency Surgery less than 18 hours later.

Got the good fortune that my fam doesn't have the disorder associated with addiction to the medication required and am and have been asking for lower doses as I recover.

I do however have a frequency for painful p Sprains and joints.

At, I guess a young... middle age...

How long might I be needing to be on medications? I've had naproxen prescribed for a long time and, well this requires extra.

Talked to a few people who've been through joint surgeries and it helped with the "you are not alone" thing.. the anxiety and self judgement and stigma of the medication.

Haven't had much in the way of help all my life or others to talk to.

The other mental breakdowns as well that come along with the injury. Waking up at 2 am and crying in pain or other anguish for a few hours.

Not being able to work, unemployed, and understanding that all my physical labor experience is going to have to be reevaluated and.. might have to get some new schooling or training.

How long till I make a near full recovery or is there such a thing?

I love long 20 mile bike rides or 10 mile walks with runs and just being physical. It's kind of my therapy, but the injury took alot out of me... Also recovering from divorce, but... Oddly greatful for this injury.

It's opening up new doors and I got a bit of hope im grasping onto again.

Thanks. Sorry for tl;dr

21:47 UTC


Does anyone know what happened to my knee?

I was sitting criss cross in bed and leaned forward to pet my dog. When doing so, I heard a loud pop and i got a jolt of pain in my right knee and hip. I couldn’t extend my right leg after this happened and the only way to slightly ease the pain was to lift my leg underneath my knee. When attempting to get up because I thought it might be serious, I heard another loud pop and experienced another jolt of pain and it was all back to normal. I was wearing pants and didn’t take them off to check at the time, but I was under the assumption I had dislocated something. It was still aching for the rest of the day after this, but nothing serious.

21:43 UTC


Strange Anterior Pain during running

Hello all, I had an osteochondral allograft and a manipulation under anesthesia w/ lysis (scar tissue removal) this year. I am now starting back to jogging and I have some strange pain in my right knee on the inside just below kneecap level. I don’t believe it’s a bone injury, but it feels like tissue of some sort. It only occurs when running. Please help!

20:09 UTC


Scared of Showering

So I threw weeks ago dislocated my knee for the second time. Just popped as I was walking. I have hyper mobility but this is the first time of a repeat dislocation and it’s definitely freaked me out. While I’m walking confidently on it with no pain, and can bend it easily, I’m still wearing my knee splint. I’m terrified of showers. A week after the injury I felt it slip/pop out again but go back in with little pain after a few hours. However it freaked me out substantially as this did not happen the first time. I’ve been showering with a cloth brace on but it’s been giving me irritation. Any advice or just support. I really want to feel clean again but I’m overwhelmingly scared.

18:34 UTC


Do these look like a meniscus tear? Looks weird to me but I'm unsure and I'm trying to solve a debate with my friend 😂

17:11 UTC


Knee Pain?

My pain started about a year ago. There wasn’t any one defining moment or accident. It got bad enough this previous spring that I went to urgent care. They did X-rays, gave me a flimsy little bandage, some oral steroids, and bed rest for 3 days. This improved me for a month or so combined with me sitting down 90% of the time at work to hopefully rest. I was working out twice a day in an effort to lose weight so I thought overuse was the issue.

Fast forward to today. I am experiencing pain above my kneecap - lateral and medial. If seated in a chair I cannot raise the affected lower leg parallel to the ground. There is some swelling and my kneecap feels like it’s sliding around. There will be clicking when I walk and my knee will buckle occasionally. I lose significant range of motion.

My boyfriend has braces from his ACL surgery and I use those. Immobilizing my knee for a day or two gets me back to 0 pain and it’s like I have a normal knee again. I don’t work right now so I have plenty of time to ice. I’m still getting my stuff together to get health insurance since I moved to a new state recently. I will be visiting an ortho clinic asap.

Should I stay as rested as I can until then?

15:14 UTC


Jolting, sharp knee pain

I'm a 29F and after a day of ongoing lounging and drawing in my recliner, I got up to walk to bed. Since I got up, my right knee started having bouts of sharp pain. It goes away, then a few seconds it comes back again. Has done it 15 times in the past 25 minutes!

I've had my kneecaps dislocate 3 times in the past (left one once, right one twice) but the last time it happened was 5 years ago. The two times was when I was a truck driver, which (you guessed it) involves sitting for hours and hours at a time.

