
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for discussing issues affecting children and the rampant hypocrisy of Reddit not caring about hate and violence when children are the target.


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  2. No bigotry - Bigotry of all types is not allowed.

  3. No Pornography - Do not post any kind of pornography, if a news post includes a pornographic image censor it.

  4. No Agenda Posting - Do not post with the intent to vilify a particular group or person.

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  • Male circumsision


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Kids in Greece don't have a right to a religion

In Greece we are forced to take a religion class and I say that we don't have the right to a religion is because when you're six you are told that Santa exists and you believe them same thing but this time the will never say yeah the thing we have made you memorize and believe yeah we're not sure it exists debatable. The government has also been able to put god in the history book again proving my point

11:10 UTC


Parenting During a Pandemic Survey

Calling All Parents! 

COVID-19 has placed you in many new roles this year. It may have changed the way your child is attending school and how you are able to spend time with friends and family. With these changes can come a mix of emotions for both you and your child. 

If you are the parent of a child between 5-17 years old, we at Case Western Reserve University want to hear about YOUR experience adjusting in this 45-minute research study. 

As a thank you, each participant will be entered into a raffle for one of four giftcards. To participate, click here: https://cwru.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1O0uCidvCzmrvdr

If you have questions, please contact: 

Amy Przeworski, Ph.D.: axp335@case.edu

Alex Piedra, B.A.: aap145@case.edu

02:15 UTC


Nationwide Research Study Needs Participants!

Hey reddit, I'm a researcher doing a survey-based research project on teenagers, and I need participants between the ages of 13-19. It doesn't take very long to do, and it would help me (and science) tremendously if you all would give it a go. To participate, you just need to be aged 13 to 19 and live in the US.

The survey is completely anonymous, but all the data will still be destroyed after a set date when the project is finished. Feel free to ask questions in the comments.

Here's the link: https://forms.gle/GLkE7YjjBU769m9Q8

Thanks in advance to anyone who decides to help.

16:45 UTC


Too many online classes!

Hello all,

Over the past few months, we have been through some uncertain times. But this is no excuse to overburden us, the students, with online classes, homework and assignments.

It is acceptable that they have the best for us in mind, but the ideal way of learning is a fun learning, where we enjoy the process and desire the goal. Not a rat race, or a hamster wheel.

I kindly request each reader to help the students of our school (5+ hours of classes and innumerable assignments every day), as we have set up a change petition regarding the same. The link is below:


Have a lovely day everyone! :)

07:43 UTC


hey i just came across a podcast that a 12 year old made about activism and standing up for others it melted my heard and gave me hope in this world if you want to hear it hear is the link

18:08 UTC

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