I'm praying to the knee gods that it's not a sign that it's about to sneak out of the socket again. It's hard to convince this artist to exercise when she's in a creative muse, but dang it do I regret it when it hurts like this, even if it's quite rare. The pain is directly on top of the kneecap. Not sure what that specifically means, but would a pain killer even help?

14:18 UTC


Will I need surgery on this or can I still play professional football “soccer” ?? 31 years of age

1 Comment
12:57 UTC


Has anyone’s knee actually gone back to 100% after injury?(tears, dislocations ect?)

2.5 years ago, I dislocated my knee, tore my meniscus, and then it relocated itself and chipped of a 1 in chunk of my “femoral sulcus” that is now lodged in the fleshy bit inside my knee.

Went to an orthopedic surgeon and he believed my tear was not severe enough for surgery. He did want to keep an eye on the bone fragment though. He recommended physio for now.

The MRI showed that I had a “longitudinal tear through the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus” along with the displaced fragment from my femoral sulcus now in my “medial suprapatellar recess”

I’ve been doing all the damn physio they told me, going to the gym like crazy and have build a lot of strength and it still hurts like a bitch. I still can’t go down stairs properly without it sort of collapsing. It clicks and pops and moves oddly every step. And absolutely NO twisting movements or extreme pain.

Sometimes I feel that outside tendon sort of lock up and it hurts like hell to try and move it. I also can feel that displaced chunk of bone sometimes on long walks and it’s rather uncomfortable.

I’m kinda at a point like “is this just how my leg is going to be now and I’m gonna walk weird and frequently be in pain for life now?”

Do knee injuries ever go back to 100%? Or are they always a bit fucky after injury?

I’ve known a lot of people whose knees never really got back to 100%, wondering if that’s more so the norm after injury?

what more could I do for this situation? Should I go to another doctor to see if maybe I should get some surgery?

Or just deal where I’m at and accept my knee is always going to suck?

1 Comment
11:49 UTC


is it knee sprain?

i got spraine almost three months ago, but I’m not sure if it was the knee itself because I felt it more in my side shin. Since the injury, it's been hard to bend or straighten my knee, and walking is difficult. The side of my knee became really swollen, and I applied ice right after the injury. Recently, I’ve been able to straighten it a bit more, but it’s still uncomfortable and kind of painful. When I bend it, it feels like there’s a bone sticking out or increasing in my upper knee. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I could really use some advice.

11:27 UTC


OATS procedure

I had my OATS surgery 9 days ago. I had a 15mm medial femoral condyle full-thickness chondral defect and a 20 mm lateral femoral condyle defect. Both were 7-8 mm deep, and bone debris as removed. Both plugs came from donor graft. After the first 2-5 days, pain was very tolerable. But once I started PT on day 6, the pain got worse after getting up from resting. After I'm up for a few minutes, the pain subsides and I'm able to move on to my exexercises. But each day since pt started, every single time I stand up, my knee is extremely stiff and I'm in extreme pain. I feel like I have very high tolerance of pain, I didn't take any pain meds when I had both my knees scoped, so I'm just hoping that this is normal pain that I'm experiencing and that I'm not the only one this has happened to. If this has happened to anyone else, how long did the pain/stiffness after getting up stay around.

10:05 UTC


Will I need surgery for this?

10:04 UTC


Pain in knee while climbing down stairs or cycling

A few weeks ago, I fell down, with the entire impact coming in my left knee. The wound was small and healed in two weeks. But lately I've been noticing that I have slight pain inside my knee while climbing down stairs, cycling, or any similar activity requiring knee bending.

Could this be sign of something serious? Or, what could it be?

09:52 UTC


(UK) Had MRI - Unsure on Surgery - Advice?

I'm 42 (5ft 10 and 147lbs) and have had issues with my left knee for a few months now. I'm an avid runner and play sports, and after any sort of activity, my knee slightly swells (not hugely). Swelling feels like it's around the 10 or 11 o clock position of my knee if I am standing up and looking directly down at my knee.

I had an MRI and the consultant advised:

  • wear in the harder cartilages on the outer aspect of the knee and outer aspect of kneecap
  • softer shock absorbing cartilages are ok
  • leaves a dilemma as if it were the softer cartilages, then they are easier to repair
  • response to keyhole surgery on the harder cartilages is not definite
  • it's the only operation that is possible for me
  • other options are wait and see, or manage it via physio
  • sometimes keyhole surgery won't work and can also introduce risks such as infection or small blood clots, but these are extremely rare

I'm unsure what to do. I feel like I can get away with playing football once a week but that's about it. Any more activity then the swelling gets worse. There is little to no pain until I full bend my knee and put weight on it ( kneeling on the floor with knees fully bent). It's a bit depressing considering I was running 5-6k every few days with football in between!

Looking for advice from anyone in or who has been in a similar position!

09:44 UTC


It started as a simple chornic jumper's knee below my knee cap (near in tibia) two weeks ago it started to get worst it became like this (pic)

1 Comment
05:55 UTC


Cortisone Shot side effects?

I got a cortisone shot in my right knee today - around 12 hours ago - and for the first few hours, I felt amazing. Now, I’m laid up in bed in worse pain than before and sweating like crazy. My knee feels SO stiff like if I bend it it will snap. I’ve been icing it for an hour and also took some Acetaminophen PM, and nothing is touching it. I need some advice please!

02:15 UTC


How am i gonna do a mri when i can't straighten it

on think 3-4 weeks ago dislocated my knee very badly like my entire kneecap was at a 90* angle outward and i haven't had a mri will in 3 days but i'm pretty confused sense i can't straighten it and it twitches a lot and no doctor has answer my questions about how it could be (ik it's not there job and doesn't want to set expectations) but still i'm just overall worried about it and confused on how i'm gonna do anyone have a similar experience or knowledge?

realized i forgot to put periods it's late ok😭 forgot to add: although i can take my brace off at night i usually don't due to what i thibk is muscle spasms or something like it and just pain/uncomfortable they said it's normal but idk

01:07 UTC


Pain when I straighten up my knee, Am I cooked??

Hi guys, I'm a 22 year old female powerlifter, I have been experiencing this pain for the past 3-4 weeks. I don't have problems with squatting, walking, or anything, but when I flex my quad muscles while my legs are in the air, a weird pain comes from just below my patella. Am I cooked? What should I do? It's like my worst nightmare is becoming the reality . Please help me out here?

19:37 UTC


Anyone deal with this issue?

IMPRESSION: Prominent segmental full-thickness osteochondral lesion in the patellar apex (1.3 x 0.9 cm) suspicious for a previous osteochondral shear fracture.

Had knee pain for about a year now went and got an MRI this was the result have an appointment set up in 2 weeks with an orthopedic specialist.

17:13 UTC


Weird Knee Pain Issue, need help identifying

Background: I tore my ACL in my left knee in 9th grade which was about 25 years ago which makes me 40. I am a bit overweight at the moment (about 60-80 lbs) but lightly active with regular walking and yoga / stretching. Live on the 3rd floor apt and take stairs every day.

Sometime in the last 6-8 weeks I started having random sharp pain in my knee. When I say in my knee it is hard to point to a specific side or to front back. It feels like its actually inside. This can happen when walking or going up the stairs but when i'm standing I don't feel any particular pain or sense of instability.

I also notice I feel the pain and maybe more intensely, if i am in a deep squat i.e. if i have my calf touching my thigh. Typically i'm not squatting this low but it can happen even not under load if i put my foot on the edge of my couch do a sort of stretch.

I tried the rotational tests yesterday where you stand near a wall and bend 5% or 20% and do some rotations toward and away to see if it is meniscus pain. I didn't seem to notice any pain when doing that. However. After having done that yesterday I seem to notice the pain more when walking. I also noticed I'd have a slight pain while driving if I lifted my left leg up off the floor of the car a bit. Essentially gravity pushing down caused a very slight pain.

Any ideas what to look to? I'm planning to go to the doctor soon but the way I'm setup they will have to push me then to a specialist likely. Just trying to figure out information now so I can minimize any additional injury to the joint.

17:11 UTC


Pes anserines tendinopathy - have tried everything with no results

I'm dealing with this for 2 years now, have been to doctors, an PT, but can't possibly continue to afford PT. Trying stretching and strengthening, but nothins seems to work...would like to know if others people who had could share some insights on how to get past this?

16:43 UTC

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